The Project Gutenberg EBook of Games For All Occasions, by Mary E. Blain

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Title: Games For All Occasions

Author: Mary E. Blain

Release Date: February 13, 2008 [EBook #24597]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ASCII


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    |Alternative and inconsistent spellings in the original    |
    |have been retained.                                       |
    |                                                          |
    |Underlined words in the original book are shown as =bold=.|




  Copyright, 1909
  By Brewer, Barse & Co.


"A Merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance."

The desire to play and frolic seems to be a heritage of mankind. In
infancy and early childhood this joy and exuberance of spirit is given
full sway. In youth, that effervescent stage of human existence, "joy is
unconfined." But in middle age and later life we are prone to stifle
this wholesome atmosphere of happiness, with care and worry and perhaps,
when a vexed or worried feeling has been allowed to control us, even
forbid the children to play at that time. Why not reverse things and
drown care and strife in the well-spring of joy given and received by
reviving the latent spark of childhood and youth; joining in their
pleasures passively or actively and being one of them at heart. So
presuming that "men are but children of a larger growth," the games,
pastimes and entertainments described herewith were collected,
remembered and originated respectively with the view of pleasing all of
the children, from the tiny tot to, and including the "grown-up," each
according to their age and temperament.

  M. E. B.



Form a long line of children--one behind the other. The leader starts
running, and is followed by all the rest. They must be sharp enough to
do exactly as the leader does.

After running for a moment or two in the ordinary running step, the
leader changes to a hopping step, then to a marching step, quick time,
then to a marching step, slow time, claps and runs with hands on sides,
hands on shoulders, hands behind, etc.

Finally the leader runs slowly round and round into the centre, and can
either wind the children up tightly or can turn them on nearing the
centre and run out again. For another change the long line can start
running and so unwind the spiral.


All stand in a line except one who is the leader who stands a short
distance opposite the line.

The leader throws the bean bag to the child at the head of the line who
returns it to the leader. The leader throws it to the next child, who
throws it back to the leader, and so it is thrown back and forth to each
child in turn. Any one in the line who fails to catch the bag must go to
the foot of the line.

If the leader fails to catch the bag he must go to the foot of the line
and the one at the head of the line takes his place.


This is a very simple game. Each player places a finger on the table,
which he must raise whenever the conductor of the game says: "Birds
fly," "Pigeons fly," or any other winged creatures "fly."

If he names any creature without wings, such as "Pigs fly," and any
player thoughtlessly raises his finger, that player must pay a forfeit,
as he must also do if he omits to raise his finger when a winged
creature is named.


All the children except the one who passes the button sit in a circle
with hands placed palm to palm in their laps.

The child passing the button holds it between her palms and goes to each
one, in turn, slipping her hands between the palms of the children. As
she goes around the circle she drops the button into some child's hands,
but continues going around as long after as she pleases, so the rest
will not know who has it.

Then she stands in the middle of the circle and says: "Button, button,
who has the button?" All the children guess who has it, the one calling
out the correct name first is out and it is his turn to go around with
the button.


  "The miller's dog lay at the mill,
  And his name was little Bingo,
  B with an I, I with an N, N with a G, G with an O,
  His name was little Bingo.

  "The miller he bought a cask of ale,
  And he called it right good Stingo,
  S with a T, T with an I, I with an N, N with a G, G with an O,
  He called it right good Stingo."

One child represents the miller, the rest stand round him in a circle,
and all dance round and sing the verse. When it comes to the spelling
part of the rhyme, the miller points to a child who must call out the
right letter.

Anyone who makes a mistake must pay a forfeit.


Before beginning to play, the middle of the room should be cleared, the
chairs placed against the wall, and all toys and footstools put out of
the way. The child having been selected who is to be "Blind Man" or
"Buff," is blindfolded. He is then asked the question, "How many horses
has your father?" The answer is "Three," and to the question: "What
color are they?" he replies: "Black, white, and gray." All the players
then cry: "Turn around three times and catch whom you may." "Buff"
accordingly spins round and then the fun commences. He tries to catch
the players, whilst they in their turn do their utmost to escape "Buff,"
all the time making little sounds to attract him. This goes on until one
of the players is caught, when Buff, without having the bandage removed
from his eyes, has to guess the name of the person he has secured. If
the guess is a correct one the player who has been caught takes the part
of "Buff," and the former "Buff" joins the ranks of the players.


All the children, except one, sit on the floor around a sheet or table
cloth which they hold about eighteen or twenty inches above the floor. A
feather is placed on the sheet and at a signal the child nearest it
blows the feather toward another child. The object is to keep the
feather in the air, not allowing it to light.

The remaining child runs back and forth around the group trying to catch
the feather. When he is successful, the person on whom the feather
rested or was nearest to, changes place with him.


This is a most amusing game, and although only two boys can play at it
at one time they will keep the rest of the company in roars of laughter.
The two who are to represent the "cocks" having been chosen, they are
both seated upon the floor.

Each boy has his wrists tied together with a handkerchief, and his legs
secured just above the ankles with another handkerchief; his arms are
then passed over his knees, and a broomstick is pushed over one arm,
under both knees, and out again on the other side over the other arm.
The "cocks" are now considered ready for fighting, and are carried into
the center of the room, and placed opposite each other with their toes
just touching. The fun now commences.

Each "cock" tries with the aid of his toes to turn his opponent over on
his back or side.

The one who can succeed in doing this first wins the game.

It often happens that both "cocks" turn over at the same time, when the
fight commences again.


The children sit in two rows opposite each other with a space between.
One child takes the place of "cat," being blindfolded, the cat standing
at one end of the row and the mouse at the opposite end. They start in
opposite directions, guiding themselves by the chairs, the cat trying to
catch the mouse. When the mouse is caught it is made the "cat," and one
of the company takes the place of the mouse.


A ring is formed by the players joining hands, whilst one child, who is
to "drop the handkerchief," is left outside. He walks round the ring,
touching each one with the handkerchief, saying the following words:--

  "A tisket, a tasket
  A green and yellow basket,
  I wrote a letter to my love,
  But on my way, I dropped it;
  A little child picked it up
  And put it in his pocket."

He must drop the handkerchief behind one of the players, who picks it up
and tries to catch him before he can run around the ring and jump into
the vacant place. As soon as this happens, the first player joins the
ring, whilst it is now the turn of the second to "drop the


A good-sized donkey without a tail is first of all cut out of brown
paper and fastened to the wall. The tail is then cut out separately, and
a hat-pin is stuck through the end. The players arrange themselves in a
line some little distance from the wall, and the fun begins. Each player
must, in turn, advance with closed eyes towards the donkey, and, still
keeping his eyes tightly shut, fasten the tail in what he believes to be
the right position. When, amidst much laughter, he is told to open his
eyes, he finds that he has very carefully fastened the tail to the tip
of the donkey's ear, or on the side of his nose.


One child is seated on the ground with his legs under him and the other
players form a ring round him. They then pull him about and give him
little pushes, and he must try and catch one without rising from the

The child who is caught takes the middle, and the frog joins the circle.


Girls form a circle and dance around one of their number. The girl in
the ring turns her head gravely as a messenger advances, while the rest
sing to a pleasing air--

  Green gravel, green gravel,
    The grass grows so green,
  The fairest of ladies,
    Is fit to be seen.
  Dear ----, Dear ----
    Your true love is dead;
  The king sends you a letter
    To turn back your head.

The process is repeated calling each child by name until all of the
children have so turned. Turning the head is the sign of sorrow. The
game is continued by the following verse in which the lost lovers

  Dear ----, Dear ----
    Your true love's not slain,
  The king sends you a letter
    To turn around again.

And the dancers who have all turned about, are one by one made to face
the ring.


For this game a long piece of string is required. On this a ring is
threaded, and the ends of the string are knotted together. The players
then take the string in their hands and form a circle, whilst one of the
company, who is called the "hunter," stands in the center. The string
must be passed rapidly round and round, and the players must try to
prevent the "hunter" finding out who holds the ring. As soon as he has
done this, he takes his place in the circle, whilst the person who held
the ring becomes the "hunter."


The "tamale" in this game is a knotted handkerchief. One player is
chosen for the Hot Tamale man and stands in the center of the room while
the others sit around in a circle.

The Hot Tamale man begins the game by saying, "hot tamales, hot
tamales," at the same time throwing the hot tamale to some one in the
circle who must throw it to another player in the circle and so on,
tossing it from one to another without stopping.

The Hot Tamale man tries to catch it and if he succeeds, the one who
last tossed it changes places with him and the game continues.


The players seat themselves in a circle on the floor, having chosen one
of their number to remain outside the circle. The children seated on the
floor are supposed to be cobblers, and the one outside is the customer
who has brought his shoe to be mended. He hands it to one of them,

  "Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe;
  Get it done by half-past two."

The cobblers pass the shoe round to each other as quickly as they can,
taking care that the customer does not see which of them has it. When
the customer comes to get it he is told that it is not ready. He
pretends to get angry and says he will take it as it is. He must then
try to find it, and the cobbler who has it must try to pass it on to his
neighbor without its being seen by the customer. The person upon whom
the shoe is found must become the customer, whilst the customer takes
his place in the circle on the floor.


This is a game for young children. Some small article is hidden in the
room, while the little one who has to find it is sent outside. This
finished, the players call out together: "Hot Boiled Beans and Bacon;
it's hidden and can be taken!" The little one enters and begins to hunt
about for the hidden article. When she comes near to its hiding-place,
the company tell her that she is getting "hot"; or if she is not near it
she is told that she is "cold." That she is "very hot" or "very cold,"
will denote that she is very near or very far away from the object that
is hidden, whilst if she is extremely near, she would be told that she
was "burning." In this way the hidden object can be found, and all the
children can be interested in the game by being allowed to call out
whether the little one is "hot" or "cold."


One child is chosen "It." This one stands by a post or in a corner which
is called "base," and hides his eyes. The children decide among
themselves how many he shall count while they are hiding. Suppose they
choose 100, then he counts 5, 10, 15, 20, etc., until he reaches 100,
and then he calls out:

  "Ready or not,
  You shall be caught."

The children having hidden while he was counting remain perfectly still
while he is hunting them. If he passes by some child without finding
him, that one may run to the "base" and say "One, two, three, I'm in
free!" As many children as can, try to get in "free," but if the one who
is "it" sees a child, runs to the base and touches it first, calling:
"One, two, three," and the child's name he has to be "it." If the child
reaches the "base" first he is "free" and the game proceeds until
someone is "caught." If all the children get "free" the one who is "it"
again hides his eyes.


This is an excellent party game. One of the company goes outside the
room, whilst the remainder of the players decide amongst themselves
which of them he shall kneel to. When this is settled upon, the person
who is outside is allowed to enter, and he kneels in front of whom he
thinks is the right one. If he should make a correct guess, the company
clap their hands, and the person to whom he knelt goes outside. If,
however, the guess is an incorrect one, the company hiss loudly, and the
guesser has to go outside, come back, and try again. Of course, it will
make more amusement if when a boy is sent outside the room a girl be
chosen as the person to whom he has to kneel; and the opposite if a girl
be outside the room.


No game has been more popular with children than this, and any summer
evening, in the poorer quarters of the cities, it may still be seen how
six years instructs three years in the proper way of conducting it. Two
players, by their uplifted hands, form an arch, representing the bridge,
under which passes the train of children, each clinging to the garments
of the predecessor and hurrying to get safely by. As the last verse is
sung the raised Arms of the two directors of the game descend and
enclose the child who happens to be passing at the time. The prisoner
is then led, still confined by the arms of her captors, to the corner
which represents the prison and asked, "Will you have a diamond necklace
or a gold pin?" "A rose or a cabbage?" or some equivalent question. The
keepers have already privately agreed which of the two each of these
objects shall represent, and, according to the prisoner's choice, he is
placed behind one or the other. When all are caught, the game ends with
a "Tug of War," the two sides pulling against each other; and the child
who lets go, and breaks the line, is pointed at and derided. The words
of the rhyme sung while the row passes under the bridge are now reduced
to two lines:

  London bridge is falling down,
      My fair lady!

  London bridge is falling down,
      Falling down, falling down,
  London bridge is falling down
      My fair lady!
  You've stole my watch and kept my keys,
      My fair lady!
  Off to prison you must go,
      My fair lady!
  Take the key and lock her up,
      My fair lady!


The story of this is originally a love story. The young lady dies from a
blighted affection and the prohibition of cruel parents.

A mother, seated, Miss Jones stands behind her chair, or reclines on her
lap as if lying sick. A dancer advances from the ring.

  "I've come to see Miss Jennia Jones,
    Miss Jennia Jones, Miss Jennia Jones--
  I've come to see Miss Jennia Jones,
    And how is she to-day?"

  "She's up stairs washing,
    Washing, washing--
  She's up stairs washing,
   You cannot see her to-day."

The questions are repeated to the same air for every day of the week and
Miss Jones is baking, ironing, or scrubbing. She is then sick or worse
and finally is dead.

  "What shall we dress her in,
    Dress her in, dress her in;
  What shall we dress her in--
    Shall it be blue?"

  "Blue is for sailors,
    So that will never do."

  "What shall we dress her in,
    Shall it be red?"
  "Red is for firemen,
    So that will never do."

  "Pink is for babies
    So that will never do."

  "Green is forsaken,
    So that will never do."

  "Black is for mourners,
    So that will never do."

  "White is for dead people
    So that will just do."

  "Where shall we bury her?
    Under the apple tree."

Miss Jennia Jones is "laid out" upon the floor and something white
thrown over her.

After the burial is completed the children form a ring and sing:

  "I dreamed I saw a ghost last night,
    Ghost last night, ghost last night--
    I dreamed I saw a ghost last night,
    Under the apple tree!"

The ghost suddenly arises. The ring breaks up, the children fly with
shrieks, and the one caught by the ghost is to take the part of Miss
Jennia Jones in the next game.


All the children form a ring with the exception of one player, who
stands in the center. The children then dance round this one, singing
the first three lines of the verses given below. At the fourth line they
stop dancing and act the words that are sung. They pretend to scatter
seed; then stand at ease, stamp their feet, clap their hands, and at the
words: "Turn him round," each child turns round.

They then again clap hands and dance round, and when the words: "Open
the ring and send one in," are sung the center child chooses a partner,
who steps into the ring, and the two stand together while the other
children sing the remaining verse, after which the child who was first
in the centre joins the ring and the game is continued as before.

  "Oats and beans and barley O!
  Do you or I or anyone know
  How oats and beans and barley grow?

  "First the farmer sows his seed,
  Then he stands and takes his ease,
  Stamps his foot and claps his hands,
  And turns him round to view the land.

  "Oats and beans and barley O!
  Waiting for a partner, waiting for a partner,
  Open the ring and send one in.
  Oats and beans and barley O!

  "So now you're married you must obey,
  You must be true to all you say,
  You must be kind, you must be good,
  And help your wife to chop the wood.
  Oats and beans and barley O!"


This game is really for five players only, but, by a little arrangement,
six or seven children can take part in the fun.

Four players take their places in the different corners of the room, and
the fifth who is Puss stands in the middle. If a greater number of
children wish to play, other parts of the room must be named "corners,"
so that there is a corner for everyone.

The fun consists in the players trying to change places without allowing
Puss to get a corner. When they leave their corners, the player in the
centre tries to get into one of them.

When the centre player succeeds in getting into a corner, the one who
has been displaced has to take his place in the middle of the room.


This is a simple game for little children. It is played either with a
pocket-handkerchief, or, if more than four want to play, with a table
cloth or small sheet.

Each person takes hold of the cloth; the leader of the game holds it
with the left hand, while with the right he makes pretence of writing on
the cloth, while he says: "Here we go round by the rule of contrary.
When I say, 'Hold fast,' let go; and when I say 'Let go,' hold fast."

The leader then calls out one or other of the commands, and the rest
must do the opposite of what he says. Anyone who fails must pay a


Two children act as captains, one of company A, the other of company B
and each in turn choose a soldier until the children are evenly divided
into two companies.

Stretch a rope or cord at a medium height across the middle of the room,
with company A on one side and company B on the other side.

Each company is provided with a basin of soap suds (a little glycerine
added to the water will make the bubbles last longer) and each soldier
with a clay pipe.

Two soldiers, one from company A and one from company B stand at arms
length from the rope and each blows a bubble from his pipe towards the
"enemy" and over the rope if he can. If a soldier blows a bubble over
the rope without it bursting his company wins a point. If he fails to
do so, his company loses a point.

These soldiers step back and two more (one from each company) advance
and blow a bubble and so on until all have had a turn. Some one keeps
the score and the company having the most points are the "victors" and
to them belong the "spoils" which consists of a tiny paper drum filled
with candy, a small silk flag or any appropriate prize.


Attach one end of a number of strings (one for each guest) to the
chandelier. Fasten to the other end of each string a small prize wrapped
up in tissue paper. Have strings of various lengths and twine them
around the table legs, chairs, etc., some may be "spun" around
furniture, etc., in adjoining rooms, trying to hide the prizes as much
as possible.

At a signal each child takes or is given a string from the chandelier
and proceeds to wind it around an empty spool or piece of pasteboard,
until a prize is reached. The strings must not be broken. An extra prize
may be awarded to the child who first winds up a string neatly.


Cut from colored cloth or paper a number of petals for forming wild
roses, using pink material; marguerite daisies of white material and
pansies of purple. Five petals for each rose, five for each pansy and
ten for each daisy.

Have the children sit around a table. Provide each one with a sheet of
plain paper, three pins having the heads covered with yellow tissue
paper and mixed petals enough to make one of each kind of flower.

At a signal the children begin to make the flowers by sticking the pin
through the point of the petals and pinning each flower to the sheet of

A prize may be given to the child finishing the flowers first or the
child making the best looking flowers.



The best way to play this game is for the players to divide themselves
into two groups, namely, actors and audience. Each one of the actors
should then fix upon a proverb, which he will act, in turn, before the
audience. As, for instance, supposing one of the players to have chosen
the proverb, "A bad workman quarrels with his tools," he should go into
the room where the audience is seated, carrying with him a bag in which
there is a saw, a hammer, or any other implement or tool used by a
workman; he should then look round and find a chair, or some other
article, which he should pretend requires repairing; he should then act
the workman, by taking off his coat, rolling up his sleeves, and
commencing work, often dropping his tools and grumbling about them the
whole of the time.

If this game be acted well, it may be made very entertaining. Sometimes
the audience are made to pay a forfeit each time they fail to guess the


This is another way of playing Blind Man's Buff, and is thought by many
to be an improvement on that game.

The player, who is blindfolded, stands in the centre of the room with a
long paper wand, which can be made of a newspaper folded up lengthways,
and tied at each end with string. The other players then join hands and
stand round him in a circle. Someone then plays a merry tune on the
piano and the players dance round and round the blind man, until
suddenly the music stops; the blind man then takes the opportunity of
lowering his wand upon one of the circle, and the player upon whom it
has fallen has to take hold of it. The blind man then makes a noise,
such as, for instance, the barking of a dog, a street cry, or anything
he thinks will cause the player he has caught to betray himself, as the
captive must imitate whatever noise the blind man likes to make. Should
the blind man detect who holds the stick the one who is caught has to be
blind man; if not, the game goes on until he succeeds.


First a postmaster-general must be appointed, whose duty is to write
down the names of the players, and the names of the cities they have
chosen to represent. The postman is blindfolded and led to the middle
of the room, whilst the other players are seated round it. The
postmaster-general then begins to announce that a letter has been sent
from one town to another, say from Denver to Chicago. The two players
who have taken those names must rise up silently and change seats.

The postman's duty is to try and seat himself in one of the vacant
chairs; the player who loses his chair must become the blind postman.


Place a lighted candle on a table at the end of a room. Invite someone
to stand in front of it, then blindfold him, make him take three steps
backwards, turn round three times and then advance three steps and blow
out the candle. If he fails he must pay a forfeit. It will be found that
very few are able to succeed, simple though the test appears to be.


All players form a ring, joining hands, except one called the Mouse,
whom they enclose within the circle, and one who is on the outside who
represents the cat. They then dance around, raising their arms at
intervals. The cat watches the chance to spring into the circle at one
side, and the mouse dashes out at the other--public sympathy being with
the mouse, his or her movements are aided when possible. When the cat is
in the circle, the players lower their arms so as to keep the enemy
prisoner. The cat goes around meekly, crying "mew," while the rest dance
around her. With a sudden "miaou!" she tries to break through any weak
place in the chain of hands.

As soon as she escapes she tries to catch the mouse, who runs for safety
into the ring again, hotly pursued. If the cat is so near as to follow
the mouse into the ring, before her entrance can be prevented, or if she
catches the mouse outside the circle, the mouse must pay a forfeit. Two
more players are then named by the cat and mouse to succeed them.


The clairvoyant goes out of the room, undertaking to name the person
whom his confederate shall point out.

The door being shut upon the clairvoyant the confederate points to one
whom we will call Mr. B.

"At whom am I pointing?" he queries.

"At Mr. B.," replies the clairvoyant.

The trick is for the clairvoyant and his confederate to arrange between
them that the person who speaks last before the clairvoyant leaves the
room is the person to be pointed at.


The children first of all divide themselves into two parties. They then
form a ring, and commence dancing round a hassock which is placed, end
upwards, in the middle of the room. Suddenly one party endeavours to
pull the other party forward, so as to force one of their number to kick
the hassock and upset it.

The player who has been unfortunate enough to touch the hassock has then
to leave the circle. The game proceeds until only two remain; if these
two happen to be boys the struggle is generally prolonged, as they can
so easily jump over the hassock, and avoid kicking it.


In this game as many seats are placed round the room as will seat all
the players but one. This one stands in the middle of the room,
repeating the words: "Change seats, change seats;" but no one moves
unless he says: "Change seats: the king's come."

Then all must change seats. In the bustle the one standing can generally
manage to secure a seat, when the person left out must take his place.

The person in the centre may tell a story if he chooses, bringing in the
words; "Change seats," occasionally, and sometimes he may say slyly:
"The king's not come," when everyone should, of course, remain seated;
but some are sure to mistake the words for "The king's come," and jump
up, when the centre player can slip into a seat.


Each child chooses a partner and stands opposite to her, so that two
long lines are formed. Each couple holds a handkerchief between them, as
high as they can lift their arms, so as to form an arch. The couple
standing at the top of the lines run through the arch without letting go
their handkerchief, and station themselves at the bottom of the lines,
raising their handkerchief again so as to continue the arch. This is
done by each couple in succession until all have had a turn. Whoever
breaks the arch or drops the handkerchief must pay a forfeit.


