[Illustration: 0001]

[Illustration: 0006]

[Illustration: 0007]


By Kate Tannatt Woods

Author Of "Twice Two," "Six Little Rebels," "Doctor Dick,"
"Out And About," Etc.


Cassell & Company, Limited New York, London And Paris


[Illustration: 0009]

[Illustration: 0010]


OOTS is our baby. He is a queer one too; up early, and always in dread
of bed-time. One morning, not long ago, we heard him singing, and on
looking for him, found the little rogue in the very middle of our best
bed in the guest chamber, where he was playing hand-organ with a long
hairpin put through the pretty pillow covers which had just come home
from the laundry. There he sat singing a droll medley of "Uncle Ned,"
"Blessed Desus," and "Down in the Coal Mine." He had been watching two
soldiers with a hand-organ, and Toots likes to do everything he sees
done. While we were putting the guest-room in order, Toots marched out
as a blind man, with his eyes shut and a cane in his hand. This brought
him to grief, for he was picked up at the foot of the stairs with two
large bumps on his pretty white brow. Toots was quiet then for a little
while, a very little while, for as soon as we decided that his bones
were all sound and a doctor need not be called, he "played sick," and
asked for "shicken brof" and toast.

One night mamma was imprudent, for she said to a visitor, who was
praising the little fellow, "Oh, yes, Toots is always lovely and gentle
at bed-time." That very night while mamma was resting on the lounge, and
her friend was chatting, both ladies heard a mysterious clicking. "It
can't be Toots," said mamma; "his eyes were closed when I left him."
Then the clicking came again louder than ever, and suddenly a crash as
of breaking glass. Mamma sprang up at once, and there was Toots seated
on a bath-tub driving for dear life with two of his best sashes for
reins. He had fastened one on each side of the mirror, and in his
eagerness to drive fast, had tumbled down toilet-bottles, cushions, and
all the pretty things his mamma loved to see. Toots was playing circus.
Barnum had been in town the day before, and Toots had made a grand
procession with chairs, books, bottles, pictures, and everything his
little hands could reach. Such a happy, beaming face was never seen
before. "Why, Toots, I thought you were asleep," said mamma. "No, I hab
too much to do, my 'cession is coming up street fast."

When he was quite small, Toots used to spend hours in the garden safely
fastened into the standing stool which his grandpa had when a little
boy. The little fellow's face was so bright, and his large eyes so full
of innocent fun, that no one could be angry with Toots even when he did
very strange and unexpected things.

[Illustration: 0013]


|WHEN Toots was old enough to enter a little school, his mamma said he
must go to a Kindergarten, which, you all know, is a delightful place
for all children. Our good German friends first thought of it for their
little people, and here in America we have found it an excellent fashion
to follow. Block building, song singing, and drawing with pretty things
in needlework, and forms in clay, not only teach the children to think
but to do, and good thinking must always come before well doing, Toots'
mamma knew a kind German lady who understood teaching the little ones,
and after some delay a school was opened and Toots was a pupil. He cried
hard at first. He was afraid of strangers, and he dreaded to speak aloud
before them, although he was such a rogue at home. His mamma bought him
a pretty lunch basket and put in it some little cakes for his lunch, and
then they rode away in the horse car to the schoolroom. After the first
day Toots was always ready to go. "It is only play," he said. But it
was more than play, for every night Toots had something new to tell;
sometimes he had watered the plants in the school-room, sometimes he
talked of cubes and triangles, sometimes he sang a little song. Toots
was learning without knowing it, and all the time he was very happy. No
one was allowed to say a naughty word, no one was ever rude or unkind,
and all the little eyes and hands were trained.

[Illustration: 0016]

When Toots told his grandma about the seed germ of a plant and how
it grew she said, "Ah, I wish I could have gone to such a school; the
children are very fortunate now a days." One day Toots brought his
grandma a pretty book-mark he had worked, and he could tell the names of
all the colors in it and the names of the stitches. Such pretty things
as he made in clay, such dainty shapes and forms, it really was quite
wonderful to see them and hear the little fellow in kilt skirts talk
about them. One day Toots did not come home from the Kindergarten as
usual. His favorite car driver shook his head as he passed the house.
Toots had not come out to ride home with him. Grandma was much worried.
"Never mind," said mamma, "he is quite safe, perhaps they are all out
for walk, or studying the trees or flowers in the garden; he will come
in the next car, for his teacher always puts him on herself." When the
next car came, there was the little boy, smiling and happy. The children
had taken a long walk with their teacher, and when they returned Toots
had fallen asleep, so the kind teacher would not disturb him, and the
little fellow was well rested.

After dinner he had a long story to tell about the lungs of plants
and the edges of leaves, which were like little saws, and a pretty
pitcher-plant he had seen. When his story was complete he added, "All my
children shall go to a Kindergarten, for it is the nicest place in the
world 'cept mamma's room."


[Illustration: 9018]

VERY night just before bedtime Toots and his mamma had a happy hour

Sometimes a friend or two would share the pleasures of this evening
hour, and Toots enjoyed it much more if Bessie or Flossie, or some of
his mates, could hear mamma's stories or verses written expressly for
children. When Toots was quite small he was rude enough one day to
strike his nurse, and after mamma had heard all the story, she read
these lines about


``My mamma's sorry, now, she is;

```I don' know what I'se done;

``S'pec' she feels sorry jess bekause

```I slapped old nurse like fun.=

``Old nurse she digs and shates me too;

```I wish I went to stool;

``Teacher won't set me down so hard,

```An' call me "little fool."=

``She pinches awful! dess I know,

```My arms is black an' blue;

``She says she "hopes to do to Heaven

```I hope I shan't do too.=

``I don't like nurses--do you now?

```Dey is dest as mean as dirls;

``When I dits big I'll let'em know

```Dey musn't pull my turls.=

``My mamma she's real dood, she is;

```On most the days I play

``With her jess like she was a boy,

```She hugs me every day.=

``My mamma she don't stold me none,

```I dess she don't know how;

``But nurse, oh, my! she spoke so loud;

```Hush, she is toming now!=

``No, dat ain't nurse, an' ain't I glad?

```I jess know what I'll do,

``I'll do tell mamma I was bad,

```An' I feel sorry too.=

``I dess Dod made my mamma sure,

```She is so sweet and nice;

``But who made nurse, s'pose you know?

```I'll ask my Drandma Rice.=

[Illustration: 00290]


[Illustration: 9021]

MONG Toots' friends was a little girl whose name was Elfie. She lived
just across the way, and her papa's garden joined that of Toots' mamma.
There was a large gate, between the gardens, and the children went back
and forth in the summer. They seldom quarrelled, and both children were
glad to share their playthings. When Toots had the scarlet fever and
was shut up in a room with his mamma and nurse, Elfie cried to have the
fever too, so she could see him. It was summer time when Toots was sick,
and sometimes when he was tired and restless he would moan so Elfie
could hear him in the garden. One day when it was very warm and every
one was tired and cross, Auntie bathed Elfie and put her on the bed, but
she did not stay there long; she began to think of Toots--how warm he
must be, how tired of the bed and that ugly dark room. Suddenly Elfie
remembered that people used to bring her mamma pretty flowers when she
was ill.

