The Project Gutenberg EBook of Diary of Samuel Pepys, January/February
1965/66, by Samuel Pepys

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Title: Diary of Samuel Pepys, January/February 1965/66

Author: Samuel Pepys

Release Date: December 1, 2004 [EBook #4163]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ASCII


Produced by David Widger

                THE DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS M.A. F.R.S.


                      AND PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE


                      WITH LORD BRAYBROOKE'S NOTES

                        EDITED WITH ADDITIONS BY

                        HENRY B. WHEATLEY F.S.A.

                          DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS.

                                1666 N.S.

                            JANUARY & FEBRUARY

January 1st (New-Yeare's Day).  Called up by five o'clock, by my order, by
Mr. Tooker, who wrote, while I dictated to him, my business of the
Pursers; and so, without eating or drinking, till three in the afternoon,
and then, to my great content, finished it.  So to dinner, Gibson and he
and I, and then to copying it over, Mr. Gibson reading and I writing, and
went a good way in it till interrupted by Sir W. Warren's coming, of whom
I always learne something or other, his discourse being very good and his
brains also.  He being gone we to our business again, and wrote more of it
fair, and then late to bed.

     [This document is in the British Museum (Harleian MS. 6287), and is
     entitled, "A Letter from Mr. Pepys, dated at Greenwich, 1 Jan.
     1665-6, which he calls his New Year's Gift to his hon. friend, Sir
     Wm. Coventry, wherein he lays down a method for securing his Majesty
     in husbandly execution of the Victualling Part of the Naval
     Expence."  It consists of nineteen closely written folio pages, and
     is a remarkable specimen of Pepys's business habits.--B. There are
     copies of several letters on the victualling of the navy, written by
     Pepys in 1666, among the Rawlinson MSS. in the Bodleian.]

2nd.  Up by candlelight again, and wrote the greatest part of my business
fair, and then to the office, and so home to dinner, and after dinner up
and made an end of my fair writing it, and that being done, set two
entering while to my Lord Bruncker's, and there find Sir J. Minnes and all
his company, and Mr. Boreman and Mrs. Turner, but, above all, my dear Mrs.
Knipp, with whom I sang, and in perfect pleasure I was to hear her sing,
and especially her little Scotch song of "Barbary Allen;"

     [The Scottish ballad is entitled, "Sir John Grehme and Barbara
     Allan," and the English version, "Barbara Allen's Cruelty."  Both
     are printed in Percy's "Reliques," Series III.]

and to make our mirthe the completer, Sir J. Minnes was in the highest
pitch of mirthe, and his mimicall tricks, that ever I saw, and most
excellent pleasant company he is, and the best mimique that ever I saw,
and certainly would have made an excellent actor, and now would be an
excellent teacher of actors.  Thence, it being post night, against my will
took leave, but before I come to my office, longing for more of her
company, I returned and met them coming home in coaches, so I got into the
coach where Mrs. Knipp was and got her upon my knee (the coach being full)
and played with her breasts and sung, and at last set her at her house and
so good night.  So home to my lodgings and there endeavoured to have
finished the examining my papers of Pursers' business to have sent away
to-night, but I was so sleepy with my late early risings and late goings
to bed that I could not do it, but was forced to go to bed and leave it to
send away to-morrow by an Expresse.

3rd.  Up, and all the morning till three in the afternoon examining and
fitting up my Pursers' paper and sent it away by an Expresse.  Then comes
my wife, and I set her to get supper ready against I go to the Duke of
Albemarle and back again; and at the Duke's with great joy I received the
good news of the decrease of the plague this week to 70, and but 253 in
all; which is the least Bill hath been known these twenty years in the
City.  Through the want of people in London is it, that must make it so
low below the ordinary number for Bills.  So home, and find all my good
company I had bespoke, as Coleman and his wife, and Laneare, Knipp and her
surly husband; and good musique we had, and, among other things, Mrs.
Coleman sang my words I set of "Beauty retire," and I think it is a good
song, and they praise it mightily.  Then to dancing and supper, and mighty
merry till Mr. Rolt come in, whose pain of the tooth-ake made him no
company, and spoilt ours; so he away, and then my wife's teeth fell of
akeing, and she to bed.  So forced to break up all with a good song, and
so to bed.

4th.  Up, and to the office, where my Lord Bruncker and I, against Sir W.
Batten and Sir J. Minnes and the whole table, for Sir W. Warren in the
business of his mast contract, and overcome them and got them to do what I
had a mind to, for indeed my Lord being unconcerned in what I aimed at. So
home to dinner, where Mr. Sheldon come by invitation from Woolwich, and as
merry as I could be with all my thoughts about me and my wife still in
pain of her tooth.  He anon took leave and took Mrs. Barbary his niece
home with him, and seems very thankful to me for the L10 I did give him
for my wife's rent of his house, and I am sure I am beholding to him, for
it was a great convenience to me, and then my wife home to London by water
and I to the office till 8 at night, and so to my Lord Bruncker's,
thinking to have been merry, having appointed a meeting for Sir J. Minnes
and his company and Mrs. Knipp again, but whatever hindered I know not,
but no company come, which vexed me because it disappointed me of the glut
of mirthe I hoped for.  However, good discourse with my Lord and merry,
with Mrs. Williams's descants upon Sir J. Minnes's and Mrs. Turner's not
coming.  So home and to bed.

5th.  I with my Lord Bruncker and Mrs. Williams by coach with four horses
to London, to my Lord's house in Covent-Guarden.  But, Lord! what staring
to see a nobleman's coach come to town.  And porters every where bow to
us; and such begging of beggars!  And a delightfull thing it is to see the
towne full of people again as now it is; and shops begin to open, though
in many places seven or eight together, and more, all shut; but yet the
towne is full, compared with what it used to be.  I mean the City end; for
Covent-Guarden and Westminster are yet very empty of people, no Court nor
gentry being there.  Set Mrs. Williams down at my Lord's house and he and
I to Sir G. Carteret, at his chamber at White Hall, he being come to town
last night to stay one day.  So my Lord and he and I much talke about the
Act, what credit we find upon it, but no private talke between him and I.
So I to the 'Change, and there met Mr. Povy, newly come to town, and he
and I to Sir George Smith's and there dined nobly. He tells me how my Lord
Bellases complains for want of money and of him and me therein, but I
value it not, for I know I do all that can be done. We had no time to talk
of particulars, but leave it to another day, and I away to Cornhill to
expect my Lord Bruncker's coming back again, and I staid at my stationer's
house, and by and by comes my Lord, and did take me up and so to
Greenwich, and after sitting with them a while at their house, home,
thinking to get Mrs. Knipp, but could not, she being busy with company,
but sent me a pleasant letter, writing herself "Barbary Allen."  I went
therefore to Mr. Boreman's for pastime, and there staid an houre or two
talking with him, and reading a discourse about the River of Thames, the
reason of its being choked up in several places with shelfes; which is
plain is, by the encroachments made upon the River, and running out of
causeways into the River at every wood-wharfe; which was not heretofore
when Westminster Hall and White Hall were built, and Redriffe Church,
which now are sometimes overflown with water.  I had great satisfaction
herein.  So home and to my papers for lacke of company, but by and by
comes little Mrs. Tooker and sat and supped with me, and I kept her very
late talking and making her comb my head, and did what I will with her.
So late to bed.

6th.  Up betimes and by water to the Cockepitt, there met Sir G. Carteret
and, after discourse with the Duke, all together, and there saw a letter
wherein Sir W. Coventry did take notice to the Duke with a commendation of
my paper about Pursers, I to walke in the Parke with the Vice-Chamberlain,
and received his advice about my deportment about the advancing the credit
of the Act; giving me caution to see that we do not misguide the King by
making them believe greater matters from it than will be found.  But I see
that this arises from his great trouble to see the Act succeede, and to
hear my name so much used and my letters shown at Court about goods served
us in upon the credit of it.  But I do make him believe that I do it with
all respect to him and on his behalfe too, as indeed I do, as well as my
owne, that it may not be said that he or I do not assist therein.  He
tells me that my Lord Sandwich do proceed on his journey with the greatest
kindnesse that can be imagined from the King and Chancellor, which was
joyfull newes to me.  Thence with Lord Bruncker to Greenwich by water to a
great dinner and much company; Mr. Cottle and his lady and others and I
went, hoping to get Mrs. Knipp to us, having wrote a letter to her in the
morning, calling myself "Dapper Dicky," in answer to hers of "Barbary
Allen," but could not, and am told by the boy that carried my letter, that
he found her crying; but I fear she lives a sad life with that ill-natured
fellow her husband: so we had a great, but I a melancholy dinner, having
not her there, as I hoped. After dinner to cards, and then comes notice
that my wife is come unexpectedly to me to towne.  So I to her.  It is
only to see what I do, and why I come not home; and she is in the right
that I would have a little more of Mrs. Knipp's company before I go away.
My wife to fetch away my things from Woolwich, and I back to cards and
after cards to choose King and Queene, and a good cake there was, but no
marks found; but I privately found the clove, the mark of the knave, and
privately put it into Captain Cocke's piece, which made some mirthe,
because of his lately being knowne by his buying of clove and mace of the
East India prizes.  At night home to my lodging, where I find my wife
returned with my things, and there also Captain Ferrers is come upon
business of my Lord's to this town about getting some goods of his put on
board in order to his going to Spain, and Ferrers presumes upon my finding
a bed for him, which I did not like to have done without my invitation
because I had done [it] several times before, during the plague, that he
could not provide himself safely elsewhere.  But it being Twelfth Night,
they had got the fiddler and mighty merry they were; and I above come not
to them, but when I had done my business among my papers went to bed,
leaving them dancing, and choosing King and Queene.

7th (Lord's day).  Up, and being trimmed I was invited by Captain Cocke,
so I left my wife, having a mind to some discourse with him, and dined
with him.  He tells me of new difficulties about his goods which troubles
me and I fear they will be great.  He tells me too what I hear everywhere
how the towne talks of my Lord Craven being to come into Sir G. Carteret's
place; but sure it cannot be true.  But I do fear those two families, his
and my Lord Sandwich's, are quite broken.  And I must now stand upon my
own legs.  Thence to my lodging, and considering how I am hindered by
company there to do any thing among my papers, I did resolve to go away
to-day rather than stay to no purpose till to-morrow and so got all my
things packed up and spent half an hour with W. Howe about his papers of
accounts for contingencies and my Lord's accounts, so took leave of my
landlady and daughters, having paid dear for what time I have spent there,
but yet having been quiett and my health, I am very well contented
therewith.  So with my wife and Mercer took boat and away home; but in the
evening, before I went, comes Mrs. Knipp, just to speake with me
privately, to excuse her not coming to me yesterday, complaining how like
a devil her husband treats her, but will be with us in towne a weeke
hence, and so I kissed her and parted.  Being come home, my wife and I to
look over our house and consider of laying out a little money to hang our
bedchamber better than it is, and so resolved to go and buy something
to-morrow, and so after supper, with great joy in my heart for my coming
once again hither, to bed.

8th.  Up, and my wife and I by coach to Bennett's, in Paternoster Row, few
shops there being yet open, and there bought velvett for a coate, and
camelott for a cloake for myself; and thence to a place to look over some
fine counterfeit damasks to hang my wife's closett, and pitched upon one,
and so by coach home again, I calling at the 'Change, and so home to
dinner and all the afternoon look after my papers at home and my office
against to-morrow, and so after supper and considering the uselessness of
laying out so much money upon my wife's closett, but only the chamber, to

9th.  Up, and then to the office, where we met first since the plague,
which God preserve us in!  At noon home to dinner, where uncle Thomas with
me, and in comes Pierce lately come from Oxford, and Ferrers.  After
dinner Pierce and I up to my chamber, where he tells me how a great
difference hath been between the Duke and Duchesse, he suspecting her to
be naught with Mr. Sidney.