Any number of children can play. One is chosen as leader and is called
the "gardener."

All the children sit in a circle and the "gardener" gives each one in
turn the name of some flower. When all are named the "gardener" stands
in the centre of the circle and tells how he has gone to the woods to
gather certain flowers; how he has transplanted them to form a lovely
garden; the care he has to take of them, and so on, telling quite a long
story and bringing in the names of all the flowers he has given to the

As a flower is mentioned, the child who has that name rises, turns
around, and sits down again. Anyone who fails to rise when his flower is
named must pay a forfeit. When the gardener says something about a
bouquet, all the children rise and exchange seats. Then the "gardener"
tries to get a seat, and if he succeeds, the person who has no seat
becomes the "gardener" and the game goes on as before.


A row of chairs, facing alternately different ways, is placed through
the centre of the room--a chair for every player except one.

Some one at the piano plays a lively air, first fast, then slow, very
loud, then low--while the children march around the chairs without
touching them, keeping time with the music. When the music suddenly
stops, all rush for a seat. A chair must be taken away each time the
marching recommences--until but two chairs remain, when the excitement
becomes intense. The one who at the moment that the music ceases has the
good fortune to seat himself or herself in the one chair remaining wins
the game and perhaps a prize.


The person who is to play the part of Cat should stand outside of the
door of the room where the company is assembled. The boys and girls, in
turn, come to the other side of the door and call out "miaou."

If the Cat outside recognizes a friend by the cry, and calls out her
name correctly in return, he is allowed to enter the room and embrace
her, and the latter then takes the place of Cat.

If, on the contrary, the Cat cannot recognize the voice, he is hissed,
and remains outside until he is able to do so.


One of the company is chosen as Grand Mufti. The others then form a
circle with the Grand Mufti in the centre, and every action which he
performs, if preceded by the words, "Thus says the Grand Mufti," must be
imitated by every member of the circle.

The Grand Mufti, in order to lead one of the company astray, will
sometimes omit to say the words: "Thus says the Grand Mufti;" in this
case if any member of the company imitate his action, he is compelled to
pay a forfeit.


The players join hands in a circle, with one of their number in the
middle, who is supposed to be a captive, longing for freedom and reduced
to diplomatic means to secure it.

The prisoner touches one pair of joined hands in the circle saying,
"Here I Bake." Then, passing to the other side, says, "Here I Brew," as
she touches another pair of hands. Suddenly, then, in a place least
suspected, perhaps whirling around and springing at two of the clasped
hands behind her, or at the pair which she had touched before, if their
owners appear to be off guard, she exclaims "Here I mean to break
through!" and forces her way out of the circle if she can.

The players must be on the alert and strongly resist the captive's
effort to escape.

Those who permitted her to regain her freedom--through inattention or
weakness--must then make use of the "counts" familiar to all generations
of children, to decide which of them shall take the place of the


One of the players has two hats, one he places on his own head and the
other he hands to one of the company. The person who has received the
hat must then make every action contrary to the action of the person
who handed him the hat. For instance, if No. 1 sits down, No. 2 must
stand up. If No. 1 takes his hat off, No. 2 must put it on. If No. 2
fails he must pay a forfeit. The time of trial is limited to three
minutes, or less if the players wish, after that No. 1 is bound to take
the hat and be tried in his turn.


One person represents the huntsman, the other players call themselves
after some part of a huntsman's belongings; for instance, one is the
cap, another the horn, others the powder-flask, gun, whip, etc.

A number of chairs are arranged in the middle of the room, and there
must be one chair less than the number of players, not counting the

The players then seat themselves round the room, whilst the huntsman
stands in the center and calls for them one at a time, in this way:
"Powder-flask!" At once "Powder-flask" rises and takes hold of the
huntsman's coat.

"Cap," "Gun," "Shot," "Belt," the huntsman cries; each person who
represents these articles must rise and take hold of the player summoned
before him, until at length the huntsman has a long line behind him. He
then begins to run round the chairs, until he suddenly cries: "Bang,"
when the players must sit down. Of course, as there are not sufficient
chairs, one player will be left standing and he must pay a forfeit. The
huntsman is not changed throughout the game, unless he grows tired, when
he may change places with one of the others.


One of the players takes a stick in his left hand and thumps the floor
with it, saying, "He can do little who can't do this." Then he hands the
stick to another player, who will most probably use his right hand when
holding the stick and thumping the ground. If he does he is told he has
failed in the simple task, and the stick is handed to another. The game
goes on until someone discovers that the secret of the trick is to copy
the leader exactly, and therefore the stick must be held in the left


As many chairs as there are players must be arranged down the middle of
the room. The girls then all sit down so that each has a vacant chair
next her, and the boys retire from the room. During their absence the
girls all decide which particular boy is to occupy the vacant chair next
her, and the boys are summoned in turn. On entering the room the boy
must walk straight to the chair next the girl whom he imagines to have
chosen him, and sit down. If he has guessed correctly he is loudly
clapped by all the girls present, and another boy is called in. But if
he makes a mistake, and sits down on the wrong chair, he is hissed so
vehemently that he is only too glad to escape from the room. Another
player is called in, and the process is repeated, until finally all the
boys have guessed correctly, and all the vacant chairs are occupied.


For this game the company must divide themselves into parties with four
in each group, and one odd player who must issue commands and lead the
game. Each party of four must hold a handkerchief cornerwise, one player
at each corner. The leader of the game then takes up his position in the
middle of the room from which he issues his commands in sharp, quick,
decisive tones, when he shouts "Let go!" the players must all hold
tightly on to the handkerchief. And when, almost with the same breath,
he calls "Hold fast!" they must drop it as if it burnt the tips of their
fingers. The fun of the game lies in the leader issuing his commands so
rapidly one on top of the other that the players become bewildered. The
players who make a mistake retire from the game, until finally only one
of the four is left and he becomes leader.


The chief participator in this game must be ignorant of the trick about
to be played. He is told to kneel down whilst a lady knights him, naming
him "Knight of the Whistle." During the process someone fastens a small
whistle to his coat tails by means of a piece of ribbon. He is then
bidden to rise up and search for the whistle. The hunt begins; all the
players combine to deceive the searcher; they must blow the whistle
whenever they can do so without being detected. When the searcher
discovers the trick the game is, of course, at an end.


A ring is formed with one child in the middle, who is called the
"drummer-man." Whatever this child does the others mimic, moving round
as they do so, and singing the following words:--

  "I sell my bat, I sell my ball,
  I sell my spinning-wheel and all;
  And I'll do all that e'er I can
  To follow the eyes of the drummer-man."

Anyone who does not at once imitate the "drummer-man" must pay a forfeit
and take his place as "drummer-man."


The company should be seated in two lines facing each other, and one of
the party should then be elected to act as judge. Each person has to
remember who is sitting exactly opposite, because when the judge asks a
question of anyone, it is not the person directly asked who has to
reply, but the person opposite to the judge. For instance, if the judge,
addressing one of the company asks: "Do you like apples?" the person
spoken to must remain silent, whilst the person who is opposite to him
must reply, before the judge can count ten; the penalty on failing to do
this or answering out of one's turn is a forfeit. A rule with regard to
the answers is that the reply must not be less than two words in length,
and must not contain the words: "Yes," "no," "black," "white," or
"grey." For the breaking of this rule a forfeit may also be claimed.


For all those children who are fond of a little exercise no better game
than this can be chosen. When the chairs are placed in order round the
room the first player commences by saying: "My master bids you do as I
do," at the same time working away with the right hand as if hammering
at his knees. The second player then asks: "What does he bid me do?" in
answer to which the first player says: "To work with one as I do." The
second player, working in the same manner, must turn to his left-hand
neighbor and carry on the same conversation, and so on until everyone is
working away with the right hand.

The second time of going round the order is to work with two; then both
hands must work; then with three; then both hands and one leg must work;
then with four, when both hands and both legs must work; lastly with
five, when both legs, both arms, and the head must be kept going. Should
any of the players fail in keeping in constant motion a forfeit may be


One of the players is sent out of the room, and the rest then agree upon
some simple task for her to perform, such as moving a chair, touching an
ornament, or finding some hidden object. She is then called in and some
one begins to play the piano. If the performer plays very loudly the
"seeker" knows that she is nowhere near the object she is to search for.
When the music is soft, then she knows she is very near, and when the
music ceases altogether, she knows that she has found the object she was
intended to look for or has found the task she is to perform.


The players sit in a circle and one who is acquainted with the trick
takes a small stick in his right hand, makes some funny movements with
it, and then, having taken it in his left hand, passes it to his
neighbor, saying: "Malaga raisins are very good raisins, but I like
Valencias better." He then tells his neighbor to do the same. Should any
of the players pass on the stick with the right hand, they must pay a
forfeit, but of course they must not be told what mistake they have made
until the stick has been passed right round the circle.


All the players sit in a row, except one, who sits in front of them and
says to each one in turn; "Our old Grannie doesn't like T; what can you
give her instead?"

Perhaps the first player will answer, "Cocoa," and that will be correct;
but if the second player should say, "Chocolate," he will have to pay a
forfeit, because there is a "T" in chocolate. This is really a catch, as
at first everyone thinks that "tea" is meant instead of the letter "T."
Even after the trick has been found out it is very easy to make a slip,
as the players must answer before "five" is counted; if they cannot, or
if they mention an article of food with the letter "T" in it, they must
pay a forfeit.


Two of the players join hands, facing each other, having agreed
privately which is to be "Oranges" and which "Lemons." The rest of the
party form a long line, standing one behind the other, and holding each
other's dresses or coats. The first two raise their hands so as to form
an arch, and the rest run through it, singing as they run:--

  "Oranges and Lemons,
  Say the bells of St. Clement's;
  You owe me five farthings,
  Say the bells of St. Martin's;
  When will you pay me?
  Say the bells of Old Bailey.
  I do not know,
  Says the big bell of Bow.
  Here comes a candle to light you to bed
  Here comes a chopper to chop off your head!"

At the word "head" the hand archway descends, and clasps the player
passing through at that moment; he is then asked in a whisper, "Oranges
or Lemons?" and if he chooses "oranges," he is told to go behind the
player who has agreed to be "oranges" and clasp him round the waist.

The players must be careful to speak in a whisper, so that the others
may not know what has been said.

The game then goes on again, in the same way, until all the children
have been caught and have chosen which they will be, "oranges" or
"lemons." When this happens, the two sides prepare for a tug-of-war.
Each child clasps the one in front of him tightly and the two leaders
pull with all their might, until one side has drawn the other across a
line which has been drawn between them.


Old Soldier is a game for young children, and though it seems very
simple, yet there is a good deal of fun in it. One of the children
pretends to be an old soldier, and goes round begging of each of the
other players in turn, saying that he is "poor, and old, and hungry,"
and asking what they will do for him or give him. In answering the Old
Soldier no one must say the words: "Yes," "No," "Black," or "White," and
he must be answered at once without hesitation. Anyone who does not
reply at once, or who uses any of the forbidden words, must pay a


One player begins the game by going out of the room, and then giving a
double (or postman's) knock at the door; it is the duty of one of the
other players to stand at the door inside the room to answer the knocks
that are made, and to ask the postman for whom he has a letter.

The postman names some member of the company, generally of the opposite
sex; he is then asked, "How many stamps are to be paid?" Perhaps he will
say "six"; the person for whom the letter is supposed to be must then
pay for it with kisses, instead of stamps; after which he or she must
take a turn as postman.


This is an amusing game for children. A blackboard is needed upon which
the verse, "Peter Piper," etc., is illustrated or written so that the
words are mixed up and it will be difficult to point out. Some older
person will be needed to superintend the game.

One child is given a pointer and as the others sing, to any familiar

  "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
  Now if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
  Where is that peck of pickled peppers,
  Peter Piper picked?"

she must point out each word or drawing as quickly as it is sung.

If a mistake is made in pointing, the child takes her place with the
rest and another child is out. Each one is given a turn.

It is an achievement, if done successfully, and some suitable gift
should be given as a prize.


The players seat themselves in a circle, one of the number remaining in
the center to represent the "Sea." Each player takes the name of some
fish and the Sea walking around the circle calls each person by the name
they have adopted. As they are called they must rise and follow the
"Sea." When all have left their seats the "Sea" begins to run about
crying: "The Sea is troubled." Suddenly she seats herself, when all her
companions must try to do the same; but there will be one seat short, so
there will be one player left over and this player becomes the "Sea." No
player must seat himself until the "Sea" has taken a chair, and she can
create some fun by running about and pretending she is about to seat
herself. Any player seating himself before the "Sea" must pay a forfeit.


The leader tells every member of the company to choose as a name some
article connected with a stage coach; the wheels, the horses, the whip,
the bridle, etc., may be chosen. These the leader jots down on a piece
of paper and then begins to tell a thrilling story. "The stage coach
left the old Stag Inn, amidst the thundering of the horses' hoofs and
the cracking of the driver's whip." Some member will probably have
chosen to be the horses, another the whip, and as their names are
mentioned they must rise, twirl round and sit down again. Then the
narrator continues: "For some miles all went well, then a bridle gave
way (the bridle must rise and twirl round) and the driver put down the
reins, jumped from his seat and ran to the horses' heads. It was found
necessary to take the horses out of the shafts before the stage coach
could proceed on its way." As each member's name is mentioned he must
rise and twirl round; but when the Stage Coach is mentioned every one
must rise and change seats, when the narrator, who has been standing,
tries to secure one. If he succeeds the person left out becomes
narrator. The great point is for the narrator to tell such a thrilling
story that the members forget to acknowledge the mention of their names,
when they must pay a forfeit.


A splendid game, and one specially suitable for a large party. A sheet
or white tablecloth is first of all stretched right across the room, and
on a table behind it is placed a bright lamp. All the other lights in
the room are then extinguished, and one of the players takes a seat upon
a low stool midway between the lamp and the sheet. The other players
endeavor to disguise themselves as much as possible, by distorting their
features, rumpling their hair, wearing wigs, false noses, etc., and pass
one by one behind the player seated on the stool. Their shadows are
thus thrown upon the sheet. The aim of the seated player is to guess the
identity of the shadows as they pass before him; and the aim of the
others is to endeavor by every means in their power to keep him from
recognizing them. As may be imagined, the task of the single player is
not an easy one, the distorted shadows being vastly different from the
originals as seen before the lights were extinguished.


The blindfolded player is placed in the middle of the room, and the
other players all place themselves at various distances round him. The
blind-man is then told how many steps he must take in order to be able
to touch a certain player. This game does, I know, sound rather simple
in writing; but try it, and you will find that it is not so easy as you
imagine. It will also have the effect of making the dullest party
lively, because the blind-man makes such absurd mistakes as to the
direction and length of steps that he has to take.


Each player in this game has what are called three "lives," or chances.
When the company is seated in a circle, the first player mentions a
letter as the beginning of a word. The game is for each of the company,
in turn, to add a letter to it, keeping the word unfinished as long as

When a letter is added to the former letters and it makes a complete
word, the person who completed it loses a "life." The next player then
begins again.

Every letter added must be part of a word, and not an odd letter thought
of on the spur of the moment. When there is any doubt as to the letter
used by the last player being correct, he may be challenged, and he will
then have to give the word he was thinking of when adding the letter. If
he cannot name the word, he loses a "life"; but if he can, it is the
challenger who loses.

This is an example of how the game should be played. Supposing the first
player commences with the letter "p"; the next, thinking of "play,"
would add an "l"; the next an "o," thinking of "plough"; the person, not
having either of these words in his mind, would add "v"; the next player
perhaps, not knowing the word of which the previous player was thinking,
might challenge him, and would lose a "life" on being told the word was
"plover." The player next in turn would then start a new word, and
perhaps put down "b," thinking of "bat," the next, thinking, say, that
the word was "bone," would add an "o," the next player would add "n";
the player whose turn it would now be, not wanting to lose a "life" by
finishing the word, would add another "n"; the next player for the same
reason would add "e," and then there would be nothing else for the next
in turn to do but to complete the word by adding "t" and thus losing a

It will be seen that there are three ways of losing a "life." First, the
player may lay down a letter, and on being challenged be unable to give
the word. Secondly, he may himself challenge another player who is not
at fault. Thirdly, he may be obliged to add the final letter to a word,
and so complete it.


Seat yourselves in a circle and choose one of the company to be the
leader, or Simon. His duty is to order all sorts of different things to
be done, the funnier the better, which must be obeyed only when the
order begins with "Simon says." As, for instance, "Simon says: 'Thumbs
up!'" which, of course, all obey; then perhaps comes: "Thumbs down!"
which should not be obeyed, because the order did not commence with
"Simon says."

Each time this rule is forgotten a forfeit must be paid. "Hands over
eyes," "Stamp the right foot," "Pull the left ear," etc., are the kind
of orders to be given.


One player represents the Sergeant, and the others the soldiers, whom he
is supposed to be drilling. When the Sergeant says "Do this," all the
players must imitate him. But when he says "Do that," they must take no

If a soldier makes a mistake he has to pay a forfeit, and takes the
Sergeant's place.


This game can be played by any number of children. They proceed by first
choosing one of the party to act as the Sea King, whose duty it is to
stand in the centre of a ring, formed by the players seating themselves
round him. The circle should be as large as possible. Each of the
players having chosen the name of a fish, the King runs round the ring,
calling them by the names which they have selected.

Each one, on hearing his name called, rises at once, and follows the
King, who, when all his subjects have left their seats, calls out, "The
sea is troubled," and seats himself suddenly. His example is immediately
followed by his subjects. The one who fails to obtain a seat has then to
take the place of King, and the game is continued.


The leader begins by saying the first sentence, which is repeated by
each player in turn. The leader in every case adds the new line, which
is repeated by the other players in succession. Anyone making a mistake
or omission drops out of the contest. As the ranks grow thinner, the
players are required to repeat the sentences more rapidly, and no time
for hesitation allowed. The one who makes no mistake is entitled to a

The sentences are as follows:

   1. One old ox opening oysters.

   2. Two tall Turks twirling twisted turbans.

   3. Three tinkering tailors totally tired.

   4. Four fat Frenchmen fanning a fainting fly.

   5. Five funny farmers feeding feathered fowls.

   6. Six slippery snails slid slowly seaward.

   7. Seven shy soldiers shooting salted salmon.

   8. Eight eccentric Englishmen exhibiting educated elephants.

   9. Nine nimble noblemen nibbling nasturtiums.

  10. Ten tipsy tailors toddling timidly together.


Each player must choose a trade and pretend to be working at it. For
instance, if he is a tailor he must pretend to sew or iron; if a
blacksmith, to hammer, and so on. One is the king, and he too, chooses
a trade. Everyone works away as hard as he can until the king suddenly
gives up his trade, and takes up that of some one else. Then all must
stop, except the one whose business the king has taken, and he must
start with the king's work. The two go on until the king chooses to go
back to his own trade, when all begin working again. Any one who fails
either to cease working or to begin again at the right time, must pay a

A somewhat more elaborate and livelier game of Trades is played by each
boy in the party choosing a trade which he is supposed to be carrying

The leader must invent a story, and standing in the middle, must tell it
to the company. He must manage to bring in a number of names of trades
or businesses; and whenever a trade is mentioned, the person who
represents it must instantly name some article sold in the shop.


In this game the leader tells one of the players to think of any number
he likes, but not to say it aloud. He next tells him to double it; this
done, the player is told to add eight to the result, and then halve it.
After doing this he must halve the whole, and from what is left take
away the number first thought of. If correctly worked out the answer
will be four, which is just half the number which the leader told the
player to add after the original number was doubled. For instance, we
will suppose the number thought of to have been twenty. When doubled,
the result will be forty. The player then adds eight, which gives him a
total of forty-eight. He halves this, and has twenty-four left. When he
has taken away the number first thought of (twenty) he has a total of
four--which is half the number the leader told him to add in the
beginning of the game.


A confederate is necessary for this trick. The one performing the trick
goes out of the room and the confederate agrees with the audience to
touch a certain article. The person outside is recalled and his
confederate begins to question him. "Did I touch this music book?" "No."
"Did I touch this table?" "No." "Did I touch this knife?" "No." "Did I
touch that fork?" "Yes." The secret consists in saying the word "that"
before the article touched, instead of "this."


The players seat themselves in a row and the leader of the game takes
his place behind them, beginning at the top of the row. He makes some
absurd gesture and then asks the person behind whom he is standing
"What am I doing?" If the player replies incorrectly, and he generally
does, he is doomed to stand up and imitate in silence the gesture he
could not guess, until he has leave to sit down.


It is necessary that only two of the party should have a knowledge of
this game, and then "wonderment" is sure to be the result.

The two players agree that a certain word shall be regarded as a signal
word. As an illustration, imagine this word to be "and."

One of the players asserts his belief that he is gifted with second
sight, and states that he is able, through a closed door, to name any
article touched by any person in sympathy with him, notwithstanding the
said person may attempt to mystify him by mentioning a lot of other
articles. He then chooses his confederate, as being one with whom he may
be in sympathy, and goes outside.

The player in the room then proceeds to call out, perhaps as
follows:--Table, Hearthrug, Piano, Footstool and Chair, Lamp, Inkstand.
He then places his hand on the back of a chair and asks: "What am I
touching now?" the answer will, of course, be "Chair," because the
signal word "and" came immediately before that article.

If the players are skilful there is no need for the trick to be


All the girls sit in a circle, and the boys stand outside, one boy
behind each girl's chair. One chair is left vacant, but a boy stands
behind it, and by winking at the girls one at a time, tries to get one
for his empty chair.

As soon as a girl is winked at, she tries to leave her seat, and take
the vacant one, but if the boy behind her touches her before she leaves
the seat, she cannot go. Each boy has to keep his eye on the one who is
winking and on the girl in his chair, for if he is not watching, she may
escape before he has time to touch her, and then it is his turn to do
the winking and get a girl for his chair.

If the winking is done quickly it adds to the interest of the game. No
boy can keep hold of a girl all the time; he must only touch her when
she starts to leave her place, and then if she is beyond arm's length he
cannot call her back.


Few children think they will ever tire of playing games; but all the
same, towards the end of a long evening, spent merrily in dancing and
playing, the little ones begin to get too weary to play any longer, and
it is very difficult to keep them amused.

Then comes the time for riddles! The children may sit quietly around the
room, resting after their romps and laughter, and yet be kept
thoroughly interested, trying to guess riddles.