[Illustration: 0022]

Perhaps she might carry Toots some flowers; her auntie was fast asleep
and the nurse was out. Yes, she would go into the garden and get the
prettiest flowers there for poor Toots. She had no shoes--auntie had put
them away--and no stockings; but it would not matter; plenty of children
never had shoes or stockings, and it could not hurt very much, for they
could run.

Just then a low moan was heard and that decided Elfie; she sprang up and
ran down stairs; no one was in sight but Touser, and he was such a good
dog, he only lapped her bare feet with his tongue, so little Elfie went
into the garden and began to gather flowers.

Presently she heard another moan from the sick-room, and she ran as fast
as she could through the gate and up to the door. One of the servants
was just coming out. "Why, little Elfie!" said she, "you will hurt those
poor bare feet and you must not come here now, did any one send you?"

"No, I runned away,'coz I wanted Toots to have some flowers, and I wish
I could have the fever too, and be sick with him."

"Poor child!" said the maid, "Master Toots shall have your flowers and
he is better to-day, only the great heat makes him moan; wait here a bit
until I send them up to his room and then I will take you home."

The flowers were carried to the sick-room and Toots smiled when they
told him what his little friend said. "Tell her not to wish for the
fever," he said, "for I feel as if I were on fire, and there is no cool
place in the bed; but when I am well again we will play together at the
fountain and keep our store as we used to." Elfie was very happy when
she heard this message, and after that she sent flowers to the sick boy
every day.


[Illustration: 9024]

HEN Toots first went to the Kindergarten he met there a little boy whose
name was Paul Brown. He was a very bright little fellow, but he could
not talk as well as Toots; some of his words were cut short and it
sounded very cunning, for Paul did his best and the Kindergarten teacher
told the boys and girls that no one could do better than his best. One
day a little baby sister came to Paul's house and this is the story he
told his grandpa when the old gentleman came in to see the stranger:


``"Fink I don't know what dat fing is,

```All wrapped up in gwanma's lap?

``I does; nurse told me so to-day,

```It's my sisser tatin' a nap.

``"She's only a piece of a day old now,

```But she _looks_ like any fing;

``Wight out of her great eyes all boo,

```An', ganpa, she can sing:=

``"There, don't you hear her, naughty dirl?

``She skuled dat way--because

``I feeled her foots, to see if 'em gowed

```Like mine or pussy's claws.=

``"Sissers ain't nice to sing dat way,

```And gwanma holds her snug;

``I wouldn't cuy if her holded me,

```All up in dat pwetty rug.=

``"Oh, yes, me knows, she's a sisser, she is,

```An' I'm jess a boy, dat's all;

``Sissers ain't dood for much, I fink,

```Why, her couldn't hold my ball.=

``"Dess if I was made a piece of a day,

```I would know some more dan dat;

``No, ganpa, sissers ain't dood for much,

```I'll do and find my cat."=

[Illustration: 0025]

[Illustration: 0026]


|WHEN Paul grew older and the little sister could go with him to school
he changed his mind about her value. Sometimes, I am sorry to say, he
led her into mischief, and once they were lost a whole day in the woods
because Paul wanted to show her how the flowers grew and the trees sang,
but after all the little girl made him a better boy as we shall see.=

``What's that you say? "She's only a girl?"

```Well, so much the better for that;

``Her eyes are the prettiest I ever saw,

```Just peep at them under her hat.=

``She talks in the funniest broken way,

```Just as I did once! Well, who cares?

``I never could smile the way she does,

```Or pit-a-pat on the stairs.=

``I wonder at girls, I do, Jim Pool,

```Let me try as hard as I will,

``To put my feet down easy and soft,

```They will pound and thump down still.=

``And I never yet tried to close the door

```As gentle as sister pan do,

``That it doesn't go bang and shake the house,

```"That's queer; it's just so with you."=

[Illustration: 0028]

``Well, Jim, we are boys, only boys you see,

```And apt to be noisy and rough;

``But my little sister, she just teaches me,

```One look of her eyes is enough.=

``I can't tell just why, but as true as you live,

```I am better since she came here;

``"She's only a girl!" Yes, I know, Jim Pool,

```And I'm only a boy, that's clear.=

``My mother was once a girl like her,

```And she's just as good as gold;

``What's that? oh, nonsense, I know, Jim Pool,

```My mother won't ever "grow old."=

``What's that? False hair and teeth for her?

```Go home, Jim Pool, I won't play

``With a boy who says my mother dear

```Will ever be "ugly and gray."=

``But never mind, Jim, you ain't to blame,

```You've no sister or mother, you see;

``If mine grows ugly, and wrinkled, and lame,

```She will still be mother to me.=


[Illustration: 9030]

AX was not one of Toots' "really truly friends," so Toots said, but
mamma and cousin Hattie were kind to Max. He needed friends badly. He
had no mother, and his father was a cruel, wicked man. One day when
Toots and his mother were spending the day with cousin Hattie, the
latter said, "I have some very bad news to tell you. Some wicked boy has
torn down my little bird-house which papa put in the maple tree for me,
and my dear little birds have gone away."

"How cruel!" said Toots.

"Who could climb over your high wall?" asked his mamma.

"I cannot guess," replied cousin Hattie, "but my roses are trampled, and
papa says it must be a boy, as he measured the footsteps."

"You had better watch for the thief, and, perhaps, we can coax him to
behave better in future." Miss Hattie and the servants watched in vain
for a week, but one day while the ladies were reading in the library the
servant knocked to say that a queer-looking boy had just slid down the
fence, and perhaps he was the thief.

The ladies went out at once and found him. He looked ragged and
neglected, but his face was a good one if it had only been clean and

"I am sorry you climbed over that way," said cousin Hattie; "whenever
you would like to see my garden you shall come in if you will ring the
bell." The boy looked very much ashamed. "Please tell me your name."

"Max," was the brief reply.

"It is a very nice name," said cousin Hattie. "Now Max, if you will come
with me into the kitchen I will find some lunch for you." Max followed
her in, but he could not eat much; the cook looked at him sharply.

"I know him, miss," said she, "he is called Max the Meddler. He never
lets a poor bird or cat have any rest where he is, and he is prying
about everywhere. I am sure he took your bird-house."

Cousin Hattie said, "Never mind, cook; he will never do it again;
perhaps he will earn a new name and a better one." After he had eaten
his lunch the young lady took him out into the garden and told him the
story of her birds--how much she loved them, how her papa put up their
house, and how sorry she was to have them disturbed. Max looked more
than ever ashamed. At last he said: "I will never do so again, lady, and
if you will let me come and work in your garden I will pay you for the
little house, which I sold to another boy."

[Illustration: 0032]


[Illustration: 9033]

ITTLE MAY is Toots' own cousin, and one of the dearest little girls you
ever knew!

She is a tender-hearted child, and, like Toots, very fond of pets. Once
on a cold winter day she found a poor little dead bird which the snow
storm of the night before had killed. She brought it to cousin Toots,
and together they buried it under a snowbank in the garden. One night
during the "Happy Hour" May said "I wish you wrote some truly verses
about me, dear auntie," and the very next night auntie did, and here
they are:=

``In the early summer light,

``Trampling down the red and white,

``Eating clover, sweet and fair,

``Happy child with floating hair;

``Not a thought of injured hay.