     ["This Duchess was Chancellor Hyde's daughter, and she was a very
     handsome woman, and had a great deal of wit; therefore it was not
     without reason that Mr. Sydney, the handsomest youth of his time, of
     the Duke's bedchamber, was so much in love with her, as appeared to
     us all, and the Duchess not unkind to him, but very innocently.  He
     was afterwards banished the Court for another reason, as was
     reported" (Sir John Reresby's "Memoirs," August 5th, 1664, ed.
     Cartwright, pp. 64,65). "'How could the Duke of York make my mother
     a Papist?' said the Princess Mary to Dr. Bumet.  'The Duke caught a
     man in bed with her,' said the Doctor, 'and then had power to make
     her do anything.'  The Prince, who sat by the fire, said, 'Pray,
     madam, ask the Doctor a few more questions'" (Spence's "Anecdotes,"
     ed.  Singer, 329).]

But some way or other the matter is made up; but he was banished the
Court, and the Duke for many days did not speak to the Duchesse at all. He
tells me that my Lord Sandwich is lost there at Court, though the King is
particularly his friend.  But people do speak every where slightly of him;
which is a sad story to me, but I hope it may be better again.  And that
Sir G. Carteret is neglected, and hath great enemies at work against him.
That matters must needs go bad, while all the town, and every boy in the
streete, openly cries, "The King cannot go away till my Lady Castlemaine
be ready to come along with him;" she being lately put to bed And that he
visits her and Mrs. Stewart every morning before he eats his breakfast.
All this put together makes me very sad, but yet I hope I shall do pretty
well among them for all this, by my not meddling with either of their
matters.  He and Ferrers gone I paid uncle Thomas his last quarter's
money, and then comes Mr. Gawden and he and I talked above stairs together
a good while about his business, and to my great joy got him to declare
that of the L500 he did give me the other day, none of it was for my
Treasurershipp for Tangier (I first telling him how matters stand between
Povy and I, that he was to have half of whatever was coming to me by that
office), and that he will gratify me at 2 per cent. for that when he next
receives any money.  So there is L80 due to me more than I thought of.  He
gone I with a glad heart to the office to write, my letters and so home to
supper and bed, my wife mighty full of her worke she hath to do in
furnishing her bedchamber.

10th.  Up, and by coach to Sir G. Downing, where Mr. Gawden met me by
agreement to talke upon the Act.  I do find Sir G. Downing to be a mighty
talker, more than is true, which I now know to be so, and suspected it
before, but for all that I have good grounds to think it will succeed for
goods and in time for money too, but not presently.  Having done with him,
I to my Lord Bruncker's house in Covent-Garden, and, among other things,
it was to acquaint him with my paper of Pursers, and read it to him, and
had his good liking of it.  Shewed him Mr. Coventry's sense of it, which
he sent me last post much to my satisfaction.  Thence to the 'Change, and
there hear to our grief how the plague is encreased this week from seventy
to eighty-nine.  We have also great fear of our Hambrough fleete, of their
meeting the Dutch; as also have certain newes, that by storms Sir Jer.
Smith's fleet is scattered, and three of them come without masts back to
Plymouth, which is another very exceeding great disappointment, and if the
victualling ships are miscarried will tend to the losse of the garrison of
Tangier.  Thence home, in my way had the opportunity I longed for, of
seeing and saluting Mrs. Stokes, my little goldsmith's wife in Paternoster
Row, and there bespoke some thing, a silver chafing-dish for warming
plates, and so home to dinner, found my wife busy about making her
hangings for her chamber with the upholster. So I to the office and anon
to the Duke of Albemarle, by coach at night, taking, for saving time, Sir
W. Warren with me, talking of our businesses all the way going and coming,
and there got his reference of my pursers' paper to the Board to consider
of it before he reads it, for he will never understand it I am sure.  Here
I saw Sir W. Coventry's kind letter to him concerning my paper, and among
others of his letters, which I saw all, and that is a strange thing, that
whatever is writ to this Duke of Albemarle, all the world may see; for
this very night he did give me Mr. Coventry's letter to read, soon as it
come to his hand, before he had read it himself, and bid me take out of it
what concerned the Navy, and many things there was in it, which I should
not have thought fit for him to have let any body so suddenly see; but,
among other things, find him profess himself to the Duke a friend into the
inquiring further into the business of Prizes, and advises that it may be
publique, for the righting the King, and satisfying the people and getting
the blame to be rightly laid where it should be, which strikes very hard
upon my Lord Sandwich, and troubles me to read it.  Besides, which vexes
me more, I heard the damned Duchesse again say to twenty gentlemen
publiquely in the room, that she would have Montagu sent once more to sea,
before he goes his Embassy, that we may see whether he will make amends
for his cowardice, and repeated the answer she did give the other day in
my hearing to Sir G. Downing, wishing her Lord had been a coward, for then
perhaps he might have been made an Embassador, and not been sent now to
sea.  But one good thing she said, she cried mightily out against the
having of gentlemen Captains with feathers and ribbands, and wished the
King would send her husband to sea with the old plain sea Captains, that
he served with formerly, that would make their ships swim with blood,
though they could not make legs

     [Make bows, play the courtier.  The reading, "make leagues,"
     appeared in former editions till Mr. Mynors Bright corrected it.]

as Captains nowadays can.  It grieved me to see how slightly the Duke do
every thing in the world, and how the King and every body suffers whatever
he will to be done in the Navy, though never so much against reason, as in
the business of recalling tickets, which will be done notwithstanding all
the arguments against it.  So back again to my office, and there to
business and so to bed.

11th.  Up and to the office.  By and by to the Custome House to the
Farmers, there with a letter of Sir G. Carteret's for L3000, which they
ordered to be paid me.  So away back again to the office, and at noon to
dinner all of us by invitation to Sir W. Pen's, and much other company.
Among others, Lieutenant of the Tower, and Broome, his poet, and Dr.
Whistler, and his (Sir W. Pen's) son-in-law Lowder, servant--[lover]--to
Mrs. Margaret Pen, and Sir Edward Spragg, a merry man, that sang a
pleasant song pleasantly.  Rose from table before half dined, and with Mr.
Mountney of the Custome House to the East India House, and there delivered
to him tallys for L3000 and received a note for the money on Sir R. Viner.
So ended the matter, and back to my company, where staid a little, and
thence away with my Lord Bruncker for discourse sake, and he and I to
Gresham College to have seen Mr. Hooke and a new invented chariott of Dr.
Wilkins, but met with nobody at home!  So to Dr. Wilkins's, where I never
was before, and very kindly received and met with Dr. Merritt, and fine
discourse among them to my great joy, so sober and so ingenious.  He is
now upon finishing his discourse of a universal character.  So away and I
home to my office about my letters, and so home to supper and to bed.

12th.  By coach to the Duke of Albemarle, where Sir W. Batten and I only
met.  Troubled at my heart to see how things are ordered there without
consideration or understanding.  Thence back by coach and called at
Wotton's, my shoemaker, lately come to towne, and bespoke shoes, as also
got him to find me a taylor to make me some clothes, my owne being not yet
in towne, nor Pym, my Lord Sandwich's taylor.  So he helped me to a pretty
man, one Mr. Penny, against St. Dunstan's Church.  Thence to the 'Change
and there met Mr. Moore, newly come to towne, and took him home to dinner
with me and after dinner to talke, and he and I do conclude my Lord's case
to be very bad and may be worse, if he do not get a pardon for his doings
about the prizes and his business at Bergen, and other things done by him
at sea, before he goes for Spayne.  I do use all the art I can to get him
to get my Lord to pay my cozen Pepys, for it is a great burden to my mind
my being bound for my Lord in L1000 to him. Having done discourse with him
and directed him to go with my advice to my Lord expresse to-morrow to get
his pardon perfected before his going, because of what I read the other
night in Sir W. Coventry's letter, I to the office, and there had an
extraordinary meeting of Sir J. Minnes, Sir W. Batten, and Sir W. Pen, and
my Lord Bruncker and I to hear my paper read about pursers, which they did
all of them with great good will and great approbation of my method and
pains in all, only Sir W. Pen, who must except against every thing and
remedy nothing, did except against my proposal for some reasons, which I
could not understand, I confess, nor my Lord Bruncker neither, but he did
detect indeed a failure or two of mine in my report about the ill
condition of the present pursers, which I did magnify in one or two little
things, to which, I think, he did with reason except, but at last with all
respect did declare the best thing he ever heard of this kind, but when
Sir W. Batten did say, "Let us that do know the practical part of the
Victualling meet Sir J. Minnes, Sir W. Pen and I and see what we can do to
mend all," he was so far from offering or furthering it, that he declined
it and said, he must be out of towne.  So as I ever knew him never did in
his life ever attempt to mend any thing, but suffer all things to go on in
the way they are, though never so bad, rather than improve his experience
to the King's advantage.  So we broke up, however, they promising to meet
to offer some thing in it of their opinions, and so we rose, and I and my
Lord Bruncker by coach a little way for discourse sake, till our coach
broke, and tumbled me over him quite down the side of the coach, falling
on the ground about the Stockes,  but up again, and thinking it fit to
have for my honour some thing reported in writing to the Duke in favour of
my pains in this, lest it should be thought to be rejected as frivolous, I
did move it to my Lord, and he will see it done to-morrow.  So we parted,
and I to the office and thence home to my poor wife, who works all day at
home like a horse, at the making of her hangings for our chamber and the
bed.  So to supper and to bed.

13th.  At the office all the morning, where my Lord Bruncker moved to have
something wrote in my matter as I desired him last night, and it was
ordered and will be done next sitting.  Home with his Lordship to Mrs.
Williams's, in Covent-Garden, to dinner (the first time I ever was there),
and there met Captain Cocke; and pretty merry, though not perfectly so,
because of the fear that there is of a great encrease again of the plague
this week.  And again my Lord Bruncker do tell us, that he hath it from
Sir John Baber; who is related to my Lord Craven, that my Lord Craven do
look after Sir G. Carteret's place, and do reckon himself sure of it.
After dinner Cocke and I together by coach to the Exchange, in our way
talking of our matters, and do conclude that every thing must breake in
pieces, while no better counsels govern matters than there seem to do, and
that it will become him and I and all men to get their reckonings even, as
soon as they can, and expect all to breake.  Besides, if the plague
continues among us another yeare, the Lord knows what will become of us.
I set him down at the 'Change, and I home to my office, where late writing
letters and doing business, and thence home to supper and to bed.  My head
full of cares, but pleased with my wife's minding her worke so well, and
busying herself about her house, and I trust in God if I can but clear
myself of my Lord Sandwich's bond, wherein I am bound with him for L1000
to T. Pepys, I shall do pretty well, come what will come.