It is, however, very difficult to remember a number of good and
laughable ones, so we will give a list of some, which will be quite
sufficient to puzzle a roomful of little folk for several hours.

  Why are weary people like carriage-wheels?--Answer: Because they are

  An old woman in a red cloak was passing a field in which a goat was
  feeding. What strange transformation suddenly took place?--Answer:
  The goat turned to butter (butt her), and the woman into a scarlet

  Why does a duck go into the water?--Answer: For divers reasons.

  Spell "blind pig" in two letters? P G; a pig without an I.

  Which bird can lift the heaviest weights?--The crane.

  Why is a wise man like a pin?--He has a head and comes to a point.

  Why is a Jew in a fever like a diamond?--Because he is a Jew-ill.

  Why may carpenters reasonably believe there is no such thing as
  stone?--Because they never saw it.

  What is that which is put on the table and cut, but never eaten?--A
  pack of cards.

  Why does a sculptor die horribly?--Because he makes faces and

  When does a farmer double up a sheep without hurting it?--When he
  folds it.

  What lives upon its own substance and dies when it has devoured
  itself?--A candle.

  Why is a dog biting his tail a good manager?--Because he makes both
  ends meet.

  What thing is it that is lower with a head than without one?--A

  Which is the left side of a plum-pudding?--That which is not eaten.

  What letter of the alphabet is necessary to make a shoe?--The last.

  If all the seas were dried up, what would everybody say?--We haven't
  a notion (an ocean).

  Why is it certain that "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was not written by the
  hand of its reputed author?--Because it was written by Mrs.
  Beecher's toe (Stowe).

  Why is a fishmonger never generous?--Because his business makes him
  sell fish (selfish).

  What is that which works when it plays and plays when it works?--A

  What is that from which you may take away the whole and yet there
  will be some remaining?--The word wholesome.

  Why are fowls the most economical things a farmer can keep?--Because
  for every grain they give a peck.

  What coin doubles its value by taking away a half of it?--Halfpenny.

  Why is it dangerous to walk in the meadows in springtime?--Because
  the trees are shooting and the bulrush is out (bull rushes out).

  Why is a vine like a soldier?--Because it is listed and has ten
  drills (ten-drils) and shoots.

  Why is an opera-singer like a confectioner?--Because she deals in
  ice-creams (high screams).

  If a man who is carrying a dozen glass lamps drops one, what does he
  become?--A lamp lighter.

  What belongs to yourself, but is used more by your friends than by
  yourself?--Your name.

  Why is a spider a good correspondent?--Because he drops a line at
  every post.

  When is the clock on the stairs dangerous?--When it runs down.

  Why is the letter "k" like a pig's tail?--Because it comes at the
  end of pork.

  What is the keynote to good manners?--B natural.

  Why is a five-pound bank-note much more profitable than five
  sovereigns?--Because when you put it in your pocket you double it,
  and when you take it out you will find it in-creases.

  Why is a watch like a river?--Because it doesn't run long without

  What is that which flies high, flies low, has no feet, and yet wears

  When has a man four hands?--When he doubles his fists.

  What trees has fire no effect upon?--Ash-trees; because when they
  are burned, they are ashes still.

  What is the difference between a schoolmaster and an
  engine-driver?--One minds the train and the other trains the mind.

  A man had twenty sick (six) sheep, and one died; how many were

  What is that which everybody has seen but will never see

  Which is the best day for making a pancake?--Friday.

  Which is the smallest bridge in the world?--The bridge of your nose.

  What four letters would frighten a thief?--O I C U.

  What is that which goes from London to York without moving?--The

  Which is easier to spell--fiddle-de-dee or
  fiddle-de-dum?--Fiddle-de-dee, because it is spelt with more "e's."

  When may a chair be said to dislike you?--When it can't bear you.

  What animal took most luggage into the Ark, and which two took the
  least?--The elephant, who took his trunk, while the fox and the cock
  had only a brush and a comb between them.

  Which of the English kings has most reason to complain of his
  washer-woman?--King John, when he lost his baggage in the Wash.

  If a bear were to go into a linen-draper's shop, what would he
  want?--He would want muzzlin'.

  Why is B like a hot fire?--Because it makes oil Boil.

  Why was the first day of Adam's life the longest?--Because it had no

  If an egg were found on a music-stool, what poem would it remind you
  of?--"The Lay of the Last Minstrel."

  Why is a schoolmaster like a shoe-black?--Because he polishes the
  understanding of the people.

  Why is a washer-woman like a navigator?--Because she spreads her
  sheets, crosses the line, and goes from pole to pole.

  Why is an author the queerest animal in the world?--Because his tale
  comes out of his head.

  Why is it that a tailor won't attend to business?--Because he is
  always cutting out.

  When can a horse be sea-green in color?--When it's a bay.

  Why were gloves never meant to sell?--Because they were made to be
  kept on hand.

  When are we all artists?--When we draw a long face.

  Why are watch-dogs bigger by night than by day?--Because they are
  let out at night and taken in in the morning.

  When is a tradesman always above his business?--When he lives over
  his shop.

  Which is the liveliest city in the world?--Berlin; because it's
  always on the Spree.

  Why is a water-lily like a whale?--Because they both come to the
  surface to blow.

  Why is a shoemaker the most industrious of men?--Because he works to
  the last.

  What is book-keeping?--Forgetting to return borrowed volumes.

  Why is scooping out a turnip a noisy process?--Because it makes it

  Why are teeth like verbs?--Because they are regular, irregular, and

  What ships hardly ever sail out of sight?--Hardships.

  When is an artist a dangerous person?--When his designs are bad.

  Why are tortoiseshell-combs like citadels?--They are for-tresses.

  Why is the Isthmus of Suez like the first "u" in cucumber?--Because
  it is between two "c's" (seas).

  What motive led to the invention of railroads?--The locomotive.

  Why are deaf people like Dutch cheeses?--Because you can't make them

  When is the best time to get a fresh egg at sea?--When the ship lays

  Who was the first whistler?--The wind.

  What tune did he whistle?--Over the hills and far away.

  Why need a traveller never starve in the desert?--Because of the
  sand which is (sandwiches) there.

  Why is sympathy like blindman's-buff?--Because it is a fellow
  feeling for a fellow creature.

  If a Frenchman were to fall into a tub of tallow, in what word would
  he express his situation?--In-de-fat-i-gabble. (Indefatigable.)

  Why is a diner on board a steam-boat like Easter Day?--Because it is
  a movable feast.

  Why is a little man like a good book?--Because he is often looked

  Why is a pig in a parlor like a house on fire?--Because the sooner
  it is put out the better.

  What is the difference between a soldier and a bombshell?--One goes
  to war, the other goes to pieces.

  Why is it dangerous to sleep in a train?--Because every train runs
  over all the sleepers on the line.

  Spell "enemy" in three letters?--F O E.

  Which is the only way that a leopard can change his spots?--By going
  from one spot to another.

  Why did Eve never fear the measles?--Because she'd Adam.

  When is a tall man a little short?--When he hasn't got quite enough

  What houses are the easiest to break into?--The houses of bald
  people; because their locks are few.

  Why is a watch the most difficult thing to steal?--Because it must
  be taken off its guard.

  Why is there never anybody at home in a convent?--Because it is an
  (n)uninhabited place.

  Why does a person who is not good-looking make a better carpenter
  than one who is?--Because he is a deal plainer.

  What is the best tree for preserving order?--The birch.

  Why is shoemaking the easiest of trades?--Because the boots are
  always soled before they are made.

  What plant stands for No. 4?--IV.

  How can a gardener become thrifty?--By making the most of his thyme,
  and by always putting some celery in the bank.

  Why is it probable that beer was made in the Ark?--Because the
  kangaroo went in with hops, and the bear was always bruin.

  "What was the biggest thing you saw at the World's Fair?" asked a
  wife of her husband.--"My hotel bill!" said he.

  Why is C like a schoolmistress?--Because it forms lasses into

  What is that which never asks any questions and yet requires many
  answers?--The street-door.

  If a man bumped his head against the top of a room, what article of
  stationery would he be supplied with?--Ceiling whacks.

  Which is the longest word in the English language?--Smiles; because
  there is a mile between the first and last letters.

  Which is the oldest tree in England?--The Elder Tree.

  How many sides are there to a tree?--Two, inside and out.

  What is that which happens twice in a moment and not once in a
  thousand years?--The letter M.

  What sea would a man most like to be in on a wet day?--A dry attic.

  Why is coffee like an axe with a dull edge?--Because it must be
  ground before it is used.

  What is the difference between a bottle of medicine and a
  troublesome boy?--One is to be well shaken before taken, and the
  other is to be taken and then shaken.

  What makes more noise than a pig under a gate?--Two pigs.

  When is a door not a door?--When it is a-jar.

  What is the difference between a naughty boy and a
  postage-stamp?--Because one you stick with a lick, and the other you
  lick with a stick.

  Why did William Tell shudder when he shot the apple from his son's
  head?--Because it was an arrow escape for his child.

  What is that which the more you take from it the larger it grows?--A

  What is the best land for little kittens?--Lapland.

  Why should a man always wear a watch when he travels in a waterless
  desert?--Because every watch has a spring in it.

  Of what trade is the sun?--A tanner.

  What relation is a doormat to a door?--Step-fa(r)ther.

  What is that which you cannot hold ten minutes, although it is as
  light as a feather?--Your breath.

  What is the worst weather for rats and mice?--When it rains cats and

  What is that which never uses its teeth for eating purposes?--A

  When are two apples alike?--When pared.

  What is the difference between a blind man and a sailor in
  prison?--One cannot see to go and the other cannot go to sea.

  Why is a plum-cake like the ocean?--Because it contains so many

  What pudding makes the best cricketer?--A good batter.

  When is a sailor not a sailor?--When he's a-board.

  Why is the snow different from Sunday?--Because it can fall on any
  day in the week.

  What trade would you mention to a short boy?--Grow sir (grocer).

  What tree is nearest the sea?--The beech.

  Why is a game of cards like a timber-yard?--Because there are always
  a great many deals in it.

  Why is a tight boot like an oak tree?--Because it produces a corn

  Why is a city in Ireland likely to be the largest city in the
  world?--Because each year it is Dublin (doubling).

  What is the easiest way to swallow a door?--Bolt it.

  Why could a negro slave not be caught if he ran away?--Because he
  would be sure to keep dark at all times.

  Why is a dancing-master like a tree?--Because of his bows (boughs).

  Name a word of five letters from which if you take two but "one"



Each player is given a slip of paper and asked to write a piece of
advice--the ladies write to the gentlemen and vice versa. The slips are
collected and again distributed and each player is asked to read the
advice which has been given him. Before looking at the paper he must
tell what sort of advice it is--good, bad, unnecessary, etc., and
whether or not he intends to profit by it.


A slip of paper and a pencil is given to each player, who must then
write a number of adjectives upon it. The slips are collected and given
to the principal player, who has undertaken to read out a short story,
substituting the adjectives on the slips for those already in the story.
The adjectives must be taken as they come and not picked out to suit the
story. The result is sometimes very laughable; as for instance--"The
pretty rhinoceros is a very amiable animal. It is very attractive in its
habits, and lives near lakes or rivers. Its delicate skin is so soft
that special bullets are needed to pierce it, etc."


This is a capital game for a large party, for it is both instructive and
amusing. One player is selected who has to guess what word or sentence
the remainder of the company has chosen. He goes out of the room, and
when the subject has been decided upon, returns and asks a question of
each of the company in turn. The answer must be either "Yes" or "No,"
and in no case should more words be used, under penalty of paying a
forfeit. The first important point to be found out is whether the
subject is "Animal," "Vegetable," or "Mineral." Supposing, for instance,
the subject chosen is a cat which is sleeping in the room by the fire,
the questions and answers might be like the following:--"Is the subject
chosen an animal?" "Yes." "Wild animal." "No." "Domestic animal?" "Yes."
"Common?" "Yes." "Are there many to be seen in this town?" "Yes." "Have
you seen many this day?" "Yes." "In this house?" "No." "Have you seen
many in the road?" "Yes." "Do they draw carts?" "No." "Are they used for
working purposes?" "No." "Is the subject a pet?" "Yes." "Have they one
in the house?" "Yes." "In this room?" "Yes." "Is it lying in front of
the fire at the present time?" "Yes." "Is the subject you all thought of
the cat lying in front of the fire in this room?" "Yes." The subject
having been guessed, another one is chosen and the game proceeds.


For this game, half the players go outside the door, whilst those who
stay in the room choose a word of one syllable, which should not be too
difficult. For instance, suppose the word chosen be "Flat," those who
are out of the room are informed that a word has been thought of that
rhymes with "Cat," and they then have to act, without speaking, all the
words they can think of that rhyme with "Cat." Supposing their first
idea be "Bat," they come into the room and play an imaginary game of
cricket. This not being correct, they would be hissed for their pains,
and they must then hurry outside again. They might next try "Rat," most
of them going into the room on their hands and feet, whilst the others
might pretend to be frightened. Again they would be hissed. At last the
boys go in and fall flat on their faces, while the girls pretend to use
flat-irons upon their backs. The loud clapping that follows tells them
that they are right at last. They then change places with the audience,
who, in turn, become the actors.


To play this game you must first decide which one of you is to be the
Bird-catcher; the other players then each choose the name of a bird, but
no one must choose the owl, as it is forbidden. All the players then sit
in a circle with their hands on their knees, except the Bird-catcher,
who stands in the center, and tells a tale about birds, taking care to
specially mention the ones he knows to have been chosen by the company.
As each bird's name is called, the owner must imitate its note as well
as he can, but when the owl is named, all hands must be put behind the
chairs, and remain there until the next bird's name is mentioned. When
the Bird-catcher cries "all the birds" the players must together give
their various imitations of birds. Should any player fail to give the
cry when his bird is named, or forget to put his hands behind his chair,
he has to change places with Bird-catcher.


This is a very old game, but is always a very great favorite. The more
the players, the greater the fun. The way to play it is as follows. The
players sit in a circle and begin to count in turn, but when the number
7 or any number in which the figure 7 or any multiple of 7 is reached,
they say "Buzz," instead of whatever the number may be. As, for
instance, supposing the players have counted up to 12, the next player
will say "13," the next "Buzz," because 14 is a multiple of 7 (twice
7)--the next player would then say "15," the next "16" and the next
would of course say "Buzz" because the figure 7 occurs in the number 17.
If one of the players forgets to say "Buzz" at the proper time, he is
out. The game then starts over again with the remaining players, and so
it continues until there is but one person remaining. If great care is
taken the numbers can be counted up to 70, which, according to the rules
before mentioned, would of course be called Buzz. The numbers would then
be carried on as Buzz 1, Buzz 2, etc., up to 79, but it is very seldom
that this stage is reached.


In this game every one in the company has to describe in a riddle, first
a bird, then a fruit, and finally a flower. The others must guess.
Whoever guesses the most is the winner of the game.

Here are examples of the riddles:

  BIRD. Although a bird I am part of a plant. STORK. (Stalk).

  FRUIT. Although a single specimen, I am really two. PEAR.

  FLOWERS. Although usually white, I am always described as rose
  colored in hue. PINK.


Materials required.--As many sheets of paper and pencils as there are

The players seat themselves round a table, and each one is provided with
a sheet of paper and a pencil. The hostess then asks them to write at
the head of the paper the name of the town in which they were born. A
time limit of fifteen minutes is then given them in which to make up a
sentence, each word of which must begin with the letters composing the
name of the town. The sentence must be either suggestive, or descriptive
of the town which each has written on his or her paper. For example:--


  Sentence--Came home in carriage after going out.


One of the players commences the game by saying to his neighbor, "I have
a cook who doesn't like peas (p's); what will you give her for dinner?"
The person addressed must avoid the letter P in his answer. For
instance, he may answer, "Artichokes," "Onions," "Cabbage," and
"Carrots," but he must not say "Spinach," "Asparagus," "Potatoes." The
question is then asked of the second player, and so on until all have
replied. If a player mentions a word containing the letter P he has to
pay a forfeit.


One of the most popular games at a party is certainly "Consequences"; it
is a very old favorite, but has lost none of its charms with age. The
players sit in a circle; each person is provided with a half sheet of
notepaper and a pencil, and is asked to write on the top--(1) one or
more adjectives, then to fold the paper over, so that what has been
written cannot be seen. Every player has to pass his or her paper on to
the right-hand neighbor, and all have then to write on the top of the
paper which has been passed by the left-hand neighbor (2) "the name of
the gentleman"; after having done this the paper must again be folded
and passed on as before; this time must be written (3) one or more
adjectives; then (4) a lady's name; next (5), where they met; next (6),
what he gave her; next (7), what he said to her; next (8), what she said
to him; next (9), the consequence; and lastly (10), what the world said
about it.

Be careful that every time anything has been written the paper is folded
down and passed on to the player on your right.

When every one has written what the world says, the papers are collected
and one of the company proceeds to read out the various papers, and the
result may be somewhat like this:--

(1) The horrifying and delightful (2) Mr. Brown (3) met the charming (4)
Miss Philips (5) in Westminster Abbey; (6) he gave her a flower (7) and
said to her: "How's your mother?" (8) She said to him: "Not for Joseph;"
(9) the consequence was they danced the hornpipe, and the world said:
(10) "Just what we expected."


To play this game it is best to sit in a circle, and until the end of
the game no one must speak above a whisper.

The first player whispers a question to his neighbor, such as: "Do you
like roses?"

This question now belongs to the second player, and he must remember it.

The second player answers: "Yes, they smell so sweetly," and this answer
belongs to the first player. The second player now asks his neighbor a
question, taking care to remember the answer, as it will belong to him.
Perhaps he has asked his neighbor, "Are you fond of potatoes?" And the
answer may have been, "Yes, when they are fried!"

So that the second player has now a question and an answer belonging to
him, which he must remember.

The game goes on until everyone has been asked a question and given an
answer, and each player must be sure and bear in mind that it is the
question he is asked, and the answer his neighbor gives, which belongs
to him.

At the end of the game each gives his question and answer aloud, in the
following manner.

"I was asked: 'Do you like roses?' and the answer was 'Yes, when they
are fried!'"

The next player says: "I was asked: 'Are you fond of potatoes?' and the
answer was: 'Yes, they are very pretty, but they don't wear well.'"


A player is chosen to represent "The Curate." The other players are
assigned such names as printer, plumber, jeweler, butcher, druggist,
shoemaker, etc. "The Curate" starts the game by saying,

"Mr. Butcher (or any other name) I called to see you this morning but
you were not at home."

The Butcher: "I had just gone over to the jeweler's."

Curate: "And what business had you at the jeweler's?"

(The jeweler is the next to speak but he must not do so until the
question is answered.)

"I went to get a bracelet for Mrs. Butcher."

The Jeweler: "I was not at home for I had gone to the printer's."

The Curate: "And what was your business at the printer's?"

(The printer is the next to speak but he must not do so until the
question is answered.)

The game may be made very interesting by bringing into it little
personal references and bits of innocent scandal, as

"I was at the jeweler's to help Mr. ---- select a ring for Miss ----."


A subject is given to the company by the "teacher" and those joining in
the game are each to define the subject in as terse a manner as
possible, in epigram or verse, written on a slip of paper. The cards are
then signed, turned in and the "teacher" reads the definitions. Then the
company are to decide which one of the definitions has the greatest
merit. For instance, the word "Friendship" is given and the answers
might run like these:

  "A feather from love's wing."

  "The greatest of boons."

  "Something akin to glue," etc.

  Or the word "Gold" might evoke:

  "That which I have not."

  "The root of all evil."

  "What goes to the plumber," etc.


To play this game seat yourselves in a circle, take a clean duster or
handkerchief, and tie it in a big knot, so that it may easily be thrown
from one player to another. One of the players throws it to another, at
the same time calling out either of these names: Earth, Air, Fire, or
Water. If "Earth" is called, the player to whom the ball is thrown has
to mention something that lives on the earth, as lion, cat; if "Air" is
called, something that lives in the air; if "Water," something that
lives in the water; but if "Fire" is called, the player must keep
silence. Always remember not to put birds in the water or animals or
fishes in the air; be silent when "Fire" is called, and answer before
ten can be counted. For breaking any of these rules a forfeit must be


This game, if carried out properly, will cause great amusement. One of
the party announces that he will whisper to each person the name of some
animal, which, at a given signal, must be imitated as loudly as
possible. Instead, however, of giving the name of an animal to each, he
whispers to all the company, with the exception of one, to keep
perfectly silent. To this one he whispers that the animal he is to
imitate is the donkey.

After a short time, so that all may be in readiness, the signal is
given. Instead of all the party making the sounds of various animals,
nothing is heard but a loud bray from the one unfortunate member of the


The idea of this game is to try how many sentences can be spoken without
containing a certain letter which has been agreed upon. Supposing, for
instance, the letter "f" is not to be introduced, the first player might
ask: "Is this a new game to you?" The second player could answer: "Oh,
no! I played it years ago when quite a youngster."

He would perhaps turn to the third player, and ask: "You remember it, do
you not?" The third player might answer: "Yes, but we used to play it
differently." This player, having used a word with an "f" in it, must
pay a forfeit and remain out.

The answers must be given at once, without hesitation, and the player
who avoids for the greatest length of time using a word containing the
forbidden letter wins the game.


The players seat themselves and are questioned by the leader of the game
and must answer without bringing in a word containing a forbidden vowel.
Say the vowel "a" is forbidden, the leader asks--"Are you fond of
playing the piano?" The answer "Yes, very much," would be correct as the
words do not contain the letter "a." But if the answer were--"Yes, and I
am fond of singing too," the speaker would have to pay a forfeit. Any
vowel may be forbidden, or if the players choose to make the game very
difficult, two vowels may be forbidden. Say "a" and "e" are forbidden,
and the question is, "Will your father be late home?" "I do not know"
would be a correct answer.


The Fortune Teller must provide the person who is to have his or her
fortune told with a piece of paper and a pencil and then proceed to say:

   1. Write "Yes" or "no."

   2. "State a gentleman's or a lady's name." (If a lady's fortune is
     to be told she must write a gentleman's name and vice versa.)

   3. "Give a number."

   4. "Length of time."

   5. "Yes or no."

   6. "Yes or no."

   7. "Yes or no."

   8. "A color."

   9. "A color."

  10. "Yes or no."

  11. "Yes or no."

  12. "A shape."

  13. "A measure."

  14. "A sum of money."