```That's our darling,

```That's our May.=

``In the garret, on the stair,

``Climbing haymows, everywhere;

``Wearing glasses, teaching school,

``Bringing dollies up by rule,

``Working hard to call it play,

```That's our darling,

```That's our May.=

[Illustration: 0034]

``In the parlor, on the floor,

``Looking all the pictures o'er;

``Making fun of grave old books,

``Searching into sacred nooks--

``Always cheerful, always gay.

```That's our darling,

```That's our May.=

``At the door, the first to see

``Papa, as he comes to tea,

``In his lap, with dancing eyes,

``Searching pockets for a prize,

``Asking "what you've done all day?"

```That's our darling,

```That's our May.=

``In the chamber just at night,

``Nestled in her gown of white;

``Eyelids closed on cheeks of red,

``Kneeling by her little bed,

``Lisping "teach me how to pray."

```That's our darling,

```That's our May.=

``Future woman, what maybe

``Life with all its cares to thee?

``Who shall say in after time,

``Blessings on that head of thine?

``Rich and good thy life we pray,

```God's and ours,

```Dear little May.=


[Illustration: 9036]

HEN Toots was four years old, his mamma thought she would let him have a
birthday party. She wrote the invitations on the prettiest little
paper, with funny frogs and dogs and cats in the corner, and each
little envelope was made to match. Twenty-five pretty little notes to
twenty-five dear little people, and every one came. No one else ever had
such a party before. Large tables were covered with books and toys,
all manner of games were waiting to be played, and in one corner of the
children's play-room was a table with bowls, plates, and pipes, and all
the children were invited to blow bubbles. Such fun as they had! Some
blew large and some blew small, and those who laughed hard blew none at
all. At last Toots and Robbie Mason began to see something in the soap
bubble, "beautiful colors like the rainbow," said Toots.

"More of them," said Robbie, and then all the children began to wonder.

"What makes it?" asked Robbie, eagerly; "I wish I knew?"

"I will tell you," said mamma. "When a ray of light is divided, as it
always is when it reaches an object on which to rest, it has different
colors, because each color has different powers and is refracted or
turned from its course. Let us cast a ray of light on this piece
of glass called a prism; now examine it closely, here we have seven
colors--red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet The red is
bent out of its course the least and it remains at the bottom; the blue
is refracted most and goes to the top. Now blow a nice bubble, little
Daisy, and I will explain the colors. You see the film is thicker
in some places than in others, and that causes different powers of
refraction or turning aside of the rays, and therefore, you observe
different colors; as the soap bubble constantly changes its thickness,
the rays vary or change also."

"There isn't any soap in the real rainbow in the clouds, is there?"
asked thoughtful Robbie.

"Oh, no; when the clouds opposite the sun are dark and rain is still
falling, the rays of the bright sun are divided by the rain drops as
they would be here with my prism." #

After the children grew tired of bubbles they had many games and a nice
supper, after which they went home saying it was the best party they
ever went to.

[Illustration: 0037]

[Illustration: 0038]


[Illustration: 9039]

LOSE by the window I saw her,

``Only a bright young girl,

``With a tear on her drooping lashes,

```Half hid by a straying curl.=

``June sunshine was tempting her sorely,

```The children were playing near by,

``And still she sat with her sewing,

```And the tear-drop in her eye.=

``At last in anger she muttered,

```"So cruel, so hateful, and mean!

``I lose all the brightness and beauty,

```As I sit here sewing a seam.=

``"My thread grows tangled and dirty,

```My needle is sure to stick fast,

``And the girls are passing the window:

```Please tell me that work-time has past."=

``Ah, Daisy, dear child, in the future,

```As the shadows of life come and go,

``You will find some duties as irksome

```As the seam you are trying to sew.=

[Illustration: 0040]

``Threads will knot, Daisy dear, and the needles

```Will rust if you wet them with tears;

``And seams will grow rough to your fingers,

```When feeble and trembling with years.=

``Even brightness may pass like the sunshine,

```Your life holding one little gleam;

``But God is still watching my darling,

```He knows we are sewing a seam.=

``Dear Grandma is wiser but cheerful,

```She sits by the window to-day;

``Where the sunlight is kissing her forehead,

```And children are near her at play.=

``A smile in place of your tear-drop,

```Grey locks where your golden are seen;

``She says God's loved hath illumined

```Her life, and made easy each seam.=

``She, too, can think of a summer day,

```So sunny and bright in the past;

``But her lips always say, "Father take me,

```When play-time and work-time are past."=

[Illustration: 0041]


[Illustration: 9042]

LL Toots' playmates among the boys and girls knew how very fond he was
of his four-footed friends, and the children were very fond of watching
him when he made his pets perform all sorts of tricks. Poor Toots
was nearly ill one day when one of his pet cats was found dead in the
stable. He cried and would not be comforted, but his mamma said that
poor pussy had not been well for a long time, and she probably died in
a fit. Not long after Pussy Meek's death, Toots was confined to his room
with a bad cough, and his mamma went to a store to buy some cough drops
which the doctor had ordered. When the old lady who kept the store heard
that Toots was ill she said, "I wish I had something nice to send him;
he is so polite and kind. Do you suppose he would like another kitten?
We have three beauties now, and our cat mother is a fine old mouser."

"He would like it very much. I left him just now crying for his dear pet
Pussy Meek."

"Dear little fellow!" said the old lady, "he shall have the very
prettiest one we have."

Then she took a candy-box and made some holes in it and put the
prettiest little kitty inside.

Toots was wild with pleasure; he sat up in bed and held her in his arms,
then he fed her some warm milk, and at last she cuddled down with her
little head peeping out of the bosom of his night-gown, and then she
slept a long, long time. Toots was much troubled to find a pretty name
for her. At last he said, "poor little Pussy, we cannot find a name
good enough or sweet enough for you." His mamma said suppose we call her
_Psyche._ This pleased Toots very much and the new kitty was duly named
Pysche, and a nice ribbon was tied about her neck. For many days she
lived in Toots' room and nestled close to him. As she grew older she
grew wiser and very full of fun. All summer long she chased flies and
grasshoppers, and when the children played ball, Pysche understood it
all and took her place properly. She has two very cunning tricks--one
was to never enter a door if she could make some one open a window to
let her in, and the other was to hide away at bedtime and then come out
to play when all the house was still. In the summer time Pysche went to
the seaside with the family, where she was a great pet with the grown-up
people as well as the children.