14th (Lord's day).  Long in bed, till raised by my new taylor, Mr. Penny,
[who comes and brings me my new velvet coat, very handsome, but plain, and
a day hence will bring me my camelott cloak.]  He gone I close to my
papers and to set all in order and to perform my vow to finish my journall
and other things before I kiss any woman more or drink any wine, which I
must be forced to do to-morrow if I go to Greenwich as I am invited by Mr.
Boreman to hear Mrs. Knipp sing, and I would be glad to go, so as we may
be merry.  At noon eat the second of the two cygnets Mr. Shepley sent us
for a new-year's gift, and presently to my chamber again and so to work
hard all day about my Tangier accounts, which I am going again to make up,
as also upon writing a letter to my father about Pall, whom it is time now
I find to think of disposing of while God Almighty hath given me something
to give with her, and in my letter to my father I do offer to give her
L450 to make her own L50 given her by my uncle up L500.  I do also therein
propose Mr. Harman the upholster for a husband for her, to whom I have a
great love and did heretofore love his former wife, and a civil man he is
and careful in his way, beside, I like his trade and place he lives in,
being Cornhill.  Thus late at work, and so to supper and to bed.  This
afternoon, after sermon, comes my dear fair beauty of the Exchange, Mrs.
Batelier, brought by her sister, an acquaintance of Mercer's, to see my
wife.  I saluted her with as much pleasure as I had done any a great
while.  We sat and talked together an houre, with infinite pleasure to me,
and so the fair creature went away, and proves one of the modestest women,
and pretty, that ever I saw in my life, and my [wife] judges her so too.

15th.  Busy all the morning in my chamber in my old cloth suit, while my
usuall one is to my taylor's to mend, which I had at noon again, and an
answer to a letter I had sent this morning to Mrs. Pierce to go along with
my wife and I down to Greenwich to-night upon an invitation to Mr.
Boreman's to be merry to dance and sing with Mrs. Knipp.  Being dressed,
and having dined, I took coach and to Mrs. Pierce, to her new house in
Covent-Garden, a very fine place and fine house.  Took her thence home to
my house, and so by water to Boreman's by night, where the greatest
disappointment that ever I saw in my life, much company, a good supper
provided, and all come with expectation of excesse of mirthe, but all
blank through the waywardnesse of Mrs. Knipp, who, though she had
appointed the night, could not be got to come.  Not so much as her husband
could get her to come; but, which was a pleasant thing in all my anger, I
asking him, while we were in expectation what answer one of our many
messengers would bring, what he thought, whether she would come or no, he
answered that, for his part, he could not so much as thinke.  By and by we
all to supper, which the silly master of the feast commended, but, what
with my being out of humour, and the badnesse of the meate dressed, I did
never eat a worse supper in my life.  At last, very late, and supper done,
she came undressed, but it brought me no mirthe at all; only, after all
being done, without singing, or very little, and no dancing, Pierce and I
to bed together, and he and I very merry to find how little and thin
clothes they give us to cover us, so that we were fain to lie in our
stockings and drawers, and lay all our coates and clothes upon the bed.
So to sleep.

16th.  Up, and leaving the women in bed together (a pretty black and
white) I to London to the office, and there forgot, through business, to
bespeake any dinner for my wife and Mrs. Pierce.  However, by noon they
come, and a dinner we had, and Kate Joyce comes to see us, with whom very
merry.  After dinner she and I up to my chamber, who told me her business
was chiefly for my advice about her husband's leaving off his trade, which
though I wish enough, yet I did advise against, for he is a man will not
know how to live idle, and employment he is fit for none. Thence anon
carried her and Mrs. Pierce home, and so to the Duke of Albemarle, and
mighty kind he to me still.  So home late at my letters, and so to bed,
being mightily troubled at the newes of the plague's being encreased, and
was much the saddest news that the plague hath brought me from the
beginning of it; because of the lateness of the year, and the fear, we may
with reason have, of its continuing with us the next summer. The total
being now 375, and the plague 158.

17th.  Busy all the morning, settling things against my going out of towne
this night.  After dinner, late took horse, having sent for Lashmore to go
with me, and so he and I rode to Dagenhams in the dark. There find the
whole family well.  It was my Lord Crew's desire that I should come, and
chiefly to discourse with me of Lord Sandwich's matters; and therein to
persuade, what I had done already, that my Lord should sue out a pardon
for his business of the prizes, as also for Bergen, and all he hath done
this year past, before he begins his Embassy to Spayne.  For it is to be
feared that the Parliament will fly out against him and particular men,
the next Session.  He is glad also that my Lord is clear of his
sea-imployment, though sorry as I am, only in the manner of its bringing
about.  By and by to supper, my Lady Wright very kind.  After supper up to
wait on my Lady Crew, who is the same weake silly lady as ever, asking
such saintly questions.  Down to my Lord again and sat talking an houre or
two, and anon to prayers the whole family, and then all to bed, I
handsomely used, lying in the chamber Mr. Carteret formerly did, but sat
up an houre talking sillily with Mr. Carteret and Mr. Marre, and so to

18th.  Up before day and thence rode to London before office time, where I
met a note at the doore to invite me to supper to Mrs. Pierces because of
Mrs. Knipp, who is in towne and at her house: To the office, where, among
other things, vexed with Major Norwood's coming, who takes it ill my not
paying a bill of Exchange of his, but I have good reason for it, and so
the less troubled, but yet troubled, so as at noon being carried by my
Lord Bruncker to Captain Cocke's to dinner, where Mrs. Williams was, and
Mrs. Knipp, I was not heartily merry, though a glasse of wine did a little
cheer me.  After dinner to the office.  Anon comes to me thither my Lord
Bruncker, Mrs. Williams, and Knipp.  I brought down my wife in her
night-gowne, she not being indeed very well, to the office to them and
there by and by they parted all and my wife and I anon and Mercer, by
coach, to Pierces; where mighty merry, and sing and dance with great
pleasure; and I danced, who never did in company in my life, and Captain
Cocke come for a little while and danced, but went away, but we staid and
had a pretty supper, and spent till two in the morning, but got home well
by coach, though as dark as pitch, and so to bed.

19th.  Up and ready, called on by Mr. Moone, my Lord Bellases' secretary,
who and I good friends though I have failed him in some payments.  Thence
with Sir J. Minnes to the Duke of Albemarle's, and carried all well, and
met Norwood but prevented him in desiring a meeting of the Commissioners
for Tangier.  Thence to look for Sir H. [Cholmly], but he not within, he
coming to town last night.  It is a remarkable thing how infinitely naked
all that end of the towne, Covent-Garden, is at this day of people; while
the City is almost as full again of people as ever it was.  To the 'Change
and so home to dinner and the office, whither anon comes Sir H. Cholmley
to me, and he and I to my house, there to settle his accounts with me, and
so with great pleasure we agreed and great friends become, I think, and he
presented me upon the foot of our accounts for this year's service for him
L100, whereof Povy must have half.  Thence to the office and wrote a
letter to Norwood to satisfy him about my nonpayment of his bill, for that
do still stick in my mind.  So at night home to supper and to bed.

20th.  To the office, where upon Mr. Kinaston's coming to me about some
business of Colonell Norwood's, I sent my boy home for some papers, where,
he staying longer than I would have him, and being vexed at the business
and to be kept from my fellows in the office longer than was fit, I become
angry, and boxed my boy when he came, that I do hurt my thumb so much,
that I was not able to stir all the day after, and in great pain.  At noon
to dinner, and then to the office again, late, and so to supper and to

21st (Lord's day).  Lay almost till noon merrily and with pleasure talking
with my wife in bed.  Then up looking about my house, and the roome which
my wife is dressing up, having new hung our bedchamber with blue, very
handsome.  After dinner to my Tangier accounts and there stated them
against to-morrow very distinctly for the Lords to see who meet tomorrow,
and so to supper and to bed.

22nd.  Up, and set my people to work in copying Tangier accounts, and I
down the river to Greenwich to the office to fetch away some papers and
thence to Deptford, where by agreement my Lord Bruncker was to come, but
staid almost till noon, after I had spent an houre with W. Howe talking of
my Lord Sandwich's matters and his folly in minding his pleasures too much
now-a-days, and permitting himself to be governed by Cuttance to the
displeasing of all the Commanders almost of the fleete, and thence we may
conceive indeed the rise of all my Lord's misfortunes of late.  At noon my
Lord Bruncker did come, but left the keys of the chests we should open, at
Sir G. Carteret's lodgings, of my Lord Sandwich's, wherein Howe's supposed
jewells are; so we could not, according to my Lord Arlington's order, see
them today; but we parted, resolving to meet here at night: my Lord
Bruncker being going with Dr. Wilkins, Mr. Hooke, and others, to Colonell
Blunts, to consider again of the business of charriots, and to try their
new invention.  Which I saw here my Lord Bruncker ride in; where the
coachman sits astride upon a pole over the horse, but do not touch the
horse, which is a pretty odde thing; but it seems it is most easy for the
horse, and, as they say, for the man also. Thence I with speede by water
home and eat a bit, and took my accounts and to the Duke of Albemarle,
where for all I feared of Norwood he was very civill, and Sir Thomas
Ingram beyond expectation, I giving them all content and I thereby settled
mightily in my mind, for I was weary of the employment, and had had
thoughts of giving it over.  I did also give a good step in a business of
Mr. Hubland's, about getting a ship of his to go to Tangier, which during
this strict embargo is a great matter, and I shall have a good reward for
it, I hope.  Thence by water in the darke down to Deptford, and there find
my Lord Bruncker come and gone, having staid long for me.  I back
presently to the Crowne taverne behind the Exchange by appointment, and
there met the first meeting of Gresham College since the plague.  Dr.
Goddard did fill us with talke, in defence of his and his fellow
physicians going out of towne in the plague-time; saying that their
particular patients were most gone out of towne, and they left at liberty;
and a great deal more, &c.  But what, among other fine discourse pleased
me most, was Sir G. Ent about Respiration; that it is not to this day
known, or concluded on among physicians, nor to be done either, how the
action is managed by nature, or for what use it is. Here late till poor
Dr. Merriot was drunk, and so all home, and I to bed.

23rd.  Up and to the office and then to dinner.  After dinner to the
office again all the afternoon, and much business with me.  Good newes
beyond all expectation of the decrease of the plague, being now but 79,
and the whole but 272.  So home with comfort to bed.  A most furious
storme all night and morning.

24th.  By agreement my Lord Bruncker called me up, and though it was a
very foule, windy, and rainy morning, yet down to the waterside we went,
but no boat could go, the storme continued so.  So my Lord to stay till
fairer weather carried me into the Tower to Mr. Hore's and there we staid
talking an houre, but at last we found no boats yet could go, so we to the
office, where we met upon an occasion extraordinary of examining abuses of
our clerkes in taking money for examining of tickets, but nothing done in
it.  Thence my Lord and I, the weather being a little fairer, by water to
Deptford to Sir G. Carteret's house, where W. Howe met us, and there we
opened the chests, and saw the poor sorry rubys which have caused all this
ado to the undoing of W. Howe; though I am not much sorry for it, because
of his pride and ill nature.  About 200 of these very small stones, and a
cod of muske (which it is strange I was not able to smell) is all we could
find; so locked them up again, and my Lord and I, the wind being again
very furious, so as we durst not go by water, walked to London quite round
the bridge, no boat being able to stirre; and, Lord! what a dirty walk we
had, and so strong the wind, that in the fields we many times could not
carry our bodies against it, but were driven backwards.  We went through
Horsydowne, where I never was since a little boy, that I went to enquire
after my father, whom we did give over for lost coming from Holland.  It
was dangerous to walk the streets, the bricks and tiles falling from the
houses that the whole streets were covered with them; and whole chimneys,
nay, whole houses in two or three places, blowed down.  But, above all,
the pales on London-bridge on both sides were blown away, so that we were
fain to stoop very low for fear of blowing off of the bridge.  We could
see no boats in the Thames afloat, but what were broke loose, and carried
through the bridge, it being ebbing water.  And the greatest sight of all
was, among other parcels of ships driven here and there in clusters
together, one was quite overset and lay with her masts all along in the
water, and keel above water.  So walked home, my Lord away to his house
and I to dinner, Mr. Creed being come to towne and to dine with me, though
now it was three o'clock.  After dinner he and I to our accounts and very
troublesome he is and with tricks which I found plainly and was vexed at;
while we were together comes Sir G. Downing with Colonell Norwood,
Rumball, and Warrupp to visit me.  I made them drink good wine and
discoursed above alone a good while with Sir G. Downing, who is very
troublesome, and then with Colonell Norwood, who hath a great mind to have
me concerned with him in everything; which I like, but am shy of
adventuring too much, but will thinke of it.  They gone, Creed and I to
finish the settling his accounts.  Thence to the office, where the
Houblans and we discoursed upon a rubb which we have for one of the ships
I hoped to have got to go out to Tangier for them.  They being gone, I to
my office-business late, and then home to supper and even sacke for lacke
of a little wine, which I was forced to drink against my oathe, but
without pleasure.