  15. "A sum of money."

  16. "A virtue."

  17. "A profession."

  18. "The name of a place."

  19. "A lady's or gentleman's name."

  20. "The name of a place."

  21. "A number."

  22. "Yes or no."

  23. "State a time."

When these have all been written down, the Fortune Teller proceeds to
read out the list of questions he has, with the answers corresponding in
number. Below is appended the list of questions, which, of course, must
not be shown to the person whose fortune is being told until he or she
has written the answers.

   1. Have you a lover?

   2. What is his or her name?

   3. How old is he or she?

   4. How long have you known him or her?

   5. Does he or she know you love him or her?

   6. Is your affection returned?

   7. Have you or has he proposed?

   8. What color is his or her hair?

   9. What color are his or her eyes?

  10. Is he or she handsome?

  11. Is he or she conceited?

  12. What shape is his or her nose?

  13. What size is his or her mouth?

  14. What is his or her fortune?

  15. How much will he or she allow you?

  16. What is his or her chief virtue?

  17. What is his or her profession?

  18. Where did you first meet?

  19. What is your rival's name?

  20. Where do you intend to live?

  21. How many other proposals have you had, or made?

  22. Will the marriage be a happy one?

  23. When will you be married?


To play this game successfully two of the company privately agree upon a
word that has several meanings. The two then enter into a conversation,
which is obliged to be about the word they have chosen, whilst the
remainder of the company listen.

When a member of the party imagines that he has guessed the word, he may
join in the conversation, but if he finds he is mistaken, must
immediately retire.

To give an illustration: Supposing the two players who start the
conversation decide upon the word box. They might talk about the people
they had seen at the theatre and the particular part of the house in
which they were sitting. Then they might say how nice it looked in a
garden, and one might mention that it grew into big trees. Perhaps one
of the company might imagine that he had guessed the word correctly and
join in, when the conversation would be immediately changed, and the two
would begin to converse about a huge case in which a very great number
of things were packed away. By this time possibly the person who joined
in the conversation will leave off, completely mystified.

If, however, the word should be correctly guessed, the person guessing
it chooses a partner, and they together select a word, and the game
begins again.


One of the company gets himself up to represent the old man of the
woods, the rest take the names of various animals, such as lion, tiger,
leopard and so on.

The players seat themselves round the room, and the old man standing in
the centre tells them that some of their number have committed a crime
and he is about to question them, in order that he may discover the
guilty ones. He then begins--"Now, Mr. Lion, where have you been
hunting, and what have you eaten to-day?" "I hunted in the forest and
caught an antelope." "Then you are twice guilty and must pay two
forfeits," says the old man; and the lion must pay his forfeit without
being told the crime he has committed. The old man passes on to a Polar
Bear. "Where did you hunt and what have you eaten?" he asks.--"I hunted
in the water and had a fine fish to eat." The Polar Bear is pronounced
innocent. The real game is that no animal may bring in the letter "o"
either in their hunting ground or the food they eat. "Forest" and
"Antelope" both have an "o" in them, so the lion has to pay two
forfeits whereas "Water" and "Fish" having no "o" the bear was declared
innocent. The great fun is for the old man to keep the secret of
"guilty" or "innocent" to himself; but even if the other players know
the secret, it is very difficult not to make a slip, as the answers must
be given promptly.

When the game is over the players must pay for their forfeits in any way
the old man decides.


Into bits of muslin should be tied samples of groceries--tea, coffee,
starch, rice, beans, spices, etc. The players are allowed one guess for
each sample, depending entirely upon the sense of feeling, and the one
guessing the largest number correctly is given a prize. The hostess
should have the samples numbered in order to keep count of the guesses.
One young lady has a lot of pretty little silk bags filled with these
samples and uses them again and again, and they always bring the same
amount of fun.


The leader writes out a short story. It may be a bit of gossip, a
newspaper incident or anything he wishes, it should however be rather
excitable in character. He reads the story over, that he may whisper it
to one of his neighbors without the aid of the paper. The neighbor
listens attentively and in turn whispers it to another neighbor, and it
is whispered from one to the other until everyone has heard it. The last
person to whom the story was told is asked to relate it and then the
person who originated the story is asked to read his written copy. It
will be almost unbelievable how the facts of the story have changed in
the telling. Scarcely ever will the story be accurate in any particular.


One of the players goes out of the room and the players decide upon an
object. Let us suppose that the word chosen is chest. The word being
agreed upon, the other player is called in. The game is for this player
to guess the word by asking the three questions "How do you like it?
When do you like it? Where do you like it?" of each person until the
word is guessed. For instance, one player is asked:

  "How do you like it?"

  "Full of gold coins."

  "When do you like it?"

  "When I am traveling."

  "Where do you like it?"

  "In a safe place where robbers cannot find it."

And so the game goes on until the guesser knows the word. If he fails to
guess it after asking every one of the players the three questions, "How
do you like it? When do you like it? Where do you like it?" he must pay
a forfeit. The guesser next time is the person who, in making his answer
gave away the word decided upon.


To play this game it is best for the players to arrange themselves in a
half-circle round the room. Then one begins: "I love my love with an
'A,' because she is affectionate; I hate her with an 'A,' because she is
artful. Her name is Alice, she comes from Aberdeen, and I gave her an
apricot." The next player says: "I love my love with a 'B,' because she
is bonnie; I hate her with a 'B,' because she is boastful. Her name is
Bertha, she comes from Bath, and I gave her a book." The next player
takes "C," and the next "D," and so on through all the letters of the


One of the players is asked to go outside whilst the company think of
some person in the room, and on his return he has to guess of whom the
company has thought.

The players then arrange themselves in a circle, and agree each to think
of his or her right-hand neighbor; it is best to have a girl and boy
alternately, as this adds much to the amusement.

The one outside is then called in, and commences to ask questions.
Before replying, the player asked must be careful to notice his or her
right-hand neighbor, and then give a correct reply. For instance,
supposing the first question to be: "Is the person thought of a boy or a
girl?" the answer would possibly be "A boy"; the next person would then
be asked the color of the complexion, the next one the color of the
hair, if long or short, etc., to which questions the answers would, of
course, be given according to the right-hand neighbor.

Nearly all the answers will contradict the previous ones, and something
like this may be the result: "A boy," "very dark complexion," "long
yellow hair," "wearing a black Eton jacket," "with a dark green dress,"
"five feet high," "about six years old," etc. When the player guessing
gives the game up, the joke is explained to him.


A match or small piece of wood is lighted and when well afire blown out.
It is then passed from one player to another with the words, "Jack's
alive," and may be handed about so long as a live spark remains. The
trick is to dispose of Jack while he is still alive but no player needs
to take him unless the words, "Jack's alive" are quoted. Jack may not be
handed along after he is dead but the player in whose hands he dies must
pay a forfeit or have a mustache drawn on his face with the end of the
burned stick.


To each member of the company is given the name of a bird or animal by
the "Keeper" who is to relate a story of adventure in which the names of
the birds and animals are frequently mentioned. At the mention of the
word the member of the company bearing that name is to imitate the noise
made by the creature named. Failing to do so promptly or imitating the
noise of a creature assigned to some one else he or she is required to
pay a forfeit. The "keeper" may demand the delinquent player's seat
instead of a forfeit and assume his menagerie name while the unseated
one becomes the "keeper" and must continue the story.


This game is very similar to that of "I love my love." Each of the
players must describe the minister's cat, going right through the
alphabet to do so. "The minister's cat is an angry cat," says one; "an
anxious cat," says another; and so on until everyone has used an
adjective beginning with "A." Then they take the "B's." "The minister's
cat is a big cat," and so on.

The leader of the game must see that no one hesitates for a word. If any
one should take longer than half a minute he must pay a forfeit.


In this game a confederate is necessary. The player states to the
company, after a few remarks on ancient sign-language, that he is able
to read signs made with a stick on the floor, and agrees to leave the
room whilst the company decide upon some word or sentence.

The game is played as follows:--It is agreed by the player and his
confederate that one tap on the floor shall represent A, two taps E,
three taps I, four taps O, and five taps U, and that the first letter of
each remark the confederate makes shall be one of the consonants of the
word or sentence decided upon by the company. The consonants must be
taken in order. On the player's return, supposing the word chosen to be
"March," his confederate would commence:--"Many people think this game a
deception" (initial letter M). One tap on the floor (A). "Really it is
very simple" (initial letter R). "Coming to the end soon" (initial
letter C). "Hope it has been quite clear" (initial letter H).

A few more signs are made so as not to finish too abruptly, and the
player then states the word to be "March." If carefully conducted, this
game will interest the audience for a considerable time.


This is a game which causes much amusement to a company of children, and
even grown-ups may join in.

All the players, with the exception of two, leave the room. One of the
outside party is then called in, and told that a new club has been
formed and his name enrolled, but that he cannot be formally admitted
unless he can guess the name of the club from the movements of the two
members who have remained in the room.

The candidate for admission is then offered a chair, and everything said
and every movement made is mimicked by the other two.

Sometimes the new member guesses at once, but when unable to do this it
is very funny to watch the effect that the copying of his every movement
has upon him, especially when six or seven have been admitted.

When the name of the club has been guessed another candidate is invited
in and the same performance takes place.


The leader gives to each of the party the name of some article used by a
lady--a glove, fan, handkerchief, slippers, veil, belt, ribbon, brooch,
back comb, collar, hairpins, cloak, etc. The players to whom the names
of the articles have been given arrange themselves in a circle; one
stands in the center and spins a plate. An ordinary tin pie plate may be
used. As he spins the plate he says, "My lady is going to the theatre
and needs her ----," naming one of the articles assigned to the players.
At the mention of this article, the person to whom it has been given
comes forward and catches the plate while it is still spinning. If he
fails to catch the plate before it falls to the floor he must pay a
forfeit. He now takes his turn with the plate, spinning it and using the
name of another of the articles.


The players divide themselves into ladies and gentlemen, if the ladies
predominate they must personate gentlemen, and vice versa. The gentlemen
then proceed to choose lady partners. One of the players next undertakes
to question the couples. The fun consists of the questions being put to
the lady and the gentleman answering for her. "Do you like your
partner?" the lady is asked, and the gentleman may reply, "Yes, I adore
him." Whatever the reply the lady is forbidden to deny it; if she does,
or if she answers for herself, she must pay a forfeit. But retaliation
comes, for when all the ladies have been questioned the gentleman's turn
arrives, and the ladies answer for their partners. "What is your
favorite occupation?" the question may be, and the lady may answer
"Dressing dolls," or "Making mud pies," or anything ridiculous that
occurs to her.


"Proverbs" is a game that will always remain popular. One of the players
is sent out of the room, and during his absence the others decide upon a
well-known proverb which he must, by asking questions, guess on his
return. The answers to the questions must each contain one word of the
proverb. For instance, suppose the players fix on the proverb "It's
never too late to mend," the question asked, and answers given, will
perhaps be similar to the following;--

  Questioner (to first player).--"Is the proverb one that you would
  guess easily?"

  Answer.--"As I'm not in your place =it's= impossible for me to say."

  Questioner (to second player).--"Am I mistaken, or did I see you at
  the theatre last night?"

  Answer.--"I =never= go to theatres, so you must have made a

  Questioner (to second player).--"Do you consider this game amusing,
  or the reverse?"

  Answer.--"At the present moment it's really =too= amusing for me to
  keep my countenance."

  Questioner (to fourth player).--"How was it I didn't see you at
  dinner, Mr. Francis?"

  Answer.--"I was detained at the office, so arrived =late=."

  Questioner (to fifth player).--"Were you skating this afternoon,
  Miss Philips?"

  Answer.--"No, I meant =to= have gone, but felt too tired after last
  night's festivities."

  Questioner (to sixth player).--"You're looking terribly bored, Miss
  Jones, would you rather take my place?"

  Answer.--"I would willingly; but my doing so wouldn't =mend=

If the interrogator cannot discover the proverb after the first round of
questions and answers, he must go round again, and again. The player
whose answer reveals to him the proverb, must go outside in his place.

The following proverbs are all excellent for this game:--

  "A new broom sweeps clean."

  "A stitch in time saves nine."

  "Make hay while the sun shines."

  "Waste not, want not."

  "Never put off till to-morrow what you can do to-day."

  "Fine feathers make fine birds."

  "Marry in haste, repent in leisure."

  "The empty vessel makes the greatest sound."

  "Make the best of a bad bargain."

  "Out of sight, out of mind."

  "Safe bind, safe find."

  "Half a loaf is better than no bread."

  "A rolling stone gathers no moss."

  "One good turn deserves another."

  "Look before you leap."

  "Faint heart never won fair lady."

  "A friend in need, is a friend indeed."

  "A bad workman quarrels with his tools."

  "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."

  "A cat may look at a king."

  "Aching teeth are ill tenants."

  "A creaking door hangs long on the hinges."

  "A drowning man will catch at a straw."

  "After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile."


Each player is furnished with a pencil and two slips of paper. On the
first slip a question must be written. The papers are then collected and
put into a bag or basket.

Then the players write an answer on their second slip. These are put
into a different bag, and the two bags are then well shaken and handed
round to the company.

Everyone draws a question and an answer, and must then read the two out
to the company.

The result is sometimes very comical; for instance:--

  Question: "Do you like roses?"

  Answer: "Yes, with mustard."

  Question: "Where are you going to this summer?"

  Answer: "I am very much afraid of them."

  Question: "Do you like beef?"

  Answer: "Yes, without thorns."

  Question: "Do you like spiders?"

  Answer: "To Switzerland."


One player is blindfolded, the rest dance in a circle around him till he
points at one of them. This person then enters the ring, and when the
blind man calls out, "Ruth," answers, "Jacob," and moves about within
the circle so as to avoid being caught by the blind man and continues to
answer, "Jacob," as often as the blind man calls out, "Ruth." This
continues until "Ruth" is caught. "Jacob" must then guess who it is he
has caught; if he guesses correctly, "Ruth" takes his place, and the
game goes on; if he guesses wrongly, he continues to be "Jacob."


A number of slips of paper are passed among the players and each one is
asked to write upon one of the papers, two words which will rhyme. These
papers are collected and in turn read aloud, the players then writing
short stanzas employing the rhyming words. It is amusing to note in what
very different ways the same set of words is treated by the various
players. The usual forfeits may be claimed if the players fail to write
the rhyme in a given time.


Each player is asked to draw a haphazard line on a piece of paper. The
line may be anything he wishes and does not need to suggest or resemble
any object. The papers are collected and again distributed. Any player
getting his own drawing may exchange with any one he wishes. Each player
must draw the picture of some object, using in its composition, the
original haphazard line.


The players sit in a row and the first begins by saying, "I am going on
a journey to Athens," or any place beginning with A. The one sitting
next asks, "What will you do there?" The verbs, adjectives, and nouns
used in the reply must all begin with A; as "Amuse Ailing Authors with
Anecdotes." If the player answers correctly, it is the next player's
turn; he says perhaps: "I am going to Bradford." "What to do there?" "To
Bring Back Bread and Butter." A third says: "I am going to
Constantinople." "What to do there?" "To Carry Contented Cats." Any one
who makes a mistake must pay a forfeit.


This is a very good game, which always causes considerable amusement,
and if skilfully carried out will very successfully mystify the whole

It is necessary that the player who is to take the part of
thought-reading should have a confederate, and the game is then played
as follows.

The thought-reader, having arranged that the confederate should write a
certain word, commences by asking four members of the company to write
each a word upon a piece of paper, fold it up in such a manner that it
cannot be seen, and then to pass it on to him. The confederate, of
course, volunteers to make one of the four and writes the word
previously agreed upon, which is, we will suppose, "Hastings."

The thought-reader places the slips of paper between his fingers, taking
care to put the paper of his confederate between the third and little
finger; he then takes the folded paper from between his thumb and first
finger and rubs it, folded as it is, over his forehead, at each rub
mentioning a letter, as H. rub, A. rub, S.T.I.N.G.S., after which he
calls out that some lady or gentleman has written "Hastings." "I did,"
replies the confederate.

The thought-reader then opens the paper, looks at it, and slips it into
his pocket; he has, however, looked at one of the other papers.

Consequently he is now in a position to spell another word, which he
proceeds to do in the same manner, and thus the game goes on until all
the papers have been read.


The players sit or stand around the room in a circle. The leader assigns
to each some imaginary musical instrument--horn, fife, drum, trombone,
violin, harp, flute, banjo, etc. Some well known, but lively air is
given out and the band begins to play, each player imitating as nearly
as possible the instrument he has been assigned. All goes well until the
leader suddenly drops his instrument and begins playing on that of
another of the band. At this the player to whom that particular
instrument has been given must change his attitude and imitate the
instrument the leader has dropped. Again the playing goes on until the
leader drops this instrument and takes up that of another player, and
this player takes up the leader's instrument. Close watch must be kept
of the leader that the players may detect the instant he takes up a new
instrument. The player failing to change immediately must pay a forfeit.
Much fun may be had from this game. It may be carried on with a little
practice without any perceptible break in the music and with a few
talented players it is even harmonious.


The players sit in a circle and one of them asks the others: "What's my
thought like?" One player may say: "A monkey"; the second: "A candle";
the third: "A pin"; and so on. When all the company have compared the
thought to some object, the first player tells them the thought--perhaps
it is "the Cat"--and then asks each, in turn, why it is like the object
he compared it to.

"Why is my cat like a monkey?" is asked. The other player might answer:
"Because it is full of tricks." "Why is my cat like a candle?" "Because
its eyes glow like a candle in the dark." "Why is my cat like a pin?"
"Because its claws scratch like a pin."

Any one who is unable to explain why the thought resembles the object he
mentioned must pay a forfeit.


In going through this book of games the reader will find that the
players for various reasons are penalized or required to pay a forfeit.
When a player is so fined he must immediately surrender some pocketpiece
or personal belonging as a pawn or security which may later be redeemed
when "Blind Justice" passes the real sentence.

The players usually select some ready witted person to assume the part
of Justice, another acts as Crier or Collector. Justice is blindfolded
and the Crier holds the article over his head saying: "Heavy, heavy
hangs over thy head." Justice asks: "Fine or Superfine?" If it be an
article belonging to a gentleman the Crier answers "Fine;" if it belongs
to a lady he answers, "Superfine," and asks, "What shall the owner do to
redeem his (or her) property?" and Blind Justice renders the sentence.

If the proper person has been chosen for Justice a great deal of fun may
be caused by the impromptu imposition of ridiculous penalties.

Or the persons making up the party may in turn take the part of Justice,
each imposing a penalty. Some of the most familiar penalties are:

Put one hand where the other cannot touch it--Grasp the elbow.

Take the Journey to Rome.--The culprit is required to go to each person
and say that he or she is going on a journey to Rome and ask whether
they have anything to send to the Pope. The players load him up with
various articles, the more cumbersome the better, which he must carry
until every person has been visited. Then he must walk out of the room
and back, distributing the articles to their proper places.

Spell Constantinople.--When the offender begins to spell and reaches
C-o-n-s-t-a-n-t-i-, the players cry "no" (the next letters in the word
being n-o). Each time the culprit gets to C-o-n-s-t-a-n-t-i-, the
players cry "no," and unless he knows the trick he will begin the
spelling again and again.

Kiss Your own Shadow.--If the culprit is not familiar with this forfeit
he will kiss his own shadow on the wall, but realizes how foolish he was
when he sees some other victim place himself between the light and a
lady and kiss his shadow which then falls on the lady.

Sit Upon the Fire.--This forfeit will puzzle the culprit, but may be
easily accomplished by writing the word "fire" on a slip of paper and
sitting upon it.

Ask a Question Which cannot be Answered in the Negative.--"What do the
letters y-e-s spell?"

Kiss a Book Inside and Outside Without Opening the Book.--This
apparently impossible feat may be accomplished by kissing the book
inside the room and then carrying it outside of the room and kissing it

Take a Person up Stairs and Bring him Down on a Feather.--This is
another apparently impossible feat but of course there is "down on a

Act Living Statue.--The victim must stand upon a chair and is posed by
the players in succession according to their various ideas of Grecian
statuary, giving the victim various articles to hold in his hand such as
pokers, shovels, etc.

Leave the Room with two Legs and Come Back with Six.--This sentence can
be fulfilled by going out of the room and carrying a chair into the room
when you come back.

Perform the Egotist.--The culprit is required to drink his own health
and make some flowery speech concerning himself. If his speech is not
egotistic enough the players may again and again demand a more
flattering one.

Place three Chairs in a Row, Take off Your Shoes and Jump Over them.--It
is very funny to hear the culprit plead that he could not possibly jump
over the three chairs when the sentence means to jump over his
shoes--"take off your shoes and jump over them."

The Three Salutes.--The victim is required to "Kneel to the prettiest;
bow to the wittiest and kiss the one he loves the best." The easiest way
to pay this forfeit is to kneel to the plainest, bow to the dullest and
kiss the one for whom he cares the least.

Kiss the Lady you Love the best without letting any one know.--This is
performed by the condemned kissing several ladies, or perhaps every lady
in the room.

Imitate a Donkey.--The culprit must bray like one.

Play the Shoemaker.--The culprit must take off his shoe and pretend to
drive pegs into it.

Shake a Coin off the Head.--This may be made productive of much
amusement. The leader, having wetted a coin, presses it firmly for
several seconds against the forehead of the victim. When he withdraws
his thumb he secretly brings away the coin, but the victim invariably
believes that he can still feel it sticking to his forehead, and his
head-shaking and facial contortions to get rid of his imaginary burden
are ludicrous. It is understood at the time the sentence is pronounced
that he must shake the coin off and must not touch it with his hands.

The Three Questions.--The victim is required to leave the room. Three
questions are agreed upon in his absence, and he is requested to say
"yes" or "no" to each as they are asked him, not knowing, of course,
what the questions are, the result is usually embarrassing, he finds he
has made some ignominious admission, has declined something he would be
very glad to have or accepted something he would much rather do without.

Go to Market.--The culprit is ordered to go to market with some one of
the opposite sex. They stand about eight feet apart, facing each other,
and the culprit asks his companion if she likes apples (or any article
he may choose), if the answer is "yes," she takes a step forward, if
"no" a step backward. If something is liked very much or disliked very
much a long step is taken. Then she asks him a question which is
answered by stepping forward or backward and so on until they meet when
a kiss is usually claimed and taken.

Place a Straw or Small Article on the Ground in Such a Manner that No
one Present can Jump Over It.--This is done by placing the article
against the wall.

