The Project Gutenberg EBook of The American Missionary -- Volume 41, No.
6, June, 1887, by Various

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Title: The American Missionary -- Volume 41, No. 6, June, 1887

Author: Various

Release Date: April 21, 2018 [EBook #57013]

Language: English

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[Illustration: JUNE, 1887.


  NO. 6.

  The American Missionary]

       *       *       *       *       *

[Illustration: CONTENTS]


    THE ADVANCE--APPEAL,                                157
    PARAGRAPHS,                                         158
    LOOK ON THIS SIDE AND ON THAT,                      161
    THINGS TO BE REMEMBERED,                            164
    PLYMOUTH CHURCH, MINN,                              165
    FROM THE _Atlanta Constitution_,                    166


    NOTES IN THE SADDLE,                                167
    REMARKS OF SENATOR SHERMAN,                         171
    A CHURCH AND A SCHOOL TO A COUNTY,                  172


    SPEECH OF ELI ABRAHAM,                              174


    HOME-LOVE VERSUS CHRIST-LOVE,                       175




    MRS. TUCKER’S CONVERSION,                           179

  RECEIPTS,                                             181

                 *       *       *       *       *

                             NEW YORK:


                      Rooms, 56 Reade Street.

                 *       *       *       *       *

                Price, 50 Cents a Year, in Advance.

  Entered at the Post-Office at New York, N.Y., as second-class

American Missionary Association.

       *       *       *       *       *



    Rev. A. J. F. BEHRENDS, D.D., N.Y.
    Rev. F. A. NOBLE, D.D., Ill.
    Rev. ALEX. MCKENZIE, D.D., Mass.
    Rev. D. O. MEARS, D.D., Mass.

  _Corresponding Secretary._

    REV. M. E. STRIEBY, D.D., _56 Reade Street, N.Y._

  _Associate Corresponding Secretaries._

    Rev. JAMES POWELL, D.D., _56 Reade Street, N.Y._
    Rev. A. F. BEARD, D.D., _56 Reade Street, N.Y._


    H. W. HUBBARD, Esq., _56 Reade Street, N.Y._



  _Executive Committee._

    JOHN H. WASHBURN, Chairman.
    A. P. FOSTER, Secretary.

    _For Three Years._
      S. B. HALLIDAY.

    _For Two Years._
      J. E. RANKIN.
      WM. H. WARD.
      J. W. COOPER.

    _For One Year._
      A. S. BARNES.
      J. R. DANFORTH.
      A. P. FOSTER.

  _District Secretaries._

    Rev. C. L. WOODWORTH, D.D., 21 _Cong’l Home, Boston_.
    Rev. J. E. ROY, D.D., 151 _Washington Street, Chicago_.

  _Financial Secretary for Indian Missions._


  _Field Superintendent._

    Rev. C. J. RYDER, _56 Reade Street, N.Y._

  _Bureau of Woman’s Work._

    _Secretary_, Miss D. E. EMERSON, _56 Reade Street, N.Y._

       *       *       *       *       *


Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the
Corresponding Secretaries; those relating to the collecting fields,
to Rev. James Powell, D.D., or to the District Secretaries; letters
for “THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY,” to the Editor, at the New York


In drafts, checks, registered letters or post office orders may
be sent to H. W. Hubbard, Treasurer, 56 Reade Street, New York,
or, when more convenient, to either of the Branch Offices, 21
Congregational House, Boston, Mass., or 151 Washington Street,
Chicago, Ill. A payment of thirty dollars at one time constitutes a
Life Member.


“I BEQUEATH to my executor (or executors) the sum of —— dollars, in
trust, to pay the same in —— days after my decease to the person
who, when the same is payable, shall act as Treasurer of the
‘American Missionary Association,’ of New York City, to be applied,
under the direction of the Executive Committee of the Association,
to its charitable uses and purposes.” The Will should be attested
by three witnesses.

       *       *       *       *       *


                       AMERICAN MISSIONARY.

                 *       *       *       *       *

                VOL. XLI.    JUNE, 1887.     NO. 6.

                 *       *       *       *       *

American Missionary Association.

       *       *       *       *       *

The _Advance_ will please accept our thanks. In a recent issue it
quotes almost the entire financial article published in the May
AMERICAN MISSIONARY, and then editorially comments as follows:

“The _Advance_ seconds the motion for a movement all along the
line to save the American Missionary Association from the calamity
of a threatened debt. May and June are magnificent months for
doing good things. The whole world opens out in beauty. Blossoms,
songs, abounding life, are everywhere. What a hint to close-clasped
pocket-books to come out from their hiding places and join with the
lilacs and apple trees and the birds and the forests and the fields
in making everybody happy with their generous outflow. The New West
is out of debt; the Home Missionary Society is out of debt. Let
ministers and churches and sympathetic friends see to it that when
the financial year ends the American Missionary Association can
join in the same glad refrain--_out of debt!_”

       *       *       *       *       *

The prime object we have in view in urging our appeal for increased
contributions at the present time is that, if possible, we may
obtain relief from threatening financial embarrassment before the
summer months are upon us. When the ministers are in their own
pulpits, and when the people are in their own pews, then is the
time to make an effort. Unfortunately for some years past, we have
been obliged to make special appeals during the summer months. We
had no option. It was appeal or suffer. We have always felt the
disadvantage. We were obliged to call, and yet we were conscious
that those who ought to hear did not hear, and that many who heard
felt constrained to do more than they really could afford. Many a
time we would have gladly returned donations to friends who made
altogether too great sacrifice in giving what they did. Cannot this
evil be remedied? That is the question we wish to press during the
few weeks that are now passing. Brethren and friends, before the
vacation days come, can you not so roll up on your gifts to the
treasury of the A. M. A. that when the summer is fairly here and
you are gone to the mountains, to the seaside, across the ocean,
or elsewhere, our anxieties shall be allayed and the danger of our
being obliged to make special appeals shall be averted? “’Tis a
consummation most devoutly to be wished.”

       *       *       *       *       *

Our Treasurer frequently receives gifts in the form of cherished
keepsakes. These keepsakes are associated with the memory of
loved ones now dead, and they represent much more than any
money value can measure. A widow, to whom a watch was the chief
material reminder of her husband, heard the appeal of the American
Missionary Association, and having no money to give, sends that
watch that it may be sold in the market and the money go into our
work. A friend of hers, who sent the watch to us, writes: “Favored
with but few of this world’s goods, yet not daring to plead this as
an excuse for not giving, she felt heavenly drawings to give to the
Lord this cherished memento of the dear departed one. Having known
her for many years as a Dorcas in the church, I cheerfully write
these few words, not because of the intrinsic value of the gift,
but because it is indeed the widow’s mite, and in God’s sight the
widow’s mite may be more than the costly offerings of the wealthy.”
Such gifts greatly encourage us, because they tell of affection and
devotion and sacrifice.

       *       *       *       *       *

We wish to guard our work and friends from imposition. Not
necessarily imposition in the bad sense. It is to shield them from
making donations to objects that in themselves may be worthy,
under the impression that they are giving to the work of the
A. M. A., when they are doing no such thing. There are a great
many schools, of one kind and another, that have been started
at the South among the colored people by private parties, on a
purely independent basis. Complaint comes to us frequently that
circulars and letters begging for funds with which to carry on
these independent enterprises are being continually received, and
that funds are diverted from our treasury on that account. Many
contribute in response to these appeals under the impression that
they are giving to the A. M. A. These independent ventures differ
from our work in one very important respect. All our institutions
are under supervision and are held to a strict responsibility and
scrutiny. These others to which we refer are irresponsible and
not supervised. Many of them are carried on with what we should
consider a great lack of economy, and some of them are in the
field because those that control them were uncomfortable under
supervision. They knew too much to be counseled with and would not
be advised. We ask our friends to be careful in the confidence they
give to every applicant, who, taking the files of the AMERICAN
MISSIONARY, uses the United States post-office as a means of
gaining entrance to their homes and charity. We have no right to
dictate to our friends where they shall spend their money. That is
their own business. But we feel that it is our duty to advise them
of the complaints that come to us, and to put them on their guard
against imposition from every quarter.

       *       *       *       *       *

THE COLOR LINE IN ART.--The Art Students’ League of New York
recently admitted to its membership Mr. Geo. Alex. Bickles, a
colored youth of nineteen years. He is the first colored student
ever admitted to the League. A few of the students were inclined
to be angry because he was admitted. They wanted to draw the color
line. They tried to work up a feeling of antagonism against the
management. They called a meeting of the students, introduced a
series of resolutions against the admission of colored students,
but they were ingloriously defeated. To add to their chagrin,
they were informed that even had their resolutions passed, the
management would have taken no notice of them. Mr. Bickles is a
bright young man, who until recently was a stable boy at Islip,
L.I. He has a remarkable talent for drawing and painting, and
his sketches are to be found in many a home in that Long Island
village. Several prominent Brooklyn gentlemen having summer
residences at Islip, recognized the young man’s ability and urged
him to quit the stable and study art. This is the reason why he is
now a student of the Art League, and there is this to his credit,
that he has been admitted to its membership upon the merit of
his work. In addition to being a good painter, he is also a fine

       *       *       *       *       *

A German, who owned a large plantation and many slaves near
Savannah, Ga., at his death manumitted his slaves. Some of them
were his own children. Two of his boys he sent to Germany and
had them thoroughly educated. It was the design of the planter
to have his property go to his freed children, as they were the
only children he had. The war came and the State confiscated the
property. One of the boys has been for many years a missionary of
the A. M. A. He spends half an hour daily teaching German to the
daughter of a prominent white citizen. Our missionary writes:
“Yesterday, while busy teaching this little one, a visitor looked
in and asked the mother in German, ‘What are you doing?’ She
replied, ‘My little daughter is taking lessons.’ Visitor said
something about ‘nigger.’ The lady held up her hand, as the
stranger drew back in the next room, and said to him, ‘That is
the German translator.’ The visitor answered, ‘Is that the one?’
The conversation was now carried on in an undertone. Whenever
I go to discharge my duty at the above mentioned house, I am
kindly treated. Whenever I call on the German Lutheran minister,
Dr. Bowman, of Savannah, he treats me with kindness and respect.
The language of the visitor made little impression on me, for in
Germany I have been taught to respect an honest man, not his color.
The United States is a strange place.”

       *       *       *       *       *

A CHILD’S FAITH.--A little colored boy was in the room where his
old grandmother was lying, suffering intense pain from rheumatism.
It was in the evening. As he was leaving and said good-night to
the old woman, she said: “Lewis, won’t you ask God in your prayers
to-night to make grandma better?” “Oh, yes, I will, and God will
make you better.” He went right away, and offered up his child’s
prayer that God might take away his grandma’s pains and make her
well. His mother, not knowing what had happened, incidentally asked
him if he had prayed for his grandma. The little fellow, thinking
that his mother knew all about it, replied: “Oh, yes, I did; but
God hasn’t done so yet. I guess he is seeing about it, but he’ll do
it.” Next morning he hastened to ask his grandma how she was. “I
am better, thank God, this morning,” came the answer. At once he
jumped about the room, clapping his hands, and cried out: “Didn’t I
tell you God was seeing about it, and I am so glad that he did it!
I knew he would!”

       *       *       *       *       *

An educated Christian Chinaman, thoroughly acquainted with the
teachings of Confucius, made the following comparison between
Confucius and Jesus:

“They are like two bridges; they are both noble structures. You
admire the strength of the timbers and the way in which they are
framed together, forming the solid foundation and the graceful arch
rising about it. You walk on the bridge of Confucius; it is all
right till you come to the River of Death--there you see the black
waters rolling before you, and there is no plank on which you may
cross to the shore beyond. Jesus Christ is a completed bridge, over
which you may safely pass to the Heavenly Home and to the mansion
he has prepared for your eternal habitation.”

       *       *       *       *       *


In a recent interview between Mr. Stanley and a newspaper
correspondent, the distinguished explorer said: “I have been in
Africa for seventeen years, and I have never met a man who would
kill me if I folded my hands. What I wanted, and what I have been
endeavoring to ask for the poor Africans, has been the good offices
of Christians, ever since Livingstone taught me during those four
months that I was with him. In 1871 I went to him as prejudiced
as the biggest atheist in London. I was out there, away from a
worldly world. I saw this solitary old man there, and asked myself,
‘Why on earth does he stop here?’ For months after we met I found
myself listening to him and wondering at the old man’s carrying
out all that was said in the Bible. Little by little his sympathy
for others became contagious; mine was awakened; seeing his pity,
his gentleness, his zeal, his earnestness, and how he went quietly
about his business, I was converted by him, although he had not
tried to do it. How sad that the good old man died so soon! How
joyful he would have been if he could have seen what has since
happened there!”

And thus have these great explorers demonstrated the power of
sympathy and kindness even upon the most degraded of people.

       *       *       *       *       *


There is a very ancient chestnut tree which has been shaken by many
a traveler on his way. One of its nutshells has a word of wisdom in
the story of two knights who contended about a certain shield. “It
was gold.” “It was silver.” Both were sure, for did they not see it
for themselves? Both were wrong, of course; people usually are who
see one side. There were two sides to that shield.

The point of view has to do with what one sees. For example, when
Rev. Doctor Field went South, the shield which he looked at on
the way was burnished gold. He saw it. He wrote a book about it,
which was honorable to his heart and to his eyesight. Everything
was lovely and of good report down South. It was faith, hope and
charity, but the greatest of all was charity. Then Editor Grady
came to New York and told us in eloquence and imagination of the
New South. The shield which he held up to us was gold studded with
diamonds. “Very well, let it be gold, that is what we want,” was
the hopeful response of tens of thousands until it has come to
be the mode to say, “Surely it is gold. The era of good will and
justice has come, and nothing either great or small remains for us
to do.”