25th.  Up and to the office, at noon home to dinner.  So abroad to the
Duke of Albemarle and Kate Joyce's and her husband, with whom I talked a
great deale about Pall's business, and told them what portion I would give
her, and they do mightily like of it and will proceed further in speaking
with Harman, who hath already been spoke to about it, as from them only,
and he is mighty glad of it, but doubts it may be an offence to me, if I
should know of it, so thinks that it do come only from Joyce, which I like
the better.  So I do believe the business will go on, and I desire it were
over.  I to the office then, where I did much business, and set my people
to work against furnishing me to go to Hampton Court, where the King and
Duke will be on Sunday next.  It is now certain that the King of France
hath publickly declared war against us, and God knows how little fit we
are for it.  At night comes Sir W. Warren, and he and I into the garden,
and talked over all our businesses.  He gives me good advice not to
embarke into trade (as I have had it in my thoughts about Colonell
Norwood) so as to be seen to mind it, for it will do me hurte, and draw my
mind off from my business and embroile my estate too soon.  So to the
office business, and I find him as cunning a man in all points as ever I
met with in my life and mighty merry we were in the discourse of our owne
trickes.  So about to o'clock at night I home and staid with him there
settling my Tangier-Boates business and talking and laughing at the folly
of some of our neighbours of this office till two in the morning and so to

26th.  Up, and pleased mightily with what my poor wife hath been doing
these eight or ten days with her owne hands, like a drudge in fitting the
new hangings of our bed-chamber of blue, and putting the old red ones into
my dressing-room, and so by coach to White Hall, where I had just now
notice that Sir G. Carteret is come to towne.  He seems pleased, but I
perceive he is heartily troubled at this Act, and the report of his losing
his place, and more at my not writing to him to the prejudice of the Act.
But I carry all fair to him and he to me.  He bemoans the Kingdom as in a
sad state, and with too much reason I doubt, having so many enemys about
us and no friends abroad, nor money nor love at home. Thence to the Duke
of Albemarle, and there a meeting with all the officers of the Navy,
where, Lord!  to see how the Duke of Albemarle flatters himself with false
hopes of money and victuals and all without reason.  Then comes the
Committee of Tangier to sit, and I there carry all before me very well.
Thence with Sir J. Bankes and Mr. Gawden to the 'Change, they both very
wise men.  After 'Change and agreeing with Houblon about our ships, D.
Gawden and I to the Pope's Head and there dined and little Chaplin (who a
rich man grown).  He gone after dinner, D. Gawden and I to talke of the
Victualling business of the Navy in what posture it is, which is very sad
also for want of money.  Thence home to my chamber by oathe to finish my
Journall.  Here W. Hewer came to me with L320 from Sir W. Warren, whereof
L220 is got clearly by a late business of insurance of the Gottenburg
ships, and the other L100 which was due and he had promised me before to
give me to my very extraordinary joy, for which I ought and do bless God
and so to my office, where late providing a letter to send to Mr. Gawden
in a manner we concluded on to-day, and so to bed.

27th.  Up very betimes to finish my letter and writ it fair to Mr. Gawden,
it being to demand several arrears in the present state of the
victualling, partly to the King's and partly to give him occasion to say
something relating to the want of money on his own behalf.  This done I to
the office, where all the morning.  At noon after a bit of dinner back to
the office and there fitting myself in all points to give an account to
the Duke and Mr. Coventry in all things, and in my Tangier business, till
three o'clock in the morning, and so to bed,

28th.  And up again about six (Lord's day), and being dressed in my
velvett coate and plain cravatte took a hackney coach provided ready for
me by eight o'clock, and so to my Lord Bruncker's with all my papers, and
there took his coach with four horses and away toward Hampton Court,
having a great deale of good discourse with him, particularly about his
coming to lie at the office, when I went further in inviting him to than I
intended, having not yet considered whether it will be convenient for me
or no to have him here so near us, and then of getting Mr. Evelyn or Sir
Robert Murray into the Navy in the room of Sir Thomas Harvey.  At
Brainford I 'light, having need to shit, and went into an Inne doore that
stood open, found the house of office and used it, but saw no people, only
after I was in the house, heard a great dogg barke, and so was afeard how
I should get safe back again, and therefore drew my sword and scabbard out
of my belt to have ready in my hand, but did not need to use it, but got
safe into the coach again, but lost my belt by the shift, not missing it
till I come to Hampton Court.  At the Wicke found Sir J. Minnes and Sir W.
Batten at a lodging provided for us by our messenger, and there a good
dinner ready.  After dinner took coach and to Court, where we find the
King, and Duke, and Lords, all in council; so we walked up and down: there
being none of the ladies come, and so much the more business I hope will
be done.  The Council being up, out comes the King, and I kissed his hand,
and he grasped me very kindly by the hand.  The Duke also, I kissed his,
and he mighty kind, and Sir W. Coventry.  I found my Lord Sandwich there,
poor man!  I see with a melancholy face, and suffers his beard to grow on
his upper lip more than usual.  I took him a little aside to know when I
should wait on him, and where: he told me, and that it would be best to
meet at his lodgings, without being seen to walk together.  Which I liked
very well; and, Lord! to see in what difficulty I stand, that I dare not
walk with Sir W. Coventry, for fear my Lord or Sir G. Carteret should see
me; nor with either of them, for fear Sir W. Coventry should.  After
changing a few words with Sir W. Coventry, who assures me of his respect
and love to me, and his concernment for my health in all this sickness, I
went down into one of the Courts, and there met the King and Duke; and the
Duke called me to him.  And the King come to me of himself, and told me,
"Mr. Pepys," says he, "I do give you thanks for your good service all this
year, and I assure you I am very sensible of it."  And the Duke of Yorke
did tell me with pleasure, that he had read over my discourse about
pursers, and would have it ordered in my way, and so fell from one
discourse to another.  I walked with them quite out of the Court into the
fields, and then back to my Lord Sandwich's chamber, where I find him
very melancholy and not well satisfied, I perceive, with my carriage to
Sir G. Carteret, but I did satisfy him and made him confess to me, that I
have a very hard game to play; and told me he was sorry to see it, and the
inconveniences which likely may fall upon me with him; but, for all that,
I am not much afeard, if I can but keepe out of harm's way in not being
found too much concerned in my Lord's or Sir G. Carteret's matters, and
that I will not be if I can helpe it.  He hath got over his business of
the prizes, so far as to have a privy seale passed for all that was in his
distribution to the officers, which I am heartily glad of; and, for the
rest, he must be answerable for what he is proved to have.  But for his
pardon for anything else, he thinks it not seasonable to aske it, and not
usefull to him; because that will not stop a Parliament's mouth, and for
the King, he is sure enough of him.  I did aske him whether he was sure of
the interest and friendship of any great Ministers of State and he told
me, yes.  As we were going further, in comes my Lord Mandeville, so we
were forced to breake off and I away, and to Sir W. Coventry's chamber,
where he not come in but I find Sir W. Pen, and he and I to discourse.  I
find him very much out of humour, so that I do not think matters go very
well with him, and I am glad of it.  He and I staying till late, and Sir
W. Coventry not coming in (being shut up close all the afternoon with the
Duke of Albemarle), we took boat, and by water to Kingston, and so to our
lodgings, where a good supper and merry, only I sleepy, and therefore
after supper I slunk away from the rest to bed, and lay very well and
slept soundly, my mind being in a great delirium between joy for what the
King and Duke have said to me and Sir W. Coventry, and trouble for my Lord
Sandwich's concernments, and how hard it will be for me to preserve myself
from feeling thereof.

29th.  Up, and to Court by coach, where to Council before the Duke of
Yorke, the Duke of Albemarle with us, and after Sir W. Coventry had gone
over his notes that he had provided with the Duke of Albemarle, I went
over all mine with good successe, only I fear I did once offend the Duke
of Albemarle, but I was much joyed to find the Duke of Yorke so much
contending for my discourse about the pursers against Sir W. Pen, who
opposes it like a foole; my Lord Sandwich come in in the middle of the
business, and, poor man, very melancholy, methought, and said little at
all, or to the business, and sat at the lower end, just as he come, no
roome being made for him, only I did give him my stoole, and another was
reached me.  After council done, I walked to and again up and down the
house, discoursing with this and that man.  Among others tooke occasion to
thanke the Duke of Yorke for his good opinion in general of my service,
and particularly his favour in conferring on me the Victualling business.
He told me that he knew nobody so fit as I for it, and next, he was very
glad to find that to give me for my encouragement, speaking very kindly of
me.  So to Sir W. Coventry's to dinner with him, whom I took occasion to
thanke for his favour and good thoughts of what little service I did,
desiring he would do the last act of friendship in telling me of my faults
also.  He told me he would be sure he would do that also, if there were
any occasion for it.  So that as much as it is possible under so great a
fall of my Lord Sandwich's, and difference between them, I may conclude
that I am thoroughly right with Sir W. Coventry.  I dined with him with a
great deale of company, and much merry discourse.  I was called away
before dinner ended to go to my company who dined at our lodgings.
Thither I went with Mr. Evelyn (whom I met) in his coach going that way,
but finding my company gone, but my Lord Bruncker left his coach for me;
so Mr. Evelyn and I into my Lord's coach, and rode together with excellent
discourse till we come to Clapham, talking of the vanity and vices of the
Court, which makes it a most contemptible thing; and indeed in all his
discourse I find him a most worthy person. Particularly he entertained me
with discourse of an Infirmary, which he hath projected for the sick and
wounded seamen against the next year, which I mightily approve of; and
will endeavour to promote it, being a worthy thing, and of use, and will
save money.  He set me down at Mr. Gawden's, where nobody yet come home, I
having left him and his sons and Creed at Court, so I took a book and into
the gardens, and there walked and read till darke with great pleasure, and
then in and in comes Osborne, and he and I to talk of Mr. Jaggard, who
comes from London, and great hopes there is of a decrease this week also
of the plague.  Anon comes in Creed, and after that Mr. Gawden and his
sons, and then they bringing in three ladies, who were in the house, but I
do not know them, his daughter and two nieces, daughters of Dr.
Whistler's, with whom and Creed mighty sport at supper, the ladies very
pretty and mirthfull.  I perceive they know Creed's gut and stomach as
well as I, and made as much mirthe as I with it at supper.  After supper I
made the ladies sing, and they have been taught, but, Lord! though I was
forced to commend them, yet it was the saddest stuff I ever heard.
However, we sat up late, and then I, in the best chamber like a prince, to
bed, and Creed with me, and being sleepy talked but little.