Bite an Inch Off the Poker.--A poker is held about an inch from the
face, making a bite--of course, the person does not bite the poker but
"an inch off the poker."

Blow a Candle Out Blindfold.--The person paying the forfeit is shown the
exact position of the candle and then blindfolded, and having been
turned about once or twice is requested to blow it out. The cautious
manner in which the person will go and endeavor to blow out the clock on
the mantle piece or an old gentleman's bald head, while the candle is
serenely burning a few feet away must be seen to be appreciated.

The German Band.--This is a joint forfeit for three or four persons,
each of whom is assigned some imaginary instrument and required to
impersonate a performer in a German band, imitating not only the action
of the players but the sound of the instrument as well.



  Resolved:--To do my best to-day--
             Tomorrow is far away.

New Year's day calling and receiving--the custom of our Grandmother's
time--is in vogue again.

If it is desirable to announce that one wishes to receive callers on
that day, the visiting card of the party or parties receiving with the
words--"At Home January the first, 19--, from -- to -- P. M.," and the
address written upon it, may be sent to one's friends.

Or upon the back of a visiting card may be written, "Let me (or us) wish
you a Happy New Year on January the first. At Home from -- to -- P. M.
Address ----------------."

Simple refreshments should be served, hot tea, coffee or chocolate with
sweet or salted wafers--fruit punch with sweet wafers--bouillon in cups
with salted crackers.

Two, three or all of these beverages with assorted wafers, etc., could
be served from the dining room table, giving an opportunity to cater to
the individual taste of one's guests.

Have a center piece of three large white tissue paper bells tied
together with white ribbon. Place them on their side with long ribbon
streamers coming from underneath each one and in the center of the
three place another white bell, open side up, holding an infant doll to
represent the new year. Intertwine a few sprays of asparagus fern or

It is not wise to serve intoxicants to New Year's callers thus adding a
drop to the bucket that will overflow eventually with regret and

New Year's Day Party Invitations may be in hour glass form cut from
heavy white paper, or bell shape.

Decorations of evergreen festoons and wreaths are appropriate, also the
tissue paper bells and festoons and holly and mistletoe.

A pretty center piece for the table is a large pile of snow balls made
of cotton and sprinkled with diamond dust, each one containing a small
favor and having a ribbon attached which runs to each plate and at a
given time the guests may each pull a ribbon and receive a prize.

Refreshments may be ice cream in the form of snow balls, small cakes
with the abbreviated names of the months frosted on, assorted fancy
cakes and bon-bons.

The following games are suggested.


Each person is given a paper and pencil and requested to write at the
top of the page the word "Resolved," followed by expressions of
amendment that he or she is conscious of needing. One such attempt at
self examination resulted in the following resolves:

  "I will be as honest as the times will permit."

  "I will be good to all."

  "I will tell no more lies."

  "My best self shall rule."

  "I will try to love everybody."

These are read aloud and the authorship guessed. All the correct guesses
at the authorship are counted, for the prize of a china mug with "For a
Good Girl" or "For a Good Boy" in letters upon it.


Upon the floor are twelve candles in a row, all alight and each of a
different color. Each candle stands for a month in the year. The white
one for January, blue for February, pale green for March, bright green
for April, violet for May, light pink for June, dark pink for July,
yellow for August, lilac for September, crimson for October, orange for
November, scarlet for December. Each child in turn is invited to jump
over the candles, and if the feat be accomplished without extinguishing
a single candle, prosperity and happiness are in store through all the
months of the coming year; but if one is put out, ill-luck threatens in
the month whose shining is thus eclipsed; while to knock one over,
predicts dire calamity.


The players seat themselves in a circle except one who gives all a name
pertaining to the calendar and chooses a name for himself. If there are
twelve or less players, each take the name of a month. If more than a
dozen play name them January first, January second, etc.

The player standing in the center of the circle, with a tin plate,
places it upon its edge and spins it, at the same time calling out the
name of a month or day of the month which has been given to one of the

The person named must jump up and catch the plate before it stops
spinning or he must pay a forfeit. It is then his turn to spin the plate
and call some one else into the center.


Look through your old newspapers and magazines and cut out all the
pictures of the famous men and women of the century you find--everybody,
from Decatur to Li Hung Chang, from Daniel Boone to Kruger, from Queen
Hortense to Helen Gould, from Coxey to Kipling. Clip the names off, and
make frames for them of pasteboard and gilt paper.

Write the invitations on the backs of your cards: "You are invited to
attend the opening of the Nineteenth Century Portrait Gallery, on New
Year's Eve,"--fixing the hours to suit yourself.

Then clear your drawing-room of all its furniture and pictures, covering
the walls with the pictures you have framed. In the middle of the floor
make a pedestal of two store boxes covered with a sheet, and on it stand
a girl dressed as the goddess of Fame--draped in a sheet, her hair
knotted in Grecian style, her bare arms hanging straight down, with a
laurel wreath in one hand, and in the other a little package neatly
tied. Light the room with four heavily shaded piano lamps, one in each

Outside the drawn portieres seat another girl dressed as Time, with
white hair and beard and hour-glass and scythe. And on the floor before
her put a basket woven of evergreens, and filled with little tablets,
each marked with all the numbers that are stuck in the corners of the
pictures. Four little girls of different sizes as the Seasons--Spring
with a wreath of artificial jonquils, Summer with roses, Autumn with
chrysanthemums, Winter with holly--stand on the stairs to receive.

As the guests arrive they are led up to Time, who bids them enter his
temple of Fame, and write down on the tablets he gives them, the names
of those they recognize.

They enter and begin their inspection of the pictures, putting down such
as they know--or think they know; and incidentally making many mistakes.
And when they have finished the round of the room, they sign their
tablets, drop them into Time's basket, and are led away by a Season to
the supper room.

When all the guests have made the tour of inspection, and the prize has
been adjudged, the winner is escorted back to the "gallery" by the whole
company, to receive from the hands of the Goddess the laurel wreath and
its little golden duplicate that the package contains.


A novel way of selecting partners for a New Year's party is to paint
upon water color paper such objects as may illustrate the different
months of the year. A candle for January, to represent Twelfth Night, or
"The Feast of Candles." February, a heart for St. Valentine. March, the
shamrock, as complimentary to St. Patrick. For April, an umbrella, the
sign of rain. May, the month for moving, is represented by a sign upon
which are the words, "House to Let." June, of course, is the month of
roses, while a fire-cracker is always symbolical of July. A fan for the
hot month of August, and a pile of school books for the first days of
September. Hallow-e'en, the gala day of October, has a Jack-o'lantern,
while the year closes with a turkey for Thanksgiving and a stocking for

Cut these out and fasten a loop of ribbon to each one, except the
fire-cracker, where a bit of cord will answer both for the fuse and the
loop by which to hang it. These are for the ladies, while the men will
receive plain cards upon each one of which is written a month of the
year. If there be more than twenty-four guests there are many other
available days, as Arbor Day, represented by a tree; a hatchet for
Washington's Birthday; a flag for Flag Day; a saw, trowel or spade for
Labor Day, and a ballot box for Election Day. If it be necessary to use
these extra days the plain cards must be numbered to designate the
different days of the same month. For instance, the card that
corresponds with St. Valentine's Day will be February No. 1, while the
bearer of February No. 2 will be the partner for the holder of the
Washington's birthday illustration.

The same idea may be carried out for dinner favors, painting the various
objects on cards about four by six inches in size, and pasting on one
corner a small calendar. When the guests arrive they will be given the
plain slips upon which are written the months of the year, and must then
find at the table the calendars that correspond with their cards.


At dinners, parties and entertainments given on February 12th, the
anniversary of the birth of our immortal Lincoln, one aim of the host or
hostess should be to imbue the affair with the spirit of patriotism; so
use the good old red, white and blue for the color scheme in decorating.
Busts and pictures of Lincoln, national emblems, such as the flag,
shield, American Eagle, etc., and military accouterments would make
appropriate decorations.

Dinner favors should be candy boxes representing either miniature log
cabins or a log of wood with a tiny paper or metal ax imbedded in it;
small busts of Lincoln would make ideal favors for such an occasion.
Place cards may have on the reverse side a quotation from Lincoln which
the guests may read in turn to furnish food for thought and
conversation. The following sayings of Lincoln are suggested:--

"I do not think much of a man who is not wiser to-day than he was

"Gold is good in its place, but living, brave, and patriotic men are
better than gold."

"Let none falter who thinks he is right."

"My politics are short and sweet like an old woman's dance."

"I have never studied the art of paying compliments to women; but I must
say that if all that has been said by orators and poets since the
creation of the world in praise of women, were applied to the women of
America, it would not do them justice for their conduct during the war."

"You may fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people
all of the time; but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."

"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present."

"The way for a young man to rise is to improve himself every way he can,
never suspecting that anybody wishes to injure him."

"The severest justice may not always be the best policy."

"I always plucked a thorn and planted a rose when in my power."

"Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another."

"Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not
perish from the earth."


A most enjoyable afternoon or evening may be furnished ones friends by
giving a military euchre party, as suggested for Washington's Birthday.


Supply pencils and papers to the guests having the following mixed words
written upon them:--

   1. Olinnlc
   2. Averlys
   3. Sidetenpr
   4. Lair-sliptter
   5. Stohen-Bea
   6. Yawrel
   7. Roft-Termus
   8. Pecanlurib
   9. Caniream
  10. Yenktuck

Inform the guests that these words pertain to the history of Lincoln. An
appropriate prize may be given to the one having the correct answers, or
having the most correct answers in a limited time. The correct words

   1. Lincoln
   2. Slavery
   3. President
   4. Rail-splitter
   5. Honest Abe
   6. Lawyer
   7. Fort Sumter
   8. Republican
   9. American
  10. Kentucky


Guests are to be supplied with pencils and papers containing the
following letters:--

  1. Loadailrrfliar
  2. Aliredalrig
  3. Ginlatirlairgruad
  4. Wilrayalingir
  5. Letairrlailerry

Which are the rails to be split or divided into ten words, each rail
containing two words which contain the word "rail" with other letters.
The person splitting the most rails in a given time (having the most
correct words) should be awarded a suitable prize. The split rails

  1. Railroad, frail
  2. Derail, grail
  3. Trailing, railguard
  4. Railway, railing
  5. Trailer, raillery.


Several children are chosen as slaves and stand in the center of the
room. The other children stand in a circle about them, forming a chain
by linking each arm into the arm of a child on either side and clasping
his own hands in front of him. The chain of children may circle around
or stand in one place while the slaves try to break the chain and gain
their freedom.


The tiny tots would enjoy building a log cabin of tooth-picks by placing
upon the table two wooden tooth-picks about two inches apart in a
horizontal line, then laying two tooth-picks across them in a vertical
position. Place two more directly above the first ones, then two above
the second ones and so on as high as the children can build.


Invitations for this party are written on red paper hearts. The
decorations also are red paper hearts strung from the corners of the
rooms to the chandeliers, between arches, draped across windows, etc.,

For refreshments, cakes and ices may be heart shape, also tiny heart
shape sandwiches and candy hearts with mottoes on them.

For a center piece a wax cupid with bow and arrow in the midst of
flowers and foliage, with various sized red paper hearts scattered

A large heart shaped bag with the words, "There is something in my heart
for you," printed on it, contains a valentine or a favor for each guest.
The young host or hostess holds the bag while the guests march along and
each one in turn reaches into the bag for a prize.

The following games are appropriate:--


The players sit in a circle around the room except one who is selected
for postman, blind folded and placed in the center of the room. Some
grown person, who acts as Postmaster General giving each child the name
of a city or town and standing in a position to see the players, begins
the game by saying, "I have sent a valentine from Chicago to New York
(or the names of any of the cities or towns given the children.)" The
children representing these cities change places quickly, the postman
trying to catch them or to sit in one of the empty chairs. If he is
successful in either attempt the child who is caught or whose chair he
has taken becomes postman, while the retiring postman receives a small
valentine as his reward. A child who remains seated when his name is
called must take the place of the postman.


The players seat themselves round the room, and one having announced
"Cupid is coming," another questions, "How is he coming?" Whereupon
everyone must in turn say "Cupid is coming amblingly" or "amiably," or
use some other adverb beginning with "A." When every member of the
company has mentioned an adverb, the game goes on by using adverbs
beginning with "B," then "C," and so on until all the letters are used
up, or the company prefers to change the game. Anyone failing to supply
an adverb must pay a forfeit.


Candy or paper hearts are hidden in nooks and corners, behind bric a
brac, curtains, etc. Heart shaped paper baskets, boxes or envelopes are
given to each hunter, to put the hearts in. The one finding the greatest
number of hearts receives a heart shaped prize, such as a box of
bon-bons, pin tray or cushion, photo frame, blotter, pen wiper, needle
book, trinket box, etc. etc.


A large white heart-shaped target having a small red heart for the
bull's eye, a bow and cupid's dart are necessary for this game. Each
person in turn stands a certain distance from the target and shoots at
the red heart. A satin heart with the motto, "Cupid's dart has pierced
my heart" may be awarded the person making the best shot.


The following sentences are written on heart shaped cards and passed
with pencils to the guests who are told to supply the missing word with
a word whose first five letters spell heart.

   1. Cupid's symbol--.                   1. Hearts
   2. Cupid greets you--.                 2. Heartily
   3. Sitting on the--.                   3. Hearth
   4. He is never--.                      4. Heartless
   5. Sometimes he is--.                  5. Heart-sick
   6. If he has caused a--.               6. Heartache
   7. If he were ill with--.              7. Heart-burn
   8. It would be--.                      8. Heart-rending
   9. His favorite flower is--.           9. Heart's-ease
  10. Thoughts of love to touch the--.   10. Heart-strings

The first person who guesses correctly receives an appropriate heart
shaped prize.


Place two red paper hearts which have been cut into several irregular
pieces into an envelope and distribute to each gentleman guest, who
selects a lady for a partner and at a signal they begin putting the
pieces together to form the heart. The couple first getting the pieces
together in perfect order, forming two hearts, wins the contest and each
receives a prize.


Fasten a large white handkerchief on the wall or door. Paste or sew a
small red paper heart in the center of it.

Let each person in turn be blindfolded and try to pin a heart of
corresponding size over the heart on the handkerchief. The one
accomplishing the feat or coming the nearest to it receives a valentine
or appropriate prize.


To give a patriotic air to the surroundings should be the aim of the
hostess in giving a party or entertaining on Washington's Birthday.

Use the American flag, various sizes, for draping and decorating
pictures, mantels, door-ways, windows etc., and red white and blue
bunting hung from the chandeliers to the corners of the room, over
archways, twined around the banister of stairways, etc., etc.

Red, white and blue paper garlands, paper hatchets and clusters or
branches of artificial cherries are attractive; and pictures and busts
of Washington draped with flags or bunting would be very effective.

A military Euchre Party would be very appropriate for this occasion.
Invitations written on a card with the American flag painted or printed
on may be worded as follows:

  | You are respectfully requested to enlist in a |
  |              Military Skirmish                |
  | On Friday Evening      February twenty-second |
  | At the Barrack, seven forty-six First Street. |
  | Assembly call           By order of           |
  | Eight o'clock              Mrs. John Smith    |
  | sharp                        General pro-tem. |

Greet the guests with a military salute, which they should, of course,

Over each table suspend a small wooden ball with tiny holes in, just
large enough to insert the smallest size flag having a wooden staff.
(These flag holders may be purchased. They are usually red and have a
long round stick or handle which may be tied or wired to the chandelier,
or festoons.)

Red, white and blue festoons must be strung upon wire or very heavy cord
to be strong enough to hold the wooden ball for the flags.

A card about three by ten inches bearing the name of a fort should also
be hung over the table. Fort Sumter, Fort Ticonderoga, Fort Moultrie,
Fort Duquesne, Fort Riley, Fort Hamilton, Fort Necessity, Fort Dodge,
Fort McAllister, and Fort Donelson are names which may be used.

Tally cards may represent flags or shields with red strings or ribbons
for the ladies and blue for the men, and on the reverse side write the
name of the fort and company, as "Fort Sumter, Company A" and "Fort
Sumter, Company B" instead of table 1, couple 1, etc., etc.

Six players are at each table--three are Company A and three are Company
B. When all are seated the bugle is sounded and company A of each fort
advances to the next fort in rotation to meet the enemy, company A of
the foot table coming to the first table or fort.

The bugle sounds again as a signal for the players to begin. Company A
are partners sitting alternately with company B, who are partners and,
of course, company A play against company B.

Thirty-three cards are used to play this game, the Joker, Aces, Kings,
Queens, Jacks, Ten, Nine, Eight, and Seven spots. Five cards are dealt
to each player, the three remaining cards, called the widow, are turned
face down. No trump is turned. After the deal the players bid for the
trump in turn, commencing with the eldest hand. When a player bids he
must name the suit he bids on. The highest bid wins and the bidder is
entitled to the widow, selecting any cards he wishes and discarding
others in their place. The side whose bid is successful must win the
number of tricks bid or it is euchred and the opposite side scores the
amount bid. A bid to play alone is higher than a bid of five and if the
bidder takes all the tricks his side scores ten.

At the end of five minutes the bugle is sounded and all must stop
immediately. The company which has scored the most points at that time
is victorious and takes the small flag, which has been placed on the
table while they were playing, and places it in their own fort. (The
flag holder suspended above the table.)

All players return to their original forts and at the first sound of the
bugle company B advances to meet the enemy while company A remains to
protect the fort. At the second bugle call the soldiers begin the
warfare which lasts another five minutes when the bugle announces time
is up. A flag is given to the winning company at each table and furled
above their fort, the players again taking their original seats at their
own fort.

At the bugle's blast company A advances to the second fort while company
B remains to hold the fort, etc. etc.

These maneuvers are kept up until the "soldiers" of each fort have
"fought for the flag" with the "soldiers" of each of the other forts, or
as long as the "General" may see fit.

The home fort must not be deserted by all of its soldiers at the same
time. Either company A or company B remain during each skirmish--nor do
company A and company B of the same fort play against each other.

At the desired time the sound of the bugle is heard and the skirmish is
ended. The fort having captured the most flags gains the victory and
each soldier should be awarded a suitable prize. The fort having the
least number of flags may be given a booby prize in the shape of small
toy drums for the ladies and toy fife or horn for the gentlemen. The
"General" may then order the soldiers of this fort to serenade the
victorious soldiers.

Fruit Punch with a generous supply of Maraschino cherries may be served
during the evening.

Refreshments may consist of sandwiches tied with red, white and blue
ribbon; red, white and blue layer cake (vegetable coloring can be
obtained from the confectioner) or small fancy cakes; red, white and
blue cream patties, salted nuts, coffee, cherry ice or vanilla
ice-cream. Use an ice cream disher which forms the ice cream into a
conical shape. Small flags having a very long pin for a staff are placed
in these forts.

The menu may be enlarged by serving a salad or meat patties of various

Cream cheese served with preserved cherries and salted crackers would be
a palatable and appropriate dish. Ice cream and ices may be obtained
from the caterer in various appropriate molds, such as cannon balls,
shields, flags, Geo. Washington hatchets, etc., etc.


A White cloth covered the table at this luncheon--a white embroidered
linen center piece with lace edge under which showed red crepe tissue
paper--vase of red and white carnations. Place Cards ornamented with
hand painted cherries and hatchets. Favors, miniature artificial cherry
trees (with a tiny paper hatchet at the base) growing in (imitation)
birch-wood candy boxes, which should be filled with candied cherries.

Cream of oyster soup served in bouillon cups--salted crackers.--Celery;
pimentos cut in small pieces; salted peanuts in red paper cups. Serve
on individual plates, chicken chartreuse with cannon ball potatoes.

Chicken Chartreuse,--Butter tin moulds (1/2 pt. tin cups are good ones)
and line with cooked rice. Fill with creamed chicken previously
prepared. Set moulds in pan of hot water and keep hot until wanted. Run
knife around inside of tin to loosen the contents and invert mould upon
serving plate. The result will be apparently a mould of rice. Place a
Maraschino cherry on the top.

Cannon Ball Potatoes,--With a potato scoop cut round balls out of raw
potatoes. Boil them in beet juice or use enough liquid off of pickled
beets to color the water a deep red. Watch carefully that they do not
cook soft enough to break. Serve a couple on each plate with the chicken

Thin bread and butter sandwiches.

Lady Washington Salad,--Cut the top off and scoop out the inside of
bright red Jonathan apples. Place them on white lace paper doilies on
salad plates and fill with the following mixture:--

Equal portions of apple and celery cut in small cubes, one-eighth the
amount of pimentos cut fine and one-eighth the amount of Maraschino
cherries cut in half. Use a mayonnaise dressing or one of the
manufactured salad dressings mixed with a generous amount of whipped

Coffee covered with whipped cream. Vanilla ice cream or any fancy cream
that is white, served in champagne glasses topped with a maraschino
cherry. Marshmallow cake dotted with candied cherries. Red and white
cream patties.



Small paper hatchets (containing candy if desired) are previously hidden
in every conceivable place in rooms to which guests have access, behind
doors and pictures, in vases, under chairs and tables, on the gas
fixtures, etc., etc. A certain length of time should be allowed for the
hunt and the one finding the most hatchets should be rewarded with a


A tooth pick is suspended by a string in the door way or from the
ceiling just out of reach of the children. Stick a ripe cherry or a
candied cherry on the tooth pick. The children in turn jump up and try
to catch the cherry in their mouth. The cherry is the prize and when won
by one of the children another cherry must be put on the toothpick until
each child has had a turn.


Distribute to each guest a pencil and a slip of paper with the following
letters written upon it:--

   1 Higtaswonn      1 Washington
   2 Itesrpden       2 President
   3 Nutom Nervon    3 Mount Vernon
   4 Leyalv Gorfe    4 Valley Forge
   5 Serrouvy        5 Surveyor
   6 Wealadre        6 Delaware
   7 Rechyr Erte     7 Cherry Tree
   8 Rebrafuy        8 February
   9 Tariopt         9 Patriot
  10 Sametastn      10 Statesman

Announce to them that by transposing the letters they will spell a word
which is in some way connected with the history of George Washington.
The person having the correct answers first or the one having the most
correct answers in a given time wins a prize. A candy box in the form of
a pie full of candied cherries would be appropriate or something in a
patriotic line such as a portrait or bust of Washington--a small cannon
on a solid base intended for a paper weight--a drum pincushion--a
miniature sword paper knife, etc., etc.