Those of us who have been praying and working for “the acceptable
year of the Lord” could wish that this were so, but it remains true
that an intelligent view is not a one-sided view. People may run
through the South and get the view that leans to inclination. They
may have delightfully warm receptions, but it takes a good many
warm days to make a summer.

There is no doubt that there is a New South, that the beginning of
the dawn of a glorious morning is lifting itself up. Thoughtful
people in the South are realizing the trend of things. They
are attent to the problems which present themselves. They are
re-adjusting their opinions. A few leaders are coming into the
realm of convictions which are quite other than those they once
entertained. They are nobly meeting questions once ignored. This is
the prophecy of the golden year for which the American Missionary
Association has been expending itself. From the time when the
American Missionary Association planted its first Institution
at Hampton, Va., until its last one was destroyed so lately by
incendiaries at Quitman, Ga., it has waited patiently for Southern
recognition of its work. This has been coming gradually, and we
need not say that we appreciate it. Many have been convinced, some
are urgently exhorting us to increased activities and service.
Thoughtful Southern people do not look upon a population of another
race, now numbering about seven millions, which averages upwards of
seventy per cent of absolute illiteracy, with unconcern.

They begin to see what we are doing; they begin, in some
respects, to feel with us. They even, in some slight measure, are
co-operating with us.

This is the golden side. It is full of promise. But now if one
should see this, and see this only, he would make a great mistake.
That which centuries have cherished will not change in a life-time.
It is true that it does not require the heroism of the past years
for our teachers to go South now, but none of them, so far as
we have learned, have been spoiled as yet by being too greatly
honored. To illustrate the point of view, we quote from a recent
issue of the _Banner-Watchman_ of Athens, Ga. It reads: “About
8 o’clock in the morning of any school day a passer through the
streets of Athens is met by great swarms of negro children on
their way to be educated. * * * * The question naturally presents
itself, who feeds and clothes and buys books for these pupils? We
do not suppose that one negro in twenty has $10 worth of property,
and they are paid, too, the smallest wages imaginable, barely
sufficient to buy them coarse raiment and the plainest food, and
yet they all seem not only able to keep their children in idleness
(sic) but these children are nicely clad and have expensive books.
The question then arises, who pays for all this? And the conundrum
naturally arises, what are we educating these young negroes for?
What can we do with them? The field for educated whites is narrow
enough, and there is no opening for a learned negro, except the
pulpit and the school bench, and these two avocations are now
crowded to suffocation. Experience has taught that when you educate
a negro you incapacitate him for manual labor; and to be a hewer of
wood and drawer of water for the superior race is all the sphere
that the African ever has or ever will creditably fill. (We forgive
this unpremeditated murder of the Queen’s English.) Visit the chain
gangs of Georgia, or any old slave State, and you will see that a
little education, assisted by a linen duster, a cotton umbrella and
a hymn book, is the best recruiting sergeant that the penitentiary

“And yet the white people of our State, through the medium of
politicians and office-seekers, are taking an enormous load of
taxation on their shoulders (sic) to make convicts and vagabonds
of the only class of labor they now have. To substantiate this
statement we have only to refer to Athens before and since public
schools were established, and the history of our city is the
history of every place in the South where the whites have consented
to bear the burthen of educating the negro. There is (sic) ten
times as much stealing in our midst now as before free schools were
established, and the number of idlers has increased as many fold.
So it is unkindness to the negro to lift him above his position.”
In the same paper, a second article declares that the colored
schools are rapidly “becoming nuisances.”

Now, it would not be just to say that the sentiments quoted above
are those of the New South. They are not. It would be equally
erroneous to deny that these views would be accepted by the great
body of people living in the South. The New South to many means
simply a new South for white people. Those who have had the
misfortune to be the children of slavery are to most as yet not in
the newness.

There is a New South that is becoming awake to the possibilities,
the opportunities, and the duties, especially of the dominant race,
but he shuts his eyes to serious facts, and to many sad ones, who
is led to think that the movements which we herald with gladness
are the thought and feeling of any large significance, or that they
can do the work to which the American Missionary Association is
consecrated. It will, we fear, be a long time yet before the South
will become so new that it will spell negro with one _g_. And it
will be as long perhaps before the poor and despised shall be so
elevated and Christianized that people shall be ashamed to use two
_g’s_ where one is superfluous.

The appreciation which our work gains from noble and thoughtful
people in the South is the bright side. We love to look upon this.
But the fact that there are seven millions of colored people in
the South, and probably not more than five hundred well educated
colored preachers for them, is a fact not so bright. Our schools
and theological seminaries are bright spots in the darkness. While
we are grateful to note the fact that the thoughts of men are
widening, we know that there is need of faith and patience, because
there remains much land to be possessed. One need not go far from
what is hopeful to find enough to excite concern for the future,
and to urge him to relax no zeal to hasten the day when Christ
shall make all things new.

When Southern newspapers can still print the opinion that education
for the Negro is a recruiting agency for the penitentiary, and that
colored schools are nuisances, we may be sure that the anxiety of
thoughtful people, who are urging us to do a work which they cannot
do and know not how to do, is very real.

As to the truth of such opinions, which are very common in the
South, we have only to quote a sentiment of a modern philosopher,
viz., “It is better not to know so many things, than to know so
many things that ain’t so.”

       *       *       *       *       *


It seems to be a condition of every successful benevolent
undertaking that there should be a constant recurrence to
fundamental principles. The danger, in all mission enterprises,
is that they will become perfunctory,--about so much to the
society--rather than a contribution measured by the forces and the
interests involved in its work.

It is only when we see the _reason_ of things, and apportion our
gifts according to the significance and value of our work on the
Kingdom of Christ, that we give intelligently, wisely, steadily for
its promotion.

The friends of the American Missionary Association, we believe,
will thank us if we recall to their minds certain fundamental
things, of which the Association’s _work_ is only an expression.

_The Work_: Three historic heathen races are represented on these
shores and engage the labors of the Association. These races number
fully one-half of the human family, and, at least, three-fourths of
the un-evangelized portions of the world. For eighteen centuries
Christ has claimed them for his own, and long ere this would have
received them for his inheritance had his people been obedient to
his last command. But as we failed to go into all the world, he has
sent the world to us, until the vast empire of heathendom pushes
itself up to our very doors. Every day and every hour of the day
we touch thousands and millions of China and Africa, and might, if
we would, prepare them to be, respectively, the saviours of their
country. It is not only possible, but it ought to be an easy thing
to raise up out of the seven million blacks, out of the one hundred
thousand Chinese, and out of the two hundred and seventy thousand
Indians, teachers and preachers enough to give the gospel, with
all its accompanying light and power, to the unnumbered myriads
they represent still sitting in the shadow of death. The Chinese
are returning homeward at the rate of thousands a year, and will
all return, if they live, at their own charges. Who dare say it is
not in our power to send them back with enough of the knowledge
of Christ in their heads, and of his love in their hearts, to
guide themselves and their countrymen to Heaven? Who dare say
that we have not Christian power enough to bring every Indian in
the land under the subduing influence of the Gospel: that we have
not resources of _every_ kind adequate to preparing thousands and
tens of thousands of the sons and daughters of Africa to be the
regenerators of their country?

And yet we have been in contact with the Negro and the Indian
since the landing of the Pilgrims; and with the Chinese since the
discovery of gold on the Pacific coast, without perceiving that our
hand was on the unsaved millions of the globe, and that we had the
opportunity to move and master them for Christ.

Has blindness happened to our churches that they do not see the
meaning of the presence of these races here, and that they look
with such apparent indifference, not only upon questions of the
gravest political import in connection with them, but questions
involving the regeneration of continents? These populations are in
our hands, and will be what we make them. We may train them to be
the World’s teachers and leaders, or we may leave them and their
races to the old night of heathenism. It is such an opportunity to
do a magnificent Christian work for the human race as was never
before offered to man. To take advantage of this opportunity is
the special work of the American Missionary Association. And to
no society in _this_ or in _any_ land is there entrusted a work
broader in the possibilities of its influence, or mightier in the
sources of its power.

                                                C. L. WOODWORTH.

       *       *       *       *       *


Dist. Sec. Roy, in his address before the General Association of
Minnesota, at Minneapolis, reported from official documents the
early beneficiary relation between the Plymouth Church of that
city and this Association. It appears that the Church, having been
organized in 1857, had Rev. Norman McLeod commissioned as acting
pastor in 1858, with $200 a year pledged. Under him the first
church edifice was erected. It was a frame structure, 32×62, that
cost $2,300, of which $300 was furnished by the “Building Fund.”
The Church had then fifty members. In 1860 Rev. H. M. Nichols was
commissioned at the same rate for the same Church. During his
first year of service that new meeting-house was burned by the
incendiarism of the saloon interest. A young man from New England
in three years had run down to delirium tremens. Mr. Nichols was
with him at his death, and on the Sabbath, referring to this
affair in a temperance sermon, charged the murder upon the liquor
traffic of the town. The liquor sellers were present, and “were
infuriated like mad hounds.” Fifty ladies of the town waited upon
the rum-sellers, begging them to abandon their traffic. They were
answered by a flow of free rum that fired the crowd to do their
desperate work of burning the church by using kerosene and burning
fluid for kindling. An indignation mass meeting was held and a
vigilance committee of fifty was appointed to act. “The town,”
says Mr. Nichols, “will be cleared of liquor.” A revival was also
reported for that same year. But just as Mr. Nichols was about to
start east to solicit aid in rebuilding, he and his two children
and a brother-in-law, with his two children, were drowned in Lake

In 1861 Rev. W. B. Dada was commissioned. The A. M. A. report
speaks of the place as an “important field,” and mentions another
revival as enjoyed there. The first man labored eight months; the
second, seven months; the third, nine. This has proven a good
investment, as the contribution of this Church the last year to
the A. M. A. was $508, and this is about the annual offering, and
its total of church benefaction the last year was $35,263. In these
years it has been a very mother of churches. It was this Church
that, in 1873, entertained the meeting of the American Board,
which had come to hold its anniversary upon the field of its first
mission among the Sioux Indians.

At that time, 1860, there were also two other churches in Minnesota
under the A. M. A., those of Traverse de Sioux and Brooklyn; and in
the West there were _seventy_ white churches under the commission
of this Association. Among them, those of Charlotte, Mich.,
Sandwich, Ill., and Waterloo, Iowa.

       *       *       *       *       *

We take the following from the Atlanta _Constitution_. We publish
the whole of the article, from beginning to end, in order that
there may be no opportunity for drawing wrong inferences. The
_Constitution_ is edited by Mr. Grady. We consulted the editorial
columns to see if any editorial remarks had been made upon the
incident. We did not find any. Surely the man who made that famous
speech at the New England Dinner recently in New York could not
have been in his office. If he were, and allowed such an incident
as this to go unnoticed, very ugly inferences indeed must be drawn
in reference to that New England Dinner speech. Just what _is_ the
New South, anyway?

“Something of a sensation was created at Tillman’s tent service,
corner Hunter and Lloyd streets, yesterday afternoon. Early in
the afternoon two white teachers in the Clark University entered
the tent with eight or ten negro girls, who are students at the
school, and seated themselves. Soon after the party entered the
tent, ladies and gentlemen began arriving and in a short time the
tent was crowded. Every seat except those reserved for the colored
people was taken and many persons were standing up. One of the
ushers, with a view to supplying seats for some who were standing,
went to the negro girls and asked them to move to the seats set
apart for their race. The girl to whom the usher spoke referred him
to one of the teachers. Up to that time the usher did not know that
the negroes and the two white women were together, but turning to
one of them he asked her to have the negro women move to the seats
provided for their race.

‘Why should they move?’ asked the teacher.

‘Because they are in seats reserved for the white ladies and
gentlemen, and there are plenty of them standing. Those seats over
there are for colored people and those women can take them.’

‘Well, I don’t know that there is any distinction as to color in a
church and they won’t move,’ answered the teacher.

The usher seeing that a scene was probable if he insisted upon
the negro women moving, sought Patrolman Whitley, who was near
the tent, and telling him that the tent belonged to the Rev. Mr.
Tillman, asked him to remove the women. The patrolman entered the
tent and approaching the party, repeated the request.

‘Well, we are satisfied with these seats,’ said the teacher.

‘I can’t help that,’ said the patrolman, ‘this tent belongs to Mr.
Tillman and he wants these seats. Over there are seats for those
negro girls. You ladies can remain here, but they must move.’

‘What difference does color make?’ asked the teacher.

‘I don’t know, only I know they must move. Now if they don’t go
I will have to take you all out, and if I take you out I’ll make
cases in police court against you. I am sorry to disturb you, but
it is my duty.’

The two teachers and the negro girls held a consultation in a low
tone a few minutes, and then arising from their seats swept out.
When outside the tent one of the teachers called Patrolman Whitley
to her and said:

‘I was never treated so shamefully before. I never knew before that
one’s color made any difference in a church before the Lord.’

‘I don’t know what it does before the Lord,’ answered the
patrolman, ‘but down South here it makes a difference. In this
section we have nothing like social equality, and never will, in
church or out of church.’”

       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *



In the “Notes” of last month I spoke of the floods that threatened
the destruction of plantations and villages in Western Mississippi.
From Mississippi I passed over into Texas, and this was passing
from flood to drought. In some sections of the latter State there
have been only two showers in as many years. Cattle are dying by
thousands on prairie ranches. Water is held at fabulous prices,
and in some sections it is impossible to get it, even for gold.
The reports of suffering which come from the Western part of the
State are painful in the extreme. All Christian hearts are turning
in agonizing prayer to Him “who holds the waters in His hand.”
Special prayer services are held in many places, and every Sabbath
petitions are offered in the pulpits for rain. It is a fearful
experience through which Texas is passing just now, and unless
relief comes speedily the loss of property will be enormous, and
the lives of the settlers will be endangered.

I wonder if there be any occult logical connection between the want
of water and the prohibition agitation? However that may be, Texas
is stirred to its centre by this temperance movement.