30th.  Lay long till Mr. Gawden was gone out being to take a little
journey.  Up, and Creed and I some good discourse, but with some trouble
for the state of my Lord's matters.  After walking a turne or two in the
garden, and bid good morrow to Mr. Gawden's sons, and sent my service to
the ladies, I took coach after Mr. Gawden's, and home, finding the towne
keeping the day solemnly, it being the day of the King's murther, and they
being at church, I presently into the church, thinking to see Mrs.
Lethulier or Batelier, but did not, and a dull sermon of our young
Lecturer, too bad.  This is the first time I have been in this church
since I left London for the plague, and it frighted me indeed to go
through the church more than I thought it could have done, to see so
[many] graves lie so high upon the churchyards where people have been
buried of the plague.  I was much troubled at it, and do not think to go
through it again a good while.  So home to my wife, whom I find not well,
in bed, and it seems hath not been well these two days.  She rose and we
to dinner, after dinner up to my chamber, where she entertained me with
what she hath lately bought of clothes for herself, and Damask linnen, and
other things for the house.  I did give her a serious account how matters
stand with me, of favour with the King and Duke, and of danger in
reference to my Lord's and Sir G. Carteret's falls, and the
dissatisfaction I have heard the Duke of Albemarle hath acknowledged to
somebody, among other things, against my Lord Sandwich, that he did bring
me into the Navy against his desire and endeavour for another, which was
our doting foole Turner.  Thence from one discourse to another, and
looking over my house, and other things I spent the day at home, and at
night betimes to bed.  After dinner this day I went down by water to
Deptford, and fetched up what money there was of W. Howe's contingencies
in the chest there, being L516 13s. 3d. and brought it home to dispose of.

31st.  Lay pretty long in bed, and then up and to the office, where we met
on extraordinary occasion about the business of tickets.  By and by to the
'Change, and there did several businesses, among others brought home my
cozen Pepys, whom I appointed to be here to-day, and Mr. Moore met us upon
the business of my Lord's bond.  Seeing my neighbour Mr. Knightly walk
alone from the 'Change, his family being not yet come to town, I did
invite him home with me, and he dined with me, a very sober, pretty man he
is.  He is mighty solicitous, as I find many about the City that live near
the churchyards, to have the churchyards covered with lime, and I think it
is needfull, and ours I hope will be done.  Good pleasant discourse at
dinner of the practices of merchants to cheate the "Customers," occasioned
by Mr. Moore's being with much trouble freed of his prize goods, which he
bought, which fell into the Customers' hands, and with much ado hath
cleared them.  Mr. Knightly being gone, my cozen Pepys and Moore and I to
our business, being the clearing of my Lord Sandwich's bond wherein I am
bound with him to my cozen for L1000 I have at last by my dexterity got my
Lord's consent to have it paid out of the money raised by his prizes.  So
the bond is cancelled, and he paid by having a note upon Sir Robert Viner,
in whose hands I had lodged my Lord's money, by which I am to my
extraordinary comfort eased of a liablenesse to pay the sum in case of my
Lord's death, or troubles in estate, or my Lord's greater fall, which God
defend!  Having settled this matter at Sir R. Viner's, I took up Mr. Moore
(my cozen going home) and to my Lord Chancellor's new house which he is
building, only to view it, hearing so much from Mr. Evelyn of it; and,
indeed, it is the finest pile I ever did see in my life, and will be a
glorious house.  Thence to the Duke of Albemarle, who tells me Mr.
Coventry is come to town and directs me to go to him about some business
in hand, whether out of displeasure or desire of ease I know not; but I
asked him not the reason of it but went to White Hall, but could not find
him there, though to my great joy people begin to bustle up and down
there, the King holding his resolution to be in towne to-morrow, and hath
good encouragement, blessed be God! to do so, the plague being decreased
this week to 56, and the total to 227.  So after going to the Swan in the
Palace, and sent for Spicer to discourse about my last Tangier tallys that
have some of the words washed out with the rain, to have them new writ, I
home, and there did some business and at the office, and so home to
supper, and to bed.

                          DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS.

February 1st.  Up and to the office, where all the morning till late, and
Mr. Coventry with us, the first time since before the plague, then hearing
my wife was gone abroad to buy things and see her mother and father, whom
she hath not seen since before the plague, and no dinner provided for me
ready, I walked to Captain Cocke's, knowing my Lord Bruncker dined there,
and there very merry, and a good dinner.  Thence my Lord and his
mistresse, Madam Williams, set me down at the Exchange, and I to Alderman
Backewell's to set all my reckonings straight there, which I did, and took
up all my notes.  So evened to this day, and thence to Sir Robert Viner's,
where I did the like, leaving clear in his hands just L2000 of my owne
money, to be called for when I pleased.  Having done all this I home, and
there to the office, did my business there by the post and so home, and
spent till one in the morning in my chamber to set right all my money
matters, and so to bed.

2nd.  Up betimes, and knowing that my Lord Sandwich is come to towne with
the King and Duke, I to wait upon him, which I did, and find him in very
good humour, which I am glad to see with all my heart.  Having received
his commands, and discoursed with some of his people about my Lord's
going, and with Sir Roger Cuttance, who was there, and finds himself
slighted by Sir W. Coventry, I advised him however to look after
employment lest it should be said that my Lord's friends do forsake the
service after he hath made them rich with the prizes.  I to London, and
there among other things did look over some pictures at Cade's for my
house, and did carry home a silver drudger

     [The dredger was probably the drageoir of France; in low Latin,
     dragerium, or drageria, in which comfits (dragdes) were kept.
     Roquefort says, "The ladies wore a little spice-box, in shape like a
     watch, to carry dragles, and it was called a drageoir."  The custom
     continued certainly till the middle of the last century.  Old
     Palsgrave, in his "Eclaircissement de la Langue Francaise," gives
     "dradge" as spice, rendering it by the French word dragde.  Chaucer
     says, of his Doctor of Physic, "Full ready hadde he his Apothecaries
     To send him dragges, and his lattuaries."  The word sometimes may
     have signified the pounded condiments in which our forefathers
     delighted.  It is worth notice, that "dragge" was applied to a grain
     in the eastern counties, though not exclusively there, appearing to
     denote mixed grain.  Bishop Kennett tells us that "dredge mault is
     mault made up of oats, mixed with barley, of which they make an
     excellent, freshe, quiete sort of drinke, in Staffordshire."  The
     dredger is still commonly used in our kitchen.--B.]

for my cupboard of plate, and did call for my silver chafing dishes, but
they are sent home, and the man would not be paid for them, saying that he
was paid for them already, and with much ado got him to tell me by Mr.
Wayth, but I would not accept of that, but will send him his money, not
knowing any courtesy I have yet done him to deserve it.  So home, and with
my wife looked over our plate, and picked out L40 worth, I believe, to
change for more usefull plate, to our great content, and then we shall
have a very handsome cupboard of plate.  So to dinner, and then to the
office, where we had a meeting extraordinary, about stating to the Duke
the present debts of the Navy, for which ready money must be had, and that
being done, I to my business, where late, and then home to supper, and to

3rd.  Up, and to the office very busy till 3 o'clock, and then home, all
of us, for half an hour to dinner, and to it again till eight at night,
stating our wants of money for the Duke, but could not finish it.  So
broke up, and I to my office, then about letters and other businesses very
late, and so home to supper, weary with business, and to bed.

4th.  Lord's day; and my wife and I the first time together at church
since the plague, and now only because of Mr. Mills his coming home to
preach his first sermon; expecting a great excuse for his leaving the
parish before any body went, and now staying till all are come home; but
he made but a very poor and short excuse, and a bad sermon.  It was a
frost, and had snowed last night, which covered the graves in the
churchyard, so as I was the less afeard for going through.  Here I had the
content to see my noble Mrs. Lethulier, and so home to dinner, and all the
afternoon at my Journall till supper, it being a long while behindhand.
At supper my wife tells me that W. Joyce has been with her this evening,
the first time since the plague, and tells her my aunt James is lately
dead of the stone, and what she had hath given to his and his brother's
wife and my cozen Sarah.  So after supper to work again, and late to bed.

5th.  Up, and with Sir W. Batten (at whose lodgings calling for him, I saw
his Lady the first time since her coming to towne since the plague, having
absented myself designedly to shew some discontent, and that I am not at
all the more suppliant because of my Lord Sandwich's fall), to my Lord
Bruncker's, to see whether he goes to the Duke's this morning or no. But
it is put off, and so we parted.  My Lord invited me to dinner to-day to
dine with Sir W. Batten and his Lady there, who were invited before, but
lest he should thinke so little an invitation would serve my turne I
refused and parted, and to Westminster about business, and so back to the
'Change, and there met Mr. Hill, newly come to town, and with him the
Houblands, preparing for their ship's and his going to Tangier, and agreed
that I must sup with them to-night.  So home and eat a bit, and then to
White Hall to a Committee for Tangier, but it did not meet but was put off
to to-morrow, so I did some little business and visited my Lord Sandwich,
and so, it raining, went directly to the Sun, behind the Exchange, about
seven o'clock, where I find all the five brothers Houblons, and mighty
fine gentlemen they are all, and used me mighty respectfully.  We were
mighty civilly merry, and their discourses, having been all abroad, very
fine.  Here late and at last accompanied home with Mr. J. Houblon and
Hill, whom I invited to sup with me on Friday, and so parted and I home to

6th.  Up, and to the office, where very busy all the morning.  We met upon
a report to the Duke of Yorke of the debts of the Navy, which we finished
by three o'clock, and having eat one little bit of meate, I by water
before the rest to White Hall (and they to come after me) because of a
Committee for Tangier, where I did my business of stating my accounts
perfectly well, and to good liking, and do not discern, but the Duke of
Albemarle is my friend in his intentions notwithstanding my general fears.
After that to our Navy business, where my fellow officers were called in,
and did that also very well, and then broke up, and I home by coach,
Tooker with me, and staid in Lumbard Streete at Viner's, and sent home for
the plate which my wife and I had a mind to change, and there changed it,
about L50 worth, into things more usefull, whereby we shall now have a
very handsome cupboard of plate.  So home to the office, wrote my letters
by the post, and to bed.

7th.  It being fast day I staid at home all day long to set things to
rights in my chamber by taking out all my books, and putting my chamber in
the same condition it was before the plague.  But in the morning doing of
it, and knocking up a nail I did bruise my left thumb so as broke a great
deal of my flesh off, that it hung by a little.  It was a sight frighted
my wife, but I put some balsam of Mrs. Turner's to it, and though in great
pain, yet went on with my business, and did it to my full content, setting
every thing in order, in hopes now that the worst of our fears are over as
to the plague for the next year.  Interrupted I was by two or three
occasions this day to my great vexation, having this the only day I have
been able to set apart for this work since my coming to town.  At night to
supper, weary, and to bed, having had the plasterers and joiners also to
do some jobbs.

8th.  Up, and all the morning at the office.  At noon to the 'Change,
expecting to have received from Mr. Houbland, as he promised me, an
assignment upon Viner, for my reward for my getting them the going of
their two ships to Tangier, but I find myself much disappointed therein,
for I spoke with him and he said nothing of it, but looked coldly, through
some disturbance he meets with in our business through Colonell Norwood's
pressing them to carry more goods than will leave room for some of their
own.  But I shall ease them.  Thence to Captain Cocke's, where Mr.
Williamson, Wren, Boldell and Madam Williams, and by and by Lord Bruncker,
he having been with the King and Duke upon the water to-day, to see
Greenwich house, and the yacht Castle is building of, and much good
discourse.  So to White Hall to see my Lord Sandwich, and then home to my
business till night, and then to bed.