A space about four or five feet wide is marked off on the floor by
stretching two strings from one side of the room to the other or with
chalk which represents the "Delaware River." Or an imaginary line will
answer. Half of the players stand on one side of the space and half on
the opposite side.

Each company has a captain who gives each of his soldiers a name that
denotes action and can be demonstrated--beginning with the letter "A"
such as appealingly, angrily, etc. The second soldier's name begins with
"B"--blindly, bashfully, boisterously. The third soldier's name begins
with "C"--cautiously, carelessly, curiously, and so on through the
alphabet until all are named.

Then the captain of company A announces, "Washington is crossing the
Delaware." The captain of the opposite company "B" replies, "How?" The
first captain responds "A" whereupon the soldier of his company whose
name begins with "A" walks across the space and back "awkwardly,"
"angrily" or acting whatever name has been given to him (or her.) The
opposite side try to guess the name from the actions or manner of the
soldier. If the soldier crosses to the opposite side and back before his
name is guessed he remains with his own company, but if the soldiers of
the opposite side guess his name before he reaches camp he must join
their ranks.

Then the captain of company B announces, "Washington is crossing the
Delaware." Captain of company A asks, "How?" Captain of company B
responds "A" and his soldier "A" crosses over "anxiously," "actively"
or whatever the name may be. If he succeeds in reaching camp before his
name is guessed he remains there but joins the opposite company if they
guess his name before he reaches camp.

Now it is company A's turn to send soldier "B" across with the same
preliminaries as before. Then company B sends soldier "B" across the
Delaware. Then Company A sends soldier "C" followed by soldier "C" of
company B and so on, a soldier from each company alternately until all
have had a chance to cross.

The company having the most soldiers is victorious, as they have either
crossed successfully or been captured. They may be rewarded by some
appropriate trifle such as a tiny flag or paper hatchet, or some of the
small brass or metal stick pins representing shields, flags, eagles,
colonial hats, rosettes, muskets, drums, etc., etc.


April first would be an occasion for a fancy dress party en masque.
Invitations may be written on a large sheet of paper and folded or
rolled into a small parcel and tied up in wrapping paper like a package.

Decorate the rooms with paper or artificial flowers and plants. April
Fool the guests when time for them to arrive by having the lights as low
as possible. The maid or person admitting the guests informs them the
hostess is "not at home," but immediately adds "please come in and
wait," and they are then directed to lighted rooms where they may remove
their wraps.

An invitation to a "Folly Party" may be adorned with a picture of a
fools cap and bells or a Jester. One form reads thus:--

  On ye night of April first at stroke of eight
  Ye Fooles and Jesters will congregate
  At ---- St; Prithee come, likewise
  Bedecked in frivolous garb, Thy face disguise
  So unquestioned you may see
  "What fools these mortals be."

If there is any question as to which member or members of the family is
giving the party, enclose a visiting card or write the name of the host
or hostess on the reverse side of invitation or back of envelope.

One may choose from the following menu, foolish food for refreshment.

  Turtle Soup--au natural
  (Soup plates or bouillon cups of water with tiny toy turtle in
  each one)

  (Toy or paper red dishes)

  (A dish of artificial or natural lilies to pick from)

  Blue Points
  (Short pointed ends of blue crayon or lead pencils)

  (Tiny fire crackers)


  Baked Sole
  (An old sole of a shoe)

  Fried Perch
  (A wooden perch--the kind used in bird cages)


  Spring Lamb
  (A toy lamb in place of a jack-in-the-box)

  Wild Duck
  (Throw at the guests a large handful of small rubber or paper balls
  attached to rubber strings, so they will return and hit no one--the
  guests will "duck" to escape being hit.)


  Rabbit en casserole
  (Hair (hare) in covered dish)


  Strawberry Ice
  (Strawberry buried in ice)

  Cake--Devil's Food
  (Sulphur matches)

  Black Coffee
  (Have the colored man step in and cough)

  Mixed Nuts
  (Iron nuts such as used on bolts and machinery)

  (Yeast cakes)

The hostess should have a bell at her place and ring it before each
course, when the butler (or a gentleman who will act as butler for the
occasion) will repeat in a loud voice the order of the hostess which, of
course, will be simply the name of the food about to be served. Or have
at each plate a small card with the menu written on it.

For a centerpiece a dish of artificial fruit or a vase of daffodils
(daffy-dills) may be used, placed on a cloth centerpiece, circular and
cut in points, a bell on each point. Two colors should be used for the

A few dishes of April Fool bon bons may be distributed on the table.

After this foolish feast is ended genuine refreshments should be served.
One might reverse the order of serving; begin with the dessert and end
with what should have been first.

Many viands may be served "in disguise" and yet be very palatable. For
instance creamed chicken, sweet breads, etc., may be encased in mashed
potato or boiled rice.

Line tin moulds with the potato or rice, fill the center with the
creamed fowl, sweet breads or oysters and heat in pan of hot water. When
inverted on serving plate there will be, apparently, a mound of potatoes
or rice.

Large baked potato skins may be used to enclose the meat, also grape
fruit or orange rinds cut in half and contents removed, then filled with
the hot chicken, etc., and the other half replaced, or cover the top
with a lettuce leaf or sprigs of water cress or parsley.

Lift one section of a banana skin, remove fruit, fill with any desired
salad and replace section of skin. Use a toothpick to keep in place if

Olives may be served, each covered with the half of an English walnut
shell. A corn husk may hold a sandwich, etc., etc.

Fruit cups may be made from apples, oranges, lemons, grape fruit,
bananas, etc., and many of the vegetables could be utilized. The large
telephone pea pods may contain a small pickle or relish of some kind.

Mangoes or green pepper pods, tomatoes, cantaloupe, cucumbers, etc., may
be scooped out and filled with food of a different nature.

Cover the opening in the bottom of small flower pots with stiff paper or
fill with paraffin wax. Line the flower pot with stiff white paper to
within an inch of the top. Fill with chocolate ice cream or any desired
cream, but cover the top with chocolate ice cream or chocolate frosting
as dark as possible, sprinkle grated sweet chocolate or bits of
chocolate fudge on top. Stick rather a short stemmed carnation, daisy or
similar flower in the center and serve.

Small cakes may be served from cabbage heads. Use cabbage having the
outside leaves on. Open the outer leaves carefully until there is enough
to hide the interior. Cut out the center of the cabbage and fill with
small cakes.

All sorts of odd candy boxes filled with candies may be used for favors.

Ordinary refreshments may be served on dishes not ordinarily used for
that particular purpose. Use bowls or soup dishes instead of
cups--saucers, vegetables dishes, cups, etc., where plates or platters
should be used.

The clever hostess will, no doubt, think of many ways wise and otherwise
to serve refreshments on such an occasion.


A "King's Jester," painted in water-color, clad in red and yellow,
smiling and beckoning, is painted on one side of the white card of
invitation. On the reverse side is written, in gold ink, "'Fools make
feasts and wise people eat them,' saith the seer. Will you be one of
the many wise ones on All Fools' Day evening to partake of a feast, and
make merry betimes?"

On the appointed evening the guests are met at the door and conducted to
the parlor by a youth, dressed in a red blouse with full bishop sleeves
and long pointed yellow cuffs, and a full-gathered, double skirt, half
way to the knees, made in pointed scallops--the scallops of the lower
skirt of yellow alternating with the scallops of the upper one of red
with a jingling gold bell sewed to each scallop. One stocking is red,
and the other yellow, and one foot is thrust into a red sandal, and the
other into a yellow one, with a bell on each sharply pointed toe.

Around his waist is a red leather belt; a yellow jester's cap with red
leather rim, and with bells on the hood, and a red cape with yellow
lining completes his dress. The costume is made of glossy sateen; the
sandals of canton flannel.

A half hour before dinner, the "fool" hands each guest pencil and paper
and menu card, and they are asked to guess the dinner viands. The menu
reads, "Food for the Wise:"

   1. Baked portion of beast Americanized in 1493, by Columbus. (Ham.)

   2. Fried jewel-boxes of the sea. (Oysters.)

   3. Fried young sons of a fowl first found in Java. (Spring chicken.)

   4. Slices of a Chilean tuber that once saved a cross-sea nation from
      famine. (Chipped potatoes.)

   5. Love apples. (Tomatoes.)

   6. Salad of a bleached vegetable, akin to the hemlock of Socrates.
      (Celery salad.)

   7. A nineteen-day vegetable. (Radishes.)

   8. A Greek herb pudding. (Asparagus.)

   9. Fruit that caused a war. (Apples.)

  10. Sauce of an old world plant, akin to dock. (Rhubarb.)

  11. Slices of bread, and the fruit of the emblem of peace. (Olives

  12. A food with which Canaan was said to flow--eggs and sugar, boiled
      and frozen. (Custard.)

  13. Dear to squirrels. (Nuts.)

  14. Sugar plums. (Bon-bons.)

  15. Obtained from the hoopskirt and tin can eater. (Cheese.)

  16. Sugared dough. (Cake.)

  17. A drink (from a berry) introduced in England in 1652 by a Greek.

The prizes for the best "guessers" are books--Max Pemberton's "Queen of
Jesters" for the fortunate girl, and Victor Hugo's "Man Who Laughs" for
the lucky man. The booby prizes are wands with "fools' heads" of

The cloth of the dining table is made of sheeting, with a two-inch hem,
and with pleasantly jingling bells of yellow and red sewed thickly
around the entire edge.

At each end of the table, with each hand catching a red ribbon that runs
in waves entirely around the table, is a King's Jester, painted on the
cloth--facsimiles of the living one who served the guests.

For painting the cloth--common tube paints are used--taking for a
thinning medium a mixture of three ounces of turpentine, ten drops of
pure cider vinegar, six drops of lemon extract, and a little sugar of
lead. The figures are drawn with a lead drawing pencil, and care taken
in painting them to prevent the paint spreading over the edges of the
design. Several days are given the cloth to dry before using.

The tomatoes and apples are yellow and red; the radishes are red; the
cakes are small squares, iced yellow and red, and the bon-bons are
little clear red and lemon colored fishes--typical of the French
"poissons d'Avril," "April fish," as their "April Fool" is called.

Following are a few games, etc., for the amusement of children small and
children tall.


Let one of the ladies be blindfolded and seated behind a large screen or
curtain or in a tent in an adjoining room which is dimly lighted. A
gypsy tent may be improvised with three long sticks tied together at one
end, the other ends resting on the floor at equal distances forming a
tripod which is covered with a couple of large sheets.

Announce to the guests, "We have secured for your pleasure this evening
that remarkable necromancer, Madam Loof-lirpa. (April fool spelled
backwards.) The madam is the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter
and has the rare and marvelous power of second sight, and while securely
blindfolded she will tell you anything that you have done."

"All are welcome to visit this seeress but only one at a time. Mr. ----
you may come first if you please," (naming one of the gentlemen

Just before ushering the "fated" one into the presence of Madam
Loof-lirpa, inform him that in order to be sure the fortune teller
cannot see through the bandages over her eyes, he should make several
motions or signs or pose before her for a few seconds and then say to
her "Madam, what did I do?"

The Seeress may keep him in suspense a second or two before replying or
may say "I am not quite sure. Please do it again," and finally answer,
"You made a fool of yourself."

Each victim has the privilege of remaining near enough to see the next
one caught.


Place a number of articles such as pillows, books, handkerchiefs,
inexpensive bric-a-brac, etc., on the floor. One person acts as leader
and walks in a zigzag path around the obstacles, followed by the others.
Then one of the party is blindfolded and told by the leader to "follow
my foot-steps and if you do not break or mar anything you shall have a

When the "victim" starts on his journey everything is quietly removed
from his path and when he has tired of wandering and removes the bandage
he is greeted by "April Fool."


Ask the guests to tell the most foolish thing they ever did and give a
suitable prize for the most foolish answer.


The players form a circle taking hold of hands and circle around one of
the players who is blindfolded and holds a staff or cane. When he raps
on the floor with the cane they all stand still. He then points the cane
towards some one, saying, "It is to laugh." The person touched by the
cane or nearest it places the end of the cane close to his mouth and
laughs. If his name is guessed by the player in the center they change
places and circle again--if not, they circle until the player in the
center succeeds in naming the owner of the laugh.


The guests are invited to inspect your collection of curios and
souvenirs which are displayed in numerous paste board boxes,
collectively on a large table, or distributed in convenient places about
the room on mantels, tables, piano, book shelves, etc.

Each box bears a large placard or label of its contents. "An Ancient
Instrument of Punishment," a worn slipper; "An Irish Bat," a brick bat;
"The Mummy of the Mound Builders," a stuffed mole; "Bonaparte," two
small bones placed apart from each other; "An American Fool's Cap," a
sheet of fools-cap paper; "Tainted Money," a penny flattened and
mutilated until it is spoiled; "A Longfellow Souvenir," a section of
bamboo; "A Pair of Ancient Pincers," two dried crawfish or lobster
claws; "A Fool's Paradise," a pair of dice; "Sacred White Rabbit," a
white hair.

  "A Lobster," a small mirror reflecting each one who peers in;

  "A Marble Bust from Italy," a broken marble;

  "A Pair of Pink Hose from London," two tiny toy hoes colored pink;

  "A Necktie from Mexico," a rope noose;

  "An Old Fashioned Beaux," a bow of ribbon;

  "A Diamond Tray," the three spot of diamonds.

  "A Crazy Flower," a daffodil (daffy-dill);

  Etc., etc.

Pitfalls and snares for the unwary are all around. A silver coin is
glued to the floor. A handkerchief or bow is fastened to the floor. A
vase of flowers have a little snuff or pepper sprinkled on them--those
who smell will sneeze. An artificial mouse is attached to a curtain.
Slyly pin papers, bearing different inscriptions, on the backs of some
of the guests. One may read, "Please tell me my name." All who read it
will tell him his name which becomes monotonous. "Please kiss me,"
"Please hold my hand," "Please kick me gently," "Please borrow my
money," "Please make me laugh," "Please call me Fond Heart."

These and many other foolish things will seem funny on All Fool's Day.


Easter Day should be a peaceful, happy day of rejoicing, thanksgiving
and praise to the Giver of all good. Easter is symbolic of a new life,
and a brighter one. It is springtime, the sun shines brightly, and
Nature smiles. She is rejoicing because her dead are coming to life
again. The trees, the grass, the flowers all rise up in the glory of a
new and beautiful life. Chrysalis and egg are not strong enough to keep
back the new life of butterfly and bird which rises skyward to rejoice,
each in its own way.

One of the oldest and most characteristic Easter rites and the most
widely diffused is the use of paschal (Easter or Passover) eggs. They
are usually dyed in various colors and people mutually make presents of
them. There can be little doubt that their use at this season was
originally symbolical of the revivication of nature, the springing forth
of life which in turn is symbolical of the ascension.

In some parts of the country colored eggs are hidden in nests or in
corners, and the children have a great deal of pleasure on Easter
morning hunting for the eggs which, according to German folk-lore, were
brought during the night by the White Rabbit.

Here is an idea for an Easter Luncheon which would be appropriate at
this season.


Use a large plateau or mirror for the centerpiece, in the center of
which lay an irregular piece of real (or artificial) moss about one-half
the diameter of the plateau (to represent an island.) Stick a few sprays
of asparagus and maidenhair fern in it and a number of white and yellow
spring flowers--the crocus, jonquil, daffodil, daisy and snowdrop. Cut
the stems of the flowers in various lengths to give a better effect.
Place a few (artificial) little fluffy chickens on the island and
several downy ducklings in the surrounding lake (mirror.) Or use a vase
of jonquils and daffodils for a center piece.

Place cards may be made by cutting bristol board into egg shape or oval
pieces. On a portion of this card spread some mucilage and sprinkle
yellow sand over it. Then stand a tiny yellow chick (these are made of
wool and can be purchased very cheap) on the sand (using glue) and close
behind it glue the small end of an egg shell. Similar cards can be
purchased all ready decorated.

Serve a grape fruit cocktail first. Cut the grape fruit in half, take
out the fruit in as large pieces as possible, place in a bowl with the
juice. Mix with this a small amount of white grapes, halved and the
seeds removed, and a portion of pineapple canned or fresh cut in small
pieces and some of the juice or syrup from the pineapple. Add a little
sugar and angelica wine if desired. Remove the pulp from the grape
fruit, fill each half with the mixture and serve on doylie covered

For a relish use celery, white radishes, small yellow tomato pickles or
pickled white grapes.

The meat course consists of creamed chicken, creamed sweetbreads and
creamed veal. Carefully cut about one-third of the shell off the top of
as many eggs as needed. Remove egg and fill shell with the hot creamed
meat, (use three shells for each plate, each having a different filling)
and replace top of shell.

Form shoestring potatoes into a nest on a serving plate and place the
stuffed eggs in the nest. (Tap the filled egg slightly on the end,
indenting but not breaking it and the egg will easily stand on end.)

Or make a nest of mashed potatoes pressing it through a fruit press or
potato ricer and place in the center of it meat croquettes, oval shaped
and very delicately browned.

Bread sticks or tiny rolls tied with white and yellow ribbon. Mould the
butter into the shape of an egg.

Escalloped corn in ramikins.

Salad of California Asparagus tips on bleached lettuce leaf: Place a
ring of hard boiled eggs around the stem end of asparagus (slice hard
boiled eggs cross-wise, remove the yolk and thrust the ends of asparagus
through the white part) serve with French dressing.

If ice cream is to be served on plates, have vanilla and orange flavors
packed in a tubular mold, the orange in the center and the vanilla
around the outside so that when cut it has the appearance of a slice of
hard boiled egg.

If the cream is served in glasses have the two colors moulded in the
form of an egg.

Serve lady fingers and egg kisses, or angel food and sunshine cake.

At each place have salted almonds in a yellow egg shell cup. Color the
eggs a rich yellow, cut off about one-third of the top and remove
egg--use the larger portion of the shell, mash the end a trifle and glue
to a small oval paste board.

Bon-bons consist of small jelly eggs, white and yellow in a tiny basket
at each place.

The favors are Easter bonnets which the guests are asked to wear.
(Procure small doll hats of various styles profusely trimmed with
flowers of white and yellow and place a common white hat pin in each


A very pleasant entertainment to be given about Eastertide is one at
which the all-engrossing head covering of the season is to be

The materials required are simple--two sheets of tissue paper for each
guest, numerous pairs of scissors and silver table knives, and pins
without limit.

The workroom--preferably one provided with a large table--is decorated
with plates of fashionable hats borrowed from a milliner, advertisements
of all sorts displaying bonnets, and half a dozen pattern hats
previously made by the hostess.

Placards announcing "Fashion's Fancies" or "Hints on Headgear" give
substantial advice like the following: "Bald-headed gentlemen are no
longer affecting the pompadour style of hat;" "A simple crown is King
Edward VII.'s favorite headgear at present;" "None but the very fast set
will wear more than fifteen colors in any one bonnet this season."

Each guest is furnished with a roll of two sheets of paper which
harmonize in hue, and is told to make a hat or bonnet in fifteen
minutes. Really surprising results will begin to appear. Some very
lovely creations will be evolved by the tasteful fingers of the
wonderful woman who can stretch a dollar; exceedingly funny dunce and
soldier caps with nodding tassels of paper fringe will be the products
of the big men who can always laugh and give others an occasion for
mirth. Hats with brims and without, crownless and with peaked crowns,
with streamers and with ties, so small that they challenge the
ever-present bow in the hair, and so large as to give cause for another
arrest in a New Orleans theater--all the hat family will be there--and
so will fun.

Did you ever make one? Lay together two squares of tissue of different
colors (white and blue are pretty), gather it--with pins--in a circle,
so as to form a crown, leaving the four corners sticking straight out
for the present. Roll back two corners loosely, so as to give a
pompadour effect for the front, and plait the others so they stand stiff
for high trimming behind. This gives you a foundation. For trimming use
aigrettes--long fringe pinned so tightly as to stand stiff and curled on
its edges with a table knife--and ostrich plumes--short fringe well
curled. Pin on the back a pair of bewitching strings, pat, punch and
pull into shape, and you have a fetching bonnet.

That is only one--an easy one. Numberless forms come when one begins to
invoke them.

When the time has expired, form couples for a cake walk before the
judges and award the prizes. A bunch of Easter lilies, or a clump of
hepaticas or pasque flowers growing in a tiny china bowl is appropriate
for head prize; a hat-pin or a book of nonsense verse for the foot

The following games are also suggested.


Give each person a certain number of hard boiled eggs. The one who
succeeds in cracking the shells of his opponent's by hitting the ends
together is the winner.


Place six hard boiled Easter eggs on each side of the room about one
foot apart. A large basket is placed at the far end of the room. The
players are divided in two sides, each side being chosen one at a time
by the leaders. A large wooden or tin spoon is then given to one player
on each side, who, at a given signal, dishes up the eggs one at a time
with the spoon, placing them in the basket provided. The leader replaces
the eggs on the floor and the next player on each side takes the spoon
and lifts the eggs from the floor and carries them to the basket and so
on until all have had a turn.

A record is kept of the winners and the side having the greater number
wins the game. This game may be changed slightly by someone timing the
players with a watch, keeping track of the seconds and the one getting
all the eggs into the basket in the shortest time receives a prize.

When it is convenient to play this game out of doors or in a very large
room place six or more rows of six eggs each on each side of the room or
lawn, with a player (provided with a spoon) behind each row. At a given
signal all start to pick up the eggs with their spoons, and the one
finishing first wins for his side.


A leader is chosen for the "hen" and the remainder of the children are
"chickens," except one who is supposed to be a chicken hawk.

They stand in a row behind one another and grasp the skirts or
coat-tails of the child ahead and then they march along with the "hen"
at the head of the line.

The "hawk" stands from six to sixteen feet away (the distance depends on
the size of the players and the space to play in, the larger each are
the greater the distance may be) watching the parade for a short time,
then begins to flop his wings (moves arms in imitation of flying) and
calls out, "How many chicks have you?" The "hen" replies, "four and
twenty, shoo! shoo!" The "hawk" shouts, "That's too many. I'll take a
few," and then runs after the children trying to touch or "tag" them.
The "hen," of course, tries to protect them by getting them under her
wing--when the "chicks" stoop they are supposed to be under their
mother's wing and cannot be caught. The children must not let go of each
other's skirts or coat-tails (except when caught, then the captured one
steps out of the line and the line is closed up.) The hen and chickens
may run around as much as they like, only they must keep together by
holding on to each other's clothes. The game continues until the hawk
has caught the hen and chickens--then a different player is chosen for
the hawk and the hen.