Next August a prohibitory amendment to the State constitution is
to be voted upon by the citizens. Churches, public halls and
school houses are filled almost nightly with interested and excited
audiences listening to the discussion of their political duties
concerning this great moral question. The leading temperance
advocates have confident hopes that this coming election will wheel
the Lone Star State into line with the goodly number of prohibitory
States. In the hotels, on the streets, in railway carriages,
everywhere, prohibition is the absorbing question.

In the cars, as I journeyed from Paris to Dallas, two gentlemen sat
just behind me. They were, of course, discussing this perplexing
question of prohibition, although from their arguments I learned
that they were both opposed to temperance legislation. One was
a Georgian, the other a Texan. They both freely admitted that
they “liked their bitters,” and neither believed in prohibition,
“because, you see, it wouldn’t prohibit!” Said the Texan: “There
always have been, and there always will be, certain besetting sins,
and you cannot abolish them by law. People have kept getting drunk
ever since Eve got drunk in the Garden of Eden, and I reckon they
always will, and you can’t prohibit it by law.”

Poor old mother Eve! The apple must have had hard cider in it. This
was the argument of a lawyer, and fairly averages the arguments
urged throughout the State against prohibition. Agitation and fair
discussion are all that are needed to convince every man that the
thing to do with crime is to prohibit it. Every A. M. A. preacher
and teacher was pronounced and energetic in his advocacy of this
sound temperance principle. The influence of these Christian
workers will be felt in the coming election. The colored vote is an
important factor in the settlement of this question, and our A. M.
A. workers will do their utmost to make it solid for prohibition.

       *       *       *       *       *

The Sunday laws in Texas are strict and well enforced. Even at
the news counter at the hotels, cigars and tobacco are not sold.
Congregational leaven, or some other moral force, has agitated
society most healthfully. Texas is a worthy example to many of our
older States in respect to Sunday observance. There is now before
the Legislature a law prohibiting hunting on Sunday, and there is
every reason to believe that it will pass.

       *       *       *       *       *

Tillotson Institute, the A. M. A. institution at the capital of the
State, is demanding better facilities and larger accommodations.
The school has outgrown its buildings. Its very prosperity makes
additional expense necessary in order to do the work that is now
pressing upon us. And there is every reason to expect still larger
success for the school in the future under the management of its
new president. It is the only institution which the A. M. A. has
in the State, and it holds a commanding position. If it is largely
and generously supported, its influence will be felt throughout the
entire State.

A ride of forty miles across the lonely prairie, starting at
midnight, was full of _possible_ romances and _imaginary_ dangers.
The boy who drove got out of the buggy repeatedly “to feel for the
road, sah.” As the track was so dim where other wagons had passed,
and as there were no fences to mark the road, the only way to find
it by night was to get down on one’s hands and knees and feel for
it. Houses stood ten, twelve, and even eighteen miles apart. Wolves
were all around us on the prairie. It would have been easy to have
fancied that one was in danger, but there was no real danger,
and when the light of the early morning came the ride was most
delightful. The prairie was starred with flowers; thorny cactuses
stood guard over more timid blossoms. Away back here on the prairie
is Goliad, and in it an A. M. A. church and school. An old Mexican
town, now in ruins, stands across a ravine a short distance from
the present village. Here, in 1835, the terrible massacre of the
American troops crimsoned the prairie grass. But it was the bloody
baptism of freedom! The fetters of Mexican tyranny were broken.
To-day this village is the centre of a large and exceedingly
fertile farming region. The A. M. A. church is feeble, but full of
hope and confidence. They own their meeting-house, and are thrifty
and prosperous. They are pushing towards self-support. One of the
church members teaches a day school. So in this out-of-the-way
village on the prairies of Texas the A. M. A. is sowing the seed of
a better Christian progress.

       *       *       *       *       *

The local papers of Alabama have changed the spelling of the name
of that State, and write it now “Alaboomer.” It is an appropriate
change, for the whole State is in a fever of excitement over the
“booms” in real estate. This rise in the value of property means
increased work for the A. M. A. Children of small farmers can be
spared from cotton and corn field as their parents become more
prosperous, and thus our schools will be more crowded, if this is

       *       *       *       *       *


By invitation of the Republican members of the Tennessee
Legislature, Senator John Sherman visited Nashville on his return
to Ohio from Cuba, and on the night of the 24th of March delivered
in the hall of the House of Representatives a public address on the
issues of the day.

Dr. Theo. L. Cuyler said, a few mornings since, in addressing our
students, that he had chosen to return home from New Orleans via
Nashville in order to visit Fisk University, though he could spend
only a few hours in the city; and that for a Northern man to come
to Nashville and not see Fisk, would be like going to Washington
and not seeing the Capitol.

The Mayor of Nashville followed the custom observed in the case of
other distinguished visitors, in providing in the programme of the
day for Senator Sherman and his party a visit to Fisk University.
Under the escort of distinguished citizens of Nashville, during
the present year we have had the honor of visits from Judge Kelly,
of Philadelphia, “the Father of the House of Representatives,” and
his traveling companions; Charles Dudley Warner and the Harper
party, and others. These occasions are always full of interest, and
the University becomes an object-lesson to teach and illustrate
the possibilities of Negro education; but Senator Sherman’s visit
was in every way so pleasant and significant that it will long be
a fragrant memory and quickening inspiration to both faculty and
students. The Senator’s party, largely increased in number by the
addition of distinguished citizens of Nashville and of the State,
and even of adjoining States, and under the escort of the Mayor of
Nashville, arrived in carriages at Livingstone Hall at half-past
eleven A.M. After a few moments had been spent in greetings and
introductions in the President’s room, all repaired to the chapel,
where the students had been assembled in the order observed at
our usual chapel worship. The Senator, on his appearance with the
president of the University at the head of the procession as the
guests filed into the chapel and took seats upon the platform,
was greeted with most hearty applause. The students then sang,
accompanied by the piano, organ and orchestra, “The Red, White and
Blue,” which called forth hearty applause from the platform.

President Cravath, in a few well-chosen words, then introduced
Senator Sherman. The students rose to their feet and stood in
silence with eager, upturned faces, until the Senator began his
address. His words were reported by one of the students, and were
full of the kindest sentiment and the soundest practical wisdom.
At the close of the address the Jubilee song, “Good News! The
Chariot’s Coming,” was sung.

At the request of Senator Sherman, Gen. Grosvenor, formerly
Lieutenant Governor of Ohio and now member of Congress, was
introduced. He began by referring to the gallantry and bravery of
the colored soldiers under his command, who made the desperate
charge on the Confederate works on Overton Hill during the second
day of the battle of Nashville, and to the conviction expressed
then that the descendants of such brave, heroic men would under
freedom prove themselves worthy citizens of the country their
fathers fought to save from disruption. The General made an
excellent point in favor of higher education by an illustration
drawn from the war. He said: “When we called upon the colored men
to become soldiers, we put the best Springfield rifles into their
hands, for being under greater disadvantages than white soldiers,
they needed the best possible weapons. So for your success as
leaders and guides of your people under freedom, you need the best
weapons, and so the advantages of a higher education are provided
for you, and you should arm yourselves with the best discipline,
for you must fight your battles under unusual difficulties.”

Gen. Wheeler, a prominent citizen of Nashville, who fought on the
Confederate side, was next introduced, and spoke a few words of
most cordial greeting and congratulation.

The Mayor then tendered thanks in behalf of the party for the
cordial reception that had been extended by the University, and
announced that the limit of their time had been reached, so that
they must ask leave to retire. The whole party then visited Jubilee
Hall, and thus completed the inspection of the University. A
quotation from the report of an interview with Senator Sherman,
as published in the New York _Herald_ and quoted in the Nashville
_Daily American_ of the 3d of April, will best convey the
impression produced upon the Senator by his visit:

“Are the Southern Negroes devoting much attention to the matter of
education? I never saw anything like it. Their thirst for knowledge
has been greatly increased by the obstacles previously thrown in
their way. There are several excellent colored universities in the
South. Fisk University at Nashville is especially good. The young
men and women attending it are bright and very intelligent. The
young white people of the South must look well to their laurels or
their black neighbors will soon lead them in the race for mental

                                                   BY A TEACHER.

       *       *       *       *       *



This seems to me a very impressive scene. Most of you have grown
up, indeed most of you have been born, since the event that secured
your citizenship took place.

I am familiar with the object of “Fisk,” and Howard University in
Washington; both are engaged upon the same work and are a tower of
knowledge to a race of people that were denied all those privileges
now so dearly cherished and so valuable to everyone. It seems
almost an act of the genii or the golden lamp, like the story of
_The Arabian Nights_. The rapid changes that have occurred and now
are occurring, and the attainment of citizenship to a race that was
a short time ago denied these privileges, seem only to have been
made possible by the magical power of the wonderful lamp.

You are all now entitled by the Constitution and laws of the United
States to the privilege of citizenship. Thirty years ago this
could not be said of you in any State in the Union. Now, so far as
law is recognized, you have the same rights as the proudest man
or woman in the country. You must fit yourselves to enjoy these
privileges. I am now getting to be an old man. Let me give you a
word of advice. You must be patient in the progress you are making.
You must meet the prejudice of centuries. While you should assert
your rights with dignity, you must be patient, endeavor to command
the respect of those you meet, and you will see in the time near
at hand that you will be given all your privileges. You must be
guided and directed by the forces that govern all humanity, and,
therefore, while you have the rights of American citizenship, you
should do all that will materially help your race and those that
are to come after you. You must be patient if sometimes you meet
with difficulties and prejudice.

The Alumni of Fisk University will some day stand side by side with
the graduates of Yale and Harvard. To help on this passage are the
laws of education, the study of the sciences, the study of arts,
and the study of the practical development and various resources
you have at your command. It is this, young men and young women,
that is to help you.

Now, with these simple remarks, with no desire to excite you,
I again express the hope that the time will come when in the
North, South, East and West you will be recognized as a race and
as American citizens according as you behave yourselves and not
according to your color and condition.

       *       *       *       *       *


The “Mountain Work,” which the A. M. A. has undertaken in the
South, has a tendency to make those who engage in it enthusiastic,
and we in the field sometimes almost mistrust that even our
well-informed officers in New York, with all their appreciation of
the need and greatness of the work before us, are accustomed to
make a discount of seventy-five per cent. on all we write them. On
the other hand, we _know_ we have not been, and shall not be, able
to make anyone who has not spent weeks here realize one quarter of
the real needs of this field. One has to go into their poor homes
and see them in sickness and in death; come into contact with
them day by day, and feel the general intellectual and spiritual
destitution; see some of them taking on noble, Christian manhood
and womanhood, before he can fully comprehend the importance of the

The A. M. A., burdened with debt and beset with calls from other
needy fields, has been able, so far, to devote but a small sum
to this work; yet the work has gone on marvelously. It has been
clearly shown what can be done.

I am sure the A. M. A. is ready to hear and heed the command of the
churches to go forward, and even to take as a motto: _A Church and
a School in every County in the Mountains_. It is with the hope of
contributing a little to such a result that I give the following
reasons why this should be done:

1. These counties contain from three to fifteen thousand
inhabitants each--some of them even more. In most of them there
is no day-school worthy of the name, no Sunday-school, no
prayer-meeting, no educated ministry, no churches in which pure
religion is taught or systematic work of any kind is done. The
majority of the people are good-hearted and respond readily to kind
words and acts of love. They live mostly in wretched, windowless
log-cabins, and know few of the blessings of a Christian land,
having no luxuries and few of those things which are generally
considered necessities. Physically, mentally and spiritually they
need teaching and elevating. For the sake, then, of the two and a
half millions already here, there ought to be a church and a school
established at once in the county seat, or chief place of every
county. From these centers the leaven would work through the whole
region, and other churches would spring up about them as they are
doing in Whitley Co., Ky.

2. The population is increasing very rapidly. Even the high
death-rate from poor food, insufficient clothing, wretched houses,
lack of nursing and of competent medical attendance, cannot keep
down the increase. The children can be readily gathered into Sunday
and day-schools. Another generation ought not to be permitted to
remain in the condition of the present and past.

3. Then there is a third reason why this work should be undertaken
_at once_ on a much larger scale than at present. The attention
of the outside world is turning to the wonderful resources of
these mountains. It is becoming known that here is the richest
undeveloped part of the United States. The great forests of
valuable timber, the thick and easily-mined deposits of coal, the
fine quality of iron ore close by the coal, and other undeveloped
wealth, are already drawing men here in large numbers. The
railroads are pushing their way among the mountains and immigration
will add more and more to the population, and vastly more to the
wealth. Villages are springing up, cities will soon follow, and
before many years this region will be filled with an enterprising
and well-to-do people.

Now is the time for the Christian influences which are to mould the
future history of this people for good, to be set in motion from
strategic points. Cannot the Congregational churches, which have
the lead in Christian work here, arise in faith and take possession
of the land in the name of the Lord?

There is one place which gives promise of being the future center
of this whole region and the largest place in the mountains.
It is now absolutely destitute of all elevating, religious and
educational institutions. It is nearly one hundred miles from
the nearest A. M. A. work. It is a village of three or four
hundred inhabitants, with a thickly populated country all around
it. A railroad is on the way to it, and it has such exceptional
advantages that it can scarcely fail to become a large and
important place. It ought to be occupied at once, for people are
beginning to come in advance of the railroad and now is by far the
easiest and cheapest time to start the work.

Is there not some man of consecrated wealth who will assume
the financial part of establishing at once a mission in this
place? A neat, inexpensive little chapel, a school building, a
young minister and his wife, a teacher and his wife, would make
a beginning from which great things would be sure to result.
Beginning with this place, there ought to be a church and a school
placed one after another in the most promising places, until there
shall be a center of mental and spiritual enlightenment within the
reach of every person in this backwood, but promising region.

                                                FRANK E. JENKINS.