9th.  Up, and betimes to Sir Philip Warwicke, who was glad to see me, and
very kind.  Thence to Colonell Norwood's lodgings, and there set about
Houblons' business about their ships.  Thence to Westminster, to the
Exchequer, about my Tangier business to get orders for tallys, and so to
the Hall, where the first day of the Terme, and the Hall very full of
people, and much more than was expected, considering the plague that hath
been.  Thence to the 'Change, and to the Sun behind it to dinner with the
Lieutenant of the Tower, Colonell Norwood and others, where strange
pleasure they seem to take in their wine and meate, and discourse of it
with the curiosity and joy that methinks was below men of worthe.  Thence
home, and there very much angry with my people till I had put all things
in good forwardnesse about my supper for the Houblons, but that being done
I was in good humour again, and all things in good order.  Anon the five
brothers Houblons come and Mr. Hill, and a very good supper we had, and
good company and discourse, with great pleasure.  My new plate sets off my
cupboard very nobly.  Here they were till about eleven at night with great
pleasure, and a fine sight it is to see these five brothers thus loving
one to another, and all industrious merchants.  Our subject was
principally Mr. Hill's going for them to Portugall, which was the occasion
of this entertainment.  They gone, we to bed.

10th.  Up, and to the office.  At noon, full of business, to dinner. This
day comes first Sir Thomas Harvy after the plague, having been out of
towne all this while.  He was coldly received by us, and he went away
before we rose also, to make himself appear yet a man less necessary.
After dinner, being full of care and multitude of business, I took coach
and my wife with me.  I set her down at her mother's (having first called
at my Lord Treasurer's and there spoke with Sir Ph. Warwicke), and I to
the Exchequer about Tangier orders, and so to the Swan and there staid a
little, and so by coach took up my wife, and at the old Exchange bought a
muffe, and so home and late at my letters, and so to supper and to bed,
being now-a-days, for these four or five months, mightily troubled with my
snoring in my sleep, and know not how to remedy it.

11th (Lord's day).  Up, and put on a new black cloth suit to an old coate
that I make to be in mourning at Court, where they are all, for the King
of Spayne.--[Philip IV., who died September 17th, 1665.]--To church I, and
at noon dined well, and then by water to White Hall, carrying a captain of
the Tower (who desired his freight thither); there I to the Parke, and
walked two or three turns of the Pell Mell with the company about the King
and Duke; the Duke speaking to me a good deal.  There met Lord Bruncker
and Mr. Coventry, and discoursed about the Navy business; and all of us
much at a loss that we yet can hear nothing of Sir Jeremy Smith's fleete,
that went away to the Streights the middle of December, through all the
storms that we have had since, that have driven back three or four of them
with their masts by the board.  Yesterday come out the King's Declaration
of War against the French, but with such mild invitations of both them and
the Dutch to come over hither with promise of their protection, that every
body wonders at it.  Thence home with my Lord Bruncker for discourse sake,
and thence by hackney coach home, and so my wife and I mighty pleasant
discourse, supped and to bed.  The great wound I had Wednesday last in my
thumb having with once dressing by Mrs. Turner's balsam been perfectly
cured, whereas I did not hope to save my nail, whatever else ill it did
give me.  My wife and I are much thoughtfull now-a-days about Pall's
coming up in order to a husband.

12th.  Up, and very busy to perform an oathe in finishing my Journall this
morning for 7 or 8 days past.  Then to several people attending upon
business, among others Mr. Grant and the executors of Barlow for the L25
due for the quarter before he died, which I scrupled to pay, being obliged
but to pay every half year.  Then comes Mr. Caesar, my boy's lute-master,
whom I have not seen since the plague before, but he hath been in
Westminster all this while very well; and tells me in the height of it,
how bold people there were, to go in sport to one another's burials; and
in spite too, ill people would breathe in the faces (out of their windows)
of well people going by.  Then to dinner before the 'Change, and so to the
'Change, and then to the taverne to talk with Sir William Warren, and so
by coach to several places, among others to my Lord Treasurer's, there to
meet my Lord Sandwich, but missed, and met him at [my] Lord Chancellor's,
and there talked with him about his accounts, and then about Sir G.
Carteret, and I find by him that Sir G. Carteret has a worse game to play
than my Lord Sandwich, for people are jeering at him, and he cries out of
the business of Sir W. Coventry, who strikes at all and do all.  Then to
my bookseller's, and then received some books I have new bought, and here
late choosing some more to new bind, having resolved to give myself L10 in
books, and so home to the office and then home to supper, where Mr. Hill
was and supped with us, and good discourse; an excellent person he still
appears to me.  After supper, and he gone, we to bed.

13th.  Up, and all the morning at the office.  At noon to the 'Change, and
thence after business dined at the Sheriffe's [Hooker], being carried by
Mr. Lethulier, where to my heart's content I met with his wife, a most
beautifull fat woman.  But all the house melancholy upon the sickness of a
daughter of the house in childbed, Mr. Vaughan's lady.  So all of them
undressed, but however this lady a very fine woman.  I had a salute of
her, and after dinner some discourse the Sheriffe and I about a parcel of
tallow I am buying for the office of him.  I away home, and there at the
office all the afternoon till late at night, and then away home to supper
and to bed.  Ill newes this night that the plague is encreased this week,
and in many places else about the towne, and at Chatham and elsewhere.
This day my wife wanting a chambermaid with much ado got our old little
Jane to be found out, who come to see her and hath lived all this while in
one place, but is so well that we will not desire her removal, but are
mighty glad to see the poor wench, who is very well and do well.

14th (St. Valentine's day).  This morning called up by Mr. Hill, who, my
wife thought, had been come to be her Valentine; she, it seems, having
drawne him last night, but it proved not.  However, calling him up to our
bed-side, my wife challenged him.  I up, and made myself ready, and so
with him by coach to my Lord Sandwich's by appointment to deliver Mr.
Howe's accounts to my Lord.  Which done, my Lord did give me hearty and
large studied thanks for all my kindnesse to him and care of him and his
business.  I after profession of all duty to his Lordship took occasion to
bemoane myself that I should fall into such a difficulty about Sir G.
Carteret, as not to be for him, but I must be against Sir W. Coventry, and
therefore desired to be neutrall, which my Lord approved and confessed
reasonable, but desired me to befriend him privately.  Having done in
private with my Lord I brought Mr. Hill to kisse his hands, to whom my
Lord professed great respect upon my score.  My Lord being gone, I took
Mr. Hill to my Lord Chancellor's new house that is building, and went with
trouble up to the top of it, and there is there the noblest prospect that
ever I saw in my life, Greenwich being nothing to it; and in every thing
is a beautiful house, and most strongly built in every respect; and as if,
as it hath, it had the Chancellor for its master. Thence with him to his
paynter, Mr. Hales, who is drawing his picture, which will be mighty like
him, and pleased me so, that I am resolved presently to have my wife's and
mine done by him, he having a very masterly hand.  So with mighty
satisfaction to the 'Change and thence home, and after dinner abroad,
taking Mrs. Mary Batelier with us, who was just come to see my wife, and
they set me down at my Lord Treasurer's, and themselves went with the
coach into the fields to take the ayre.  I staid a meeting of the Duke of
Yorke's, and the officers of the Navy and Ordnance.  My Lord Treasurer
lying in bed of the gowte.  Our business was discourse of the straits of
the Navy for want of money, but after long discourse as much out of order
as ordinary people's, we come to no issue, nor any money promised, or like
to be had, and yet the worke must be done.  Here I perceive Sir G.
Carteret had prepared himself to answer a choque of Sir W. Coventry, by
offering of himself to shew all he had paid, and what is unpaid, and what
moneys and assignments he hath in his hands, which, if he makes good, was
the best thing he ever did say in his life, and the best timed, for else
it must have fallen very foule on him. The meeting done I away, my wife
and they being come back and staying for me at the gate.  But, Lord!  to
see how afeard I was that Sir W. Coventry should have spyed me once
whispering with Sir G. Carteret, though not intended by me, but only Sir
G. Carteret come to me and I could not avoyde it.  So home, they set me
down at the 'Change, and I to the Crowne, where my Lord Bruncker was come
and several of the Virtuosi, and after a small supper and but little good
discourse I with Sir W. Batten (who was brought thither with my Lord
Bruncker) home, where I find my wife gone to Mrs. Mercer's to be merry,
but presently come in with Mrs. Knipp, who, it seems, is in towne, and was
gone thither with my wife and Mercer to dance, and after eating a little
supper went thither again to spend the whole night there, being W. Howe
there, at whose chamber they are, and Lawd Crisp by chance.  I to bed.

15th.  Up, and my wife not come home all night.  To the office, where sat
all the morning.  At noon to Starky's, a great cooke in Austin Friars,
invited by Colonell Atkins, and a good dinner for Colonell Norwood and his
friends, among others Sir Edward Spragg and others, but ill attendance.
Before dined, called on by my wife in a coach, and so I took leave, and
then with her and Knipp and Mercer (Mr. Hunt newly come out of the country
being there also come to see us) to Mr. Hales, the paynter's, having set
down Mr. Hunt by the way.  Here Mr. Hales' begun my wife in the posture we
saw one of my Lady Peters, like a St. Katharine.

     [It was the fashion at this time to be painted as St. Catherine, in
     compliment to the queen.]

While he painted, Knipp, and Mercer, and I, sang; and by and by comes Mrs.
Pierce, with my name in her bosom for her Valentine, which will cost me
money.  But strange how like his very first dead colouring is, that it did
me good to see it, and pleases me mightily, and I believe will be a noble
picture.  Thence with them all as far as Fleete Streete, and there set
Mercer and Knipp down, and we home.  I to the office, whither the Houblons
come telling me of a little new trouble from Norwood about their ship,
which troubles me, though without reason.  So late home to supper and to
bed.  We hear this night of Sir Jeremy Smith, that he and his fleete have
been seen at Malaga; which is good newes.

16th.  Up betimes, and by appointment to the Exchange, where I met Messrs.
Houblons, and took them up in my coach and carried them to Charing Crosse,
where they to Colonell Norwood to see how they can settle matters with
him, I having informed them by the way with advice to be easy with him,
for he may hereafter do us service, and they and I are like to understand
one another to very good purpose.  I to my Lord Sandwich, and there alone
with him to talke of his affairs, and particularly of his prize goods,
wherein I find he is wearied with being troubled, and gives over the care
of it to let it come to what it will, having the King's release for the
dividend made, and for the rest he thinks himself safe from being proved
to have anything more.  Thence to the Exchequer, and so by coach to the
'Change, Mr. Moore with me, who tells me very odde passages of the
indiscretion of my Lord in the management of his family, of his
carelessnesse, &c., which troubles me, but makes me rejoice with all my
heart of my being rid of the bond of L1000, for that would have been a
cruel blow to me.  With Moore to the Coffee-House, the first time I have
been there, where very full, and company it seems hath been there all the
plague time.  So to the 'Change, and then home to dinner, and after dinner
to settle accounts with him for my Lord, and so evened with him to this
day.  Then to the office, and out with Sir W. Warren for discourse by
coach to White Hall, thinking to have spoke with Sir W. Coventry, but did
not, and to see the Queene, but she comes but to Hampton Court to-night.
Back to my office and there late, and so home to supper and bed.  I walked
a good while to-night with Mr. Hater in the garden, talking about a
husband for my sister, and reckoning up all our clerks about us, none of
which he thinks fit for her and her portion.  At last I thought of young
Gawden, and will thinke of it again.