Hide colored Easter eggs or small candy eggs in various places, in
corners, behind curtains, bric a brac, etc., etc. Provide each child
with a small basket or paper bag and at a signal they start to hunt for
the hidden eggs. Allow a certain length of time for the hunting and
reward the one who finds the most eggs with a large candy egg.


Get ten small toy ten-pins or use wooden clothes pins. Stand them upon
end about six or eight inches apart in a line across the room. Use five
colored eggs for the balls. A player kneels on one knee at a distance of
four feet from the ten-pins and rolls the eggs, one after another toward
the ten-pins, knocking down as many as he can. Then another player rolls
the eggs and so on until all have taken a turn. Count is kept and the
person knocking down the most ten-pins is the winner and receives a
"Panorama egg" or some other appropriate prize.


May Day was one of the chief festivals of ancient times and also in more
modern times. The Romans held the "Floralia" or festivals in honor of
Flora, the Goddess of Flowers, from April 28th to the First of May. The
Celts and English used to celebrate May Day extensively. But time makes
many changes and as the years increase this custom has decreased, so
that in some parts of the country the present generation know May first
only as moving day instead of a festival of flowers.


If this entertainment is to be out-of-doors a long pole is erected in
the center of the lawn; or fastened into a solid base and set in the
center of the room if desired for indoor amusement.

Procure a very light weight wheel about twenty inches in diameter. Wind
bright colored bunting or ribbon around the wheel and spokes and attach
various flowers and blossoms singly and in clusters to the cloth,
letting some hang down as vines and festoons. Place the hub over top of
May Pole. Insert in the top of hub three pennants of red, white and blue
and stalks of flowers. Natural flowers should be used if possible but
paper or artificial ones may be substituted.

Attach from ten to twenty bright colored narrow streamers or ribbons to
the May-pole underneath the hub; braid these in and out around the May
pole intertwining garlands of flowers for a distance of about twelve
inches and fasten streamers securely in place. Supply each child with a
basket or bouquet of flowers.

The end of each streamer is given to a girl and boy alternately. The
girls hold the ribbon in the left hand and the boys hold the ribbon in
the right hand. They spread out into a circle the ribbons or streamers
at full length the children standing sideways from the May-pole, the
girls facing one direction and the boys facing the opposite direction.
The music starts up and the children dance around in a circle. The boys
pass on the outside first letting their ribbons pass over the heads of
the girls, then the girls pass at the outer edge of the circle letting
their ribbons pass over the heads of the boys, and so on until the
ribbons are braided around the May-pole, and then they are unwound in
the same manner if desired.


A Japanese fete is suitable for a May Day affair, especially for a large
affair where house and grounds can be utilized. The hostess who wishes
to carry out the Japanese idea correctly will study a book on Japanese
customs. She will find it an easy matter to make her grounds attractive
on this idea. Cross two long bamboo fishing poles over the gate and hang
two fancy lanterns therefrom. Make a path from gate to house by setting
up wooden pedestals surmounted by lanterns (this is the approach to the
Japanese temples); suspended. Outline the veranda with the lanterns,
suspend large ones in doors and windows, and burn red fire in dark
corners of the lawn. Have fans passed by small boys in Japanese costume.
Have all waiters in the house dressed as Japanese waiters.

In fixing up the house, take into consideration the Japanese love for
flowers and that they have several floral feasts. The flowers can be
made from paper. Let one room represent the cherry blossoms, the great
flower of Japan. Use the pink cherry blossoms everywhere, against the
walls, from chandelier and in the hair of the ladies. Serve cherry ice
and small cakes decorated with candied cherries, and cherry phosphate or
punch in this room. The wisteria is another flower which is cultivated
in great quantities in Japan. This room should be in lavender, and if it
is impossible to secure the wisteria for a pattern, show Japanese
photographs or have Japanese tableaux, a reading from "Madame
Butterfly," or "The Japanese Nightingale," and give tiny fans tied with
violet ribbon in this room. In August the Japanese have their feast of
the lotus and the pond lily can be used in decoration of one room. Have
everything here green and white. Use the water-lily and its broad leaves
in a frieze around the room and in a wreath about the table. For the
table decoration use tiny dwarf plants in odd jardiniers surmounting an
"island" made of rocks. Mirrors can be used about the base of this rocky
pile and a miniature garden laid out with tiny shells, white pebbles,
and the sprigs. The Japanese delight in making these miniature landscape
gardens in the smallest possible space; the dwarf trees, but a few
inches high, are the wonder of tourists.

In this room serve white sandwiches tied with red ribbons. These may be
chicken, Neufchatel cheese, chopped almonds and Brazil nuts, peanuts,
lettuce with white mayonnaise. Serve white ice cream, in scarlet tissue
cups, and cake. Decorate the squares of white cake with round red
candies in imitation of the flag of Japan. The imperial flag is the gold
ball on a red field, the national flag a red sun on a white field and
the man-of-war flag, a red sun with rays on a white field. Iced tea may
be served in this room.

A fancy dress party, each person representing a flower would be a pretty
idea for May Day. Dancing, according to history, was the favorite
pastime on this occasion and would be very appropriate at the present


Pass pencils and slips of paper to the guests with the following written
on each paper:--

   1. (A Symbol of purity.)
   2. (What has been done with a newspaper.)
   3. (A pronoun.)
   4. (A product of Japan.)
   5. (A braying fellow.)
   6. (A state of insanity.)
   7. (A rose without a thorn.)
   8. (A verdant growth found on old trees.)
   9. (A native of Africa.)
  10. (Pertaining to the U. S. and a synonym of lovely.)

Tell the guests that the questions represent some kind of a rose or a
word whose last syllable has the sound of rose. A suitable prize is
given the person who has the correct answers in a limited time.

The "roses" represented are (1) white rose; (2) red rose; (3) heroes;
(4) tea rose; (5) jack rose; (6) wild rose; (7) tuberose; (8) moss rose;
(9) negroes; (10) American beauty rose.


The children take hold of hands and form a circle; except one who stands
in the center of the ring. They circle around singing this little verse

  Ring Around a Rosy
  A pocket full of posy
  The one who stoops last
  Wants to be your Beau-sy

When the verse is ended the children in the circle stoop quickly and the
last one down must join the child in the center of the ring. The circle
of children go around again singing the same ditty. The last child to
stoop this time joins the one who went into the circle the previous time
and the child who has remained through the two verses steps out and
joins the children in the circle.


This is played the same as drop the handkerchief except a flower is used
instead of a handkerchief and the verse is a trifle different. The song
runs thus--"A tisket a tasket a green and yellow basket. I sent a
bouquet to my love and on the way I dropped it, etc., etc."


Fire crackers and fire works seem to have first place in the celebration
of our Glorious Fourth, but a few games and amusements of a patriotic
nature or connected in some way with the symbols of the day may not come


The players are seated in a row or circle except the leader who is
seated in the center of the group. The leader begins the game by asking
the first one "What will you do for your country." The player must reply
immediately with a word beginning with the letter "A" such as admire it,
adore it, aid it, act for it, etc., etc. If he does not reply promptly
he must pay a forfeit or he must pay a forfeit if he uses a word which
would show disloyalty to his country such as antagonize it, abhor it,
etc. etc.

The same question is put to each player to answer with a word beginning
with the letter "A." Then ask the first player again, "What will you do
for your country." This time the reply must begin with the letter "B"
such as battle, beg, bawl or be brave for it. The next time use the
letter "C" and so on through the alphabet.


The children take hold of hands and form a circle, except one who is
standard bearer and stands in the center of the circle holding an
American flag having a staff about four feet long, which is pointed so
it can be easily stuck into the ground. The children all sing,

  The Union Forever, Hurrah boys, Hurrah!
  Down with the traitor, Up with the star;
  While we rally 'round the flag, boys, rally once again,
  Shouting the battle cry of Freedom.

When the children sing, "Hurrah boys, Hurrah," they wave their right
hands high in the air. As they sing "Down with the traitor" all stoop to
the ground. As they sing "Up with the star" all jump up and the child in
the center raises the flag and waves it until the last line is sung,
when he places the flag in the ground. As the children begin to sing the
third line of the verse, "While we rally round the flag, etc.," they
join hands and circle around until the verse is finished, when they drop
hands and run. While the child in the center counts one, two, three,
four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, halt. If the standard bearer
sees any child's feet move after he cries "halt," he has the privilege
of tagging that child, who is then an ally of the standard bearer and
helps tag the other children he sees moving. If a child can reach the
flag and touch it without his movements being seen by the standard
bearer or his allies he is free. When all have gained freedom or been
caught the game is finished and may be repeated if desired, choosing a
different standard bearer.


Hide a lot of small paper torpedoes in various places around the lawn.
Give each child a paper bag and at a signal, which is the explosion of a
torpedo, they begin to hunt for the hidden torpedoes. The one finding
the most is given a small flag which the children salute by firing off
their torpedoes.


With water colors or crayons sketch the American flag on white cards
omitting the stars. Give each guest a card and forty-six tiny mucilaged
stars. Wave a flag as a signal to begin placing the stars on the blue of
the flag. Ring a bell at the end of five or six minutes and award a
small silk flag or a fire cracker candy box filled with candy to the one
having his flag the most complete.


Try the following: What battle of the United States is

   1. A fortified place, to perform and a walking stick?

   2. An English coin and the act of directing attention?

   3. A royal weight?

   4. A teutonic village?

   5. Two intoxicants?

   6. A feminine proper name and a Roman garment?

   7. Inclosures for domestic animals?

   8. An English city and a village?

   9. What railway porters expect, a consonant and a kind of boat?

  10. The village of a female ruler?

  11. A male bovine and what people do when it chases them?

  12. The residence of "Portia" in the "Merchant of Venice?"

  13. A vegetable and a range of hills?

  14. An ancient city of Greece?

  15. Beautiful forest trees?

  16. A number and table utensils?

  17. To propel, a forest tree, and a body of land surrounded by water?

  18. A judicial officer's village?

  19. A dear fortification?

  20. A range of hills for burial purposes?


1. Battle of Fort Du Quesne. 2. Crown Point. 3. Princeton. 4.
Germantown. 5. Brandywine. 6. Saratoga. 7. Cowpens. 8. Yorktown. 9.
Tippecanoe. 10. Queenstown. 11. Bull Run. 12. Belmont. 13. Pea Ridge.
14. Corinth. 15. Fair Oaks. 16. Five Forks. 17. Roanoke Island. 18.
Chancellorsville. 19. Richmond. 20. Cemetery Ridge.


Drape the red, white and blue bunting from tree to tree and nail to the
trees flags of sixteen different countries; the flags to be numbered.
Provide each guest with a card containing as many numbers as there are
flags. The guests are requested to fill out the cards with the names of
countries the flags represent, and are allowed fifteen minutes in which
to do this. He who correctly fills his card in the shortest time is
given a prize. Flag stickpins, bon-bon boxes representing flags, or some
patriotic book would be appropriate.

It is surprising how few are familiar with the flags of different


Hallow-e'en or Hallow-Even is the last night of October, being the eve
or vigil of All-Hallow's or All Saint's Day, and no holiday in all the
year is so informal or so marked by fun both for grown-ups as well as
children as this one. On this night there should be nothing but
laughter, fun and mystery. It is the night when Fairies dance, Ghosts,
Witches, Devils and mischief-making Elves wander around. It is the night
when all sorts of charms and spells are invoked for prying into the
future by all young folks and sometimes by folks who are not young.

In getting up a Hallow-e'en Party everything should be made as secret as
possible, and each guest bound to secrecy concerning the invitations.

Any of the following forms of invitations might be used.

  | Witches and Choice Spirits of Darkness will   |
  |        hold High Carnival at my house,        |
  | .................. Wednesday, October 31st,   |
  | at eight o'clock. Come prepared to test your  |
  | fate.                                         |
  | Costume, Witches, Ghosts, etc.                |

  |    Miss Ethel Jones will expect to see you    |
  | at her Hallow-e'en Party Wednesday, Oct.      |
  | 31st, at 8 o'clock. She begs that you will    |
  | come prepared to participate in the mysteries |
  | and rites of All Hallow's Eve, and to wear    |
  | a costume appropriate to the occasion.        |

  |    On Wednesday, Oct. 31st, at 8 o'clock, I   |
  |shall celebrate Hallow-e'en and hope that you  |
  |will come and participate in the mysteries     |
  |and rites of All Hallow's Eve, so come prepared|
  |to learn your fate.                            |

The room or rooms in which most of the games are to be played should be
decorated as grotesquely as possible with Jack-o'-lanterns made from
apples, cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, etc., with incisions made for eyes,
nose and mouth and a lighted candle placed within.

Jack-o'-lanterns for the gas jets may be made of paste board boxes about
the size of a shoe box. Cut holes for eyes, nose and mouth in all four
sides of the box and cover the holes with red or green tissue paper. A
black box with the openings covered with red tissue paper or vice versa
or white and green make good combinations.

Cut a hole in the bottom of the box just large enough to fit over the
gas jet, turning the gas low enough to not burn the box.

In addition to this Jack-o'-lanterns made from pumpkins, etc., should
be placed around on tables, mantles, corners, etc.

A skull and cross bones placed over the door entering the house would be
very appropriate. The hall should be in total darkness except for the
light coming from the Jack-o'-lanterns of all shapes and sizes in
various places.

Autumn leaves, green branches, apples, tomatoes and corn should also
play an important part in the decorations. Black and yellow cheese cloth
or crepe paper makes very effective and inexpensive decorations.

The dining room should be decorated with autumn leaves, golden rod,
yellow chrysanthemums, strings of cranberries, etc. For a table center
piece a large pumpkin could be used with the top cut off and partly
filled with water in which a large bunch of yellow chrysanthemums or
golden-rod could be placed. Bay leaves can be scattered over the table.

Another idea for a center piece is a large pumpkin Jack-o'-lantern, the
top cut in large points with small chocolate mice in the notches and
scampering down the sides of the pumpkin (held in place by long pins or
a little glue) and over the table.

Place Cards representing pumpkins, black cats, witches' hats, witches,
brownies, etc., are appropriate.

If one is not an artist in water color painting, some of the cards could
be cut from colored bristol board or heavy paper. The witches' hats of
black or brown paper with a red ribbon band; the cats of black paper
showing a back view may have a red or yellow ribbon necktie; the
pumpkins of yellow paper with the sections traced in ink or notched a
trifle and black thread drawn between the notches.

Any of these designs could be used for an invitation for a children's
party, by writing on the reverse side: "Will you please come to my party
on Wednesday, October 31st" with the name and address of the little host
or hostess, using white ink on black paper.

The dining-room should also be in total darkness, except for the light
given by the Jack-o'-lanterns, until the guests are seated, when they
should unmask. The supper could be served in this dim light or the
lights turned up and the room made brilliant. After the supper is over
and while the guests are still seated a splendid idea would be to
extinguish all the lights and to have one or more of the party tell
ghost stories.

Have a large pumpkin on a stand or table from which hang as many ribbons
as there are guests. Have one end of the ribbon attached to a small card
in the pumpkin on which may be a little water color sketch of pumpkin,
apples, witch, ghost or other appropriate design together with a number.
Have red ribbon for the girls and yellow ribbon for the boys, with
corresponding numbers. Let each guest draw a ribbon from the pumpkin and
find their partner by number.

Another suggestion is to have the hall totally dark with the door ajar
and no one in sight to welcome the guests. As they step in they are
surprised to be greeted by some one dressed as a ghost who extends his
hand which is covered with wet salt.

The following games and tests of fate and fortune will furnish
entertainment for children small and children of a larger growth. Of
course, prying into the future with these tests at any other time, they
may not prove infallible, but on the Eve of All Saint's Day, when all
the elves, the fairies, goblins and hob-goblins are at large playing
pranks and teasing and pleasing, why should they not "come true."


Name two wet apple seeds and stick them on forehead. First seed to fall
indicates that the person for whom seed is named is not a true lover.


Each guest, receiving apple and knife, is requested to peel apple
without breaking; then swing paring around head, and let it drop to
floor. The letter formed is initial of future mate's name. Or, you may
hang your paring over door--the first of opposite sex to pass under will
be your mate.


Cut an apple open and pick out seeds from core. If only two seeds are
found, they portend early marriage; three, legacy; four, great wealth;
five, sea voyage; six, great fame as orator or singer; seven, possession
of any gift most desired.


Let several guests be blindfolded. Then hide nuts or apples in various
parts of room or house. One finding most nuts or apples wins prize.


Suspend horizontally from ceiling a barrel-hoop on which are fastened
alternately at regular intervals apples, cakes, candies, candle-ends.
Players gather in circle and, as it revolves, each in turn tries to bite
one of the edibles; the one who seizes candle pays forfeit.


A raisin is strung in middle of thread a yard long, and two persons take
each an end of string in mouth; whoever, by chewing string, reaches
raisin first has raisin and will be first wedded.


Suspend apples by means of strings in doorway or from ceiling at proper
height to be caught between the teeth. First successful player receives
prize. These prizes should be Hallow-e'en souvenirs, such as emery
cushions of silk representing tomatoes, radishes, apples, pears,
pickles; or pen-wipers representing brooms, bats, cats, witches, etc.


At one end of stick 18 inches long fasten an apple; at the other end, a
short piece of lighted candle. Suspend stick from ceiling by stout cord
fastened in its middle so that stick will balance horizontally; while
stick revolves players try to catch apple with their teeth. A prize may
be in center of apple.


Two hazel-nuts are thrown into hot coals by maiden, who secretly gives a
lover's name to each. If one nut bursts, then that lover is unfaithful;
but if it burns with steady glow until it becomes ashes, she knows that
her lover is true. Sometimes it happens, but not often, that both nuts
burn steadily, and then the maiden's heart is sore perplexed.


Tie wedding-ring or key to silken thread or horsehair, and hold it
suspended within a glass; then say the alphabet slowly; whenever ring
strikes glass, begin over again and in this way spell name of future


Sit on round bottle laid lengthwise on floor, and try to thread a
needle. First to succeed will be first married.


Cut alphabet from newspaper and sprinkle on surface of water; letters
floating may spell or suggest name of future husband or wife.


Each person floats greased needle in basin of water. Impelled by
attraction of gravitation, needles will act very curiously; some cling
together, others rush to margin and remain. The manner in which one
person's needle behaves towards another's causes amusement, and is
supposed to be suggestive and prophetic.


Suspend horizontally from ceiling a stick three feet long. On one end
stick an apple, upon other tie small bag of flour. Set stick whirling.
Each guest takes turn in trying to bite apple-end of stick. It is
amusing to see guests receive dabs of flour on face. Guest who first
succeeds in biting apple gets prize.


Each girl and boy seeks an even-leaved sprig of ash; first of either sex
that finds one calls out cyniver, and is answered by first of opposite
sex that succeeds; and these two, if omen fails not, will be joined in


Open English walnuts, remove meat, and in each half shell fasten short
pieces of differently colored Christmas candles, each of which is to be
named for a member of party and, after lighting, set afloat in large pan
or tub of water. The behavior of these tiny boats reveals future of
those for whom they are named. If two glide on together, their owners
have a similar destiny; if they glide apart, so will their owners.
Sometimes candles will huddle together as if talking to one another,
while perchance one will be left alone, out in the cold, as it were.
Again, two will start off and all the rest will closely follow. The one
whose candle first goes out is destined to be old bachelor or maid.
These nut-shell boats may also be made by pouring melted wax into halves
of walnut-shells in which are short strings for wicks.


Throw a ball of yarn out of window but hold fast to one end and begin to
wind. As you wind say, "I wind, who holds?" over and over again; before
end of yarn is reached, face of future partner will appear in window, or
name of sweetheart will be whispered in ear.


1. The dragon consists of half a pint of ignited brandy or alcohol in a
dish. As soon as brandy is aflame, all lights are extinguished, and salt
is freely sprinkled in dish, imparting a corpse-like pallor to every
face. Candied fruits, figs, raisins, sugared almonds, etc., are thrown
in, and guests snap for them with their fingers; person securing most
prizes from flames will meet his true love within the year.

2. Or, slips of paper on which verses are written are wrapped tightly in
tin-foil and placed in dish. Brandy is poured on and ignited. The verse
each person gets is supposed to tell his fortune.

Place burning dish in middle of bare table, for drops of burning spirits
are often splashed about.


Make barrel-hoop into necklace of bread, candies, red peppers and
candle-ends, and hang horizontally from ceiling. Set hoop whirling and
try to grasp its freight with your teeth. Accordingly as you like your
first bite will you enjoy married life.


Steal out into barn or garden alone and go three times through motions
of throwing corn against the wind. The third time an apparition of
future spouse will pass you; in some mysterious manner, also, you may
obtain an idea of his (her) employment and station in life.


Walk downstairs backward, holding lighted candle over your head. Upon
reaching bottom, turn suddenly and before you will stand your wished-for


Carve all the letters of the alphabet on a medium sized pumpkin. Put it
on a dish and set on a stand or table. Each guest in turn is blindfolded
and given a hat-pin, then led to pumpkin, where he (she) is expected to
stick pin into one of the letters on the pumpkin, thus indicating the
initial of future life-partner.


Place a lighted candle in middle of floor, not too securely placed; each
one jumps over it. Whoever succeeds in clearing candle is guaranteed a
happy year, free of trouble or anxiety. He who knocks candle over will
have a twelve-month of woe.


Each one places handful of wheat flour on sheet of white paper and
sprinkles it over with a pinch of salt. Some one makes it into dough,
being careful not to use spring water. Each rolls up a piece of dough,
spreads it out thin and flat, and marks initials on it with a new pin.
The cakes are placed before fire, and all take seats as far from it as
possible. This is done before eleven p. m., and between that time and
midnight each one must turn cake once. When clock strikes twelve future
wife or husband of one who is to be married first will enter and lay
hand on cake marked with name. Throughout whole proceeding not a word is
spoken. Hence the name "dumb cake." (If supper is served before 11:30,
"Dumb Cake" should be reserved for one of the After-Supper Tests.)


Hide ring, thimble and penny in room. To one who finds ring, speedy
marriage is assured; thimble denotes life of single blessedness; penny
promises wealth.


All are blindfolded and go out singly or hand-in-hand to garden. Groping
about they pull up first stalk of kale or head of cabbage. If stalk
comes up easily the sweetheart will be easy to win; if the reverse, hard
to win. The shape of the stump will hint at figure of prospective wife
or husband. Its length will suggest age. If much soil clings to it,
life-partner will be rich; if not, poor. Finally, the stump is carried
home and hung over door, first person outside of family who passes under
it will bear a name whose initial is same as that of sweetheart.