       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *



_My Friends_: When I was fifteen years old I learned to read
God’s Word; and from the time I learned to read it I have desired
earnestly to know what was in it.

Although I did not know much, it has been my work now for about
eighteen years to teach others, the boys and girls and young people
who have come to school at Santee. When our school first began we
held it in a log house covered with dirt, and with a hay floor. The
boys and girls came to school wearing their blankets, and they sat
on the ground to study. But now we have good buildings, and besides
teaching in books, our pupils are taught various industries--such
as shoemaking, blacksmithing, carpentry and farming, and our girls
in all home work.

Our boys like to take exercise in playing base ball, and I have
noticed that when the base ball clubs of white young men from the
towns around come in to play ball with them, the white young men
get beaten; or when they try their speed with our boys in foot
races, they also get beaten. And it seems to me that if our young
men can be rightly instructed, they are sure to make good progress.

It has been my work to teach our scholars in the Bible. They come
from many different tribes. Some are Titon Sioux, some Grosventres,
some Poncas, some Arapahoes, some Yanktons, some Brules, yet all
learn to read the Bible in our Santee dialect, and the past year
I have been much pleased because of their interest in it. Often
they ask so many questions that we don’t get on very far with our

It seems to me that the best way to train up a people is to begin
with the children. It is like this: Once I pulled up a little
seedling tree a foot high, and planted it near my house, where I
watered it and cared for it. When the dogs scratched it over, or
the oxen trod on it, I straightened it up again. Then I drove down
a strong stake beside it, and I tied it up in whatever direction
it was crooked. Now, after ten years, it is a tall, straight tree.
So it seems to me that if we take the children and bring them up
straight, we shall have an upright nation, and that by God’s Word
we shall make them truly upright.

I have been thinking also how we should train our people in
benevolence. We must train the children. I have a little girl,
to whom I gave a red cent and wished to teach her something.
So I asked her to what she would give it--to the sick, or for
the preacher, or for sending missionaries? “What do they send
missionaries for?” she asked. “To teach the people God’s Word who
have not heard it,” I answered. “But what will one cent do?” she
replied. Said I, “If one hundred little girls should give a cent
each, it would make a dollar.” My little girl had learned to sing
and play a little on the organ. When the young men came in, they
would ask her to sing for them; but after this she would answer,
“I will if you will give me a cent.” When she had laid by five
cents, I asked her if she was going to buy candy or nuts with it.
“No,” says she, “I am going to give this to Mr. Singing Walker, our
missionary to the wild Indians.” This, it seems to me, shows the
way we are to train up our people, beginning with the children.

       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *


To all persons familiar with missionary work in foreign lands
the fact suggested by the title of this article is more or less
familiar. It sometimes occurs, even in American families, that
Christ enters “to set a man at variance against his father and even
a daughter against her mother,” but this is unusual, so much so as
to seem almost monstrous. When, as was the case last week, not far
from my own field, the conversion of a daughter provokes the mother
to disown her and to bid her leave home and look out for herself,
we are set wondering what strange madness has wrecked that mother’s
heart, and we ask, Is she possessed of the devil?

But this experience is usual in the turning of our Chinese to
Christ. Scarcely any of them can escape it. And the questionings
and struggles and sorrows are often very severe, and I have, of
late, been specially impressed by them. Thus, Mrs. Shattuck, of
Santa Barbara, writes: “We have three or four anxious to join the
Association [thus making profession of faith in Christ--W. C. P.],
but they are afraid of their own families. Tong is a good Christian
boy,--as a pupil and as a singer equal to any China boy I ever had.
When he talked with me he trembled like a leaf, saying, ‘I do so
love your Jesus, but my family be angry. What shall I do?’”

Jee Gam has a little group of pupils in our Central school so
eager to study the Bible that they often remain an extra hour
(from 9:30 to 10:30 P.M.) for instruction from him. One in this
group, as deeply interested and as intelligent and constant as
any, is a brother to two of our Chinese brethren, but has never
himself confessed Christ. Jee Gam wondered at this, and began to
inquire into it closely. The young man replied, “My brothers are
both Christians. I am the only one left to worship my mother when
she dies. It would break her heart if she thought she had not even
_one_ son left to worship her.” I confess that as I “took in the
situation” I felt the tears starting. What shall we say to such a
soul? This led to an item in the experience of Jee Gam himself.
“When I left home the last time,” he said, “my father, knowing that
I had not joined him in the worship of ancestors, and knowing _why_
I had not, walked with me outside the village, urging me to promise
to worship him when he should die.” He appealed not only to Jee
Gam’s affection but to his fears. “‘If you do not worship me,’ he
said, ‘my ghost shall pursue you and punish you.’ I could not so
pain him as to say that I would not worship him, and I could not
say that I would worship him, and so, I said over and over again,
‘I will do what is right.’ And these were the last words I ever
said to my father: ‘Father, I will do what is right.’”

A few days ago Rev. D. D. Jones, formerly laboring as a missionary
in South China, was speaking to me of one of the members of our
Church who succumbed to the pressure brought to bear upon him
at his marriage in China, and bowed to the idols. Immediately
afterwards, deeply penitent, he went to the chapel in some
neighboring village, where Mr. Jones was just then preaching, and
confessed his fault. “I was not afraid of what they threatened to
do to me, but when they began to persecute my mother I could not
bear it.”

The case which has most deeply interested me and called forth my
earnest prayer is that of a Chinese physician in Marysville. I
made his acquaintance about two weeks ago, on my recent visit to
that mission. He has attended our school for more than a year,
and is one of the most faithful of the pupils. He shrinks from
no service by which he can help on the work. He is well read in
Chinese--perhaps beyond any of our brethren, and is regarded as
specially skillful as a surgeon after the Chinese ways. He is a
very substantial looking man, with a fine head, a pleasant face,
and a demeanor marked at once by modesty and strength. He is
greatly interested in the study of the Bible, and, but for one
hindrance, would doubtless be a member of the Association, and
would, perhaps, have presented himself for baptism. I sat down by
his side and asked him what he thought of Jesus. “I believe in
Jesus Christ,” was his emphatic reply. “But how much do you believe
in him?” I asked, and then proceeded to illustrate real faith by
the confidence which he would wish his patients to repose in him--a
confidence which would lead them to abide implicitly by all his
directions. “I believe in Jesus Christ just as I would wish my
patients to believe in me,” was his reply. “What, then, is in the
way of your becoming an avowed and active Christian?” He turned to
our helper, Loo Quong, and talked to him at length in Chinese. Loo
Quong interpreted to me. “It is the woman,” he said. This woman he
had pitied as she told him of the abuse she suffered at a brothel
in San Francisco, and he had bought her from her mistress for
$500. Quite in accordance with the dictates of Chinese morality,
he had made her a sort of American wife. That is to say, he had
his wife and son in China, and this woman was to be, after a sort,
his wife in America. This he now understood to be inconsistent
with Christian character; but what was he to do? I dare say he was
divided in mind somewhat over the $500. He could scarcely afford
to lose it altogether, and I blush to say that he could doubtless
realize the full amount by selling her. But all questions of
pecuniary loss or gain apart, what shall he do? To drop her is to
let her fall into a life of prostitution--almost to _doom_ her to
it. He might send her to one of our Mission Homes for Women, but
she is not disposed to go. Four or five years--as I understand
it--they have lived together, and while, so far as his own comfort
or pleasure is concerned, I believe he would give her up, would it
be right thus to dispose of her? It is a knot not easily untied, a
tangle not easily cleared. I have thought that there might come to
him such an ‘unction from the Holy One,’ such an ‘abundant entrance
into the Kingdom,’ such a clear and uplifting conversion as would
resolve all doubts and show a straight path before him. If this
might be so, it seems to me that he would become a worker in our
missionary field such as we greatly need: a reaper whose abundant
sheaves would be gathered into everlasting life. Pray for it with

       *       *       *       *       *



       *       *       *       *       *


My first time to teach came last September, when I was formally
introduced to my work in the Practice School. I was allowed to
go to the school one morning as a visitor, that I might get the
general plan of conducting the classes, and, if I must say it, I
dreaded the beginning more than ever. The second day found me at my
post, determined to do my best. I was delighted with my apparent
success that afternoon, but prejudice compelled me to keep still
about it.

My surprise was greatest when I was told that I must prepare these
lessons before teaching them, just as much as I did my own lessons.
Each day the classes were more interesting and pleasing, every
scholar doing his best work, not because he was obliged to, but for
the simple reason that his teacher as she went along, instilled the
love of study in his mind. This teacher had me prepare each lesson
separately, giving her opinions and suggestions and asking me how I
would teach it.

Days and weeks went by rapidly; each day found me more interested,
each night found me more willing to go over the lessons with the
teacher. I would not have you think that I taught only one or two
studies, for before my time expired I had taught every class in the
school. I remembered that when I went to school as a child I was
always glad to have my teacher lay aside the text-book and tell us
something of interest about each city and river in geography or
about some particular story in the reading lesson, so I endeavored
to have a story or interesting fact for each class, that they might
be the more interested and also might remember the particular
points. I found out that it is the teacher’s duty to answer
sharp questions as well as ask them, for, in my physiology class
especially, some of the toughest questions I ever heard were put to
me by those bright children.

My geography classes were nearly wild with excitement; sometimes
we would take sea voyages, and again we would find the homes of
different peoples and animals. Geography can be made a pleasant,
interesting and helpful study, and that is what I tried to make it.
Soon my six weeks had gone, and with reluctance I bade the dear
little scholars good-by. I think that I made happy and lasting
impressions on some of the children, as recent rumors have added to
my stock of conceit.

About a week after my time of teaching had expired I had a new
experience; the teacher falling ill I was called upon to take
her place. Elated with my past success and burning with a desire
to teach a whole day by myself, I armed myself with a schedule
of classes, the bunch of keys and proceeded to the school house.
Most of the pupils seemed glad to have me there, but I could see
well enough that their teacher came first in their estimation.
Devotional exercises over, I announced that their teacher was
ill and that I hoped they would be good for _her_ sake; then the
lessons commenced. I found it quite different from having to do
with only one particular class, to hear one class in the back part
of the room and keep an eye on three dozen curly haired witches in
the other part of the room. Oh! how slowly the time went, how my
temper waxed warmer as I noticed the various tricks and pranks. But
something kept whispering, “How often have _you_ made faces at your
teachers, thrown paper and made noises?” so I kept down the sharp
words that continually came up, and tried to smile as I gently
admonished the giggling offender.

As it was a rainy day I took ten minutes from the recess and let
the children write a letter to their sick teacher. When the teacher
read them over with me, you would have laughed could you have seen
some of them. In some I was spoken of quite highly but in others I
was reported as doing not so well as their own dear teacher. Some
letters were composed of straight lines, as the very little folks
also deemed it necessary to write to her.

After all there is an indefinable charm for me in teaching, and I
mean to go on. Every night and morn I asked God’s help, and through
him I accomplished what I have. I can say that my practice teaching
was a source of pleasure and help to me.

       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *


It was Saturday afternoon, and Mrs. Tucker was very tired. Life was
hard at best, only a tedious routine of wearisome duties; but on
this particular afternoon, the closing of the week’s work pressed
very heavily upon her.

“Oh, Mrs. Tucker, can Sallie go with us to the mission band?”

Mrs. Tucker raised her eyes, and saw, standing in the doorway, two
little girls.

“Mission band! I’d like to know what’s a mission band?” she
demanded sharply.

“Why,” spoke out the bolder of the two; “it’s lot of us children
all together, working and sewing for poor folks. We bring our
pennies to Miss May for them, and she says it’s giving to Jesus. We
have just the nicest time; do let her go.”

“Oh, mother,” and Sallie’s brown eyes looked appealingly into her
mother’s face; “please say I may--do let me.”

Mrs. Tucker slowly folded the garment she had ironed, and hung it
in its place before she answered.

“No, she can’t. I can give her all the sewing she wants to home,
and we’ve got nothing to give the Lord; he don’t give to us. So go
along, and tell Miss May that Sallie Tucker’s better set to work.”

When Mrs. Tucker, the hard day’s work at last completed, toiled
wearily up stairs, she found her little daughter seated upon the
top stair, while about her on the floor, were scattered all her
childish treasures.

“What on earth, child,” exclaimed her mother, “is all this clutter
for? What are you trying to do?”

“Why, mother,” chirruped the sweet child’s voice; “I am looking to
find something to give to Jesus.”

“Give to Jesus! What do you think the Lord wants of such stuff as

“But, mother,” she explained, and her voice grew unsteady, and the
bright eyes filled with tears, “my teacher said anything we give
to him, he would like it; and if we gave what we loved best, it
pleased him most. And this is what I love most--my wax doll and my
birthday book. Won’t he take it, mother? Can’t I give him anything?”

“Sallie Tucker!” and her mother’s voice was cold and stern, “you
just put this notion out of your head. You don’t know what giving
to the Lord means. Put this trash away. When the Lord remembers us
with some of his plenty, ’twill be time enough to give to him, I

It was the afternoon for the Woman’s Quarterly Missionary Meeting,
in the Shadyville Baptist church. Mrs. Gray, the minister’s
wife, came to the vestry with a sad heart. She knew too well the
character of these gatherings. A few ladies came together, in a
listless, apathetic way, a few lifeless prayers were offered, a
little business disposed of, and the ladies went to their homes
wondering why there wasn’t more interest in missions. Mrs. Tucker
wasn’t in the habit of attending the missionary meeting, so when
she came into one this afternoon, the ladies present looked at each
other in surprise. Mrs. Gray read the psalm and offered prayer, and
then came the usual dead silence.