17th.  Up, and to the office, where busy all the morning.  Late to dinner,
and then to the office again, and there busy till past twelve at night,
and so home to supper and to bed.  We have newes of Sir Jeremy Smith's
being very well with his fleete at Cales.--[Cadiz]

18th (Lord's day).  Lay long in bed discoursing with pleasure with my
wife, among other things about Pall's coming up, for she must be here a
little to be fashioned, and my wife hath a mind to go down for her, which
I am not much against, and so I rose and to my chamber to settle several
things.  At noon comes my uncle Wight to dinner, and brings with him Mrs.
Wight, sad company to me, nor was I much pleased with it, only I must shew
respect to my uncle.  After dinner they gone, and it being a brave day, I
walked to White Hall, where the Queene and ladies are all come: I saw some
few of them, but not the Queene, nor any of the great beauties. I
endeavoured to have seen my Lord Hinchingbrooke, who come to town
yesterday, but I could not.  Met with Creed and walked with him a turne or
two in the Parke, but without much content, having now designs of getting
money in my head, which allow me not the leisure I used to have with him,
besides an odde story lately told of him for a great truth, of his
endeavouring to lie with a woman at Oxford, and her crying out saved her;
and this being publickly known, do a little make me hate him. Thence took
coach, and calling by the way at my bookseller's for a booke I writ about
twenty years ago in prophecy of this year coming on, 1666, explaining it
to be the marke of the beast, I home, and there fell to reading, and then
to supper, and to bed.

19th.  Up, and by coach to my Lord Sandwich's, but he was gone out.  So I
to White Hall, and there waited on the Duke of Yorke with some of the rest
of our brethren, and thence back again to my Lord's, to see my Lord
Hinchingbroke, which I did, and I am mightily out of countenance in my
great expectation of him by others' report, though he is indeed a pretty
gentleman, yet nothing what I took him for, methinks, either as to person
or discourse discovered to me, but I must try him more before I go too far
in censuring.  Hence to the Exchequer from office to office, to set my
business of my tallys in doing, and there all the morning.  So at noon by
coach to St. Paul's Church-yarde to my Bookseller's, and there bespoke a
few more books to bring all I have lately bought to L10.  Here I am told
for certain, what I have heard once or twice already, of a Jew in town,
that in the name of the rest do offer to give any man L10 to be paid L100,
if a certain person now at Smyrna be within these two years owned by all
the Princes of the East, and particularly the grand Signor as the King of
the world, in the same manner we do the King of England here, and that
this man is the true Messiah.  One named a friend of his that had received
ten pieces in gold upon this score, and says that the Jew hath disposed of
L1100 in this manner, which is very strange; and certainly this year of
1666 will be a year of great action; but what the consequences of it will
be, God knows!  Thence to the 'Change, and from my stationer's thereabouts
carried home by coach two books of Ogilby's, his AEsop and Coronation,
which fell to my lot at his lottery.  Cost me L4 besides the binding.  So
home.  I find my wife gone out to Hales, her paynter's, and I after a
little dinner do follow her, and there do find him at worke, and with
great content I do see it will be a very brave picture.  Left her there,
and I to my Lord Treasurer's, where Sir G. Carteret and Sir J. Minnes met
me, and before my Lord Treasurer and Duke of Albemarle the state of our
Navy debts were laid open, being very great, and their want of money to
answer them openly professed, there being but L1,500,000 to answer a
certaine expense and debt of L2,300,000. Thence walked with Fenn down to
White Hall, and there saw the Queene at cards with many ladies, but none
of our beauties were there.  But glad I was to see the Queene so well, who
looks prettily; and methinks hath more life than before, since it is
confessed of all that she miscarryed lately; Dr. Clerke telling me
yesterday at White Hall that he had the membranes and other vessels in his
hands which she voided, and were perfect as ever woman's was that bore a
child.  Thence hoping to find my Lord Sandwich, away by coach to my Lord
Chancellor's, but missed him, and so home and to office, and then to
supper and my Journall, and to bed.

20th.  Up, and to the office; where, among other businesses, Mr. Evelyn's
proposition about publique Infirmarys was read and agreed on, he being
there: and at noon I took him home to dinner, being desirous of keeping my
acquaintance with him; and a most excellent humoured man I still find him,
and mighty knowing.  After dinner I took him by coach to White Hall, and
there he and I parted, and I to my Lord Sandwich's, where coming and
bolting into the dining-room, I there found Captain Ferrers going to
christen a child of his born yesterday, and I come just pat to be a
godfather, along with my Lord Hinchingbrooke, and Madam Pierce, my
Valentine, which for that reason I was pretty well contented with, though
a little vexed to see myself so beset with people to spend me money, as
she of a Valentine and little Mrs. Tooker, who is come to my house this
day from Greenwich, and will cost me 20s., my wife going out with her this
afternoon, and now this christening.  Well, by and by the child is brought
and christened Katharine, and I this day on this occasion drank a glasse
of wine, which I have not professedly done these two years, I think, but a
little in the time of the sicknesse.  After that done, and gone and kissed
the mother in bed, I away to Westminster Hall, and there hear that Mrs.
Lane is come to town.  So I staid loitering up and down till anon she
comes and agreed to meet at Swayn's, and there I went anon, and she come,
but staid but little, the place not being private.  I have not seen her
since before the plague.  So thence parted and 'rencontrais a' her last
'logis', and in the place did what I 'tenais a mind pour ferais con her'.
At last she desired to borrow money of me, L5, and would pawn gold with me
for it, which I accepted and promised in a day or two to supply her.  So
away home to the office, and thence home, where little Mrs. Tooker staid
all night with us, and a pretty child she is, and happens to be niece to
my beauty that is dead, that lived at the Jackanapes, in Cheapside.  So to
bed, a little troubled that I have been at two houses this afternoon with
Mrs. Lane that were formerly shut up of the plague.

21st.  Up, and with Sir J. Minnes to White Hall by his coach, by the way
talking of my brother John to get a spiritual promotion for him, which I
am now to looke after, for as much as he is shortly to be Master in Arts,
and writes me this weeke a Latin letter that he is to go into orders this
Lent.  There to the Duke's chamber, and find our fellows discoursing there
on our business, so I was sorry to come late, but no hurte was done
thereby.  Here the Duke, among other things, did bring out a book of great
antiquity of some of the customs of the Navy, about 100 years since, which
he did lend us to read and deliver him back again.  Thence I to the
Exchequer, and there did strike my tallys for a quarter for Tangier and
carried them home with me, and thence to Trinity-house, being invited to
an Elder Brother's feast; and there met and sat by Mr. Prin, and had good
discourse about the privileges of Parliament, which, he says, are few to
the Commons' House, and those not examinable by them, but only by the
House of Lords.  Thence with my Lord Bruncker to Gresham College, the
first time after the sicknesse that I was there, and the second time any
met.  And here a good lecture of Mr. Hooke's about the trade of
felt-making, very pretty.  And anon alone with me about the art of drawing
pictures by Prince Rupert's rule and machine, and another of Dr. Wren's;

     [Afterwards the famous Sir Christopher Wren.  He was one of the
     mainstays of the Royal Society.]

but he says nothing do like squares, or, which is the best in the world,
like a darke roome,--[The camera obscura.]--which pleased me mightily.
Thence with Povy home to my house, and there late settling accounts with
him, which was very troublesome to me, and he gone, found Mr. Hill below,
who sat with me till late talking, and so away, and we to bed.

22nd.  Up, and to the office, where sat all the morning.  At noon home to
dinner and thence by coach with my wife for ayre principally for her. I
alone stopped at Hales's and there mightily am pleased with my wife's
picture that is begun there, and with Mr. Hill's, though I must [owne] I
am not more pleased with it now the face is finished than I was when I saw
it the second time of sitting.  Thence to my Lord Sandwich's, but he not
within, but goes to-morrow.  My wife to Mrs. Hunt's, who is lately come to
towne and grown mighty fat.  I called her there, and so home and late at
the office, and so home to supper and to bed.  We are much troubled that
the sicknesse in general (the town being so full of people) should be but
three, and yet of the particular disease of the plague there should be ten

23rd.  Up betimes, and out of doors by 6 of the clock, and walked (W. Howe
with me) to my Lord Sandwich's, who did lie the last night at his house in
Lincoln's Inne Fields.  It being fine walking in the morning, and the
streets full of people again.  There I staid, and the house full of people
come to take leave of my Lord, who this day goes out of towne upon his
embassy towards Spayne.  And I was glad to find Sir W. Coventry to come,
though I know it is only a piece of courtshipp.  I had much discourse with
my Lord, he telling me how fully he leaves the King his friend and the
large discourse he had with him the other day, and how he desired to have
the business of the prizes examined before he went, and that he yielded to
it, and it is done as far as it concerns himself to the full, and the
Lords Commissioners for prizes did reprehend all the informers in what
related to his Lordship, which I am glad of in many respects.  But we
could not make an end of discourse, so I promised to waite upon [him] on
Sunday at Cranborne, and took leave and away hence to Mr. Hales's with Mr.
Hill and two of the Houblons, who come thither to speak with me, and saw
my wife's picture, which pleases me well, but Mr. Hill's picture never a
whit so well as it did before it was finished, which troubled me, and I
begin to doubt the picture of my Lady Peters my wife takes her posture
from, and which is an excellent picture, is not of his making, it is so
master-like.  I set them down at the 'Change and I home to the office, and
at noon dined at home and to the office again. Anon comes Mrs. Knipp to
see my wife, who is gone out, so I fain to entertain her, and took her out
by coach to look my wife at Mrs. Pierce's and Unthanke's, but find her
not.  So back again, and then my wife comes home, having been buying of
things, and at home I spent all the night talking with this baggage, and
teaching her my song of "Beauty retire," which she sings and makes go most
rarely, and a very fine song it seems to be.  She also entertained me with
repeating many of her own and others' parts of the play-house, which she
do most excellently; and tells me the whole practices of the play-house
and players, and is in every respect most excellent company.  So I supped,
and was merry at home all the evening, and the rather it being my
birthday, 33 years, for which God be praised that I am in so good a
condition of healthe and estate, and every thing else as I am, beyond
expectation, in all.  So she to Mrs. Turner's to lie, and we to bed.
Mightily pleased to find myself in condition to have these people come
about me and to be able to entertain them, and have the pleasure of their
qualities, than which no man can have more in the world.

24th.  All the morning at the office till past three o'clock.  At that
houre home and eat a bit alone, my wife being gone out.  So abroad by
coach with Mr. Hill, who staid for me to speake about business, and he and
I to Hales's, where I find my wife and her woman, and Pierce and Knipp,
and there sung and was mighty merry, and I joyed myself in it; but vexed
at first to find my wife's picture not so like as I expected; but it was
only his having finished one part, and not another, of the face; but,
before I went, I was satisfied it will be an excellent picture. Here we
had ale and cakes and mighty merry, and sung my song, which she [Knipp]
now sings bravely, and makes me proud of myself.  Thence left my wife to
go home with Mrs. Pierce, while I home to the office, and there pretty
late, and to bed, after fitting myself for to-morrow's journey.