[Illustration: 0044]


[Illustration: 9045]

NLY a doll! I wouldn't cry,"

`Said naughty, teasing Sandy;

`"She's just a lot of rags and things

``I'd rather have some candy."=

``But little sister cried and cried,

```It was her "bestest" treasure;

``While naughty Sandy tried and tried

```To tease her for his pleasure.=

``"Don't cry, dear pet," the sister said,

```"Some day he would be sorry

``To have us treat his pretty boat

```As he is treating Dolly."=

``"Only a doll," said he again,

```"A boat is ten times better;

``This thing can't sail; I'll go and see

```If she can swim, I'll let her."=

``Oh, sister, make him div' her back;

```He'll kill my darling pet;

``Don't let him put her in the pond

```And get her nice d'ess wet.=

``"You's very cruel, bruver, now-;

``Please, div' her back to me;

``'Tause she's my only darlin' child,

``She sleeps upon my knee."=

``"Only a little, mean old doll,

``Not worth my bat or ball;

``Hark! take your baby; here comes pa;

``I hear him in the hall."=

``"Teasing again? Ah! Sandy, lad,

``Remember this, I pray:

``Only a coward teases one

``Too small to get away.=

``"Go to your room, my boy, and there

``Think how this game would please,

``If sister Nell should serve you so,

``And always try to tease."


[Illustration: 9048]

LOSSIE helps ever so much," said Toots, one day--"she dusts the chairs
in her mother's room, waters the plants, and holds her auntie's worsted.
Her auntie is knitting a new rug for the phaeton."

"Little hands should always help," said mamma, "they were made to be
useful, and I know Flossie is happier when she is doing something to
make home pleasant. One day I heard Flossie saying, "Oh dear! I wish I
had something to do. I am tired of my dollies, I don't want to read, and
there is no one here for me to play with." I said, "My dear little girl,
your mamma has too much to do; she will give you something, and auntie
will be glad to have you help her; those little hands must be kept busy
every day." Soon after Flossie learned how to dust the chairs, then she
picked the bits of thread from the carpet, then she gave the canary some
food and water, and now she is making a dress for her dollie. In a few
short months Flossie will learn to do a great many useful things and no
one will hear her say, "I wish I had something to do."

"I always have enough to do," said Toots, "I cannot get time to read
half the books I like, and then there are so many pets to take care of,
beside the skating and sliding in winter, and the fun at the seaside in
summer, and when I am at grandpa's he calls me 'a little worker.'"

Just then Flossie came running after Toots. "Would he go with her to buy
some rolls for tea and take a book back to the library?"

Toots was very glad to go and carry some books for mamma, beside he
must stop at the post-office for some stamps, and bring home a sheet of
transparent paper to make some paper balloons for the children in the
hospital. Such busy little people as they were! and how happy, too!

That night when Toots was fast asleep, his good mother said to his papa:
"Children do more than we give them credit for; last week I kept an
account of all the kind and useful things performed by our little boy,
and it would surprise you to see how much it all amounts to. Beside the
errands for me he has thought of others, and that is good for us all.
I really think he has found more pleasure in mending old books and toys
for sick children than in having them for himself, and Flossie is quite
another little girl since she learned to help mamma."

[Illustration: 0049]

[Illustration: 0050]


[Illustration: 9051]

E is lying on his pillows

`All day, sweet Jamie Doon

`His little back is crooked,

```Yet he sings a merry tune.=

``For light of heart is Jamie,

```Poor cripple though he be;

``He is cheerful as the sunshine,

```Or the birdies on the tree.=

``What makes you so contented,

```My little Jamie boy?"

``Asks a thoughtful lady, kindly,

```When she carries him a toy.=

``I have so many blessings,"

```Said gentle Jamie Doon,

``I watch the flowers, and birdies

```Oft sing for me a tune.=

``Then the children come to see me,

```And every one is kind;

``It might be worse you see, Miss,

``If I were deaf and blind."=

``Ah, gentle little Jamie!

```Count blessings day by day;

``It might be worse, indeed, lad,

```So smile and sing away.=

[Illustration: 0052]

Jamie had once been a very active boy and a good scholar, but his back
was injured by a blow given him by a thoughtless playmate, and ever
since he has been a great sufferer. It is a dreadful thing to injure
any one for life, and boys cannot be too careful when playing with each
other. I am sorry to say that the little boy who hurt Jamie does not
seem to care for the terrible ruin he has wrought; perhaps he has not
been taught at home to think kindly and tenderly of others.



|FIVE little sparrows one sunny morn Eating their breakfast out in the

``Five little boys, cruel as boys can be,

``Longing to kill those birds blithe and free:

``Five little stones that whizzed in the air,

``And fell all at once where the sparrows were:

``Five little sparrows that flew safe away

``For sparrows are quicker than boys, any day:

``Five little boys that looked quite forlorn

``As they wandered on through the waving corn.=



LIVER TWIST was the name of a fine rooster or gamecock which belonged to
Toots' grandpa, and many were the stories told of him. He became quite
famous in the family, and out of it, and none of the children wanted
him killed or sold even if he grew too old to walk. When grandpa bought
Oliver he carried him home between his knees in the carriage, while he
drove Frisk, the pony. Toots' mamma sat by his side with a huge basket
in her lap containing a fine old mother hen with ten little chicks. They
were all going into grandpa's coop at the farm, and then he would take
care of them for Toots.

"I suppose I have been very foolish to pay such a price for this
fellow," said grandpa, "but he is smart enough to peck pretty hard."

All the way to the farm the new rooster made himself as disagreeable as
he could, now biting grandpa's hands, and now his knees, until the
dear old man wished he had never seen him. At last he was safe in
the hen-house, where he soon began to eat, and, as he never seemed
satisfied, he was called Oliver Twist.

"There has been an old fox about here stealing chicks," said the hired
man, "but this Oliver will tackle him, I reckon."

The hired man was right. Only a few days after grandpa heard a great
noise among the poultry, and there was a large fox trying to get into
the chicken-yard from the barn. Grandpa stole softly into the house and
got his gun. When he went back Oliver was pecking at the head and eyes
of the fox with all his might. Oliver was very angry but did not show
any signs of fear, while the fox tried in vain to get nearer. At last
the old fox made up his mind to spring over and eat chicken for his
lunch, but just then, bang! went grandpa's gun, and the sly enemy
tumbled over on the barn floor.

When Oliver heard the gun he thought he was shot too, for he fell down
and closed his eyes. When grandpa petted and praised him, and held out a
dish of corn, he seemed to think better of it, and began to strut about,
while all the hens cackled in chorus and seemed very proud of their

Poor Oliver met with an accident during the cold winter weather; his
beautiful red comb was frozen and fell off. He seemed so ashamed of it
that he could not or would not hold up his head, but a nice new comb has
grown now and he is as proud and lordly as ever. Indeed, only yesterday
he was seen driving a strange cat out of the yard.