Presently Mrs. Tucker rose to her feet, and, in a voice shaken with
emotion, said:--

“I s’pose you’re all astonished to see me here, but the truth of
the matter is, I’ve got something to say to you, which can’t half
be told in words, neither. You all know my little Sallie has been
sick; but I don’t s’pose none of you know what that sickness has
been to me. You see the children wanted her to go to the mission
band, but I was tough and cranky, and dead set ag’in’ anything of
the kind, and told her, in the crossest way, she couldn’t go. She’d
heard somethin’ about giving to Jesus, and laid out her best doll
and book; an’ I laughed at it, an’ told her the Lord didn’t want
her trash. Well, she took sick, an’ got sicker an’ sicker, till my
heart stood still with the fear o’ losing her. She was out of her
head, you know; and every time I come near the bed, she’d start
right up an’ say, ‘Oh, can’t I give him anything? Don’t he want my
dolly? O mother, mother can’t I go?’ till I just thought my heart
would break in two. Everywhere I looked, I could see her eyes, with
such a beseechin’ look in ’em, and hear her voice callin’, ‘Mother,
mother, can’t I give _anything_?’ till at last I went down on my
knees, all broke up like, and I sez:--

“‘Lord, I’m a poor, ungrateful sinner, and I’ve been a-withholding
from you all these years; but if there’s anythin’ I can give you,
won’t you please take it? Even my little girl, and everything I’ve
got I just lay down.’

“Well, my sisters, I cried an’ cried as I hain’t for years, and it
wasn’t all for sorrow, neither; there was a great deep joy in it
all. An’ I come here to-day to tell you that I just give myself and
all I’ve got to the Lord’s work. I’m fairly converted to missions,
and if the Lord will only take the poor, miserable offerin’ I’ve
got to give, and use me rough-shod in his work, I’d really be only
too thankful. Why, my sisters, I’m the happiest woman on earth,
and it’s all owin’ to the blessed child and that there children’s

       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *

  MAINE, $98.63.

    Augusta. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              $23.30
    Bangor. Mrs. Littlefield’s Class _for
      Wilmington, N.C._                                       14.01
    Bath. Mrs. Anna Covel                                      5.00
    Belfast. Ladies, by Miss E. M. Pond, Bbl. of C.
    Bluehill. “A Friend,” _for Pleasant Hill,
      Tenn._                                                   5.00
    Brewer. First Cong. Ch.                                   11.00
    Bridgton. Ladies, by Mrs. C. C. Farnsworth,
      Bbl. of C. _for Williamsburg, Ky._
    Casco. Mrs. R. Mayberry                                    1.00
    Castine. Class No. 9, Trin. Sab. Sch., 1; Mrs.
      C. M. Cunningham, ½ Bbl of C., _for Student
      Aid, Tougaloo U._                                        1.00
    Dennysville. Miss Lillie Vose, _for McIntosh,
      Ga._                                                     1.00
    Farmington. First Cong. Ch.                               19.32
    Gorham. Miss E. B. Emery, _for Talladega C._              10.00
    Harpswell Center. Ladies, by Mrs. E. P. Morse,
      Bbl. of C. _for Williamsburg, Ky._
    Madison Bridge. Mrs. Ezra Dinsmore                         3.00
    Newcastle. Ladies, by Mrs. Chas. D. Crane,
      Bbl. of C., _for Williamsburg, Ky._
    North Brighton. _for Wilmington, N.C._                     1.00
    Portland. St. Lawrence St. Ch., _for
      Wilmington, N.C._                                        1.00
    Portland. High St. Ch., by Mrs. Mary Wells,
      Bbl. of C. _for Williamsburg, Ky._
    South Berwick. Mrs. Lewis’ Sab. Sch. Class,
      _for Wilmington, N.C._                                   1.00
    South Waterford. Mrs. J. M. Shaw                           2.00
    Topshan. Ladies, by Mrs. Wm. Flye, 2 Bbls.
      _for Williamsburg, Ky._

  NEW HAMPSHIRE, $363.50.

    Alstead. Class of Little Girls, by Mrs. G. B.
      Cutler, _for Indian M._                                  2.00
    Atkinson. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              17.12
    Berlin Mills. Parish Ch. of Christ                         5.73
    Boscowan. “Crescent City Helpers,” _for
      Student Aid, Straight U._                               25.00
    Claremont. Cong. Ch.                                      17.00
    Colebrook. E. C. Wilder, 8 Boys’ Coats val.
    Concord. “A”                                               5.00
    Exeter. Second Cong. Ch. 114; Mrs. Woodbridge
      Odlin, 30 to const. MISS MARY H. BLACK, L. M.          144.00
    Franklin. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for
      Students Aid, Atlanta U._                               10.00
    Hinsdale. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              10.02
    Jaffray. “Lilies of the Field,” _for Storrs
      Sch. Atlanta, Ga._                                       9.00
    Kingston. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. 25.54, also
      Bible val. 3, _for Santee Indian M._                    25.54
    Nashua. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                          41.34
    Pembroke. Prof. I. Walker’s Bible Class, _for
      Wilmington, N.C._                                        2.00
    Penacook. Jere C. Martin                                  10.50
    Tilton. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. Class of Boys,
      3, _for Student Aid, Straight U._, Class of
      Girls, 8, _for Woman’s Work_                            11.00
    West Concord. Cong. Ch.                                   20.00
    Winchester. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.                         8.25

  VERMONT, $330.39.

    Barton Landing. Children’s Miss’y Soc., _for
      Indian M._                                               6.00
    Burlington. Friends in First Ch. and Sab. Sch.
      _for Santee Indian M._                                  20.00
    Clarendon. Mrs. N. J. Smith                                5.00
    East Corinth. J. B. Kemp                                  10.00
    East Poultney. A. D. Wilcox, 5; Cong. Ch. 2.50             7.50
    Fairlee. “A Friend.”                                       5.00
    Hyde Park. Second Cong. Ch.                                9.04
    Johnson. Bbl. of C. _for McIntosh, Ga._                    2.00
    Lyndon. First Cong. Ch.                                   25.00
    Middlebury. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.                        12.40
    New Haven. Miss Sarah E. Everett, _for Jones
      Kindergarten, Atlanta, Ga._                              2.00
    Newberry. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                        33.05
    Newport. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                               15.40
    Norwich. John Dutton                                      10.00
    Quechee. N. F. Carter                                     10.00
    Rutland. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for Student
      Aid, Straight U._                                       29.35
    Saint Johnsbury. North Cong. Ch. _for
      McIntosh, Ga._                                           5.65
    Saint Johnsbury. Girls Miss’y Soc., Bbl. and
      Box of C., 2 for Freight, _for McIntosh, Ga._            2.00
    Saint Johnsbury. Ladies of North Ch., Box of
      C. val. 40, _for Sherwood, Tenn._
    South Royalton. Mrs. Susan H. Jones, _for the
      Debt_                                                  100.00
    Springfield. Cong. Ch. ad’l                               10.00
    Tunbridge. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                             11.00

  MASSACHUSETTS, $6,266.55.

    Abington. First Cong. Ch., Bbl. of C. _for
      Student Aid, Tougaloo U._
    Amherst. First Cong. Ch.                                  25.00
    Amherst. Miss M. H. Scott, 5 _for Student Aid,
      Tougaloo U._, and 2 _for Indian M._                      7.00
    Andover. “In memoriam, A Friend”                          30.00
    Andover. Miss M. E. Towle, Bbl. of C. _for
      Tougaloo U._
    Athol. Evan. Cong. Ch.                                    90.56
    Auburndale. Rev. Horace Dutton’s Bible Class,
      _for Student Aid, Atlanta U._                           35.00
    Boston. Old So. Ch. and Soc., 428.62; Mrs. C.
      A. Spaulding, _for Dormitory, Pleasant Hill,
      Tenn._, 100; Hon. Geo. S. Crocker, _for
      Atlanta U._, 50; “A Friend,” 10; “Two
      Friends,” 10; Homeland Circle, Park St. Ch.,
      _for Indian M._, 4; “A Friend,”
      1.--Brighton. Evan. Ch., 100.--Charlestown
      Winthrop Ch. and Soc., 69.26.--Dorchester.
      Second Cong. Ch. and Soc., 90.46; Pilgrim
      Ch. and Soc., 35; Mrs. Wm. Wales, 5;
      Collected by M. A. Tuttle, _for Marie Adlof
      Sch’p Fund_, 2.--Roxbury. Eliot Ch. and
      Soc., 160.20.--West Roxbury. So. Evan. Ch.
      and Soc., 41.88; South Ch., _for Student
      Aid, Atlanta U._, 11                                 1,118.42
    Bernardston. Cong. Ch.                                     2.80
    Braintree. South Cong. Ch.                                16.19
    Brockton. Joseph Hewett                                    5.00
    Brockton. Mrs. B. Sanford, _for Freight_                   2.00
    Brookfield. Mrs. R. B. Montague                            5.00
    Brookline. Harvard Ch. and Soc.                           68.40
    Byfield. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                               21.25
    Cambridgeport. Pilgrim Ch., M. C. Coll.                   14.80
    Chelsea. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         32.65
    Concord. Trin. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         28.12
    East Granville. Y. P. S. of C. E., by Warren
      Griswold, Treas.                                         4.00
    Enfield. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                               50.00
    Fitchburg. Sab. Sch. of Rollstone Ch. (40 of
      which from Primary Dept., _for Student Aid,
      Straight U._)                                           50.00
    Fitchburg. Mattie Baldwin’s Class in C. C.
      Sab. Sch., _for Atlanta U._                              4.50
    Florence. Cong. Ch.                                       21.05
    Foxboro. Ortho. Cong. Ch., 43.87; Primary
      Class, “True Blue” Card, by Sarah T. Carey, 5           48.87
    Georgetown. Memorial Ch.                                  35.70
    Greenwich. Mrs. A. E. Cutler, 1; Y. P. C. E.
      S. 50c.; Mrs. S. D. Cutler, 50c; Mrs. C.
      Walker, 50c; Amherst S. Sibley, 1; Mrs. M.
      A. Sibley, 1; Mrs. N. M. Paige, 50c., for
      McIntosh, Ga.                                            5.00
    Hadley. By Supt. of Russell Ch. Sab. Sch.                  5.00
    Hanson. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                                17.39
    Hardwick. Cal. Ch.                                         6.00
    Haverhill. Ladies of Center Ch., adl., _for
      Debt_                                                    0.30
    Haydenville. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.                       20.00
    Hinsdale. Cong. Ch.                                       44.05
    Holliston. Bible Christians of Dist. No. 4                30.00
    Hubbardston. Ladies of Cong. Ch. _for Woman’s
      Work_                                                   20.00
    Hubbardston. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                           17.00
    Hyde Park. First Cong. Ch.                                12.56
    Lancaster. Sab. Sch. of Evan. Cong. Ch.                   16.46
    Lanesville. Cong. Ch.                                     21.00
    Lawrence. Trinity Cong. Ch.                               21.85
    Lee. “Friends” in Cong. Ch. _for Rosebud
      Indian M._                                             150.00
    Lee. John Browning, 5; Miss Mary Shannon
      Smith, 3; _for Indian M._                                8.00
    Leverett. Sab. Sch.                                        3.00
    Littleton. Mabel Houghton and her Grandma,
      _for Student Aid, Atlanta U._                            3.00
    Lowell. Sab. Sch. Class, by Miss Nellie J.
      Cutting, _for Indian M._                                 4.00
    Mansfield. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for
      Wilmington, N.C._                                        1.75
    Maplewood. Infant Sab. Sch. Class, _for
      Wilmington, N.C._                                        1.00
    Maynard. Cong. Ch. and Soc. (10 of which from
      Homeland Circle)                                       200.00
    Milford. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for
      Talladega C._                                           25.00
    Monson. Young Ladies’ Working Club, 15; Mrs.
      N. M. Field, 5, _for Tougaloo U._                       20.00
    Monson. Hiram A. Felton                                    1.00
    Montville. O. B. Jones, for Sylvester Jones,
      deceased                                                 2.00
    Natick. First Cong. Ch.                                  150.00
    Natick. “Friends,” _for Indian M._                        10.21
    Newburyport. Freedman’s Aid Soc., _for Student
      Aid, Fisk U._                                           35.00
    Newton. Eliot Ch. and Soc.                               140.00
    Newton Center. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                  106.26
    North Adams. First Cong. Ch.                              22.89
    North Adams. “Henry Wadsworth Club,” _for
      Pupil, Fort Berthold, Indian M._                         5.00
    Northampton. First Cong. Ch.                             259.68
    North Andover. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.                     17.31
    Northbridge. Rockdale Cong. Ch.                           15.00
    North Brookfield. First Cong. Ch. (10 of which
      _for Indian M._)                                       110.00
    North Brookfield. Union Cong. Ch.                         20.00
    North Woodburn. Ladies’ Benev. Soc., by Mrs.
      F. C. I. Wheeler, _for Woman’s Work_                    11.00
    Norwood. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              153.50
    Oxford. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                                48.41
    Peru. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.                              10.00
    Plainfield. Mrs. Albert Dyer                               5.00
    Plymouth. Pilgrimage Sab. Sch., 20 _for
      Rosebud Indian M._, and 15 _for Debt_                   35.00
    Quincy. Ev. Cong. Ch., M. C. Coll.                         7.00
    Reading. Cong. Ch.                                        17.50
    Reading. Ladies of Cong. Ch., add’l, _for Debt_            0.25
    Salem. Young Ladies’ Mission Circle of Tab.
      Ch., _for Student Aid, Santee Indian M._                50.00
    Salem. “A Friend,” _for Atlanta U._                       50.00
    Shelburne Falls. Sab. Sch. Class of Boys, by
      Mrs. A. N. Russell, _for Pleasant Hill,
      Tenn._                                                   5.00
    Shelburne Falls. Miss Seraph E. Brown, Bbl. of
      C., _for Tougaloo U._
    Somerville. Franklin St. Ch. and Soc.                    148.30
    South Amherst. Y. P. S. C. E. _for Student
      Aid, Fisk U._                                           50.00
    South Amherst. Cong. Ch.                                   6.00
    Southfield. Mary M. Ellis                                  2.00
    Southwick. Cong. Ch.                                       2.50
    Springfield. “A Friend”                                1,000.00
    Stockbridge. Miss Alice Byington _for Indian
      M._ 20; and pkg. basted work, _for Macon,
      Ga._                                                    20.00
    Sutton. E. L. Snow                                       100.00
    Taunton. Sab. Sch. of Winlow Ch., _for
      Students Aid, Atlanta U._                               40.00
    Taunton. West Cong. Ch. and Soc.                          24.19
    Templeton. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.                          7.00
    Tewksbury. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                             30.00
    Townsend. Cong. Sab. Sch.                                  7.13
    Waltham. “Mission Band” _for Student Aid,
      Storrs Sch., Atlanta, Ga._                               3.00
    Watertown. Phillips Ch. and Soc.                         201.80
    Watertown. Ladies, by Mrs. M. Fuller, 2 Bbls.
      of C., _for Williamsburg, Ky._
    West Barnstable. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                       10.00
    West Boxford. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                           5.49
    West Boylston. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                   19.10
    Westford. H. O. Keyes                                     10.00
    West Hampton. Cong. Ch.                                   18.33
    Westminster. “Cheerful Givers” of Cong. Ch.,
      _for Student Aid, Fisk U._                              10.00
    West Newbury. First Cong Ch. and Soc.                     10.00
    West Newbury. Sab. Sch. of Second Ch. _for
      Rosebud Indian M._                                       8.10
    West Newton. Home Miss’y Soc., _for Storrs
      Sch., Atlanta, Ga._                                      9.00
    Westport. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              15.00
    West Warren. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for
      Student Aid, Straight U._                                5.00
    Weymouth and Braintree. Cong. Ch.                         22.67
    Williamstown. First Cong. Ch.                             15.92
    Wilmington. Cong. Ch., _for Student Aid,
      Straight U._                                            25.00
    Winchester. First Cong. Ch. and Soc., _for
      Indian M._                                              62.88
    Worcester. Piedmont Ch. (52 of which _for Fisk
      U._, and 5.20 _for Berea C._)                          157.20
    Worcester. Central Cong. Ch., 98; Salem St.
      Ch., 38.55; “A Friend,” 1                              137.55
    Worcester. Mrs. Daniel Merriman _for Woman’s
      Work_                                                   40.00
    By Charles Marsh, Treas. Hampden Benev. Ass’n:
        Blandford. H. M. Hinsdale                 3.00
        Holyoke. First                           12.16
        Palmer. Second                           50.00
        South Hadley Falls.                      15.85
        Springfield. South                       80.23
        Westfield. First (5 of which
          _for Indian M._)                       74.25
        Westfield. Second                        42.22
        West Springfield. First                  10.00
                                               ———————       287.71