25th (Lord's day).  My wife up between three and four of the clock in the
morning to dress herself, and I about five, and were all ready to take
coach, she and I and Mercer, a little past five, but, to our trouble,
the coach did not come till six.  Then with our coach of four horses I
hire on purpose, and Leshmore to ride by, we through the City to Branford
and so to Windsor, Captain Ferrers overtaking us at Kensington, being to
go with us, and here drank, and so through, making no stay, to Cranborne,
about eleven o'clock, and found my Lord and the ladies at a sermon in the
house; which being ended we to them, and all the company glad to see us,
and mighty merry to dinner.  Here was my Lord, and Lord Hinchingbroke, and
Mr. Sidney, Sir Charles Herbert, and Mr. Carteret, my Lady Carteret, my
Lady Jemimah, and Lady Slaning.  After dinner to talk to and again, and
then to walke in the Parke, my Lord and I alone, talking upon these heads;
first, he has left his business of the prizes as well as is possible for
him, having cleared himself before the Commissioners by the King's
commands, so that nothing or little is to be feared from that point, he
goes fully assured, he tells me, of the King's favour.  That upon occasion
I may know, I desired to know, his friends I may trust to, he tells me,
but that he is not yet in England, but continues this summer in Ireland,
my Lord Orrery is his father almost in affection.  He tells me my Lord of
Suffolke, Lord Arlington, Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Treasurer, Mr.
Atturny Montagu, Sir Thomas Clifford in the House of Commons, Sir G.
Carteret, and some others I cannot presently remember, are friends that I
may rely on for him.  He tells me my Lord Chancellor seems his very good
friend, but doubts that he may not think him so much a servant of the Duke
of Yorke's as he would have him, and indeed my Lord tells me he hath
lately made it his business to be seen studious of the King's favour, and
not of the Duke's, and by the King will stand or fall, for factions there
are, as he tells me, and God knows how high they may come.  The Duke of
Albemarle's post is so great, having had the name of bringing in the King,
that he is like to stand, or, if it were not for him, God knows in what
troubles we might be from some private faction, if an army could be got
into another hand, which God forbid!  It is believed that though Mr.
Coventry be in appearance so great against the Chancellor, yet that there
is a good understanding between the Duke and him.  He dreads the issue of
this year, and fears there will be some very great revolutions before his
coming back again.  He doubts it is needful for him to have a pardon for
his last year's actions, all which he did without commission, and at most
but the King's private single word for that of Bergen; but he dares not
ask it at this time, lest it should make them think that there is
something more in it than yet they know; and if it should be denied, it
would be of very ill consequence.  He says also, if it should in
Parliament be enquired into the selling of Dunkirke (though the Chancellor
was the man that would have it sold to France, saying the King of Spayne
had no money to give for it); yet he will be found to have been the
greatest adviser of it; which he is a little apprehensive may be called
upon this Parliament.  He told me it would not be necessary for him to
tell me his debts, because he thinks I know them so well.  He tells me,
that for the match propounded of Mrs. Mallett for my Lord Hinchingbroke,
it hath been lately off, and now her friends bring it on again, and an
overture hath been made to him by a servant of hers, to compass the thing
without consent of friends, she herself having a respect to my Lord's
family, but my Lord will not listen to it but in a way of honour.  The
Duke hath for this weeke or two been very kind to him, more than lately;
and so others, which he thinks is a good sign of faire weather again.  He
says the Archbishopp of Canterbury hath been very kind to him, and hath
plainly said to him that he and all the world knows the difference between
his judgment and brains and the Duke of Albemarle's, and then calls my
Lady Duchesse the veryest slut and drudge and the foulest worde that can
be spoke of a woman almost.  My Lord having walked an houre with me
talking thus and going in, and my Lady Carteret not suffering me to go
back again to-night, my Lord to walke again with me about some of this and
other discourse, and then in a-doors and to talke with all and with my
Lady Carteret, and I with the young ladies and gentle men, who played on
the guittar, and mighty merry, and anon to supper, and then my Lord going
away to write, the young gentlemen to flinging of cushions, and other mad
sports; at this late till towards twelve at night, and then being sleepy,
I and my wife in a passage-room to bed, and slept not very well because of

26th.  Called up about five in the morning, and my Lord up, and took
leave, a little after six, very kindly of me and the whole company.  Then
I in, and my wife up and to visit my Lady Slaving in her bed, and there
sat three hours, with Lady Jemimah with us, talking and laughing, and by
and by my Lady Carteret comes, and she and I to talke, I glad to please
her in discourse of Sir G. Carteret, that all will do well with him, and
she is much pleased, he having had great annoyance and fears about his
well doing, and I fear hath doubted that I have not been a friend to him,
but cries out against my Lady Castlemaine, that makes the King neglect his
business and seems much to fear that all will go to wracke, and I fear
with great reason; exclaims against the Duke of Albemarle, and more the
Duchesse for a filthy woman, as indeed she is.  Here staid till 9 o'clock
almost, and then took coach with so much love and kindnesse from my Lady
Carteret, Lady Jemimah, and Lady Slaving, that it joys my heart, and when
I consider the manner of my going hither, with a coach and four horses and
servants and a woman with us, and coming hither being so much made of, and
used with that state, and then going to Windsor and being shewn all that
we were there, and had wherewith to give every body something for their
pains, and then going home, and all in fine weather and no fears nor cares
upon me, I do thinke myself obliged to thinke myself happy, and do look
upon myself at this time in the happiest occasion a man can be, and
whereas we take pains in expectation of future comfort and ease, I have
taught myself to reflect upon myself at present as happy, and enjoy myself
in that consideration, and not only please myself with thoughts of future
wealth and forget the pleasure we at present enjoy.  So took coach and to
Windsor, to the Garter, and thither sent for Dr. Childe;  who come to us,
and carried us to St. George's Chappell; and there placed us among the
Knights' stalls (and pretty the observation, that no man, but a woman may
sit in a Knight's place, where any brass-plates are set); and hither come
cushions to us, and a young singing-boy to bring us a copy of the anthem
to be sung.  And here, for our sakes, had this anthem and the great
service sung extraordinary, only to entertain us.  It is a noble place
indeed, and a good Quire of voices. Great bowing by all the people, the
poor Knights particularly, to the Alter.  After prayers, we to see the
plate of the chappell, and the robes of Knights, and a man to shew us the
banners of the several Knights in being, which hang up over the stalls.
And so to other discourse very pretty, about the Order.  Was shewn where
the late [King] is buried, and King Henry the Eighth, and my Lady [Jane]
Seymour.  This being done, to the King's house, and to observe the
neatness and contrivance of the house and gates: it is the most romantique
castle that is in the world. But, Lord!  the prospect that is in the
balcone in the Queene's lodgings, and the terrace and walk, are strange
things to consider, being the best in the world, sure.  Infinitely
satisfied I and my wife with all this, she being in all points mightily
pleased too, which added to my pleasure; and so giving a great deal of
money to this and that man and woman, we to our taverne, and there dined,
the Doctor with us; and so took coach and away to Eton, the Doctor with
me.  Before we went to Chappell this morning, Kate Joyce, in a stage-coach
going toward London, called to me. I went to her and saluted her, but
could not get her to stay with us, having company.  At Eton I left my wife
in the coach, and he and I to the College, and there find all mighty fine.
The school good, and the custom pretty of boys cutting their names in the
struts of the window when they go to Cambridge, by which many a one hath
lived to see himself Provost and Fellow, that had his name in the window
standing.  To the Hall, and there find the boys' verses, "De Peste;" it
being their custom to make verses at Shrove-tide.  I read several, and
very good ones they were, and better, I think, than ever I made when I was
a boy, and in rolls as long and longer than the whole Hall, by much.  Here
is a picture of Venice hung up given, and a monument made of Sir H.
Wotton's giving it to the College.  Thence to the porter's, in the absence
of the butler, and did drink of the College beer, which is very good; and
went into the back fields to see the scholars play.  And so to the
chappell, and there saw, among other things, Sir H. Wotton's stone with
this Epitaph

          Hic facet primus hujus sententiae Author:--
          Disputandi pruritus fit ecclesiae scabies.

But unfortunately the word "Author" was wrong writ, and now so basely
altered that it disgraces the stone.  Thence took leave of the Doctor, and
so took coach, and finely, but sleepy, away home, and got thither about
eight at night, and after a little at my office, I to bed; and an houre
after, was waked with my wife's quarrelling with Mercer, at which I was
angry, and my wife and I fell out.  But with much ado to sleep again, I
beginning to practise more temper, and to give her her way.

27th.  Up, and after a harsh word or two my wife and I good friends, and
so up and to the office, where all the morning.  At noon late to dinner,
my wife gone out to Hales's about her picture, and, after dinner, I after
her, and do mightily like her picture, and think it will be as good as my
Lady Peters's.  So home mightily pleased, and there late at business and
set down my three last days' journalls, and so to bed, overjoyed to thinke
of the pleasure of the last Sunday and yesterday, and my ability to bear
the charge of these pleasures, and with profit too, by obliging my Lord,
and reconciling Sir George Carteret's family.

28th (Ash Wednesday).  Up, and after doing a little business at my office
I walked, it being a most curious dry and cold morning, to White Hall, and
there I went into the Parke, and meeting Sir Ph. Warwicke took a turne
with him in the Pell Mall, talking of the melancholy posture of affairs,
where every body is snarling one at another, and all things put together
looke ominously.  This new Act too putting us out of a power of raising
money.  So that he fears as I do, but is fearfull of enlarging in that
discourse of an ill condition in every thing, and the State and all. We
appointed another time to meet to talke of the business of the Navy alone
seriously, and so parted, and I to White Hall, and there we did our
business with the Duke of Yorke, and so parted, and walked to Westminster
Hall, where I staid talking with Mrs. Michell and Howlett long and her
daughter, which is become a mighty pretty woman, and thence going out of
the Hall was called to by Mrs. Martin, so I went to her and bought two
bands, and so parted, and by and by met at her chamber, and there did what
I would, and so away home and there find Mrs. Knipp, and we dined
together, she the pleasantest company in the world.  After dinner I did
give my wife money to lay out on Knipp, 20s., and I abroad to White Hall
to visit Colonell Norwood, and then Sir G. Carteret, with whom I have
brought myself right again, and he very open to me; is very melancholy,
and matters, I fear, go down with him, but he seems most afeard of a
general catastrophe to the whole kingdom, and thinks, as I fear, that all
things will come to nothing.  Thence to the Palace Yard, to the Swan, and
there staid till it was dark, and then to Mrs. Lane's, and there lent her
L5 upon L4 01s. in gold.  And then did what I would with her, and I
perceive she is come to be very bad, and offers any thing, that it is
dangerous to have to do with her, nor will I see [her] any more a good
while.  Thence by coach home and to the office, where a while, and then
betimes to bed by ten o'clock, sooner than I have done many a day.  And
thus ends this month, with my mind full of resolution to apply myself
better from this time forward to my business than I have done these six or
eight days, visibly to my prejudice both in quiett of mind and setting
backward of my business, that I cannot give a good account of it as I
ought to do.


     After a harsh word or two my wife and I good friends
     By and by met at her chamber, and there did what I would
     Did drink of the College beer, which is very good
     Got her upon my knee (the coach being full) and played with her
     Lady Duchesse the veryest slut and drudge
     Last act of friendship in telling me of my faults also
     Scotch song of "Barbary Allen"
     Tooth-ake made him no company, and spoilt ours
     Wherewith to give every body something for their pains
     Who must except against every thing and remedy nothing

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Diary of Samuel Pepys,
January/February 1965/66, by Samuel Pepys


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