[Illustration: 0056]


[Illustration: 9057]

P at grandpa's farm the chicks were very happy since the old fox was
killed, and as Toots wanted some more cunning little ones to play with
and feed when he went up for a visit, grandpa decided to put some eggs
under Mrs. White. Now, Mrs. White was a very fine hen, and although she
had never raised any chicks of her own, she seemed so kind and gentle
that grandpa was sure she would make a kind mother. He selected the eggs
with great care, marking some very choice ones with a blue pencil. Mrs.
White sat very quietly upon her nest for many days, until it was time
for the little chicks to come out of their shell houses; then grandpa
paid her a visit. Three little ones were already toddling about, and
Mrs. White seemed to be in great distress concerning some others who
were just trying to see what the world was made of. Grandpa helped the
little fellows by picking away small bits of the shell, and then he
hurried away to make some nice dough for them. When he returned, Mrs.
White was nowhere to be seen, so grandpa covered the little new babies
with some wool and then looked for the neglectful mother. He soon found
her in the yard with Oliver Twist and a large flock of hens.

[Illustration: 0058]

Grandpa caught her and carried her back, but Mrs. White hurt the little
ones and refused to scratch for them. She covered them with her wings
for a few moments while grandpa was there, and then ran away again.

Grandpa tried shutting her up, but still she hurt her little chicks
and at last killed one. Then grandpa told her she was a cruel, wicked
mother, and he carried the chicks into the kitchen and covered them over
in a nice warm basket. There they nestled for several days until they
began to hop out and get under grandma's feet. After that they had a
little house in the shed and soon grew very fast. Toots called them the
orphans, and never again liked Mrs. White, although she was so handsome.
Soon after this grandpa put some eggs under a queer old hen which all
the family called Mrs. Gummidge, she was so cross and queer. When her
chicks came she was a very kind mother and scratched for them all day
long. She was very proud of them, too, and seemed to say, "Did you ever
see such little darlings?" Mrs. Gummidge went about with her children
until they were large enough to take care of themselves, and then she
sat quietly on some more eggs and raised another family, but none of
them ever seemed quite so precious to Toots as the little neglected
chicks of Mrs. White.

[Illustration: 0059]


[Illustration: 9060]

WO dear little girlies, born at the same time, with eyes, hair, and
little faces so exactly alike that even their mother could not tell them
apart; and when their pictures were taken and sent to Toots' papa, every
one wondered which was Bud and which was Bunnie. The twins' papa was
an old classmate of Toots' papa, and as soon as the baby girls came he
wrote a very funny letter telling all about them. He said they were both
like little rosebuds, and he was puzzled to know what to call them, so
he simply nicknamed them Bud and Bunnie until the mamma could decide
upon a name.

"They are dear little bits of womanhood," he said, when the children
were three years old, "and I am ashamed to say that we still go on
calling them by the old pet names. It would please you to see them at
play, they are so very happy. Bunnie, who is a little more gentle than
her sister, often gives up to her in their sports; and yet Bud is never
cross. She takes the lead because she is fitted for it, while Bunnie
nestles down and is content to do as she is told. They are into mischief
every hour in the day--good-natured mischief of course. Sometimes we
find them dressed in their mother's clothes, sometimes in my coats.

"Not long ago my wife and I determined to send a hamper of good things
to her old nurse, who has been very unfortunate. We collected all our
gifts and were about to pack them, when we chanced to think of a new
prayer-book in large type, so away we went, to buy it, for she would not
go without me and I would not know how to select without her. When we
returned to the store-room where we were packing, what did we see but
our twins, Bud and Bunnie, both seated in the hamper. They made such a
charming picture that I sketched them on the spot."

Of course Toots' papa sent back a letter at once, and said they were the
dearest little girlies in the world, and he wished he had some himself;
but he was quite sure that his boys were just as good boys as ever grew,
and he would send their pictures to prove it.

[Illustration: 0062]

[Illustration: 0061]


[Illustration: 9063]

AISY DEAN is a little lass,

`With rosy cheeks and eyes like glass;

`When she sulks she is very queer,

`When she smiles she is very dear;

``Pretty and fair as a flower is she,

``Busy and quick as a little bee.=

``Good or bad, do what she may,

``We wash and dress her every day;

``Comb her hair, and give her milk,

``And dress her well with sash of silk.

``With all her faults, we never have seen

``A dearer girl than our Daisy Dean.

Daisy was much pleased with her little verses, "all her own," as she
said, and I heard her whispering to her friend May that she would never
sulk again if she could help it. Daisy has one serious fault: she never
puts things in their places. One morning she could not find her hat
anywhere, and her mamma made her go to school without it. Daisy cried
and wanted to wear her best one, but her mamma said, "No; that would not
teach her to remember." The girls were much amused when Daisy entered
the dressing-room at school without any hat on.

"What have you done with it?" asked May.

[Illustration: 0064]

"I don't know; it is lost somewhere."

"What a careless little girl! Why, I always hang mine up in one place
when I go home from school or play," said May.

"So do I," said several of the girls, but some of the boys did not
speak, and a little bird whispers to me that some of my kindest "little
friends throw their caps down on the floor, table, lounge, chairs,
or the first place they can find." Oh, oh, boys! this is too bad, for
"order is heaven's first law."

[Illustration: 0065]


[Illustration: 9066]

COMMISSARY is one who furnishes supplies of food to an army or body of
men, but I dare say you never heard of a dog commissary. He lived at
the boarding-school where Toots' mamma went when a little girl, and his
owner was the lady who kept the school. Her son brought him home one day
and taught him many tricks. Every day he went to market for the family,
and it was great fun for the younger girls to see "Captain Com" go out
with his basket in his mouth. His errands were always faithfully done.
No boy ever dared to meddle with Com, and although he went five blocks
to market no one ever tried to get his note out of the basket. Every
morning he waited until madam consulted with cook and wrote down the
order, and then when it was put into his care he would trot away in a
very happy frame of mind. "Com" was very good to the younger pupils. He
would let them drive him in a little cart, or play tag with them by the
hour. Once in the vacation, when nearly all the pupils had gone home,
madam said: "We will not send an order to the butcher to-day; it is so
warm, we will have a light lunch."

"Com" did not like this; he was very restless for a long time, and at
last one of the children said, "I think Com has gone to market. He tried
to get his basket from the nail and he could not; then he ran away."

"We will go out for a walk and see," said madam, "for 'Com' can do
everything but talk, and he is greatly distressed because I did not
order dinner."

When they reached the butcher's, there was "Com" with his paws on the
cutting block, patiently waiting to be served.

"He deserves a nice dinner," said the butcher, and he gave him some
meat; still "Com" was not satisfied; he wanted it put up in paper and
laid in a basket before he would go away. "Com" never would touch a bit
of meat until he went home to cook, with his marketing.