    Bradford. Estate of Milton B. Day, by Chas. A.
      Kimball, Ex.                                           100.00


    South Berwick, Me. Ladies of Cong. Ch., by
      Miss N. E. Farrin, _for Wilmington, N.C._
    West Randolph, Vt. Ladies Mission Circle of
      Cong. Ch., Case, _for McIntosh, Ga._
    Boston, Mass. Miss Darrow, S.S. Literature
    Brockton, Mass. Mrs. B. Sanford, 1 Bbl. _for
      Tougaloo U._
    East Cambridge, Mass. Miss M. F. Aiken, 1 Bbl.
      _for Marietta, Ga._
    Groton, Mass. By Mrs. Caroline E. Blood, 1
      Bbl. _for Macon, Ga._
    Malden, Mass. Miss M. Kent, 1 Bbl. _for
      Kittrell, N.C._
    Marlboro, Mass. Mrs. E. G. Gibson, S.S.
    Newton, Mass. Freedmen’s Aid Sewing Circle, 1
      Bbl., _for Macon, Ga._
    Roxbury, Mass. Harriet S. Proctor, 1 Case.
    Stoneham, Mass. —— 1 Bbl. _for Kittrell, N.
    Watertown, Mass. Ladies of Phillips Ch., 1
      Bbl. _for Oaks, N.C._
    West Medford, Mass. Mrs. R. J. Ford, Bdl.
    Hampton, Conn. Edward F. Greenslit, 1 Bbl.
      _for Marietta, Ga._, ½ Bbl., _for Athens,

  RHODE ISLAND, $125.84.

    Little Compton. Sab. Sch, of United Cong. Ch.,
      _for Marie Adlof Sch’p Fund._                           22.00
    Newport. Ladies Aid Soc., Box of C. etc., _for
      Macon, Ga._
    Pawtucket. Ladies H. M. Soc. of Cong. Ch.,
      _for Talladega C._                                      16.00
    Providence. Beneficent Cong. Ch., 64.84; Plym.
      Cong. Ch., 23                                           87.84

  CONNECTICUT, $4,270.98.

    Ashford. W. D. Carpenter, 5; C. S Trowbridge, 5           10.00
    Bantam. Cornelia Bradley                                  10.00
    Bethel. Young Ladies Mission, Circle by Anna
      L. Smith, Treas., _for Conn. Ind’l Sch. Ga._            30.00
    Broad Brook. Cong. Ch.                                    15.20
    Chester. Cong. Ch.                                        26.00
    Danielsonville. Mrs. Sarah A. Backus                       6.00
    Darien. Cong. Ch.                                         29.00
    East Granby. Rev. D. A. Strong                             5.00
    East Hampton. First Cong. Ch.                             30.00
    East Haven. Cong. Ch.                                     17.50
    Enfield. “A Friend,” _for Student Aid,
      Straight U._                                             2.00
    Essex. Cong. Ch.                                          19.70
    Fair Haven. Second Cong. Ch. (1.57 of which
      _for Fisk U._)                                          40.16
    Fair Haven. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for
      Student Aid, Fisk U._                                   15.00
    Farmington. “Friends,” _for Indian M._                    75.00
    Farmington. Cong. Ch. (3.35 of which _for
      Charleston, S.C._)                                      69.76
    Franklin. Cong. Ch.                                       13.11
    Glastonbury. W. S. Williams                              200.00
    Griswold. Ladies’ Soc., _for Conn. Ind’l Sch.,
      Ga._                                                    10.00
    Hadlyme. Cong. Ch.                                         6.00
    Hartford. Mrs. Henry A. Perkins, _for Young
      Men’s Hall, Santee Indian M._                        1,000.00
    Hartford. “An old friend of the work,” 400; “A
      Friend,” 30 to const. MISS HARRIET E. BACON
      L. M.; Rev. Wm. H. Moore, 25                           455.00
    Hartford. Asylum Hill Cong. Ch., _for Student
      Aid, Atlanta U._                                       100.00
    Hartford. First Ch. Parsonage Circle, _for
      Jones Kindergarten, Atlanta, Ga._, by Mrs.
      S. M. Hotchkiss Sec. W. H. M. U.                        50.00
    Hartford. Fourth Cong. Ch., _for Indian M._               20.00
    Hartford. “Friends,” Bbl. of Bedding, etc.,
      _for Talladega C._
    Hebron. First Cong. Ch.                                   16.00
    Hebron. Ladies of Cong. Ch., _for Conn. Ind’l
      Sch., Ga._                                              12.00
    Ivoryton. Frank M. Rose                                   18.00
    Middlefield. Cong. Ch., add’l, to const. LYMAN
      A. MILLS and CHARLES E. LYMAN L. M’s                    50.00
    Middletown. Mrs. Susan Gladwin                             4.00
    New Britain. Sab. Sch. of South Ch., _for
      Student Aid, Atlanta U._                                50.00
    New Britain. South Cong. Ch., 30, to const.
      GEO. W. BANNING, Jr., L. M.; “No. 4,222,” 10            40.00
    New Haven. First Ch. (7 of which _for Jones
      Kindergarten, Atlanta, Ga._)                           162.17
    New Haven. Church of the Redeemer, Young
      Ladies’ Miss’y Soc., 50 _for Santee Indian
      M._; Ladies’ Home Miss’y Soc., 20 _for Conn.
      Ind’l Sch., Ga._                                        70.00
    New Haven. Mission Circle of United Ch., _for
      support of an Indian child, Santee Agency_              50.00
    New Haven. Dwight Place Sab. Sch., for Sch’p,
      Albert Luther Memorial, _for Indian M._                 20.00
    New London. First Cong. Ch.                               52.29
    New London. Young Ladies’ Guild of Second
      Cong. Ch., _for Conn. Ind’l Sch., Ga._                  20.00
    New London. “A Friend,” _for the Debt_                     1.50
    New Preston. “A Friend”                                    1.00
    North Coventry. Cong. Ch.                                 47.29
    North Haven. Mrs. T. M. Painter, 20 _for
      Indian M._, and 20 _for Chinese M. in Cal._             40.00
    North Woodstock. Ladies and Sab. Sch. of Cong.
      Ch., _for Conn. Ind’l Sch., Ga._                        15.50
    Plantsville. Cong. Ch. (83.05 of which _for
      Indian M._)                                            225.31
    Plymouth. Geo. Langdon, Sew. Machine _for
      Thomasville, Ga._
    Poquonock. Cong. Ch.                                      34.00
    Putnam. Second Cong. Ch.                                  22.41
    Rockville. First Cong. Ch. (30 of which from
      “A Friend,” to const. DAVID I. CARSON L. M.)           108.26
    Roxbury. “A Friend”                                        4.00
    Roxbury. Mrs. S. J. Beardsley, pkg basted
      work, _for Macon, Ga._
    Sherman. _For Freight_                                     2.25
    Southington. “Friends,” _for Indian M._                   12.00
    South Manchester. Sab. Sch. of First Cong.
      Ch., _for Rosebud Indian M._                            41.35
    Southport. Ladies’ Miss’y Soc, by Miss M. G.
      Perry, _for Conn. Ind’l Sch., Ga._                      20.00
    Stafford Springs. Cong. Ch.                                9.27
    South Windsor. S. T. Wolcott                              20.00
    Thomaston. Cong. Ch., 23.35; David Cables, 10;
      Edward Morse, 2                                         35.35
    Torrington. “Valley Gleaners,” _for Fort
      Berthold, Indian M._                                    30.00
    Washington. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for
      Student Aid, Santee Indian M._                          50.00
    Waterbury. “A Friend”                                     20.00
    Waterbury. “A Friend,” _for Com. Set., Macon,
      Ga._                                                     2.00
    Wauregan. Benev. Soc., by Miss Emma Morse,
      _for Conn. Ind’l Sch., Ga._                              8.00
    Westbrook. “A Friend,” _for the Debt_                      2.00
    West Stafford. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                          7.00
    West Suffield. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         16.73
    Westville. Cong. Ch.                                      22.17
    Whitneyville. Cong. Ch., _for Oahe Indian M._             31.00
    Windsor Locks. Cong. Ch.                                  86.94
    Windsor Locks. “A Friend”                                  5.00
    Windsor Locks. Miss Alice M. Cutler, _for
      McIntosh, Ga._                                           2.00
    Winsted. James J. Preston                                  2.00
    Woman’s Home Mission’y Union of Conn., by Mrs.
      S. M. Hotchkiss, Secretary, _for Woman’s
        Hartford. Parsonage Circle of First Ch.   20.00
        Suffield. Ladies’ H. M. Circle             7.76
                                                 ——————       27.76
    West Hartford. Estate of Mrs. Cynthia C.
      Selden, by Henry Talcott, Ex.                          500.00

  NEW YORK, $4,780.00.

    Amsterdam. S. Louise Bell                                  5.00
    Brooklyn. Plymouth Ch. (30 of which to const.
      WILLIAM B. BOORUM L. M.), 1,023.39; The Ch.
      of the Pilgrims, 340.59; South Cong. Ch.,
      50. AMZI B. DAVENPORT, 30, to const. himself
      L. M.                                                1,443.98
    Broome Co. “A Friend”                                    100.00
    Buffalo. First Cong. Ch. (50 of which _for
      Indian M._)                                            150.00
    Comstocks. RUSSELL RANNEY, to const. himself
      L. M.                                                   30.00
    Cortland. Home Miss’y Soc. of First Cong. Ch.,
      Case of C., _for Student Aid, Tougaloo U._
    East Rockaway. Bethany Cong. Ch.                           5.55
    Ellington. Mrs. Anson Crosby                               1.00
    Frankfort. Dewey Hopkins                                   1.00
    Franklin. Cong. Ch.                                       23.19
    Fredonia. Martha L. Stevens                                5.00
    Gilbertsville. Rev. A. Wood                               10.00
    Hamilton. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.                          10.00
    Holley. Mrs. E. J. Spicer, bbl. of Papers,
      etc.; 1 _for Freight_                                    1.00
    Jamesport. Cong. Ch.                                       1.00
    Kinderhook. Rev. W. Ingalls                                1.00
    Livonia. Mrs. Wm. Calvert, 10; G. W. Jackman, 5           15.00
    Marion. “A Friend”                                        50.00
    Massena. W. H. Cubley, _for Student Aid,
      Talladega C._                                            8.00
    New York. Broadway Tabernacle Ch.                      1,182.00
    New York. F. A. Ferris, 250; Gen. Clinton B.
      Fisk, 30 to const. MRS. ELLA SHEPPARD MOORE
      L. M; “A Friend,” 13; Mrs. Anna G. Warner,
      2, by Rev. Wm. Kincaid; Homer N. Lockwood, 10          305.00
    New York. Mrs. Melissa P. Dodge, 100; William
      E. Dodge Educational Fund, 100, _for Student
      Aid, Atlanta U._; Rev. D. Stuart Dodge, 100
      _for Atlanta U._                                       300.00
    New York. “A Friend” _for Sch’p Hampton N. and
      A. Inst._                                               70.00
    New York. Bethany Sew. Sch., _for pupil, Fort
      Berthold, Indian M._                                    28.00
    New York. Nat. Temp. Pub. Soc., box Papers,
      etc., _for Macon, Ga._
    North Windfield. Olive E. Harrison                        20.00
    Norwich. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for Student
      Aid, Fisk U._                                           11.00
    Nyack. John W. Towt                                       50.00
    Orwell. Union Sab. Sch.                                    3.27
    Poughkeepsie. “A Friend,” _for Atlanta U._                 5.00
    Richville. Cong. Ch.                                       5.00
    Sherburne. First Cong. Ch., 49.40; Band of
      Little Girls, by Mrs. C. A. Fuller, 5                   54.40
    Sherburne. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for Student Aid,
      Talladega C._                                           35.00
    Sherburne. “Friends,” _for Talladega C._                  35.00
    Syracuse. Mrs. Clara C. Clarke                             7.70
    Tarrytown. “A Friend”                                     40.00
    Wading River. Cong. Ch.                                   10.00
    Warsaw. Cong. Ch.                                         31.91
    Woman’s Home Missionary Union of N.Y., by Mrs.
      L. H. Cobb, Treas., _for Woman’s Work_:
        Berkshire. Young People’s Miss’y Soc.       15.00
        Brooklyn. Central Ch.                       25.00
        Churchville. Ladies’ Aux.                   10.00
        Jamestown. Ladies’ Aux, to const.
          MRS. H. L. HUBBELL L. M.                  30.00
        New York. W. H. M. U.                       66.00
        Owego. Ladies’ Aux.                         15.00
        Syracuse. Primary Dept. Plymouth S. S.      20.00
        Syracuse. Danforth Cong. Ch.                 5.00
        Warsaw. Earnest Workers’ Soc.               30.00
                                                   ——————    216.00
    —— “A Friend in Central N.Y.”                             10.00


    Sherburne. Estate of Melissa S. Bicknell, by
      Joshua Pratt and R. H. Griffiths, Ex’s                 500.00

  NEW JERSEY, $160.44.