In this game the seeker for a prize is guided from place to place by
doggerels as the following, and is started on his hunt with this rhyme:

  "Perhaps you'll find it in the air;
  If not, look underneath your chair."

Beneath his chair he finds the following:

  "No, you will not find it here;
  Search the clock and have no fear."

Under the clock he finds:

  "You will have to try once more;
  Look behind the parlor door."

Tied to the door-knob he discovers:

  "If it's not out in the stable.
  Seek beneath the kitchen table."

Under the kitchen table he finds another note, which reads:

  "If your quest remains uncertain,
  You will find it 'neath a curtain."

And here his quest is rewarded by finding the prize.


Take water and meal and make dough. Write on slips of paper names of
several of opposite sex friends; roll papers into balls of dough and
drop them into water. First name to appear will be future husband or


A laughable experiment consists in filling mouth with water and walking
around house or block without swallowing or spilling a drop. First
person of opposite sex you meet is your fate. A clever hostess will send
two unsuspecting lovers by different doors; they are sure to meet, and
not unfrequently settle matters then and there.


If a maid wishes to know whom she is to marry, if a man of wealth,
tradesman, or traveler, let her, on All-Hallow-e'en, take a walnut,
hazelnut, and nutmeg; grate and mix them with butter and sugar into
pills, and take when she goes to bed; and then, if her fortune be to
marry a rich man, her sleep will be filled with gold dreams; if a
tradesman, she will dream of odd noises and tumults; if a traveler,
there will be thunder and lightning to disturb her.


Stand in front of mirror in dimly lighted room and eat an apple. If your
lover reciprocates your love he will appear behind you and look over
your right shoulder and ask for a piece of apple.


Cellar-stairs' test is where girl boldly goes down stairs backward,
holding a mirror, and trying to catch in it the features of him who is
to be her mate.


Of all Hallow-e'en spells and charms associated with nuts, the following
is one of the oldest: If a young man or woman goes at midnight on
Hallow-e'en to a walnut tree and walks around three times, crying out
each time, "Let him (her) that is to be my true love bring me some
walnuts," future wife or husband will be seen in tree gathering nuts.


Into one tub half filled with water are placed apples to the stems of
which are tied bits of paper containing the names of the boys present at
the party, while across the room is a similar tub in which the names of
the girls are placed. With hands tied behind them the young folks
endeavor to extricate the apples with their teeth, and it is alleged
that the name appearing upon the slip fastened to the apple is the
patronymic of the future helpmeet of the one securing the fruit from the


Stand alone before mirror, and by light of candle comb your hair; face
of your future partner will appear in glass, peeping over your shoulder.


Place four saucers on table in line. Into first put dirt; into second,
water; into third, a ring; into fourth, a rag. Guests are blindfolded
and led around table twice; then told to go alone and put fingers into
saucer. If they put into dirt, it means divorce; into water, a trip
across ocean; where ring is, to marry; where rag is, never to marry.


Guests take part, seated in a circle. Three Fates are chosen, one of
whom whispers to each person in turn name of his (her) future
sweetheart. Second Fate follows, whispering to each where he (she) will
next meet his (her) sweetheart; as, "You will meet on a load of hay,"
or, "at a picnic," or, "at church," or, "on the river," etc. The third
Fate reveals the future; as, "You will marry him (her) next Christmas,"
or, "You will be separated many years by a quarrel, but will finally
marry," or, "Neither of you will ever marry," etc. Each guest must
remember what is said by the Fates; then each in turn repeats aloud
what has been told him (her). For example, "My future sweetheart's name
is Obednego; I shall meet him next Wednesday on the Moonlight Excursion,
and we shall be married in a week."


Steal out unobserved at midnight; plucking a small lock of hair from
your head, cast it to breeze. Whatever direction it is blown is believed
to be location of future matrimonial partner.

  "I pluck this lock of hair off my head
  To tell whence comes the one I shall wed.
  Fly, silken hair, fly all the world around
  Until you reach the spot where my true love is found."


To foretell complexion of future mate, select three soft fluffy
feathers. (If none is handy, ask for a pillow and rip open and take out
feathers.) On bottom end of each feather fasten a small piece of paper;
a drop of paste or mucilage will hold all three in place. Write "blonde"
on one paper; "brunette," on another, and "medium" on the third. Label
papers before gluing them on feathers. Hold up feather by its top and
send it flying with a puff of breath. Do same with the other two; the
feather landing nearest you denotes complexion of your true love. To
make test sure, try three times, not using too much force in blowing
feathers, which should land on table, not on floor.


Take two roses with long stems. Name one for yourself and one for your
lover. Go to your room without speaking to any one; kneel beside bed;
twine stems of roses together, and repeat following lines, gazing
intently on lover's rose:

  "Twine, twine, and intertwine,
  Let my love be wholly thine.
  If his heart be kind and true,
  Deeper grow his rose's hue."

If your swain is faithful, color of rose will grow darker.


Dreams mean much on Hallow-e'en, but certain ceremonies must be
carefully followed in order to insure the spell. Before going to sleep
for the night have some one bring a small piece of dry bread. No word
can be spoken after this; silence must prevail. Eat bread slowly, at
same time making a wish and thinking the pleasantest thing imaginable.
Then drop off to sleep, and your dreams will be sweet and peaceful, and
your wish will come true, if the charm works.


A loaf cake is often made, and in it are placed a ring and a key. The
former signifies marriage, and the latter a journey, and the person who
cuts the slice containing either must accept the inevitable.


In a dish of mashed potatoes place a ring, a dime, and a thimble. Each
guest is provided with a spoon with which to eat the potatoes; whoever
gets the ring is to be married within a year; the thimble signifies
single blessedness, while the dime prophesies riches or a legacy.

Some canny lassies have been known to get the ring into one of their
very first spoonfuls, and have kept it for fun in their mouths, tucked
snugly beneath the tongue, until the dish was emptied. Such a lass was
believed to possess the rare accomplishment of being able to hold her
tongue, but nevertheless tricky.


Each person melts some lead and pours it through a wedding-ring or key
into a dish of water. The lead will cool in various shapes, supposed to
be prophetic. Any ingenious person will interpret the shapes, and
furnish much amusement for the listeners; thus, a bell-shaped drop
indicates a wedding within the year; a drop resembling a torch or lamp
signifies fame; a pen or ink-bottle, that the future companion is to be
an author; a horn of plenty, wealth; a bag or trunk, travel; etc.


Roast three chestnuts before the fire, one of which is named for some
lady (or gentleman); the other two, for gentlemen (or ladies). If they
separate, so will those for whom they are named; those jumping toward
the fire are going to a warmer climate; those jumping from the fire, to
a colder climate; if two gentlemen jump toward one another, it means


Walk backward several feet out of doors in moonlight with mirror in your
hand, or within doors with candle in one hand and mirror in the other,
repeating following rhyme, and face of your future companion will
appear in glass:

  "Round and round, O stars so fair!
  Ye travel and search out everywhere;
  I pray you, sweet stars, now show to me
  This night who my future husband (wife) shall be."


One bowl is filled with clear water, another with wine, a third with
vinegar, a fourth is empty. All are placed in line on table. Each
person in turn is blindfolded, turned about three times, and led to
table. A hand is put out and prophecy made by bowl touched. Water shows
happy, peaceful life; wine promises rich, eventful, noble career;
vinegar, misery and poverty; an empty bowl is a symbol of bachelor or
spinster life.


A maid and youth each places a chestnut to roast on fire, side by side.
If one hisses and steams, it indicates a fretful temper in owner of
chestnut; if both chestnuts equally misbehave it augurs strife. If one
or both pop away, it means separation; but if both burn to ashes
tranquilly side by side, a long life of undisturbed happiness will be
lot of owners.

These portentous omens are fitly defined in the following lines:

  "These glowing nuts are emblems true
  Of what in human life we view;
  The ill-matched couple fret and fume,
  And thus in strife themselves consume;
  Or from each other wildly start,
  And with a noise forever part.
  But see the happy, happy pair,
  Of genuine love and truth sincere;
  With mutual fondness while they burn,
  Still to each other kindly turn;
  And as the vital sparks decay,
  Together gently sink away;
  Till life's fierce trials being past,
  Their mingled ashes rest at last."


A bowl is filled tightly with flour. During the process of filling, a
wedding ring is inserted vertically in some part of it. The bowl, when
full, is inverted upon a dish and withdrawn, leaving the mound of flour
on the dish. Each guest cuts off with a knife a thin slice which
crumbles into dust. The guest who cuts off the slice containing the ring
will be married first.


Apple seeds act as charms on Hallow-e'en. Stick one on each eyelid and
name one "Home" and the other "Travel." If seed named travel stays on
longer, you will go on a journey before year expires. If "Home" clings
better, you will remain home. Again, take all the apple seeds, place
them on back of outspread left hand and with loosely clenched right hand
strike palm of left. This will cause some, if not all, of seeds to fall.
Those left on hand show number of letters you will receive the coming
fortnight. Should all seeds drop, you must wait patiently for your mail.

Put twelve apple seeds carefully one side while you cut twelve slips of
blank paper exactly alike, and on one side of each write name of friend.
Turn them all over with blanks uppermost and mix them so that you will
not know which is which; then, holding seeds in your left hand, repeat:

  "One I love,
  Two I love,
      Three I love I say;
  Four I love with all my heart
  Five I cast away.
  Six he loves,
  Seven she loves,
  Eight they both love;
      Nine he comes,
  Ten he tarries,
      Eleven he courts and
  Twelve he marries."

Stop at each line to place a seed on a paper, and turn slip over to
discover name of one you love or cast away. Continue matching apple
seeds with papers as you count, until all twelve seeds and twelve papers
are used.



The game of enigmatical menus, as its name implies, is not only
especially appropriate for Thanksgiving Day, but has the further merit
of not requiring a great deal of preparation beforehand, and is
therefore not too great a tax upon a busy woman's time. Before this
greatest feast day of the year, the hostess is usually so fully occupied
in planning the actual bill of fare, that a game which requires nothing
more than pencils, and sheets of paper with the following riddles either
plainly written or typewritten upon them, will be found a boon indeed.
An hour's time is usually allowed for guessing the names of the guests,
and of the viands suggested upon any one of the menus which are given
together with the correct answers.


The Guests

   1. He who refused the crown of England.--Cromwell.

   2. The conqueror of Napoleon I.--The Duke of Wellington.

   3. He who escaped from his foes by reversing his horse's shoes.
          --Israel O. Putnam.

   4. He who owed his good fortune to his cat.--Dick Whittington.

   5. The inventor of printing.--Guttenberg.

   6. The captive king whose hiding place was discovered by his
          troubadour.--Richard Coeur de Leon.

   7. A sly one.--Fox.

   8. The kernel of the peach.--Pitt.

   9. Minister to George II.--Walpole.

  10. The author of Poor Richard's Almanac.--Benjamin Franklin.

The Menu

   1. Soup--The mainstay of the Chinese. Rice.

   2. Fish--A color. Blue Fish.

   3. Roast--The pride of Old England. Roast Beef.

   4. Vegetable--A porridge and an apartment. Mushroom.

   5. Game--A nut cracker.--Squirrel.

   6. Salad--Part of a house and a letter. Celery.

   7. Pudding--A summer residence. Cottage.

   8. Cake--What variety gives to life. Spice.

   9. Fruit--From an historic tree. Cherries.

  10. Wine--The kind of invitation one likes to receive. Cordial.


The Guests

   1. A barrel maker.--Cooper.

   2. A mixture of black and white.--Gray.

   3. The baby of the flock.--Lamb.

   4. A disagreeable fellow to have on one's foot.--Bunyan.

   5. Joyous hardness.--Gladstone.

   6. A country in Europe.--Holland.

   7. A lion's abode, free from dampness.--Dryden.

   8. A head covering.--Hood.

   9. Small talk and a cask.--Chatterton.

  10. Absence of all color.--Black.

The Menu

   1. Soup--What a ship sometimes springs. Leek.

   2. Fish--All colors combined. White Fish.

   3. Roast--A red hot bar of iron. Pig.

   4. Vegetable--To steal mildly. Cabbage.

   5. Game--Chinese English. Pigeon.

   6. Relish--Dreadful predicaments. Pickles.

   7. Pudding--The mantle of winter. Snow.

   8. Cake--Brightest and best of all. Sunshine.

   9. Fruit--A church dignitary and a fruit. Elderberry.

  10. Wine--An island in the Atlantic. Madeira.


Pass pencils and paper to each guest with the following written upon

   1 (A Dairy product.)

   2 (A Vegetable.)

   3 (A Country.)

   4 (A Girl's name.)

   5 (A structure.)

   6 (A name often applied to one of our presidents.)

   7 (Every Ocean has one.)

   8 (That which often holds a treasure.)

   9 (The names of two boys.)

  10 (A letter of the alphabet and an article made of tin.)

Explain that the above describes ten different nuts, which they are to
guess. The nuts described are (1) butternut; (2) peanut; (3) brazil nut;
(4) hazel nut; (5) walnut; (6) hickory nut; (7) beechnut; (8) chestnut;
(9) filbert; (10) pecan. A prize may be awarded to the one first having
correct answers.

Thanksgiving originated with the pilgrims who came from England in the
Mayflower. What other ships were they acquainted with? Provide the
guests with pencils and paper having the following questions written
upon it:

   1. What they met for on Sunday?

   2. What feeling existed among them?

   3. What ship was popular with the young folks?

   4. What did it lead up to?

   5. What was one of the young women fond of?

   6. What was unpleasant for them?

   7. What caused them to leave England?

   8. What interfered with their peace?

   9. What would have aided them?

  10. What increased their number?

A prize may be awarded to the one who correctly answers the questions
first. The answers are: 1. Worship; 2. Friendship; 3. Courtship; 4.
Partnership; 5. Fellowship; 6. Hardship; 7. Rulership; 8. Leadership; 9.
Airship; 10. Heirship.


"Christmas comes but once a year and when it comes it brings"--a whole
lot of things. If there doesn't seem to be anything to be thankful for,
there was a Christmas hundreds of years ago which gave us One who
comprised and radiated everything to be thankful for, so let us rejoice
in memory of that Christmas and be merry and cheerful and glad.

Children, especially, love to have games and amusements at this time of
the year, so a number are suggested as appropriate, some of which will
prove entertaining to grown-ups.


One child is chosen to represent Jolly St. Nicholas or Santa Claus and
stands in the center of the room. The other children stand around in a
circle while Santa Claus reads his rules of good behavior to them which
are as follows:--

"You must speak when you are spoken to. Do you understand?" (The
children reply, "Yes, sir.")

"You must come when you are called. Come here." (The children run toward
Santa Claus and stand still when he raises his hand.)

"You must keep your place." (The children return to their former

"You must be asleep by eight o'clock." (Santa Claus counts eight and the
children must all close their eyes by the time he says 'eight.')

"It is more blessed to give than to receive." The children are supposed
to keep their eyes closed and when Santa Claus gives them something
(which will be a little tap on the hand or a light trod on the foot, a
kiss, a hug or gentle pull of the hair or ear or something of that
sort,) the recipient must pass it on to the next who passes it on to the
next, and so on.

If Santa Claus observes anyone disobeying his rules he tags them and
they are out of the game. If any of the children succeed in being
perfectly good children they are given a suitable prize by Santa Claus,
and another Santa Claus chosen if it is desired to continue the game.


Paint or draw on a sheet the picture of a fireplace. Tack this to the
wall and after providing each child with a small stocking and pin,
blindfold them in turn, telling them to hang up their stocking at the
mantel. Drop a small toy in the stocking of those who succeed before
taking the handkerchief from their eyes. Those who fail may have one
more turn after all have had a chance.


Place on a low table a small Christmas tree, on which there is arranged
lighted candles. Blindfold each child in turn, having them stand about
one foot away with their back turned toward the tree. He is then told to
take three steps forward, turn around three times, then walk four steps
and blow as hard as he can. A prize is awarded to the one who blows out
the most candles.


Make several snowballs from crepe paper or white cotton. Hang a large
holly wreath in the doorway and let each child in turn try to throw his
snowball through the wreath. The players who are successful throw three
balls through the wreath, and the one who throws them all through
receives a prize.



The Guests

   1. The first month of the year. Janvier.

   2. Strong and sturdy. Hardy.

   3. An out of date arrangement for the front hair. Bangs.

   4. An author whose name is on every page. Page.

   5. The poet laureate of England. Alfred Austin.

   6. A medium for transatlantic messages. Cable.

   7. One form of single blessedness. Bacheller (Irving).

   8. The pedestrian's aid. Caine (Hall).

   9. What springs eternal in the human breast. Hope (Anthony).

  10. A dignitary of the church. Abbott (Lyman).

The Menu

   1. Soup--Toe not found on man. Tomato.

   2. Fish--A unit of measurement. Perch.

   3. Roast--A lean wife. Spare rib.

   4. Vegetable--The result of pressure. Squash.

   5. Game--Timber and the herald of the dawn. Woodcock.

   6. Salad--He who fights the Japanese. Russian.

   7. Pudding--An aborigine. Indian.

   8. Cake--A tropical sea plant. Sponge.

   9. Fruit--To waste away and Eve's temptation. Pineapple.

  10. Wine--A part of the foot and a letter. Tokay.


The Guests

   1. A verdant one. Greene (Anna Katherine).

   2. To evade. Dodge (Mary Mapes).

   3. A head covering and a tavern. Wiggin (Kate Douglas).

   4. What ships and schooners often cross. Barr (Amelia E.).

   5. A thistle's product and a head dress. Burnett (Frances Hodgson).

   6. A part of the human body. Foote (Mary Hallock).

   7. A pig's house and a measurement. Pennell (Elizabeth).

   8. A guardian's trust. Ward (Mrs. Humphry).

   9. Act of a poor cook. Burnham. (Clara Louise).

  10. What the rebellion made of every negro. Freeman (Mary E. Wilkins).

The Menu

   1. Fruit--Small shot. Grape fruit.

   2. Fish--A soft shelled sign of the Zodiac. Crab.

   3. Roast--A genial English author. Lamb.

   4. Sauce--A money maker. Mint.

   5. Vegetable--A city of Belgium and what a leaf does in spring.
          Brussels sprouts.

   6. Salad--Elizabeth and her German. Garden.

   7. Tarts--Water in motion. Currant.

   8. Cake--A precious metal. Gold.

   9. Ice--A celebrated prince. Orange (William of).

  10. The floral Decorations--The flowers that bloomed on their lips.



  A Running Maze, 11

  Bean Bag, 11

  Birds Fly, 12

  Button, Button, 12

  Bingo, 13

  Blindman's Buff, 14

  Blowing The Feather, 14

  Cock Fighting, 15

  Catching The Mouse, 16

  Drop The Handkerchief, 16

  Donkey's Tail, 17

  Frog In the Middle, 17

  Green Gravel, 17

  Hunt The Ring, 18

  Hot Tamales, 19

  Hunt The Slipper, 19

  Hot Boiled Beans and Bacon, 20

  Hide and Seek, 21

  Hiss and Clap, 22

  London Bridge, 22

  Miss Jennia Jones, 24

  Oats and Beans and Barley, 26

  Puss In the Corner, 27

  Rule of Contrary, 27

  Soap Bubble Battle, 28

  Spider Web, 29

  Severed Flowers, 29


  Acting Proverbs, 33

  Blind Man's Wand, 34

  Blind Postman, The, 34

  Blowing The Candle, 35

  Cat and Mouse, 35

  Clairvoyant, The, 36

  Cushion Dance, The, 37

  Change Seats: The King's Come, 37

  Duck Under The Water, 38

  Gardener, The, 38

  Going To Jerusalem, 39

  Game of Cat, 40

  Grand Mufti, 40

  Here I Bake, Here I Brew, 41

  Hat Game, 41

  Huntsman, The, 42

  He Can Do Little Who Can't Do This, 43

  Hissing and Clapping, 43

  Hold Fast! Let Go!, 44

  Hunt The Whistle, 45

  I Sell My Bat, I Sell My Ball, 45

  Judge and Jury, 46

  My Master Bids You Do As I Do, 46

  Magic Music, 47

  Malaga Raisins, 48

  Our Old Grannie Doesn't Like Tea, 48

  Oranges and Lemons, 49

  Old Soldier, 50

  Post-Office, 50

  Peter Piper, 51

  Sea and Her Children, The, 52

  Stage Coach, The, 52

  Shadow Buff, 53

  Steps, 54

  Spelling Game, The, 54

  Simon Says, 56

  Sergeant, The, 57

  Sea King, The, 57

  Tongue Twisters, 58

  Trades, 58

  Think of A Number, 59

  This and That, 60

  What Am I Doing, 60

  Wonderment, 61

  Wink, 62

  Riddles, 62


  Advice, 75

  Adjectives, 75

  Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral, 76

  Acting Rhymes, 77

  Bird-Catcher, The, 78

  Buzz, 78

  Birds, Fruits and Flowers, 79

  Cities, 80

  Cook Who Doesn't Like Peas, The, 80

  Consequences, 81

  Cross Questions and Crooked Answers, 82

  Curate, The, 83

  Definitions, 84

  Earth, Air, Fire and Water, 84

  Farmyard, The, 85

  Forbidden Letter, The, 86

  Forbidden Vowels, The, 86

  Fortune Telling, 87

  Game of Conversation, The, 89

  Guilty Or Innocent, 90

  Guessing Groceries, 91

  Gossip, 91

  How? When? Where?, 92

  I Love My Love With An A, 93

  It, 93

  Jack's Alive, 94

  Menagerie, The, 95

  Minister's Cat, The, 95

  Magic Writing, 96

  Mimic Club, The, 97

  My Lady's Toilet, 98

  Partners, 98

  Proverbs, 99

  Questions and Answers, 101

  Ruth and Jacob, 102

  Rhymes, 103

  Sketches, 103

  Traveller's Alphabet, 103

  Thought Reading, 104

  The Little Dutch Band, 105

  What's My Thought Like, 106


  Forfeits, 107


  New Year's Day, 115

  Lincoln's Birthday, 122

  St, Valentine's Day, 127

  Washington's Birthday, 132

  April Fools' Day, 142

  Easter, 154

  May Day, 163

  Fourth of July, 169

  Hallow-e'en, 174

  Thanksgiving, 199

  Christmas, 204


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