Where Com lived they did not have letter carriers or postmen, and his
mistress made a little mail-bag for him which he carried to the office
morning and night. He always entered by the back door, and the clerk
would kindly wait upon him. Sometimes his bag would be full of letters
and papers for the pupils, and then "Com" was very proud. Every night
this wise dog guarded the house, and madam always felt quite happy about
the younger children if "Com" was with them.

[Illustration: 0068]


[Illustration: 9069]

O wise person ever expects children to be perfect--grown people are
not--still all can try to overcome their faults and grow wiser day by

Although little May was a very sweet child, as she grew older she began
to fret about little things, and one day when she was urged to learn her
lesson in arithmetic she said, "I wish I never had to see another old
arithmetic; I hate them all!"

May's mother was very patient, and she had her own thoughts about
punishing children. When her little daughter showed such ill-temper she
said, quietly: "May dear, I am going out to do some errands; would you
like to go?"

May was delighted; she would do any thing to get away from her hateful
book. Their first visit was to a shop where fruit was sold, and then to
a florist's where the lady bought some flowers.

"Now where shall we go, mamma?"

"You will see presently, my dear. We will take a car and make a call on
a friend of mine."

[Illustration: 0070]

At last they got out and went up some steps, where a lad answered their
ring at the door.

When they entered they saw a little girl seated on a chair with her
hands folded. She was blind. She heard their footsteps and said, "Please
be seated, ladies."

"How long have you been blind, dear?" asked May's mother.

"Four years, madam. I was very ill and have never seen the light since."

"You must remember many things which you saw before your illness?"

"Oh, yes; and it makes me very happy. I know just how the grass looks,
and how blue the sky is, and when I am tired I think of it over and

After some more conversation the matron came in and gladly welcomed
May and her mother. "I would like to show my little girl through the
school," said the latter, and the matron kindly took them into various
rooms. Not one of the children could see, yet all seemed happy and busy.
Some were getting lessons, some were knitting, the boys in the work-room
were putting new seats into chairs, and yet all were blind.

It was a sad sight to little May, and after she had left the flowers and
fruit she went away looking quite thoughtful: Since that day she never
complains when asked to get a lesson, and even her music is not tiresome
when she thinks of blind Maggie.


[Illustration: 9072]

HE'S only an orphan," mother dear,

`"Her father and mother are dead;

``She hasn't a home to shelter her,

```Or a hat to cover her head.=

``"I found her crying alone in the street,

```And nobody seemed to care;

``I know she is hungry and tired now--

```Please give her all of my share.=

``"I am glad we have tea in the garden to-night

```For she wouldn't go into our home;

``I could hardly coax her up here, papa,

```She hasn't a friend, not one."=

``"Come in, little girl, sit down here and eat,

```We have plenty of food and to spare;

``You are tired, poor child. Go Harry, my love,

```And get your young friend a chair.=

``"There, now you have eaten, pray tell us why

```You wander alone in the street;

``And why there is none to look after your clothes,

```And keep you more tidy and neat?"=

``"My mother just died, and they took her away,

```And our landlady said I must go;

``And all of our things belonged to her,

```To pay up the rent we owe.=

``"I went to the river to sit down and think,

```For no one cared for me now;

``I wanted to die like my own dear ma,

```But I could not--I did not know how.=

``"This boy he spoke kindly, and led me away,

```He said he would bring me to you;

``I knows I am dirty, not fit to be seen,

```But, lady, my story is true."=

``So they took her in, as Harry had said,

```And they cared for her kindly and well--

``The good they have done and the good they will do,

```Only angels in heaven can tell.=

[Illustration: 0073]

[Illustration: 0074]


[Illustration: 9075]

NE day in the summer Toots sat on the doorstep talking with his little
friend, Fred Haldon, when a man came up to the gate with a hand-organ
and asked if he might come in.

"Oh, mamma! mamma!" called Toots, "come as soon as you can, for he has a
monkey with him."

His mother looked out of the window and nodded to the man. "Yes, he
could play if he wished." Then she went out on the doorstep with the
children. The monkey came to her at once. It looked so tired and sad,
she said, "Poor little fellow!" He seemed to understand her, for he
sprang into her lap and rubbed his head against her hand.

"How tired he is!" she said kindly, "do let him rest while we feed him."

The monkey would not eat much, he seemed too weary, but he bowed his
thanks and then put his head on her hand again. When the man stopped
playing the lady told him he would lose his monkey if he did not let it

[Illustration: 0076]

The man laughed and sat down under a tree. This seemed to please the
monkey, for he went to him and kissed him and then returned to his new
friend, nestling down in her lap like a tired child.

"He has danced too much when it was warm," said the man in broken

"Then you must be very good and let him sleep." After a good rest the
organ-grinder went away with him, and soon after Toots went with all the
family to the sea-side, where the monkeys in the park made them think of
their tired little visitor. Long, long after, when winter came and all
the family were in town and all the aunts and cousins were invited to
meet grandpa Bergland--little May's grandpa from over the sea, the door
opened just in the very midst of the Christmas festival, and in walked
Leno, all dressed in his best suit.

"Where is his master?" asked Toots, "bring him in and let him show us
the old tricks."

So the master came in. He said, "the kind ladies and gentlemen must
excuse him, but he could not make Leno pass the gate where the lady was
so kind to him when he was sick."

"He was quite sick then, poor thing!" said Toots' mamma.

"He was very sick, dear lady. I took him away in the cool country, but
he was like to die, and for many days I thought I must leave him there,
for he could neither eat nor sleep, only look in my face and make a sad
noise. I could not Leno die, for he is my only friend."

"There, mamma," said grandpa Bergland, "you was kind to the dumb brute
and it did thank you."


[Illustration: 9078]

MAN who took charge of the park was very kind to Toots and allowed him
to feed the parrots, birds, and rabbits. The rabbit-house was a favorite
place with the children. They never tired of watching them, and the
family was so large that the good keeper who cared for them called the
old rabbit "Mr. Smith."

"You see he has so many children, his name must be Smith," said he.

The children fed them grass and clover, and many of the little creatures
had pet names, but it was impossible to name them all, for the family
increased so fast. One morning when the gardener went into the park to
look at some plants he had set out the day before, he found them all out
of the ground and the earth thrown about in every direction. "Ah!" said
he, "those puppies must be shut up; they did all this mischief last
night; I heard them barking."

Then the gardener took the three puppies and shut them in a cellar,
while he hurried his garden-making, in order to get more plants in place
before the superintendent came that way. He was so anxious to get the
plants cared for before the sun was hot that he quite neglected the
other pets.

While he was hard at work Toots ran to him crying, "Oh, Mr. Snyder, they
are all out, the whole of Mr. Smith's family, and there is a big hole
dug down under their house."

Sure enough, the house was empty and the family nowhere to be seen.
Toots and the boys found them at last hiding under some steps. After
some trouble and much chasing about over the grounds they were put into
their cage and the big hole was securely fastened.

Toots released the puppies and fed them well, while Mr. Smith's family
seemed tired out with their travels and were glad to lie down and rest.

That evening while the family sat on the piazza watching the moonlight
on the water, something ran up the steps and hid in one corner.

"It must be one of those ugly rats," said Aunt Bell.

"No, indeed, it is some poor hunted thing seeking refuge," said mamma.
"Bring me a lamp, Bridget, and let us see."

The lamp was brought and there in one corner of the piazza was a poor,
lonely little rabbit. He had strayed from the rest, and now when it was
dark he sought shelter where he heard familiar voices.

[Illustration: 0080]


[Illustration: 9081]

HAT shall we do with baby,

`The bright-eyed mischievous one?

`He wakens us all in the morning,