    Bernardsville. J. L. Roberts                              40.00
    Bound Brook. Cong. Ch.                                    20.58
    Chester. “A Friend”                                        3.00
    Closter. Cong. Ch.                                        11.41
    Jersey City. Tabernacle Cong. Ch., _for Indian
      M._                                                     10.30
    Newark. Belleville Av. Cong. Ch. (30 of which
      to const. FRED. A. SUMNER L. M.)                        62.00
    Orange Valley. Cong’l Ch., add’l                          10.00
    Upper Montclair. Christian Union Cong. Ch.
      add’l.                                                   3.15

  PENNSYLVANIA, $589.18.

    Centre Road. J. A. Scovel                                 10.00
    Ebensburg. First Cong. Ch.                                 6.18
    Mansfield Valley. Geo. A. Marsh’s Sab. Sch.
      Class, _for Student Aid, Fisk U._                       10.00
    New Milford. Horace A. Summers                             5.00
    Philadelphia. Central Cong. Ch.                          523.27
    Philadelphia. Central Cong. Ch., _for
      Tillotson C. and N. Inst._                              34.73

  OHIO, $759.77.

    Bryon. S. E. Blakeslee                                     5.50
    Cincinnati. Sab. Sch. of Columbia Cong. Ch.                5.00
    Clyde. Mrs. C. M. Richards and Others, _for
      Tougaloo U._                                             2.00
    Collamer. Cong. Ch., bbl. of C., _for Mobile,
    Columbus. Woman’s Miss’y Soc. of Eastwood
      Cong. Ch. Pkg. of Cut-out Work and 2 _for
      Freight_, _for Tougaloo U._                              2.00
    Cuyahoga Falls. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch.               9.00
    Harrison. Dr. John D. Bowles                               5.00
    Hudson. Cong. Ch.                                         10.25
    Kent. Cong. Ch.                                           17.52
    Kingsville. Myron Whiting                                500.00
    Marietta. First Cong. Ch.                                 57.65
    North Ridgeville. Cong. Ch., _for Williamsburg_            3.00
    Oberlin. First Cong. Ch.                                  83.85
    Oberlin. Mr. Johnson, _for Student Aid,
      Tillotson C. and N. Inst._                              10.00
    Oberlin. Y. W. C. A., _for Student Aid,
      Williamsburg, Ky._                                       3.00
    Paddy’s Run. Cong. Ch.                                    30.00
    Steuben. Sab. Sch. of Greenfield Cong. Ch.                 5.00
    Toledo. Mrs. E. H. Weed                                   10.00
    Zanesville. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.                         1.00

  ILLINOIS, $1,943.09.

    Belvidere. Mrs. M. C. Foote, 2 Pkg’s
      Patchwork, _for Mobile, Ala._
    Chicago. First Cong. Ch. 100; New England
      Cong. Ch., 25.75; Soc. of Inquiry Theo.
      Sem., 20                                               145.75
    Chicago. National Christian Ass’n. _for
      Student Aid, Straight U._                               25.00
    Earlville. Cong. Ch.                                      23.00
    Elmwood. Mrs. M. D. Wiley _for Student Aid,
      Mobile, Ala._                                            5.00
    Farmington. Cong. Ch., to const. A. W.
      RICHARDS and MISS ANNIE MUMMY, L. M’s.                  60.84
    La Grange. L. M. U., of Cong. Ch.                          5.00
    Lowell. “A Friend”                                         2.00
    Mendon. Mrs. Jane Arnold                                   5.00
    Millburn. “Clyesdale”                                     10.00
    Ontario. Cong. Ch.                                         9.00
    Polo. Ind. Pres. Ch.                                      28.00
    Princeton. “A Friend”                                     50.00
    Rockford. Ladies, _for Student Aid, Straight
      U._                                                     16.00
    Rockford. “An aged Widow” (6 of which for the
      Debt)                                                   12.00
    Roscoe. Cong. Sab. Sch.                                    6.00
    Wethersfield. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kellogg                   5.00
    Wilmette. Cong. Ch.                                       33.50
    Woodstock. J. H. Durfee, _for Macon, Ga._                  2.00


    Cropsey. Estate of G. S. Cook, by Ira C.
      Pratt, Ex., (90 of which to const. IRA C.
      L. M’s.)                                             1,500.00

  MICHIGAN, $761.06.

    Adrian. “Yours Truly”                                      2.00
    Alpena. First Cong. Ch., 80; Sab. Sch. of
      Cong. Ch., 30 to const. E. K. POTTER L. M’s.           110.00
    Armada. First Cong. Ch., 9; and Sab. Sch. 4.54            13.54
    Birmingham. Mrs. E. B. Adams, 3; Miss Fanny E.
      Fish. 2                                                  5.00
    Calumet. Helping Hand Soc., by Gertrude
      Colton, _for Woman’s Work_                              10.00
    Charlotte. Cong. Ch.                                      25.00
    Chelsea. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.                            5.05
    Grand Junction. Miss E. L. Rogers                          5.00
    Hillsdale. Mrs. Mary I. Mead                               5.00
    Homestead. Morris Case                                     5.00
    Imlay City. Cong. Ch., _for Indian M._                     5.00
    Kalamazoo. Mrs. J. A. Kent                                10.00
    Manistee. Cong. Ch.                                       45.18
    Mattawan. Cong. Ch.                                        4.80
    Milford. Ansley A. Arms                                   10.00
    Olivet. Cong. Ch.                                         16.45
    Ypsilanti. Harold F. Sayles, _for Student Aid,
      Fisk U._                                                 5.00


    Pontiac. Estate of Mrs. Nancy G. Davis by H.
      F. Messinger                                           479.04

  WISCONSIN, $381.21.

    Appleton. C. N. Harrison, (8 of which _for
      Indian M._)                                             18.00
    Appleton. Ladies Miss’y Soc., Bbl. of C. etc.,
      _for Macon, Ga._
    Eau Claire. “Cheerful Givers” by Frank Nyquist            10.00
    Elkhorn. Y. P. S. C. E. ad’l.                              1.18
    Fulton Cong. Ch., 7; and Sab. Sch., 10                    17.00
    Genesee. Cong. Ch.                                        16.18
    Hartford. Cong. Ch.                                       32.00
    La Crosse. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for Marie Adlof
      Sch’p Fund_                                             50.00
    Madison. First Cong. Ch.                                  13.51
    Milwaukee. Grand Av. Cong. Ch.                           108.19
    Milwaukee. Mrs. Wm. Davis, _for Student Aid,
      Tillotson C. and N. Inst._                              10.00
    Monroe. “Our Family Missionary Box”                        6.40
    New Chester. Cong. Ch.                                     2.00
    Oshkosh. Mrs. Lucy Bartlett, _for Communion
      Set, Macon, Ga._                                        50.00
    Peshtigo. Cong. Ch.                                        7.50
    Sheboygan. Mrs. G. C. Coles’ Sab. Sch. Class,
      pk’g. basted work _for Macon, Ga._
    Woman’s Home Missionary Union of Wis. _for
      Woman’s Work_:
        Brodhead. W. H. M. S.                          1.00
        Delavan. W. H. M. S.                           0.25
        Delavan. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.                9.00
        Lake Geneva. “Cash”                            2.00
        Madison. Mrs. Faith H. Montague                2.00
        Milwaukee. W. H. M. S. Grand Av. Cong. Ch.    25.00
                                                    ———————   39.25

  IOWA, $260.93.

    Algona. A. Zahlten                                        10.00
    Burlington. Cong. Ch.                                     43.37
    Burlington. Miss Mercy Lewis, _for Mountain
      White Work_                                              0.50
    Cedar Rapids. First Cong. Ch.                             40.77
    Eldon. “Mary and Martha”                                   5.00
    Genoa Bluffs. Infant Class, _for Student Aid,
      Straight U._                                             5.00
    Goldfield. Chas. Philbrick                                 5.00
    Grinnell. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.                          96.66
    Independence. Rev. W. S. Potwin, _for Student
      Aid, Talladega C._                                      20.00
    Marshalltown. Boys’ Mission Band, _for Student
      Aid, Straight U._                                       17.63
    Miles. Ladies Miss’y Soc. of Cong. Ch.                    10.00
    Otho. Cong. Ch.                                            5.50
    Red Oak. Mrs. M. Willis, 50c., and pk’g.
      basted work, _for Macon, Ga._                            0.50
    Tipton. “Light Bearers” Box of C. etc., _for
      Macon, Ga._
    Webster City. Ladies Cong’l Miss’y Soc. _for
      Beach Inst. Ga._                                         1.00

  MINNESOTA, $201.17.

    Alexandria. First Cong. Ch., 15.50; Sab. Sch.
      of Cong. Ch., 3.10                                      18.60
    Freeborn. Cong. Ch.                                        3.00
    Minneapolis. Pilgrim Cong. Ch., 50; Plymouth
      Cong. Ch., 38.50                                        88.50
    Minneapolis. Y. L. Miss’y Soc. of Second Cong.
      Ch., _for Wilmington, N.C._                              6.00
    Minneapolis. Miss Hattie Upton, _for Jones
      Kindergarten, Atlanta, Ga._                              5.00
    New Ulm. Cong. Ch.                                         5.00
    Rushford. Cong. Ch                                         2.07
    Sauk Center. James A. Norris                               3.00
    Waseca. Cong. Ch., 2 boxes C., _for
      Thomasville, Ga._; J. L. Claghorn, 5 _for
      Freight_                                                 5.00
    Worthington. Union Cong. Sab. Sch.                         5.00
    ——. “Friend”                                              60.00

  MISSOURI, $45.10.

    La Grange. Cong. Ch.                                       1.00
    Pierce City. First Cong. Ch., 10; Sab. Sch. of
      First Cong. Ch. 2.75                                    12.75
    Saint Louis. Third Cong. Ch.                              31.35

  KANSAS, $52.11.

    Boston Mills. J. Hubbard                                   5.00
    Manhattan. “A Friend”                                      5.00
    Paola. Cong. Ch.                                          21.02
    Scatter Creek. Cong. Ch.                                   2.90
    Stockton. First Cong. Ch.                                  8.75
    Wabaunsee. Cong. Ch., _for Marie Adlof Sch’p
      Fund_                                                    1.94
    Wakefield. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.                          7.50

  DAKOTA, $32.11.

    Armour. Ladies’ Aid Soc., _for Greenwood, S.
      C._                                                      3.56
    Fargo. Plym. Cong. Ch. Mission Band                        3.50
    Huron. Mrs. Marcia D. Smith, package Basted
      Work, _for Macon, Ga._
    Sioux Falls. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., by C. G.
      Black, Treas. A. C. U.                                   6.00
    Vermillion. Cong. Ch.                                     19.05

  NEBRASKA, $24.20.

    Beatrice. Mrs. B. F. Hotchkiss                             5.00
    Franklin. Cong. Ch.                                        3.20
    Greenwood. Cong. Ch.                                       5.00
    Greenwood. First Cong. Sab. Sch., box of C.,
      etc., _for Macon, Ga._
    Linwood. Cong. Ch., add’l, to const. Rev. M.
      J. P. THING L. M.                                        6.00
    Santee. Miss M. W. Green, _for the Debt_                   5.00

  CALIFORNIA, $35.00.

    Murphys. Mrs. C. K. Sanger                                 5.00
    San Jacinto. Mrs. L. N. Suydam, 20; Nellie
      Suydam, 10., _for the Debt_ and to const.
      KEITH MACCONNELL SUYDAM, L. M.                          30.00


    Portland. Ladies of First Ch., Bbl. and Box of
      C. etc., _for Macon, Ga._

  WASHINGTON, $20.00.

    Seattle. Plym. Cong. Ch.                                  20.00


    Washington. First Cong. Ch.                              148.00


    Huntington. First Cong. Ch.                                2.05

  KENTUCKY, $553.95.

    Lexington. Tuition, 411.95; Rent, 2                      413.95
    Williamsburg. Tuition                                    118.25
    Williamsburg. Cong. Ch., 18.75; Mrs. F. E.
      Jenkins, 3                                              21.75

  TENNESSEE, $972.62.