```Two hours before the sun.=

``From the time that his peepers open,

```He pinches and pulls at our nose;

``Or, perhaps, by way of diversion,

```He gives us a taste of his toes.=

``We find him rattles and clothes-pins,

```We give him books by the score,

``And make him a house in the corner

```When lo! he is at the door.=

``We pile up a basket of playthings,

```And seat the rogue in a chair;

``We leave to order the dinner,

```Behold! no baby is there.=

``He has found his way to the closet,

```He is rattling our chinaware;

``We run--he is clasping a goblet,

```And trying to climb a chair.=

[Illustration: 0082]

``He is full of the funniest capers,

```And scolds in the funniest way;

``But never will own he is weary,

```Or rest from his busy play.=

``He struggles and battles with slumber,

```He scratches and picks at his eyes,

``We fancy him quietly sleeping,

```But baby is watching the flies.=

``We give him a seat at the table,

```We make him a house of our chairs,

``And while the coach is preparing,

```The baby is tumbling down stairs.=

``The apples are thrown from the basket,

```His milk is spilled on the floor;

``Bread and butter sticks to the carpet,

``` And sugar sticks on the door.=

``We puzzle our brains to amuse him,

```We bow to his lordly will;

``But do what we may, the baby

```Is never a moment still.=

``Oh, what shall we do with baby--

```With his fun, and frolic, and fears?

``He charms us all with his mischief,

```And conquers us all with his tears.=


[Illustration: 9084]

T was a queer, very queer name, but the soldiers gave it to him, and
when you hear how he conducted himself you will not wonder. Daddy Tough
lived in a fort in the western country, and he belonged to the United
States Government. On one side he had the letters "U. S." branded, in
order to keep people from stealing him. The children in the fort all
called those letters "Uncle Sam," and everything with that mark on it
was said to belong to Uncle Sam, meaning the Government.

The children about the fort used to ride on his back in a sort of double
saddle made of willow. One day the soldiers took him inside of a small
gate in order to remove some ashes from a cellar. The cart was backed in
and Daddy stood with his head just outside of the gate. He looked like
a droll picture in a frame. There he stood winking his eyes and shaking
his long ears. When the soldiers had the ashes all in the wagon they
told Daddy to go on, but he would not move; then they coaxed him but he
did not stir. His driver pelted and pulled, but Daddy winked and never
moved a step.

"We must get him away somehow," said the soldiers, and at last they
struck him. Daddy looked at them in the most reproachful manner, but he
did not move an inch. For more than half an hour the poor soldiers tried
to have him carry his burden away.

"We must be all cleared up before dress parade," said one.

"We must get him out of here somehow," said the other.

"Just think how the boys would laugh if they saw Daddy standing here
winking while the colonel was issuing his orders at dress parade."

"It will never do," said the driver. "Come, Daddy, you must move on or
you will disgrace the command."

Daddy looked knowing, but still stood firm. Other soldiers came and
they tried, but Daddy would not yield even after hard whipping. Then
the colonel came out and told them what to do, but Daddy winked at the
colonel as if to say, "I like this place very much and I will not go
even for you."

When all efforts had failed the colonel's wife said,

"Let me try; we cure horses of ill-temper by feeding them sugar."

"Nothing will cure Daddy," said her husband, "but you may try."

The lady brought out some sugar and gave Daddy a taste. He shook his
ears and made a sort of grunt. Then she patted him and held it farther
away and at last he marched after her out of the gate and ran so fast he
upset part of the ashes. After that when Daddy grew sulky a little sugar
would win him over.

[Illustration: 0086]


[Illustration: 9087]

OOTS had a brother much older than himself, and never were two boys
better friends. Nothing pleased Toots more than stories of his brother's
pranks when he was small. Then Toots' parents travelled nearly all the
time, and their eldest boy saw a great deal of this busy world. All the
soldiers in his father's regiment called him "Button Blue," for when
they first saw him he wore little dresses with a good many buttons
on them. After that he had a jacket and pants, or, as he called them,
"Bocker-nickers." He was a droll little fellow, and always managed to
twist words about. The soldiers were very fond of Button, and made him
many presents. They taught him games of all kinds, and here we see him
showing the major's little daughter how to play cat's cradle.

[Illustration: 0088]

One day Button Blue was lost and all the camp was astir. The black man,
whose duty it was to care for him, said he left him at the sutler's
little store, and the sutler said he saw him playing with a dog near
the flag-staff just before the general's door. The general was away on
horseback and he had not taken the child, for some one had seen seen him
riding away with one of his officers and their orderlies. The men were
nearly wild over the lost boy, but Button's mother said she only feared
his going to the river, and yet Button never went anywhere without
permission. The dinner hour came and went, but no boy answered to the
summons, and men were sent in different directions to find him. They had
not returned when the general came up on horseback.

"We are in great trouble, sir," said the surgeon; "the colonel's boy is

"Button, our little Button; it is impossible. Have you sent out men to
search? Have you looked in all the men's quarters? Why, bless you, I
kissed the little rogue good-bye the last thing before starting; we had
a grand romp together. I will go myself to search for him." The general
sprang off his horse and unlocked the door of the little house known as
his headquarters. He threw his gloves on the table and said aloud in an
anxious tone:

"Why, I love that rascal like one of my own. He must be somewhere

"We have searched everywhere, sir, and no trace can be found. Even the
colonel is discouraged, but his mother will not give up. She says he
will be found."

"Found! found! of course he will," replied the general. "Why, there
isn't a man or boy that doesn't love Button."

"Here I am, General," piped a boy's voice; and there, just waking up
from a sound sleep, was the boy who had slipped in as the general's
servant locked the door, and then, tired with play, threw himself on a
lounge behind a screen where his friend the general had often rested.


[Illustration: 0090]

T was a dreary, rainy day, and Toots and his cousins were gathered in
the library, where a cheerful open fire made them forget the chilling
rain outside.

"Auntie," said May, "please tell me why you keep that pretty bird always
sitting above your desk?"