    Jellico. Tuition                                          18.50
    Jonesboro. Tuition, 24.40; Rent, 2                        26.40
    Memphis. Tuition                                         421.20
    Memphis. Sab. Sch. of Second Cong. Ch.                     3.00
    Nashville. Tuition                                       503.52

  NORTH CAROLINA, $181.35.

    Dudley. Cong. Ch., 4.50; School 1                          5.50
    Troy. Cong. Ch.                                            0.50
    Wilmington. Tuition                                      162.85
    Wilmington. Miss H. L. Fitts, 5.50; Miss E. A.
      Warner, 2                                                7.50
    Wilmington. A Friend, _for Student Aid,
      Talladega C._                                            5.00

  SOUTH CAROLINA, $127.00.

    Charleston. Tuition                                       97.00
    Charleston. Plymouth Ch., to const. REV. GEO.
      C. ROWE, L. M.                                          30.00

  GEORGIA, $726.80.

    Atlanta. Storrs Sch., Tuition                            269.85
    Atlanta. Woman’s Miss’y Soc. of First Cong.
      Ch. _for Indian M._                                     10.00
    Macon. Tuition                                           188.30
    Macon. “Unknown Friends,” Bbl. of C., _for
      Macon, Ga._
    McIntosh. Tuition                                         35.00
    Savannah. Tuition                                        162.25
    Thomasville. Tuition                                      60.90
    Woodville. Pilgrim Cong. Ch.                               0.50

  FLORIDA, $540.00.

    Daytona. Watts Beckwith                                   10.00
    Saint Augustine. School Board                            450.00
    Saint Augustine. Rent                                     70.00
    Sanford. Mrs. Moses Lyman                                 10.00

  ALABAMA, $342.84.

    Athens. Tuition                                           41.50
    Citronelle. Rev. M. M. Schwarzauer, _for
      Student Aid, Talladega C._                               1.33
    Mobile. Tuition                                          230.75
    Shelby Iron Works. Cong. Ch., _for Talladega
      C._                                                      5.00
    Talladega. Tuition                                        64.26

  LOUISIANA. $533.00.

    New Orleans. Tuition                                     533.00

  MISSISSIPPI, $21.25.

    Tougaloo. Rent, 8.25; Tuition, 8                          16.25
    Tougaloo. “Willing Workers,” _for Rosebud
      Indian M._                                               5.00

  TEXAS, $457.86.

    Austin. Tuition                                          423.86
    Austin. Tillotson Ch. of Christ                            9.00
    Austin. Miss M. J. Adams, and friend 9; “A
      Friend” 10; “A Friend” by Mrs. J. Porter, 5;
      “A Friend” 1; _for Tillotson C. and N. Inst._           25.00

  CANADA, 125.00.

    —— “A Friend”                                            125.00
    Donations                                             18,846.35
    Legacies                                               3,079.04
    Tuition and Rents                                      4,307.59
        Total for April                                  $26,232.98
        Total from Oct. 1 to April 30                    153,838.45

       *       *       *       *       *


    Subscriptions for April                                  $63.10
    Previously acknowledged                                  677.76
    Total                                                   $740.86

                               H. W. HUBBARD, Treasurer,
                                                56 Reade St., N.Y.

       *       *       *       *       *


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Mark your Clothing! Clear Record of half a Century.

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  Sold by all Druggists, Stationers,
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_Pastors or Committees_ about to _build_, _remodel_, or _decorate_
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Handbook on plans, ventilation, stained glass, and


This new method of Church decoration is far superior to Fresco.
The colors are rich, imperishable, and _warranted proof against
leaky roofs_. Plans for NEW or the remodelling or decoration of old
Churches furnished reasonably. Handbooks sent free _as above_ in
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Decorators, 67 BIBLE HOUSE, N.Y.

                                                 Established 1847.

                 *       *       *       *       *

                     Reliable Carpenter Organs


Containing the Celebrated =Carpenter Organ Action=.

They are pure in tone, perfect in construction, in exact accord
with the voice, and full of patented improvements. More than 50
different styles, ranging in price from $20 up. WARRANTED FOR
8 YEARS. _Where we have no agent, Organs sold direct on easy
payments._ Buy no organ until you have seen our Catalogue. Free to
any address.

      E. P. Carpenter Co.,

  (Est. 1850.)                                   Brattleboro, Vt.

                 *       *       *       *       *


$35 to $50

for our business in her locality. Responsible house. References

GAY’S M’F’G HOUSE, Franklin Sq., N.Y.

                 *       *       *       *       *

                        A. H. ANDREWS & CO.

                         MANUFACTURERS OF

                    School, Church, Chapel and
                      Sunday-School Seating.




&C., &C.


Catalogues free on application.

                       A. H. ANDREWS & CO.,

                   686 Broadway, New York City.

                    195 Wabash Avenue, Chicago.

                 *       *       *       *       *

                 Ditson & Co’s Sunday-School Music

ranks with the very best, and no Sunday-school management should
adopt a new Singing Book without carefully examining one of their
“tried and true” =Sunday-School Song Books=.

=Voices of Praise= (40 cts., $4.20 per doz.) Rev. C. L. Hutchins.
Music and poetry dignified and classical, but not dull; in fact,
bright and enthusiastic. Very large collection for the money.

=Singing on the Way= (35 cts., $3.60 per doz.) by Mrs. Jewett, ably
assisted by Dr. Holbrook, whose noble compositions are known and
loved in all the churches. This, like the book above mentioned,
does excellently well for a Vestry Singing Book for prayer and
praise meetings.

=Songs of Promise= (35 cts., $3.60 per doz.) J. H. Tenney and Rev.
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the author of many hymns of refined and beautiful quality. One of
the newest books.

=Song Worship= (35 cts., $3.60 per doz.) L. O. Emerson and W. F.
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the latter well-known as having had charge of the music at many
Chautauqua meetings.

For other good books, please send for lists and catalogues.

For a lovely little book for the young children of a Sunday-school,
look no further than FRESH FLOWERS (25 cts., $2.40 per doz.), Emma
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Mailed for Retail Price.

                    OLIVER DITSON & CO, BOSTON.

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    867 Broadway, New York.

       *       *       *       *       *




9 MILLION worn during the past six years.

This marvelous success is due--

1st.--To the superiority of Coraline over all other materials, as a
stiffener for Corsets.

2d.--To the superior quality, shape and workmanship of our Corsets,
combined with their low prices.

Avoid cheap imitations made of various kinds of cord. None are
genuine unless

                      “DR. WARNER’S CORALINE”

is printed on inside of steel cover.


                         WARNER BROTHERS,

  359 Broadway,                                      New York City.

                 *       *       *       *       *


                     Hamilton Vocalion Organs

of 2 manuals and 2 sets of pedals, $750; equalling in beauty,
variety and volume a pipe organ of 600 pipes by the best maker.
Circulars, with testimonials of leading musicians and organists of
the world.

“Without a doubt the Vocalion is at present the nearest approach to
a pipe organ.”--_Clarence Eddy, Organist First Presbyterian Church,

“I have only words of praise in its favor.”--_Henry Eyre Brown,
Organist, Brooklyn Tabernacle._

“Especially valuable for Churches and Concert Rooms.”--_A. H.
Messiter, Organist, Trinity Ch., N.Y._

“A tone so rich and musical must be recognized as valuable for
special and new orchestral effects.”--_Henry Carter, Organist, N.

“Your Vocalion has a magnificent future.”--_Sir Arthur Sullivan._

“A rare combination of power and sweetness.”--_Adelina Patti._

                                             Catalogue sent free.

            WAREROOMS, 28 EAST 23d ST., NEW YORK, N.Y.

                 *       *       *       *       *

                         JOSEPH GILLOTT’S

                            STEEL PENS

                GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION--1878.

                     THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS

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                          THE TUXEDO SUIT

                      FOR LADIES AND MISSES.

This complete costume of original design--novel, elegant and
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From its texture it is especially adapted for Lawn Tennis,
Yachting, Rowing, Gymnasium.

From its texture it is especially adapted for Mountain and Seashore
Wear, and all Athletic and Outdoor Sports.




                         For Sale Only by

                       JAMES McCREERY & CO.,

                   _Broadway & Eleventh Street_,

                             NEW YORK.

                 *       *       *       *       *

                           _6%, 7%, 8%._

                       _THE AMERICAN
                              INVESTMENT CO._

                       OF EMMETTSBURG, IOWA,

with a PAID-UP CAPITAL of $600,000, SURPLUS $75,000, offers First
Mortgage Loans drawing SEVEN per cent., both Principal and Interest
FULLY GUARANTEED. Also 6 per cent. ten-year Debenture Bonds,
secured by 105 per cent. of First Mortgage Loans held in trust by
the MERCANTILE TRUST COMPANY, New York. 5 per cent. certificates of
deposit for periods under one year.


                    CAN BE REALIZED BY CHANGING

                    4 Per Ct. Government Bonds

                   Into 6 Per Cent. Debentures.

         Write for full information and reference to the
                            Company at

                   150 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK.

          A. L. ORMSBY, Vice-President and Gen. Manager.

                 *       *       *       *       *

                          MASON & HAMLIN


                          UPRIGHT PIANOS

             With their Improved Method of Stringing.

                      PATENTED JULY 24, 1883.

                         CHARACTERIZED BY


The Strings being directly secured to the iron frame by metal
fastenings will not require tuning one-quarter as often as Pianos
on the old system.

This new mode of piano construction, invented by Mason & Hamlin in
1882, has been fully proved, many excellent experts pronouncing it
the “greatest improvement made in pianos of the century.”

WARRANT.--_Each piano will be accompanied by the fullest warrant.
Determined to achieve the very highest reputation for their
pianofortes, should defect develop itself in any one, the Company
will be more eager to correct it than the purchaser can be to have

Pianos can be rented, if preferred, at moderate cost, with
privilege of purchase.

                          MASON & HAMLIN



                       THE WHOLE WORLD SAYS:

At every Great World’s Exhibition since 1867, these organs have
been awarded the Highest Honors.

Supplied to Her Majesty Queen Victoria.

Used in Westminster Abbey.

Used in St. James’s Hall.

Always used by Ira D. Sankey.

After having used a Mason & Hamlin Organ eight years at Corisco
Island, off the western coast of Equatorial Africa, the Rev. C. De
Heer, Missionary, writes:

“This is the only organ, American or European, that has not gone to
pieces within six months after its arrival.”

  100 Styles, $22 to $900.      Catalogues free.

                 MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN & PIANO CO.,

       BOSTON, 154 Tremont St.; NEW YORK, 46 East 14th St.;
                     CHICAGO, 148 Wabash Ave.

                 *       *       *       *       *

                        Clinton H. Meneely

                           BELL COMPANY

                            Troy, N.Y.,

                       MANUFACTURE SUPERIOR

                         Church, Chime and

                            Peal Bells.

                 *       *       *       *       *

  1850                 Thirty-Seventh Year.              1887

                          Manhattan Life

                           INSURANCE CO.

                           OF NEW YORK,

                       156 AND 158 BROADWAY.

                          AGENTS WANTED.

We desire to engage the services of competent, reliable men as
Agents, in localities where this company is not now represented.
Liberal arrangements will be made with men who would like to
undertake the business. The requirements are, a good reputation
for honesty and integrity, popularity, intelligence, industry and
perseverance. With these qualities any man can succeed; if he can
add enthusiasm he can command great success. Send references as to
ability, integrity, etc.

  Accumulation                        =_11,155,000_=
  Surplus, by New York standard,       =_2,254,000_=

_Cash surrender values. Policy incontestable after five years. Very
liberal to insurers, embracing the non-forfeiture law of New York._

                    JAMES M. McLEAN, President.

  J. L. HALSEY, 1st Vice-Pres’t.
      H. B. STOKES, 2d Vice-Pres’t.
          H. Y. WEMPLE, Secretary.
              S. N. STEBBINS, Actuary.

                 *       *       *       *       *





    “Our constant aim is to make them the Finest in the World.”



  New York.]

                 *       *       *       *       *


                     PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY

                         OF BROOKLYN, N.Y.

                        JANUARY 1st, 1887.

  CASH CAPITAL                                  $1,000,000 00
  GROSS SURPLUS                                  4,383,171 68
                      Gross Assets              $5,383,171 68


  United States Bonds, market value             $1,104,250 00
  Other Stocks and Bonds                         1,502,858 90
  Loans on Bond and Mortgage                       294,900 00
  Loans on Call                                     80,758 76
  Cash in Bank and Office                          495,135 83
  Real Estate                                    1,082,787 53
  Premiums in Course of Collection                 667,231 88
  Interest Accrued                                  11,716 42
  Bills Receivable for Marine Premiums             140,284 55
  Rents Due and Accrued                              3,247 81
                                                $5,383,171 68


  CASH CAPITAL                                  $1,000,000 00
  Reserve for Unearned Premiums                  3,466,886 97
  Reserve for Unpaid Losses                        353,759 83
  All Other Liabilities                              5,438 10
  NET SURPLUS                                      557,086 78
                                                $5,383,171 68

  STEPHEN CROWELL, President,        GEO. H. FISKE,    }
  WM. R. CROWELL, Vice-President.    CHAS. C. LITTLE,  } Ass’t Sec’s.
  PHILANDER SHAW, Secretary.         JOHN H. DOUGHERTY,}


Transcriber’s Notes:

Obvious printer’s punctuation errors have been corrected.

“Iadian” changed to “Indian” in the first Hartford entry on page

“Talladege” changed to “Talladega” in the Independence entry on 185.

Missing “d” in “had” replaced in the Ditson advertisement on the
first full page of advertisements. Extraneous space removed from
BOSTON in the same advertisement.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The American Missionary -- Volume 41,
No. 6, June, 1887, by Various


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