"Toots has something to do with that. It is his bird, and perhaps you
would like to hear about it; wait one moment until I get you a dish of
fruit, and I will tell you how the pretty bird came here:

"One summer when Toots was quite small and not very strong, our family
doctor said, 'Couldn't you go and camp out in the pine woods somewhere
for a few weeks?' At first it seemed quite impossible to take all the
family, but Button Blue was so active and helpful, and the cook said she
would like the fun of it, so at last we went, taking care to be near
a house where we could get pure water. We had two tents. One was our
parlor by day and the boys' bedroom by night; the other held my bed and
an easy camp cot for Toots. We were very cosey and happy. The birds sang
over our heads all day, and at night we could hear the whip-poor-will's
note only a few feet from our tent door."

"What did you do when it rained?" asked one of the boys.

"We drew the tent curtains close, made little ditches outside to carry
off the water, and read, played games, or told stories. One day a party
of gentlemen came to our camp. They were out hunting, and one of them
had in his game bag a pretty cuckoo he had just killed. Poor Toots felt
terribly when he saw it. Only the day before he had heard its pretty
note, 'Cuckoo! cuckoo!' and we had told him that its name was given it
because it made that peculiar song."

"I think he was wicked to shoot it," said Toots.

"We all felt very sorry," said his mother, "and I think the hunters did,
too, for they promised to keep away from our camp and avoid shooting any
of our pets. When they left us, they told Toots he would hear from them
again, but we forgot all about it until one day a small box was brought
to our house by the expressman. It was directed to Toots and marked
'with care.' On opening it we found our little friend the cuckoo
handsomely stuffed and mounted on a branch. Toots was very much
pleased and it has stood where it now is ever since it came."

"I wish he could fly once more, and say 'Cuckoo, cuckoo,' as he used to,"
said Toots.

[Illustration: 0092]


[Illustration: 9093]

KIND lady and dear friend of Toots and his mother owns a bright little
dog named Benjamina. Its mother was blind and lame when the little puppy
was born, and the good lady thought it was the child of the dog mother's
old age; so she called it Benjamina, and a very cunning, wise little
creature she is.

Benjamina likes to curl up on a sofa pillow and take life easy. Nearly
every day she takes a walk with her mistress and frisks about here and
there. Once when they were out walking, naughty Bennie ran too near the
horse car and was kicked by one of the horses. She lay quite still for
a moment, and all who saw her feared she was dead. Before any one could
reach her, a large, strong dog who belonged to a neighbor sprang across
the street and carried her to her mistress. Poor doggie had a bad cut
in her side which the doctor sewed up, and it was so very sore that she
could not lie down for many days. It was quite pitiful to see it walk
around and around in a circle, trying to go to sleep. Old Major came
every day to see her, and when he was allowed to come into the room he
would sit down gravely and look at her. He evidently wanted to say, "I
am very, very sorry for you and shall be glad to see you out again."

[Illustration: 0094]

After a time poor Benjamina grew well enough to sit in a chair at the
window, and Major would sit outside on the piazza and look at her. They
really seemed to understand each other perfectly. If anything went wrong
in the street Major would run down the steps and attend to it, and then
come back to his station before the window. At last Bennie was taken
out for a drive and Major ran all the way by the side of the carriage,
barking with pleasure.

Once Bennie's mistress found a large bone put on her piazza, which Major
had brought for his friend's breakfast, and great was the good fellow's
delight when it was carried to Bennie.

Major went to church every Sunday and sat in the porch until his master
came out; he tried very hard to go inside but was never allowed to do
so. When the sexton went out to open the doors Major would shake himself
and take his position on the steps. Once he came on Sunday and tried to
coax Bennie out, but her mistress said no. When I last saw Bennie she
was sitting in her mistress' lap while she wrote some letters. Major is
still the same faithful friend and visits her every day.


[Illustration: 9096]

OW happy the little people were at the seashore! There was so much to
see and so much to do that the long days ran quickly away.

Toots and his friend learned many things. They caught hermit crabs, and
were told how they stole shell houses to live in. They found star fish,
and horse-shoe crabs, and beautiful sea anemones, and sometimes a kind
old sailor would tell them about trawls, lobster traps, nets, and the
queer tricks of the various fish they caught.

Away out on a point of rocks near the water lived some very bright
little boys who often came to play with Toots. One day their parents
were invited to visit a beautiful yacht lying in the harbor. The ladies
and gentlemen were much pleased, and when they returned from their visit
they told the children all about it. Two little boys, Philip and
Harry, who lived in the cottage at the point, heard the story with much
pleasure; so did Toots, who wished he could see it. One morning when
the wind blew hard and the water was covered with white caps, Philip's
mother missed both her little boys. "Perhaps they have gone over to
Toots'," she said. Their sister inquired, but Toots was swinging in the
hammock with another little friend. He had not seen Philip or Harry all
the morning. Then the nurse and all the family began to look, but no
boys could they find.

At last an old sailor said, "There's a little boat a-bob-bing up and
down out there, and I think it has two little chaps in it."

The ladies took a glass, and there indeed were the two little rogues
liable to be drowned at any moment; but two kind sailors went after them
and brought them safe on shore.

"Where were you going?" asked their mamma.

"To visit the Tommodore's pretty water-house."

Both boys were very small and could not speak distinctly.

"But how strange! you were not invited," said their mother.

"Oh, yes, I 'vited 'Ilip and 'Ilip Vited me!"

"What would you have done if you had reached the yacht?"'

"I was going to 'duce 'Ilip to the Tommodore and 'Ilip was going to
'duce me."

"But you must not introduce people anywhere unless you are welcome
yourself and invited. When the Commodore invites my little boys, I will
take them out to his yacht and introduce them myself. Besides, the water
is very rough and you are too young to row a boat so far."

"We could do it;'cause 'Ilip rowed one oar and I rowed the other. We
like it."

Their mother was very glad to get them back again, and the good
Commodore never knew what funny little guests he missed seeing that
summer morning.

[Illustration: 0098]


[Illustration: 9099]

RAIN, plenty of grain,

`Sang the birds in the harvest field;

`Grain, plenty of grain;

```H ow grandly it doth yield!=

``Grain, plenty of grain,

```Eat, and chirp, and sing;

``Come one and all to the harvest field,

```Each with buoyant wing.=

``Grain, plenty of grain,

```The reapers are out to-day;

``And every bird from far and near,

```Must sing a roundelay.=

``Grain, plenty of grain,

```And not a farmer near;

``Chirp, chirp, how glad are we,

```To find this harvest here!=

``Over the top of the stack,

```Down on the bundle bound;

``Swoop and pick, and sing your songs;

```Such a feast is seldom found.=

[Illustration: 0100]

``Chirp, chirp, chirp,

```Sing with all your might,

``The glorious day will soon be done,

```And the harvest ends to-night.

``Grain, plenty of grain,

```Eat your fill, my friends;

``Let us gladly, cheerfully take,

```The food the dear God sends.

"I think," said Toots, "that every song you read is the best one, and I
wish birds could talk.

"They certainly talk to each other," said his mother, "and the robins in
our apple-tree try very hard to answer me when I talk to them."

[Illustration: 0101]

[Illustration: 0105]

End of Project Gutenberg's Toots and his Friends, by Kate Tannatt Woods